Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDA RESOLUTICIJ DETERl:fH,ING TO rROCEED HTTP THE SPECIAL H1PROVE-BEln'S ~.ND ORDERIIm THE CITY ENGINEER TO PROCEED HITH THECONSTRUCTION CF SAID SPECIAL U1PROiJEHENTS OU:- NORTE 9THSTREET FRON JACKSON AVENUE TO WASHINGTOn AVENUE, SOUTH lOTESTREET FROB GARFIELD AVENUE TO THE SOUTHERN CORPORATE Lnr­ITS OF THE CITY OF OXFORD, NISSISSIPPI, ADHAS ~.VENUE FRONNORTE LANAR STREET TO HCRTH 11m.! STREET: TYLER A VEllUEFRON ~OU""TI 9TH STREET TO TEL ILLINOIS CENTRr..L RAIIROADEIGHT-:)F-WAY; SOUTH l1~TH STREET FRON PIERCE AVElTUE TOUNIVERSITY AVENUE; ELH STREET FROll NORTH 9TH STREET TOPRICE STREET; ON AnD ALONG BOTH SIDES OF JOHNSON AVENUE,SOUTH 16TH STREET, AND GARFIELD AVENUE, BE'filEEN A POINTON THE SOUTH SIDE OF JOHNson AVENUE 160 FEET FROH THE IN­TEHSECTION OF SAID AVElHJE \.JITH SOUTH 16TH STREET TO THEEri.STEillI COP..PORATE LHlITS Oli' "'HE CI'I'Y OF OXFORD, HISS ISS -IPPI on GARFIELD AVENUE; AND, OJ SOUTH 18TH STREET II! HALEY'SSUBDIVISIon PROH THE POINT ILERE IT INTEHSECTS THE SOUTHSIDE OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SOUTffill1.RDLY ALOTY'SAID STREETTHRCrGH HA.LEY'S SUBDIVISION A DISTANCE OF 1,235.5 FE.r~'l';ALL AS SHOW': BY THE OFFICIAL NAP CF THE CITY OF OXFOF.D,HISSISSIPPI, ON FILE "11TH THE CI'l'Y ENGINEER OF THE CITY OFOXFORD, l'.J:ISSISSIPPI, AND HITH THE CHANCERY CLERK OF Lf>..FAY­ETTE COUETY, MISSISSIPPI.-- -",III, .. ..JSECTION 1. Be and it is h"' .... eby resolved by the Mayor andBoard <strong>of</strong> Aldermen <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> ' . <strong>Oxford</strong>, Mississippi, that proceedingunder the laws <strong>of</strong> said <strong>City</strong> and the Im.Js <strong>of</strong> the State<strong>of</strong> Mississippi providing for the construction <strong>of</strong> special improvementsin the municipalities <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> Hississippi,it :1.S adjudged necessary:(a) That grading, '..fater, sanitary and storm set-reI' lines,drainage, street paving, curbs and gutters, and a'sideWalk beconstructed on one side <strong>of</strong> North 9th Street from Jackson Avenueto Washington Avenue;(b) That grading, widening, drainabe, curbs and gutters,street paving, and a sidewalk on one side <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the followingstreets ana avenues be constructed:South lOth Street from Gsrfield Avenue to the SOl,therncorporate limits <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Hississippi;Tyler Avenue from South 9th Street to the IllinoisCentral Railroad right-<strong>of</strong>-way;(b-2) That grading, drainage and street paving, curb andGutters be constrt 1 cted on Adams Avenue from North Lamar Street toNorth <strong>14</strong>th Street;(c) That grading, drainage, curbs and gutters, street pavingand sidffi.Jalk on one side <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the follm/ing streets beconstructed;Avenue;South'<strong>14</strong>th Street from Pierce Avenue to UniversityElm street from North 9th Street to Price Street;(d) That curbs and sutters, incidental storm sewers anddrains be constructed over and along both sides <strong>of</strong> Johnson Avenue,South 16th Street, and Garfield Avenue, bet"reen a point onthe South side <strong>of</strong> Johnson Avenue 160 feet frOM the intersection<strong>of</strong> said Johnson Avenue Hith South 16th Street lead inc northwardlyaround the junction <strong>of</strong> Johnson Avenue with South 16th Streetsouth"rardly along South 16th street to the junction ui th GarfieldAvenue on the sout.hern edge <strong>of</strong> Lot No. 64 in Section 28, Township8 South, Range 3 Hest, in The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, LafayetteCounty, Mississippi, thence eastwardly along Garfield Avenue tothe eastern limits <strong>of</strong> The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Hississippi; and,IIl(e) That sidewalks on South 18th street in Haley's Subdivisionto The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Nississirpi be paved from thepoint '.Jhere they intersect Hi th the South side <strong>of</strong> UniversityAvenue, soutb.rardly along said street through Haley's Subdivision,a distance <strong>of</strong> 1,235.5, as shown on the map and plat<strong>of</strong> said Subdivision on file ,lith the <strong>City</strong> Engineer <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Mississippi and Hith the Chancery Clerk <strong>of</strong> LafayetteCounty, Mississippi;

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