Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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209MtNUJE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDnn-tEIIT - ImmlTA IIc_--",-==-_· -' -'---.. _-_._._--#_..--'="---"==... ~."-' ... =."-' .. -::....O-~"--_-'=-"RECESS, RECESS, RECESS, RECESS REGULAR MEETING 7:00 ;p. M. OCTOBER 18, <strong>1950</strong>Pursuant to a recess order on October 16, <strong>1950</strong>, the Mayor and !oard <strong>of</strong> Alderment met at the<strong>City</strong> Hall at '1:00 P. M. Wednesday, October 18, <strong>1950</strong>, when and where the following werepresent:R. X. Williams, Mayor, PresidingA. H. Avent, Alderman at Large!en Jack Hilbun, Alderman Ward OneW. T. Chandler, Alderman Ward TwoT. E. Combs, Alderman Ward Four***********************Thomas R. Ethridge, <strong>City</strong> AttorneyC. P. Fulmer, Deputy Ci'by Clerk***********************After the meeting had been called to order, the following business was transacted:Mr. Sterling Chandler <strong>of</strong> Cady and Company, Incorporated, Columbus, Mississippi, appearedbefore the M8yor and !card in the interest <strong>of</strong> his company and its associates advan~ingcertain credit to the <strong>City</strong> for special improv.ment purposes, the content <strong>of</strong> his ~~ematksbeing incorporated in the following proposal, submitted in the form <strong>of</strong> the followingletter:October 17, <strong>1950</strong>Hon. Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen<strong>Oxford</strong>, MississippiWhereas you propose to issue bonds in an amount <strong>of</strong> approximately'$265,405.92 (or not to exceed $300,000.00), or any part there<strong>of</strong> as may benecessary, for the purpose <strong>of</strong> paying the co,yv<strong>of</strong> street improvements,street paving, water and sewer system improvements and other city work, andwhereas, prior to the issuance <strong>of</strong> said bonds, you desire to borrow moneyfor the payment <strong>of</strong> said improvements, said money to be borrowed for a periodnot to exceed twelve months and to be secured by full faith and credit notes<strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, MiSSissippi,We hereby propose to lend to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Mississippi, for aperiod not to exceed twelve months from date, whatever amount the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Oxford</strong> may need for the abovementioned purposes, but not to exceed$300,000.00, said money to be loaned to said <strong>City</strong> either all at one timeor at various times in the amounts then needed, provided that said <strong>City</strong> hasthe legal authority to borrow in such manner and that said loan will be inaccordance with the laws <strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong> Mississippi, and said loan to beapproved as to legality by Messrs. Charles and Trauernicht, Attorneys <strong>of</strong>S~. Louis, Missouri, said loan to be at the rate <strong>of</strong> two per cent(2%) per annum, and to be secured as outlined above,. \Provided that when bonds are issued for the purposes outlined abovewe shall have the privilege to purchase said bonds, and you hereb,y agree tosell said bonds to us, this agreement to be in consideration <strong>of</strong> the factthat we lend to said <strong>City</strong> the money required for immediate or short timefinancing as outlined above; and we hereb,y agree to purchase said bonds,provided that said bonds are delivered to us within ninety days from date,but the acceptance <strong>of</strong> said bonds after ninety days from date to be optionalwith us; said bonds to bear the rate <strong>of</strong> ~ per annum, payable send-annually,to mature according to law and to be payable at the Union Planters NationalBank and Trust Company, Memphis, Tennessee, and to be direct obligations <strong>of</strong>the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Mississippi, and provided that we are to pay you forsaid bonds par and accrued interest to date <strong>of</strong> delivery at the point thatwe specifY, and we will pay cost <strong>of</strong> printing bonds and the fee <strong>of</strong> Messrs.Charles and Trauern1cht, attorneys <strong>of</strong> st. Louis, Missouri, for approval <strong>of</strong>----_ .. _--_.-_ ....

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