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B&W composite text file (pdf, 5670kb) - NLS Digital Library

B&W composite text file (pdf, 5670kb) - NLS Digital Library


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THE<br />

PREFACE.<br />

Saltair na Rami, ' Psalter of the Staves or Quatrains,' a<br />

collection of 162 Early-Middle-Irish poems now for the first<br />

time printed, is contained in its entirety only in the Bodleian MS. Rawl.<br />

B. 502, ff. 19-40. But there is a copy of one of the poems (No. X)<br />

in the Lebar Brecc, a MS. of the fifteenth century ; and corrupt and<br />

modernised copies of poems IV, V, and VI are to be found in a MS.<br />

also belonging to the Royal Irish Academy, marked 23. G. 25, written<br />

by one O'Longan about seventy years ago. The Lebar Brecc version<br />

of No. X will be found at p. in b of the lithographic facsimile of that<br />

MS., Dublin, 1876.<br />

The Saltair, like the Félire Oengusso and other pseudonymous<br />

matter, is attributed to Oengus the Culdee, who flourished in the<br />

beginning of the ninth century ; and his name is me Oengus cele Dé,<br />

'I am Oengus the Culdee'— actually occurs in line 8009. But that this<br />

attribution is erroneous follows, first, from the numerous Middle-Irish<br />

forms which the poem contains 1 , and which cannot possibly be due to<br />

the transcriber, and, secondly, from its mention, in 1. 2342, of an event<br />

—the murrain which began A.D. 985—and in 11. 2349-2365 of certain<br />

contemporary kings, as well as of Dub-dá-lethe, one of S. Patrick's<br />

successors in the see of Armagh, who died A.D. 1061.<br />

Our MS., Rawl. B. 502, is a large quarto, now containing 83 leaves<br />

of vellum in a hand of the twelfth century, and 20 leaves of paper.<br />

The vellum portion has been so fully described by the late Dr. Todd<br />

{Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 5, pp. 164-168) and by<br />

Mr. Macray (Catal. Codd. MSS. Bodl, Part V., fasc. 1, cols. 719-722) as<br />

to render further description unnecessary. Only this opportunity may<br />

be taken to note that the 'Short Tract on Irish Grammar' stated to<br />

occur at fo. 63 b is really one of the so-called Brehon law treatises<br />

1<br />

e.g. natrimúir 399, 421, scérdair 443, na slóig 709, betit 853, cestait 953,<br />

istsléib 4109, etc., etc.<br />

b<br />

—<br />

—<br />


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