Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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, m _2291MJNUTE. BOOJ< No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY .. QF OXEORDDE"'''RT - I-fEllfDIANRECESS, RECESS, REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P. M. NOVEl,rEER 13, <strong>1950</strong>Pursuant to a recess order on November 8, <strong>1950</strong>, the Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen met at the<strong>City</strong> Hall at 7:00 P. M., Monday, November 13, <strong>1950</strong>, w~en and where the following werepresent:R. X. Williams, Mayor, Presiding,Ben J. Hilbun, Alderman Ward OneW. T. Chandler, Alderman Ward TwoH. S. Sisk, Alderman Ward ThreeT. E. Combs, Alderman Ward FourC. P. Fulmer, Deputy <strong>City</strong> Clerk*****************After the meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:Mr. C. P. Fulmer, Deputy <strong>City</strong> Clerk and Tax Collector, presented to the Board a letteraddressed to him from Mrs. Thomas L. Bail~, State Tax Collector, the letter being inthe following form:To The County or MunicipalTax Collector Addressed:Dear Sir:Sometime ago we forwarded to you a notice <strong>of</strong> a Privilege TaxAssessment against L. M. Berry Company for the privilege <strong>of</strong> solicitingadvertising-commercial as provided for under Section 6, Chapter137 <strong>of</strong> the Laws <strong>of</strong> 1944, known as the Local Privilege Tax Law <strong>of</strong> 1944.As pre viously advised, the principal activity <strong>of</strong> t. M. Berry Companyis the solicititation <strong>of</strong> advertising to be incorporated in tho classifiedsection (yellow section ) <strong>of</strong> the telephone directories distributedby the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company.We have had numerous replies from the various tax collectorstllroughout' the .;state to the effect that they have made effort tocollect the tax but that they have been unable to do so.We have been advised by attorneys representingL. M. BerryCompany that they refuse to pay the privilege tax. It is, therefore,necessary that suit be filed against L. M. Berry Company in an effortto collect this tax.Under the terms <strong>of</strong> House Bill No. 1063, <strong>of</strong> the Laws <strong>of</strong> <strong>1950</strong>,1tlhich is an act to amend Section 202, Chapter 137, LavIS <strong>of</strong> 1944,(Volume g Advance Sheet General Acts Regular Legislative Session,<strong>1950</strong>, Page 52) the State Tax Collector is given the authority tobring any suits or actions in any court <strong>of</strong> competent jurisdictionfor the purpose <strong>of</strong> collecting such tax. I have been advised,however, that under the terms <strong>of</strong> such statute, I should receive arequest from you authorizing me to file suit and assist you incollecting such tax. Therefore, I enclose herewith a letter directedto me to be signed by you requesting that I file suit and assist youin collecting this tax, together with the penalties thereon.Before filing such s"it on behalf' <strong>of</strong> your (jounty or Municipalityit is urgent that I be advised whether or not the Board <strong>of</strong> Supervisors(<strong>of</strong> counties) or Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen (<strong>of</strong> Municipalities) has adoptedthe Local Privilege Tax Law <strong>of</strong> 1944, and, if so, I will need ti.fOcertified copies <strong>of</strong> the minutes <strong>of</strong> such board, showing the adoption<strong>of</strong> .such law. Will you please furnish me such certified copies 'Vliththe letter authorizing suit.

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