Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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_______ ~_H_~" ______" __ _/254::------.-OEMENT - MERIDIAN~---t:.,~MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDThe H['_yor 'md nC~:l'd o£' hlc~e'~"1crJ., tU::~Sl1::tc:l-c to Ol~dcr m~~:ie "lt "l 1'8 ::;ul~c :Ti-"}e-t in~ O~~ ~i' idI·1.e.:/or (2n3. 30~:.rd ht::ld cn l'Jo~T8?Jbe]~ 15, <strong>1950</strong>, ~t tho CitJ T II nIl. jrJ. <strong>Oxford</strong>, I.Iississir·pi,and in o.~corcbnce i-liV1 ::_ notice published in :'h9 Cz£'ord E"..gle, 3 1,leo1:12" nmlS1X;.perissu'3d in <strong>Oxford</strong>, lIi3si:si:::'P~, ,lid TOoc-: on this Qcte, Deccnbc:o 5, 1')50, at the timeand place so stirmbted, heg.rd objections to reDl ~n'l rC",;Oi"~c,l roll;] cf s"_~.J Sit? <strong>of</strong><strong>Oxford</strong>, ~nd the ass'3ss!:'cnt:3 tlrlere:in cent"lin8d, :"'Bdo a:J.. rrcrcr ('crl~cctions, o.nd, in"I' .~~ .J....~'-".Jl)"".....,Cl~-l-~. '-J\_:,.L _--,:~ J.pl\J ,,~ \,.....1- .... '~'l 4.':,,:' __ "'o"-.-nn;"'-' : ,r....:;~ -~UC11 T:1"",L~n-'"--.il O"') 1 ...'.J.\".Jv'J..l.GeThere beinG no 6'0: cctions t.o t:lC '13;;r;:~ smcnts :c,C'r_s c:' 3::,~-j Cit:.' <strong>of</strong> Cyforc1, ~~nc'l. theassossne:1-':;s therein cOJ1tainod, "-nd +,~e [rand toto_l <strong>of</strong> thJ personcl roll Si10~.::h[;:) J.J 73 'f 0> 3 the crand tot?l <strong>of</strong> the land rell C 3 J (J b ~/?.3 6 -, "red tho tot9.1I If" I~ • + t d f ,~munber 0_ 0~~e"1rt nOi'1O::; o.t .., , ~}lt]~ :1,0 01 8.SJ03Se valnc 0 \1not ox~'.,"oding fOT c.ny one hone t~,C ar.1ount fixc:d b;; the :llome :Sxerrption hct <strong>of</strong>193Cc:.~ld the tot~l assessed v?lue <strong>of</strong> all other ro-::l pror'ert.y, it is bereby orde:~od'1nd nd.~ud3ec1 'o:,T t!le Eo.:,;or 9;lQ -'-'0:1.::'1 <strong>of</strong> fl.ldoY'·-:lC'l <strong>of</strong> t~-~e <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Eississippithat said rolls, and the 38sessments tl'.8rein cC!lt'1ineci, be 8.nd the:' ~re h~rebyarprcved'1G deternined.The Asses3:'1Cnt roll h'1vjn)3 bee11 "-:-'Pl'o'!,:;c1 ·'.l~d upon Toe tiCl1 ffiB.de by Alderncm Cl:m:dle!',seconded by Aldernan II:Ubun and passed lU18.niY'10~-1s1:r, ~ t ',.r'.:.;] ordered by the Hs.yor ,-,ndDoard <strong>of</strong> Aldermen thn.t :'ho follovrlnc b.:-:: Y':Jtes he 3.nd the 3·"'--;0 a:'8 hcre1J~' inro:::ed cr.1llev:1.ed for tl,e' year l-113clr:i.llsSchoo'l I,fu:inton~1nce?~ullIt:;< !,1:.11sJJtf~ ... " ....~ ............ t..JA.llc!'illG,ll ~ven-:, :t!1troclu~ed -t·i;e follc1"rinc rc;3011j,-~~,011,1v::inz seccmded b:JT Al:lerl"1[ln Cl::1nulor:['dopticn, t~0notion7:IIP .. TY-TT:REE T~:CT7S~~~':J DOLLAr.S C~~ SPZGI AL STnE'::;r I~·1I)IlC~~r.3l~~~S~TOTES, 's~~~:;3 <strong>1950</strong>, OF TID~ CIT:~ C? Oi:-7C:-\.0, 1·;JS:3IS3IFFI,:=; ..\~.~ :~EI~,~G ~!C'~:3 1-:?7 I!,~r.I}T:I'.!E, rrc -:·r. r~. S\~~T:~T2.S [: C01rP:\:TI,rITe., or l.~:·HI)S, ':'E~~~SSZ~:, ri.~.~D C~~DY (:: r;C~T,~~=~, II~8., 0:28( V~ 'J~TS, ~ '13:31:;;-:; TPPI, JC1'1'1'LY, TlPClJ P l\.J:-r::::T ?II~~rEFCE ATPh"'::. !~lTD hccrll~2D IIITE11EST.A RESClT.~ICtT DI~~ECTI=:(:~ Ti::: IS:~T_:~.~:r,E C~j1 O~I2 IrU1TDPw~Dl,E,creas, at a recess meet ~-r.G <strong>of</strong> this Govern5.n~:;Doely held on NO'leJllbcr :::2::, 1

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