Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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<strong>14</strong>MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDDEMENT - MERIOIANOn motion Il1?ne by ~.ldeTITl~m Comh'J, seconried h~r ~.]rI.erT,\l'ln Hilhun "md p'"'fl!'leN unFlnimously it H"lSordered th~t th~ above resolution be Priopted.* * * * *.~ RP.S0T,TTTT(Y!\T nroEC1':t 1Tr. LlF'T'u0P IZF:r, r,ND E1'1Po~,rEB.dTG THB EAYOR OF '!'H'P CITY 01"OXFOrD. NISSISSIPPI '1'( flCr,'Pp'T' A. DF.F.D 01,6 0 53' 1,J" E (f1P,.31"'1 feet to "l noint in the ~ecti.n['l lin"! bet'.J'eenSections 21 ~nn 22; t""pnce S 7 0 1;.5 1 00" E aloDO' the '1,,;rI secti .)"1"1 line,1757.20 feet to q ooint.; thence S [>,q() 00' 07" VT, [>,50 .75 fe",t, +'0 ~ point:thpnce N 00° '1'"" 10 " E. 255.3/, feet to q ooin+ ~ t}1ence N g6° 1)1' O?II H,16/,.1[>, ff'et to 1'\ point~ thence S go 3 0 ' 2/," l.J. '250 .01) feet to '" 'Goin'" ~t.hnce N ~~o /.6' ? I,n l.r,' 31.1. 5~~' feet to a 'Point; thence N [>,0 36' )flll 'Po, 7/.77feet to ~ 'D()i nt; ,. thf'mce N J 0 ?f' 00" E ~ ?60. 6' feet tn r> noint: t}1ence N 1 0?(" '1"711 E, 350.00 feet to q po;n+ ~ t.henee N 1 0 ?7' on" E, 3"7.n fAet, to 8poin+.; thPncA N JO 31' 20" E, ~?m': feet t() a nojnt~ thence N 12 0 15' 00" E,[>,1.51 feet. to a point,: thp,nee N 10 0 ':lO' E. 77.32 feet to p point; thenceN 2 0 59', /,0" E, - 88.23 feet to anoint: thence N '1no 09' 00'1 E. ;'69.07 feetto 1'1. noin+. in +.hp Center I,ine <strong>of</strong> DouplesR D:rive I'lt its t.erminu~; th~neeN 3 0 17' 1"5" E, 25.0 feet to the nClint <strong>of</strong> beo:jnnjnl"1; ql bein(1 p pqrt, <strong>of</strong>Aect.i n:n 21~ T01m~hin ~, Rnnn'e '3 1,Te~t in TJ"lf~yette County, Hi!"si."''''in'Ji.S'T'~'l'~ OF MISSISSIPFI)COmITY OF TAFAvETTE )Per8cn.,1J:v aDpepred before mA, the unaerl'liq'T'!"r} authority I3t 1m" in p.,..,rI for thstate I3no Count'"'· aforespid, T. E. ,,"vent, 'ho pcknOH1edged thq,t he sir>'nerl ~nd de­J i verer'!. the forep'oin'"' inntrument on the dRY o.nr1. ye"'!' the:r'Ain mentioned.(SEAn l1y commission exnires ~.pr~l 1 t), 1 0 1)1._.J£I_.c.!., Ji._R2~£.l:! _Notqry Public'.On mo+jon m"de~ seer'l1r1 ed ~mrl. np"1sed unanimousJy it U!'l.S o:r'r'!.ereo thpt the "bove res()lution beRdC'pte.l.

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