Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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1------.----.. - ... - --_.~~:...;;..c.;-=., .. _. _" __ -'-'- __ . ___ ~MINUTE B.OOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITYQE OXFORDDEMENT - MERrOIAN----.-----"-.--.. --~~~ __the ."!A in O-..:f'ord Home."!, Inc., ~md, Rlso to accent from s~dd T. E. Av~nt ~nr1the s!".in. Oxf'ord Homes .• Inc., on beh8.1f <strong>of</strong> the Cit;! <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Hissi,"lsippi,"1. perpetual easAment to go on, over and under ~my and all part~ <strong>of</strong> s,.,id Avent~_cres Subdivision AS shm-m by the revised mAp, for t, he confltruction, renrdrpnd mRinten~nce <strong>of</strong> public utili t,if.ls.Section L~. Be p.nd it ifl hereby further ordained biT the Mayor and Board<strong>of</strong>' Alr1p.1"'ll1en <strong>of</strong> thf! <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Oxforrl, 'f'.fississippi, thpt, this orclin?nce bepublished one Hme in thf! Oxfor(l EMJle, a new~n"'ner vith p'ener"ll circul!1t.ionin Oxforr'l, Mississinpi, A.nd th~t said ordinan('e t"ke effflct and be in fore'"from .qnn after acl.ontion becanse <strong>of</strong> emer"'ency h!mdlinO' <strong>of</strong> affected subjActsherei.n r1lle to Feoerl."'l Government Repulations.Alderm"'.n H. S, Si3k ______ moved th"lt t.he ordinanc~be pA.ssed, 1J-t title, section by section, r>nd then as a whole, and AldermanA. H. Avent _________._ seconded the moUon, A.ftflr vlhich A vote WA.Staken in that manner.AJderm?n A. H. Avent vot,edAlderm".n 1-1. T. Ch"lndJer voted-y-~::-.11.1 (l erJTl.ll.n T. E. Combs voted YeRYe~AldermRn B. J. Hilbun' votpo. J~2--... ==~==TA]der~n H, S. Sisk votedYeR_live_ A.lo.ermen havinr, voted in the Rffi:rlMtive the Mayordeclared the mot; on pl'l.ssed in the manner IlJp.cle, Rnd the ordinance adopted.A!'n-rnvpn, t"i."! the 25th day <strong>of</strong> <strong>July</strong>, <strong>1950</strong>.~>f ~'AJ~ ~ ~ -------.----,----.-~---,,-.MayorAttest:~ ... , .. D,,-~-~ ~Clflrk* * * * * * *T. E. A.vent Ann <strong>Oxford</strong> Homes, Inc. filed Hith the <strong>City</strong> CJe:rk a certific13.te <strong>of</strong> titleto tre property known e.s Avent Acres Subdjvi~jon to the Citv <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>.* * * * * *On motion madfl, sflcona.e,d "'pd n~ssen unam:tousl;', it. is o!'~ered thl'tt this Board do nOl!.qn:iourn sinfl (1je.

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