Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDunusu"l out. lr>y !>nC! co~t,~hnul_0. no'!"". be used; ann,fol" Hhich +'he rreneral lmnrovement fund[(b) A resolution ups du1.;7 D!>"lseO decll1.rinf' nece8s"ry n'raolnr,or"veli. n~, spni +,nr:v r>Tlr1 stol"m seuers, incii!enta.l storm S81·T\3rS annnr~:.j n"1, +}"1('1 l"~'in (f nf met" 1 0Tl" other nine, the con8"~truction <strong>of</strong>' strpetn"~rin~, s:ideH,, 11r s, curbs qnr:1' ,lutters on "'n(l "lonr~ PY'j.C\3 street fromthe noln+. uh"""e i +. jntflrsects the ,.rest sii!e<strong>of</strong> North L-"1)1ar Street,or St.,te Hip:h'my Ho. 7, north"esterly throu~h ~.:rrrntadeJJe Subdlvisionin the r,:it.~, <strong>of</strong> Oxfor", Hissi"1si nnl to the noint <strong>of</strong> ~nter"1ectj.on uHhSivlp" S+,.-.eet., "s shm·m on the' J:nFln "nn nlnt <strong>of</strong> 8'l?d,?1 1 bdlvisi on onfD.e uit.}' thp ~it.y Cler): ",nn r:Hy En~~neer <strong>of</strong> Oxfor", Hississinni ... nnhereby rpferred to ".S PRrt. he"e<strong>of</strong>, Hhlch ~'liil rmeci,,] imnroveJ'1entsl"enuire unusll"l on+,l8.Y "'1'v'1 COf1t., for vhich. tbe ~ener" 1 improvementTtmd shOl1ln not bn used;· -p.l1I}v._ .. " r'l:: •1,ThnreFls, 011 the it1-", r1"'~T '<strong>of</strong> Ju\.,v 10 50" fI:t P rer.;uJlw meet.:i.nr, <strong>of</strong>the 11"'yor "nil POfl.rn <strong>of</strong> ~,lnermen <strong>of</strong> the Ci t;T <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, ;·Iississin!",j,(c) ~. l"esoJutj,('n '..;-~ (lulv nPfl8ed declA.rine neceSSRr:nn,T,Th.ere" s, the Ci tv CJerk nubJ i~rer'l t.he t.hree above ref'erred toresoJ.utjons in the Oxf'orrl !i:r.1e, " nevsn"'.ner (If l'l'ener~J. circulntionj.n the ~it" <strong>of</strong> Oxforn, }tfississi nni, those nA.sseo on l-larch 7th, <strong>1950</strong>f"lT'pe"rinp: in the issues <strong>of</strong> ",,,in Dr>ner on H"rch J6th, ?3,.-.n nnd iOth~195n, "nd t.he Y'r>"1oJuti(ln nRS!'len. on J""u..ly/th, lQl)O Rnperr:inq in theissues <strong>of</strong> 1';Rid p"npr on ,Tul~r 7th, nth "nil ?()th, 19~(); "nd,t·Thereas, mOY'8 t}l!1n f'jf'teen (I";n:l hpve elApsed since the fi rstnul")}; c"tion <strong>of</strong> the t'hree r>bove ref'e""rprl to re801ut1 ons.; '"md,tMhereas, f"l m:'l.,ior:it:--' <strong>of</strong> thA oHner'S <strong>of</strong> nropert.:--' mmin;:: moret.h?n fifty per cent <strong>of</strong> thp front foota p '!,! <strong>of</strong> the nY'onerty involvpo"nd ., ctu"Jlv res; nine' nn nl"onert'T o1men by t1--,en 8 nrovinenin spid resolutinns dec18rinr' neceSS8rv and an,iunn'ec; t.h~t the <strong>City</strong><strong>of</strong> Oyforn s1--,,,11 now one t1-)ir0 <strong>of</strong> t.he exnenfle incurrec'! in navinA' i,hestreets sDecified in SAin resolutions, "nd the Abuttine' nroTlI"lrtv()''TlP.1'S sha1J n"y tuo-+hiros (one-tH.rn on e~.ch side <strong>of</strong> the sr-dds:treflts; <strong>of</strong>' t~p st-r>eet p"vln'" cost "nn e">(nense, "Inn '11' <strong>of</strong> +,he cost"'nc. e:v:nense in constrvctjnr1 t.he sideVJnl1r8, curbs nnd "utters Abuttinn'their T'esn"lctive prnnertiAs; nO'H, +.he"Y'ePore,Be Rnd it is herebv resolved !1no oroArer'! h'r thA }~"vor<strong>of</strong> Alde:t'mcn <strong>of</strong> tt1 8 Cit;-, <strong>of</strong>' <strong>Oxford</strong>, l'issjssiD!>l:"'n0 BO~.rdlSec+'; nn J. ~h~t t.h0 ~tt,:l ~n,o:ineer 119 ~n.n. he :1. ~ hereh;T 8u.f;roTizedto construct, or CnUSA t.o bo, constructed litreet pavinF'", curbs"'nd r'uttArs, 1"v metal nnd other pine, sD.nit"r'T pno st.nrm sI'lHArs,incj(lent~] ~torm seHeY'S !'lnd nrpins, nnrl n.o such r;r"dinO'~ (fr"veJinp',.,nr'l othRr "'cts r:md thi nns deemed by him necessar:'v in "nr l !1 bout,!'llono !'lncl "'n South Ejr'ht.eenth nnd Price Streets, ".nd on Dour-JossDrj ve or StC'eet '1 8 ~n~ci fico in n":rq r-"'Anhq (q),' (b) "nn (c) <strong>of</strong>' tl-Ji8resolution! "nd +.he Cit" En"'ineer ~hRl1. l'p.en An pccur"te Account <strong>of</strong>the vory ,-lone, cost. "nd pxnens0 <strong>of</strong> sjn imnY'oveT'lent.q "nn n,.,ke " :renort<strong>of</strong> 8Rme to the H,.,170"-' nnn Bo"'rn <strong>of</strong>' h Idermen <strong>of</strong> tl-Je Cfty <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>,Hississinni ~ "'nn on P-r>j ~A StC'eet i:·o C0118truct Si0e1.J?H:s.Socti.on;:>. 'I'hflt t'he Cit~T Emdneer be R.nd he is herehy renuiredt.o l'een .., sen",,.-.,,te ",ccount <strong>of</strong> +,110, cost <strong>of</strong> eRch <strong>of</strong> r'lrdd sneciAJ. imnrovementsRno T:1Ake '" renort there<strong>of</strong> t.o +,h1~"'overnin[f bod" in ornerL.---------_.._._----_.__.._--------------------------------------_.......-

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