no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës

no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës


Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, nonfinancial corporations, governmentinstitution, etc.Table 31. Direct investmentsDescription: Foreign direct investments are composed of nonresidents investments inKosovo and investments of Kosovo residents abroad. These statistics are presented bysectors and countries. The classification of foreign direct investments by economiccategories is based on purpose and includes investments from privatization process andnew investments. These statistics are flow data. Foreign investments include alsointercompany loans between resident and nonresident companies.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Other depository corporations, nonfinancial corporations, etc.Table 32. External debtDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liabilities of Kosovo residents tononresidents in a given period of time. Gross external debt include public and privateexternal debt, while net external debt shows net external position of Kosovo, representingthe difference between nonresidents investments in Kosovo (liability) and investment ofKosovo residents abroad (assets). Private sector debt includes private debt that in the caseof Kosovo has the largest share to total external debt of Kosovo.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 25.1Table 33. Coordinated portfolio investments surveyDescription: Coordinated portfolio investments survey represents investments in equityand debt securities further divided into short and long term. Portfolio investments areclassified also by country, on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, nonfinancial corporations, etc.Table 34. Trade balanceDescription: Statistics on trade balance are presented by countries and main components.Countries are grouped in European Union countries, CEFTA, other European countries andNon-European countries. Exports are presented by destination country, whereas the importof goods was classified by the country origin. Trade balance is also presented based ongoods imported by chapters and by countries.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Kosovo Agency of Statistics.| 129

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 35. Exchange rateDescription: Exchange rate is compiled based on monthly average currencies against eurocurrency. The currencies presented belong to countries which represent the main tradepartners of Kosovo and other regional countries. For information purposes, was includedalso US dollar against euro. Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) is calculated usingConsumer Price Index (CPI) and Harmonized Consumer Price Index (HCPI). Prior tocalculating REER Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) is calculated. NEERcalculating formula is as follows:NEER 100 E wE where represents the individual country currencies, E represents the nominal exchangerate of euro currency against other foreign currencies on monthly basis t defined as thenumber of currency units of the country i for one unit of the domestic currency. E represents nominal exchange rate of euro currency against currencies of respective countryin the base period, and w is the weight of the domestic currency .After that REER is calculated based on the following formula:REER w P NEER P where P represents the index for foreign prices on monthly basis t for each of thecountries separately comparing with the base period, whereas P represents CPI of Kosovoon monthly basis t comparing with the base period.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Kosovo Agency of Statistics, respective agencies for statistics of neighboringcountries.130 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, governmentinstitution, etc.Table 31. Direct investmentsDescription: Foreign direct investments are composed of <strong>no</strong>nresidents investments inKosovo and investments of Kosovo residents abroad. These statistics are presented bysectors and countries. The classification of foreign direct investments by eco<strong>no</strong>miccategories is based on purpose and includes investments from privatization process andnew investments. These statistics are flow data. Foreign investments include alsointercompany loans between resident and <strong>no</strong>nresident companies.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Other depository corporations, <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, etc.Table 32. External debtDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liabilities of Kosovo residents to<strong>no</strong>nresidents in a given period of time. Gross external debt include public and privateexternal debt, while net external debt shows net external position of Kosovo, representingthe difference between <strong>no</strong>nresidents investments in Kosovo (liability) and investment ofKosovo residents abroad (assets). Private sector debt includes private debt that in the caseof Kosovo has the largest share to total external debt of Kosovo.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 25.1Table 33. Coordinated portfolio investments surveyDescription: Coordinated portfolio investments survey represents investments in equityand debt securities further divided into short and long term. Portfolio investments areclassified also by country, on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, etc.Table 34. Trade balanceDescription: Statistics on trade balance are presented by countries and main components.Countries are grouped in European Union countries, CEFTA, other European countries andNon-European countries. Exports are presented by destination country, whereas the importof goods was classified by the country origin. Trade balance is also presented based ongoods imported by chapters and by countries.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Kosovo Agency of Statistics.| 129

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