no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës

no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës


Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013calculation of weighted interest rate excludes loans with favorable conditions. Also sincethis period new breakdown of loans by purpose is applied, consistent with the NACEnomenclature.While calculating and publishing interest rates statistics, is used the arithmetic weightedaverage and criteria such as standard deviation and minimum observations. Annual agreedrate is calculated as follows: where stands for annualized agreed rate, is the contracted nominal rate agreedamong the parties, and is the number of capitalization periods per year, i.e. 1 foryearly interest payments 12/12, 2 for semi-annual interest payments 12/6, 4 forquarterly interest payments 12/3, and 12 for monthly interest payments 12/1.These are flow data, representing new contracts during the month. For detailed descriptionon interest rate calculation refer to the Interest Rates Report.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 15. Other depository corporations income statementDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. InKosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Other depository corporationsincome statement represents aggregated position of banks income and expenditures.Income structure is broken down into interest income and non-interest income. The samecriterion is used in expenditure classification. Income statement data are flow data, beingpresented as cumulative within the calendar year, (e.g. the data of January 2012 includethe data only for January 2012, whereas the data as of May 2012 include the data fromJanuary 2012 up to May 2012).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 16. Other financial intermediaries balance sheetDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. Balance sheet of other financialintermediaries is presented as aggregated. Since June 2004 and up to December 2011statistics on other financial intermediaries are published on quarterly basis, while starting| 123

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletinfrom January 2012 on monthly basis. This consists with the implementation of thestatistical project named Statistical Report on Microfinance Institutions.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Microfinance institutions.Table 17. Other financial intermediaries loansDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. Other financial intermediaries loans arerepresented as (1) outstanding amounts and as (2) new loans extended during the month.Outstanding loans include other financial intermediaries claims towards the respectivesectors, such as public nonfinancial corporations, other nonfinancial corporations,households, classified by maturities.New loans include new loans extended only during a certain period and as such they areflow data (e.g. loans of May 2012 represent only loans issued during that month, notincluding loans issued prior to that period, as is the case with outstanding loans). Besidessectors and sub-sectors institutional classification, loans are classified also by purpose. Thisbreakdown is based on NACE classification. 6Periodicity: MonthlySource: Microfinance institutions.Table 18. Other financial intermediaries effective interest ratesDescription: Other financial intermediaries consist of resident financial corporationsengaged in financial intermediation expect depository corporations, insurance companies,pension funds, money transfer agencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo other financialintermediaries are microfinance institutions whose main activity is loan granting. Otherfinancial intermediaries (microfinance institutions) along with other depositorycorporations (commercial banks) are licensed institutions for loan granting.Interest rates are calculated and published based on effective annual rate. Sectors arebroken down into nonfinancial corporations and households, consistent with theinternational standards. Formula used for calculation of effective annual rate is shownbelow: ; where stands for annualized agreed rate, is the nominal agreed rate among theparties, and is the number of capitalization periods per year, i.e. 1 for yearly interestpayment 12/12 , 2 for semi-annual interest payment 12/6 , 4 for quarterly6 For details on NACE classification visit |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013calculation of weighted interest rate excludes loans with favorable conditions. Also sincethis period new breakdown of loans by purpose is applied, consistent with the NACE<strong>no</strong>menclature.While calculating and publishing interest rates statistics, is used the arithmetic weightedaverage and criteria such as standard deviation and minimum observations. Annual agreedrate is calculated as follows: where stands for annualized agreed rate, is the contracted <strong>no</strong>minal rate agreedamong the parties, and is the number of capitalization periods per year, i.e. 1 foryearly interest payments 12/12, 2 for semi-annual interest payments 12/6, 4 forquarterly interest payments 12/3, and 12 for monthly interest payments 12/1.These are flow data, representing new contracts during the month. For detailed descriptio<strong>no</strong>n interest rate calculation refer to the Interest Rates Report.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 15. Other depository corporations income statementDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. InKosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Other depository corporationsincome statement represents aggregated position of banks income and expenditures.Income structure is broken down into interest income and <strong>no</strong>n-interest income. The samecriterion is used in expenditure classification. Income statement data are flow data, beingpresented as cumulative within the calendar year, (e.g. the data of January 2012 includethe data only for January 2012, whereas the data as of May 2012 include the data fromJanuary 2012 up to May 2012).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 16. Other financial intermediaries balance sheetDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. Balance sheet of other financialintermediaries is presented as aggregated. Since June 2004 and up to December 2011statistics on other financial intermediaries are published on quarterly basis, while starting| 123

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