Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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16MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD1----"OE:MENT - MF.RIOIAN.6 RESOLT1'T'!ON DECJ,~pnT(',. I~CESS~PY CERTAIN SP"'Clfl.T IJIT'P(,\JTi11~WT'S eVER. on .~i-nATP7(} HITBtHIT, CT·WTmr.:R.~ SISK ~,PT) HJTTlnrq~,\'TB1\T'ul;;S ~1J1) AVE;:rr M;n cOlms STREF.1'SIN 'T'H~ CJ'l'Y OF OXFCPj), 1·TTSSI~STPFI. IOC~-'I':;f(} rIm,I, PP,OVIDI:,Q "'en THF ifAITITSR INUHICR TPBV r;.nlrea by the Git~r Em'inoer "Ina no'" on file inthe Citv Enr'i nper' s Off'j ee be "Inn the" q1"e hereby ''';''''IT)"'·o'Ted HP(l "l.do!1ted.Section 3. Tr'2t t:re ,r;I'",des ST>pcif:i eo, in the Above mentioneo pl~ns rind ~"v~cificptio~sAre h8rf.lbv d0pted P9 estnblisheo "9 +,,, thO ttr"de'1 on ,.,l:ich the "bove P110 fO'Y'ep:oinp'"'01"1'''1 a.r8 to be crnnn one-thirn. <strong>of</strong>the cost <strong>of</strong>' the qbutti ncr fltreet n-r.,nh.,C"l', i!l''''YeJ ir>p' pnQ n"yement in front <strong>of</strong> or AbuttinrrA lon'" thei I' n:t'r'p"'rt", 01" be sub'; '1 ct.· to q Sge~~mE'mt f"r tr8 cost <strong>of</strong>' the fln'?Cj 1. improyewmts.Sectio"" h. Tr"t tre rl.,te::r'i~ls ;.,:it,"" .. r""je"" "lAir1 fltrep-l; js to be snr"cjp'lv imnT'oYeilsh"'1 bp "n'.r <strong>of</strong>' th!1t ",""ich i"l set f0rtr -in t,11A nl"n9 ~n09n"'cifiCflt-i.OnS 'Orepr1T'Pr'l br t,h",Cit,,:, En"i.nJ~er. ',lrich "'~ye been ",donted ~md r1re nmr on fiJp, vyit.h tre Cit" Enrrinper.Sect jon 6. 1'hot t,he Cit,r <strong>of</strong> Oxfo1"d, Hi~si'1:'1hmi !"lhr1'l in~tpJJ the S"l<strong>14</strong>tArv "nrlstor"" "1eHer mnjns~ trr> ,.,oter m'ljns, the polep "md electric ,,,ires from .. ihich the Y!'I::r'-10Uflproperti.es qre to be ~f>rvPr'l, Rncl the. fi"'e h~rrlrm1ts neceS.9f'!r~r to thr> n:r'('+:p~+.ion 0.(.' tt.,r:qre", ?nd th""t s8id Cit." shn' J nR" onl"-thirn the co"'t <strong>of</strong>' t.he f"rodinC"l'. O'1'''Yelirw "nr1p"vi nf1 streets.Section 7. Thpt the ~:\br r.f' <strong>Oxford</strong>, Ni8s:i~:'1jnni ShRll not be oblirr.,ted no'" rernrireot.!"' furni"'t., t.h'" utiJitiefl ment;oYl')n in Section 6 <strong>of</strong>' this resolutjon excent in tre Rre~be" TIP' deyeloneil. "r1-d cr. j:3 tn be,.,.in in t,he 9re8. npnreflt thA DOll0"l,,')'3 Subdiyhlion, qnil tl1ento 'Or0ceed in Ad,ioininp' QreAS f'!~ n"'ce.~.lne:rmp,n Pi Ibun nne 'Or's,"led lm"nimOlls1v 5t ""8ordered th.,t tht'l pb0ve resoJution be ~donte(l.* * * * * * * * * *

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