no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës

no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës


Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 12.2. Deposits at ODC - nonfinancial corporations, euro deposits(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Non f inancial corporat ionsPublic nonfinancial corporationsOt her nonf inancial corporationsDescriptionTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsUp to 1mont hof which:Over 1 Over 3 Over2mont h mont hs yearsand up and upto 3 to 6mont hs mont hsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOt herdepositsUp to Over 11 mont hmont h and upto 3mont hsof which:Over 6mont hs andup to 1yearOver 1yearand upto 2yearsOver2years2001 December 165.2 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 165.2 133.9 … 31.3 __ __ __ __ __2002 December 183.6 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 183.6 159.7 … 23.9 __ __ __ __ __2003 December 226.1 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 226.1 139.0 … 87.1 __ __ __ __ __2004 December 275.3 173.5 24.2 … 149.3 34.0 0.0 __ … 101.8 78.2 … 23.6 9.0 6.0 0.2 2.1 __2005 December 319.0 211.3 29.9 … 181.3 23.9 12.8 __ … 107.7 74.4 … 33.4 6.3 8.3 5.1 0.7 __2006 December 337.8 217.4 24.0 … 193.3 19.9 19.4 __ … 120.5 93.6 … 26.9 6.2 6.8 1.7 3.0 __2007 December 386.2 215.5 27.1 … 188.4 105.6 21.4 __ … 170.7 128.4 … 42.3 18.0 10.4 3.7 2.0 __2008 December 479.7 263.8 13.7 … 250.1 21.8 47.2 __ … 215.9 170.2 … 45.8 18.7 4.7 2.0 7.0 __2009 December 371.5 121.6 47.6 … 73.9 0.7 10.7 52.3 … 249.9 178.0 … 71.9 31.2 11.1 … 5.3 10.92010 December 414.9 122.3 79.5 … 42.8 2.7 21.7 3.1 12.6 292.6 212.6 16.9 63.1 19.0 5.3 17.1 8.8 9.7March 385.1 137.6 103.0 … 34.6 0.2 13.8 5.2 12.6 247.5 170.9 14.7 61.9 20.6 4.5 19.9 5.6 7.0April 360.1 113.7 70.0 … 43.7 0.2 21.9 6.3 12.6 246.3 171.8 13.6 60.9 15.7 6.1 20.9 5.2 7.0May 369.2 109.0 63.3 … 45.6 0.3 21.0 9.1 12.6 260.2 190.3 12.7 57.2 10.2 8.5 19.3 5.9 7.1June 363.8 115.9 67.8 … 48.0 4.2 23.0 5.8 12.6 247.9 175.9 12.5 59.6 14.5 5.1 19.6 6.0 7.7July 385.0 133.6 92.2 … 41.3 0.2 19.8 7.3 12.6 251.4 175.5 13.6 62.3 11.8 12.0 15.7 6.5 8.8August 426.3 151.3 103.6 … 47.6 1.3 25.0 7.3 12.6 275.1 205.2 12.6 57.3 10.9 9.3 16.5 7.5 7.9September 426.6 149.8 98.1 0.0 51.7 0.2 33.6 4.1 12.2 276.7 198.8 12.7 65.2 20.8 5.6 16.9 7.4 8.2October 423.4 142.0 88.0 0.0 54.0 4.3 27.8 3.1 12.2 281.4 203.0 15.3 63.1 14.2 10.4 10.9 6.8 8.2November 420.9 152.9 89.4 0.0 63.5 0.3 27.7 16.2 12.2 268.0 198.1 13.0 56.8 12.3 5.3 12.5 6.4 7.42011 December 406.6 128.5 67.8 0.0 60.8 0.1 29.7 17.2 11.6 278.1 201.1 14.0 62.9 12.3 5.1 18.5 7.3 8.0January 373.1 115.3 57.4 0.0 57.8 0.2 27.7 16.2 11.6 257.9 190.4 8.0 59.4 10.9 11.9 19.8 6.1 7.8February 371.7 113.3 57.6 0.0 55.7 0.1 26.6 15.2 11.6 258.4 189.2 9.4 59.8 11.5 10.9 21.1 7.2 6.3March 347.0 68.5 22.3 0.0 46.2 0.1 17.2 15.2 11.6 278.5 207.7 9.73 61.1 19.1 5.1 20.7 7.4 6.3April 342.8 74.0 12.5 0.0 61.5 4.1 27.4 15.2 11.6 268.8 201.4 9.23 58.2 11 4.1 21.1 7.2 6.3May 362.8 73.8 12.9 0.0 60.9 6.4 34.7 5.6 11.6 288.9 216.8 9.2 62.9 10.5 5.1 23.2 7.1 8.4June 358.5 70.8 11.2 0.1 59.5 0.3 40.9 3.6 11.6 287.7 215.3 8.44 64 12 3.0 23.2 7.0 7.8July 372.5 77.1 16.2 0.1 60.8 4.5 27.3 14.3 11.6 295.4 223.5 9.5 62.4 9.11 12.0 21.6 6.9 7.8August 395.3 72.3 10.5 0.0 61.8 0.9 46.2 0.1 11.6 322.9 249.3 11.2 62.5 10.6 11.2 21.0 7.5 7.3September 384.9 79.3 16.0 0.0 63.3 0.8 46.9 0.1 12.0 305.6 232.8 11.2 61.6 19 2.8 22.0 7.1 7.1October 383.9 83.2 16.0 0.0 67.2 6.1 45.6 0.1 12.0 300.7 227.2 11.1 62.4 11.1 3.8 22.6 7.4 7.2November 398.8 80.9 14.3 0.0 66.6 1.0 49.9 0.1 12.0 317.8 246.3 8.23 63.3 10.9 3.7 22.9 8.0 7.12012 December 401.7 75.6 13.8 0.0 61.8 0.9 46.0 0.1 12.0 326.1 249.6 9.19 67.3 9.96 6.0 27.4 6.5 7.8January 375.4 76.0 30.0 2.0 44.0 4.2 24.9 0.1 12.0 299.5 227.2 6.33 66 11 12.1 27.1 6.3 7.8February 386.3 71.8 16.7 2.0 53.0 2.0 36.2 0.1 12.0 314.6 237.7 13.8 63 11.1 11.0 27.4 5.6 6.9March 369.8 69.1 18.3 1.9 48.9 0.0 32.0 2.1 12.1 300.7 228.1 14.8 57.8 12.3 3.7 28.4 5.1 6.22013 April 367.5 60.7 14.4 2.0 44.3 4.4 23.9 2.0 12.1 306.8 231.0 14.6 61.1 5.24 2.7 27.6 6.2 7.0| 45

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 12.3. Deposits at ODC - households and NPISH, euro deposits(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Other domestic sectorsHouseholdsNPISHDescriptionTransf erabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsUp to 1mont hof which:Over 3 Overmont hs 3monthsand up t o and up6 mont hs t o1 yearOver 1year andup t o 2yearsOver 2yearsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOt herdeposits2001 December 313.1 313.1 219.2 … 93.9 __ __ 93.9 __ __ __ __ … __2002 December 226.1 226.1 121.7 … 104.4 __ __ 104.4 __ __ __ __ … __2003 December 267.9 267.9 134.4 … 133.5 __ __ 133.5 __ __ __ __ … __2004 December 360.3 350.7 136.9 … 213.8 63.8 __ 91.8 14.2 1.9 9.6 8.9 … 0.72005 December 440.7 428.7 144.7 … 284.0 87.2 __ 109.3 26.5 19.3 12.0 10.4 … 1.62006 December 499.2 486.1 143.8 … 342.3 122.2 __ 127.9 26.5 37.1 13.1 7.6 … 5.52007 December 647.0 631.9 170.6 … 461.3 156.2 __ 141.6 74.6 50.3 15.2 11.9 … 3.32008 December 785.0 774.5 163.3 … 611.2 189.6 __ 234.6 64.8 61.6 10.5 7.7 … 2.82009 December 962.2 948.8 208.0 … 740.8 242.4 315.9 … 63.2 80.5 13.4 11.1 … 2.32010 December 1,220.1 1,206.1 270.4 274.5 661.2 30.0 76.1 347.8 61.1 108.3 14.0 13.0 0.5 0.5March 1,234.0 1,220.6 257.3 276.6 686.8 31.0 82.4 351.6 69.2 111.6 13.4 12.4 0.4 0.6April 1,255.9 1,242.7 279.9 271.8 690.9 29.9 83.9 349.8 75.7 112.5 13.3 11.1 0.4 1.7May 1,251.3 1,236.5 266.4 273.1 697.0 23.9 67.0 245.3 195.5 135.7 14.8 12.6 0.4 1.9June 1,264.8 1,246.6 273.7 270.1 702.8 34.3 62.7 245.7 201.7 137.1 18.2 15.8 0.4 2.0July 1,291.2 1,270.2 286.8 272.3 711.0 26.7 62.3 241.2 211.8 140.7 21.1 18.7 0.3 2.1August 1,348.6 1,326.5 314.5 276.5 735.5 28.2 62.9 242.6 232.6 145.8 22.0 19.7 0.3 2.1September 1,344.5 1,323.5 291.5 275.8 756.2 31.7 64.2 248.5 246.0 146.7 21.0 18.6 0.2 2.1October 1,340.2 1,316.8 286.8 270.8 759.2 21.8 62.3 250.8 250.6 147.0 23.4 20.7 0.3 2.4November 1,346.6 1,326.5 286.0 273.3 767.3 31.7 63.8 253.2 253.8 147.3 20.1 17.6 0.3 2.12011 December 1,395.6 1,373.4 314.4 276.2 782.8 24.8 67.0 257.3 261.5 147.6 22.2 18.3 0.5 3.3January 1,405.7 1,382.9 306.5 280.0 796.4 25.3 70.1 260.0 269.5 149.1 22.8 18.9 0.6 3.3February 1,424.0 1,400.1 315.0 283.5 801.7 31.6 64.5 255.1 274.5 151.1 23.9 21.3 0.5 2.1March 1,421.3 1,400.6 314.8 280.9 804.9 23.5 68.4 254.9 273.3 151.6 20.7 16.9 0.5 3.3April 1,425.6 1,404.1 321.9 279.0 803.3 31.2 69.7 254.0 272.8 151.2 21.4 18.5 0.4 2.5May 1,433.9 1,409.0 325.0 278.3 805.8 24.4 73.8 253.1 272.3 152.6 24.9 20.7 0.3 3.9June 1,442.4 1,416.9 336.0 275.8 805.2 30.4 66.7 258.9 271.0 155.5 25.5 22.0 0.3 3.1July 1,472.3 1,445.6 348.3 278.3 819.0 27.1 66.1 268.3 269.5 159.4 26.7 22.7 0.2 3.9August 1,504.4 1,480.9 349.0 283.2 848.8 29.9 64.1 296.0 264.9 167.1 23.4 19.1 0.1 4.2September 1,503.7 1,479.6 340.9 280.7 857.9 31.7 64.7 309.2 262.1 168.7 24.1 20.0 0.1 4.0October 1,506.6 1,482.5 334.2 281.2 867.1 23.0 64.9 317.6 262.3 171.8 24.1 19.0 0.1 5.1November 1,536.9 1,513.8 357.0 280.7 876.1 30.6 66.0 326.8 260.7 173.6 23.1 19.7 0.0 3.42012 December 1,558.6 1,535.4 361.5 283.2 890.8 25.2 58.4 337.8 260.5 177.6 23.2 19.7 0.0 3.4January 1,569.9 1,544.8 352.1 283.5 909.1 25.6 54.4 345.8 265.0 180.5 25.1 20.2 0.1 4.9February 1,579.5 1,553.8 362.2 281.8 909.8 29.4 54.0 494.6 130.4 163.4 25.7 20.7 0.1 4.9March 1,583.6 1,558.1 363.0 283.0 912.1 23.1 67.2 490.6 133.1 163.1 25.5 20.6 0.2 4.82013 April 1,575.6 1,549.3 370.5 321.7 857.1 8.4 48.1 479.5 135.1 162.2 26.4 21.4 0.2 4.746 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 12.2. Deposits at ODC - <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, euro deposits(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Non f inancial corporat ionsPublic <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporationsOt her <strong>no</strong>nf inancial corporationsDescriptionTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsUp to 1mont hof which:Over 1 Over 3 Over2mont h mont hs yearsand up and upto 3 to 6mont hs mont hsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOt herdepositsUp to Over 11 mont hmont h and upto 3mont hsof which:Over 6mont hs andup to 1yearOver 1yearand upto 2yearsOver2years2001 December 165.2 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 165.2 133.9 … 31.3 __ __ __ __ __2002 December 183.6 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 183.6 159.7 … 23.9 __ __ __ __ __2003 December 226.1 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 226.1 139.0 … 87.1 __ __ __ __ __2004 December 275.3 173.5 24.2 … 149.3 34.0 0.0 __ … 101.8 78.2 … 23.6 9.0 6.0 0.2 2.1 __2005 December 319.0 211.3 29.9 … 181.3 23.9 12.8 __ … 107.7 74.4 … 33.4 6.3 8.3 5.1 0.7 __2006 December 337.8 217.4 24.0 … 193.3 19.9 19.4 __ … 120.5 93.6 … 26.9 6.2 6.8 1.7 3.0 __2007 December 386.2 215.5 27.1 … 188.4 105.6 21.4 __ … 170.7 128.4 … 42.3 18.0 10.4 3.7 2.0 __2008 December 479.7 263.8 13.7 … 250.1 21.8 47.2 __ … 215.9 170.2 … 45.8 18.7 4.7 2.0 7.0 __2009 December 371.5 121.6 47.6 … 73.9 0.7 10.7 52.3 … 249.9 178.0 … 71.9 31.2 11.1 … 5.3 10.92010 December 414.9 122.3 79.5 … 42.8 2.7 21.7 3.1 12.6 292.6 212.6 16.9 63.1 19.0 5.3 17.1 8.8 9.7March 385.1 137.6 103.0 … 34.6 0.2 13.8 5.2 12.6 247.5 170.9 14.7 61.9 20.6 4.5 19.9 5.6 7.0April 360.1 113.7 70.0 … 43.7 0.2 21.9 6.3 12.6 246.3 171.8 13.6 60.9 15.7 6.1 20.9 5.2 7.0May 369.2 109.0 63.3 … 45.6 0.3 21.0 9.1 12.6 260.2 190.3 12.7 57.2 10.2 8.5 19.3 5.9 7.1June 363.8 115.9 67.8 … 48.0 4.2 23.0 5.8 12.6 247.9 175.9 12.5 59.6 14.5 5.1 19.6 6.0 7.7July 385.0 133.6 92.2 … 41.3 0.2 19.8 7.3 12.6 251.4 175.5 13.6 62.3 11.8 12.0 15.7 6.5 8.8August 426.3 151.3 103.6 … 47.6 1.3 25.0 7.3 12.6 275.1 205.2 12.6 57.3 10.9 9.3 16.5 7.5 7.9September 426.6 149.8 98.1 0.0 51.7 0.2 33.6 4.1 12.2 276.7 198.8 12.7 65.2 20.8 5.6 16.9 7.4 8.2October 423.4 142.0 88.0 0.0 54.0 4.3 27.8 3.1 12.2 281.4 203.0 15.3 63.1 14.2 10.4 10.9 6.8 8.2November 420.9 152.9 89.4 0.0 63.5 0.3 27.7 16.2 12.2 268.0 198.1 13.0 56.8 12.3 5.3 12.5 6.4 7.42011 December 406.6 128.5 67.8 0.0 60.8 0.1 29.7 17.2 11.6 278.1 201.1 14.0 62.9 12.3 5.1 18.5 7.3 8.0January 373.1 115.3 57.4 0.0 57.8 0.2 27.7 16.2 11.6 257.9 190.4 8.0 59.4 10.9 11.9 19.8 6.1 7.8February 371.7 113.3 57.6 0.0 55.7 0.1 26.6 15.2 11.6 258.4 189.2 9.4 59.8 11.5 10.9 21.1 7.2 6.3March 347.0 68.5 22.3 0.0 46.2 0.1 17.2 15.2 11.6 278.5 207.7 9.73 61.1 19.1 5.1 20.7 7.4 6.3April 342.8 74.0 12.5 0.0 61.5 4.1 27.4 15.2 11.6 268.8 201.4 9.23 58.2 11 4.1 21.1 7.2 6.3May 362.8 73.8 12.9 0.0 60.9 6.4 34.7 5.6 11.6 288.9 216.8 9.2 62.9 10.5 5.1 23.2 7.1 8.4June 358.5 70.8 11.2 0.1 59.5 0.3 40.9 3.6 11.6 287.7 215.3 8.44 64 12 3.0 23.2 7.0 7.8July 372.5 77.1 16.2 0.1 60.8 4.5 27.3 14.3 11.6 295.4 223.5 9.5 62.4 9.11 12.0 21.6 6.9 7.8August 395.3 72.3 10.5 0.0 61.8 0.9 46.2 0.1 11.6 322.9 249.3 11.2 62.5 10.6 11.2 21.0 7.5 7.3September 384.9 79.3 16.0 0.0 63.3 0.8 46.9 0.1 12.0 305.6 232.8 11.2 61.6 19 2.8 22.0 7.1 7.1October 383.9 83.2 16.0 0.0 67.2 6.1 45.6 0.1 12.0 300.7 227.2 11.1 62.4 11.1 3.8 22.6 7.4 7.2November 398.8 80.9 14.3 0.0 66.6 1.0 49.9 0.1 12.0 317.8 246.3 8.23 63.3 10.9 3.7 22.9 8.0 7.12012 December 401.7 75.6 13.8 0.0 61.8 0.9 46.0 0.1 12.0 326.1 249.6 9.19 67.3 9.96 6.0 27.4 6.5 7.8January 375.4 76.0 30.0 2.0 44.0 4.2 24.9 0.1 12.0 299.5 227.2 6.33 66 11 12.1 27.1 6.3 7.8February 386.3 71.8 16.7 2.0 53.0 2.0 36.2 0.1 12.0 314.6 237.7 13.8 63 11.1 11.0 27.4 5.6 6.9March 369.8 69.1 18.3 1.9 48.9 0.0 32.0 2.1 12.1 300.7 228.1 14.8 57.8 12.3 3.7 28.4 5.1 6.22013 April 367.5 60.7 14.4 2.0 44.3 4.4 23.9 2.0 12.1 306.8 231.0 14.6 61.1 5.24 2.7 27.6 6.2 7.0| 45

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