Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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,.....,,------,---_ .. --_ ... _--DEMENT - MEl!lllIANMINUTE BOQK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD~1811J1_.. -:=1,.-.------..---.-.-.--.-.------....--.--- ..... _...-- ..-.----.. --==-=.~==---II -----::i Iwas assented to by less than a majority <strong>of</strong> the qualified el~ctors<strong>of</strong> the Oity Qf <strong>Oxford</strong> voting thereon at said election.Respecttully sumbitted, this 5th day <strong>of</strong>September, <strong>1950</strong>lsI Mrs. GW ~.Taylor, Sr./slE. C. CobbElection Commissioners within and for~he<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Lafayette County,Mississippi* * * * ** * * * * *Mr. Bryan Jones with Central Service Association, Tupelo, Mississippi appeared beforethe Board with proposition to make light and water bills for the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> beginningwith <strong>January</strong> readings for bills due the lst <strong>of</strong> February. Alderman Ben J. Hilbun madea motioJl that the PI'9position outlined by Mr. Jones be accepted. Alderman H. S. Siskseconded the motion and it was nnanimouSly carri~.********************************************************The committ~e appoipted at a previous meeting on moving Equator Moss' house on South<strong>14</strong>th Street reported that the ower <strong>of</strong> the house would move said house at her 0Imexpense if the <strong>City</strong> would pay her $350.00 when the house was moved. Alderman A. H. Aventmade a motion that the <strong>City</strong> pay Equator Moss $.350.00 when house was moved. The motionwas seconded by H. S. Sisk and carried unanimously, and it was so ordered.***********************************************************G1J1' B. Taylor representing the County Fair Association appeared before the Board askingfor a donation to the Fair Association. Alderman W. T. Chandler made a motion that the<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> donate $300.00 to said association. This motion was seconded by A. H.Avent and the motion was carried unanimously, .~d,I'lt was so ordered.*****************************'****************************Mr. H. R. Turner, owner and operator <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Oxford</strong>-University Bus Line, appeared beforethe Board requesting permission to eliminate bus run to River's Hill, and also the 2L35 P. M.run South. He also requested th8t he be allowed to make the Jackson Avenue' West run sixtimes daily. Alderman H. S. Sisk made a motion that Mr. Turner's requests be granted, Alderman, •A. H. Avent seconded the motion and it carried' unanimously.****************************w*************************On recommendation <strong>of</strong> Mr. Harrison, Alderman Ben 'J. Hilbun made a motion that a necessaryelectric line be run on East Jefferson to the residence <strong>of</strong> Homer Arnold sufricient to, .. insta11sto'V:e._and8.tia~tlight.**************************.**.*****************~~Motion was made, seconded and 'passed unanimously,' and it was ordered that the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Oxford</strong> advertise for flue1 oil bids. These bids to cover c.S period <strong>of</strong> three months;namely, October, Niwember and December.IiIiIIL~----------------~-~

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