Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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24~i. ---------1... ;;-DEM~'r~'MrI!1I)lAN~j ~1n.A.UT 11'C.'AM01JNT--...... ,. ':=--,;==:::::iLIGHT FliNDIt8075807680773078807980808081['082808380848085808680868087808880897877787878827889r028803380398.04082178217821782178217821882188218821882198220822182228223822L~8225822582268227822882298230823182328233823482358235823G82378237S23732388239Q0?Cv, • ...J /1?240~~~/~.lC2!~282428242Elton Addington, salary for NovemberLouis Campbell, salary for NovemberIra L. Crm.lSon, salary for NovemberC. P. Fulmer, salary'for NovemberC. E. Harrison, salary for NovemberNona E. Uoodwe.rd, salary for NovemberBeulah Sharp Lyles, salary for NovemberG. H. Johnson, sala!'"'.:! for NovemberD. S. Ross, salary for NovemberJohn Russell, salary for NovemberR. H. Hinter, salary for NovemberIra 1-!ills, salary for novemberIra Mills, salary for NovemberJ. E. Hicks, salary for NovemberC. H. Roach, salary for NovemberHilliam N. Lovelady, 16 days s8.la17 for NovemberC. P. Fulmer, De['uty Clerk, payroll l~ovembcr 4, <strong>1950</strong>D. "'J. Garrison, p..aulin[~ transformers to Cor:.nthThe First National Dank, taxes w:5.thheld for OctoberC. P. Fl1l.rner, Deputy Cled:, payroll Nov. 11, <strong>1950</strong>C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, pett~7 cash ITov. 17, 195.0C. Fe Fulmer, Deputy Clerl:, payroll lrov. 18, <strong>1950</strong>C. p. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Nov. 25, <strong>1950</strong>Lenter Fr:i.erson, rental on truckElliott HardH[ll'e Co., electrical sllpplissElliot.t Har(lHere Co., tools for plant operationElliott Harch-w.re Co., supplies for transmission lineElliott IIarch-rare Co., suprlies for metersElliott Hardual'e Co., SUPI)lies fo:- SubstationMetts Brothers HardHare, supplies for Elec. Dept.Betts Brotncrn Harchml'e, miscellanect'-s su~)pliesHetts 0rotl:ers Harch.Tare, sm:'l'lios for repairsHetts ''',rathers HardHare, tools foc:' plant operationHestern Auto store, electrical suppliesSouth81'!l Fetrolerun Co., Inc., fuel oi 1<strong>Oxford</strong> Sal! Hill, suppli('s ~O:::' Elec. Dept.Ferrell H. Truss, Hrecl:er service on tra;;sformerGathright-need Drue Co., SUf,plies~kl1thern Supply Co., miscellaneous supplies fo~' plantTenn. Valley Elec. Supply Co., electrical suppliesTenn. Valley Elec. Supply Co., ::;upplies for transmissionLouis Supr:ly Co., m::scellaneous supplies for plantThe Texo.s Co., lubrics.ting 0:'1Clancy Heav"y Hauling, hauling trensfornerBaldwin Loconotive S9.16S Corp., service Hor}:Ozburn-Abston Co., su::,plies fOl' Elec. Dept.Balduh: Locomotive Salos Corr., valve on cooler lineRussell FudGe, gro.vel for Substationnntchez Trace Elcc. Pm1er Ass Tn, 22 KV InSUlatorsGeneral Elec. Supply Corp. 352 lbs. <strong>of</strong> wireTenn. Valley Elec. Supply Co., tree smlTenn. VaJ.loy Elec• Supply Co., Xw.as. lampsGrsybar Elec. Co., Inc., b anchor rodsStuart C. Irby, bolt cuttersStuart C. Irb;)' Co., uireStuart C. Irb;y Co., electrical suppli.esGraybar Elec. Co., electrical suppliesElliott LUJ'l.ber Co., supplies fm.' Elec. Dept.Elliott Lumber Co., rent on truck and driverSouthern Be 11 l'el. & Tel. Co., Nay. bill for PlantGeners.l E1ec. Co., car1)on bushesDo.ley Lum"~er Co., material for SubstationDaley Lurnber Co., miscellaneous sUfplies for PlantDaley Lmnber Co., supplies for maint. and c:'epairsTOTAL41<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>12410/+12/.1241<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>11LI-ll/+23433411!1-12412433 & L.2311-221.10 C.C 41<strong>14</strong>23 8: 433Various423 8: 433Various43LI-1,2[l:42543543<strong>14</strong>34428422421I,)~.. yJ .... .,.,.428418';28La51,.221+22L,.28435L,.2l419434L,.2l4281,211,34435428LI-251+32/..,,~'y"'; 0//254284281!-28428L.34L;42L,2l!,.341+22421097.<strong>14</strong>107.40106.4056.25226.7040.3137.50133.26121.5397.<strong>14</strong><strong>14</strong>0.g026.3826.8777.5037.5094.231.36.5335.00129.20139.93L;.2.9l20.11267.2417.,710.1;"112.0027.00.3330.2421.608G.402.52134.70330.0040.0018.0018.2047.79119.00128.205.7718.9220.9/+11.58541+077239.66153.00lJ_.0535.0011.9536.8891.0811.1,645.96$9,455.7480908091:::0928093809380938094$09580968097Elton A.ddinGton, salary for NovenberLotlis Campben, salary for NovenberIra L. Crm-JSon, salary for NovemberC. P. FuJJr.er, salary for NovenberC. E. Harrison, salary for HovenberC. E. Harrison, salary for NovenoerNona E. Hoochrard, sala!",J for NovemberBeulah Sharp Lyles, salary .for NovemberD. S. Ross, sa1ary for NovenberG. 1-1. Johnson, s9.lary for Hovember508508508509507523509509508508~?73. 7683.0072.8056.258L •• ~7081}.70!~0.3237.5081.02107.64,__ ~tl_~ __ ~ ___ ~_~~ __ ~ __ , _,, ___ ~~ ___ ~~ ___ ~

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