no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës

no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës


Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Money transfer agencies.Table 10. CBK balance sheetDescription: CBK balance sheet represents the financial position of CBK. Within otherfinancial corporations being presented on CBK liabilities side are included deposits ofinsurance companies and pension funds. Government deposits include also deposits ofPrivatization Agency of Kosovo, being presented separately. Within the governmentdeposits at CBK, is included also IMF quota subscription.Periodicity: MonthlySource: CBKTable 11. Other depository corporations balance sheetDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. In Kosovo,other depository corporations are commercial banks. The balance sheet of other depositorycorporations represents the aggregated statement of this sub-sector. Since June 2004 thereis a methodological change in the balance sheet of other depository corporations. Thisconsists with the implementation of statistical project, namely, Statistical Bank Report andInterest Rate Report. For more regarding the statistical projects are stated above, pleasefollow links:Statistical Bank Report;Interest Rate Report.For detailed description on methodological changes, refer to explanation notes given inTable 12. Other depository corporations deposits.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 12. Other depository corporations depositsDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. In Kosovo,other depository corporations are commercial banks. Deposits at other depositorycorporations are classified by sectors, sub-sectors and currencies.Until May 2004, the structure of deposits was composed only from households and legalentities. Within deposits of legal entities are included deposits of all institutions exceptcommercial banks and households. Moreover, within households deposits, until May 2004,were included also the deposits of NPISH. Since June 2004 until December 2007, depositsof insurance companies include also deposits of pension funds.| 121

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinMaturity breakdown deposits was made based on the criteria of original maturity (e.g. if inJanuary 2009 there is a deposit of one year maturity, then this maturity is reported underthe item “up to one year” until the end of maturity). Since 2010, saving deposits arereported as separated, previously included in the item ”other deposits” by maturities. Also,there is a detailed breakdown in terms of deposits by maturity. Item “above 2 years and upto 5 years” up to 2009 includes all deposits with the maturity of “above 2 years”.Periodicity: MonthlyThe source data: Commercial banks.Table 13. Other depository corporations loansDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Other depositorycorporations loans are represented as (1) outstanding amounts and as (2) new loansextended during the month.Outstanding loans include commercial banks claims towards the respective sectors, such aspublic nonfinancial corporations, other nonfinancial corporations, households, classified bymaturities. In this context is not included interbank activity. Besides sectors and subsectorsinstitutional classification, loans are classified also by purpose. This breakdown isbased on NACE classification. 5 Table on loans by maturity includes loans in euro and noneurocurrency, while table on loans by industry includes loans to resident sector, excludinghouseholds and NPISH.New loans include new loans extended only during a certain period and as such they areflow data (e.g. loans of May 2012 represent only loans issued during that month, notincluding loans issued prior to that period, as is the case with outstanding loans).Periodicity: MonthlySource of the data: Commercial banks.Table 14. Other depository corporations interest ratesDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. In Kosovo,other depository corporations are commercial banks. Interest rates are compiled based onannual agreed rate. Sectors are classified as nonfinancial corporations and households,complying with international statistical standards.Since January 2008, there is a methodological change, where interest rates on loans includealso administrative fees applied by commercial banks for loans extended, paid byborrowers. Furthermore, since January 2008 statistics on overdrafts are presented asoutstanding and as such are not included in calculation of weighted average. Since 2010,5 For details on NACE classification visit |

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinMaturity breakdown deposits was made based on the criteria of original maturity (e.g. if inJanuary 2009 there is a deposit of one year maturity, then this maturity is reported underthe item “up to one year” until the end of maturity). Since 2010, saving deposits arereported as separated, previously included in the item ”other deposits” by maturities. Also,there is a detailed breakdown in terms of deposits by maturity. Item “above 2 years and upto 5 years” up to 2009 includes all deposits with the maturity of “above 2 years”.Periodicity: MonthlyThe source data: Commercial banks.Table 13. Other depository corporations loansDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Other depositorycorporations loans are represented as (1) outstanding amounts and as (2) new loansextended during the month.Outstanding loans include commercial banks claims towards the respective sectors, such aspublic <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, other <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, households, classified bymaturities. In this context is <strong>no</strong>t included interbank activity. Besides sectors and subsectorsinstitutional classification, loans are classified also by purpose. This breakdown isbased on NACE classification. 5 Table on loans by maturity includes loans in euro and <strong>no</strong>neurocurrency, while table on loans by industry includes loans to resident sector, excludinghouseholds and NPISH.New loans include new loans extended only during a certain period and as such they areflow data (e.g. loans of May 2012 represent only loans issued during that month, <strong>no</strong>tincluding loans issued prior to that period, as is the case with outstanding loans).Periodicity: MonthlySource of the data: Commercial banks.Table 14. Other depository corporations interest ratesDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. In Kosovo,other depository corporations are commercial banks. Interest rates are compiled based onannual agreed rate. Sectors are classified as <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations and households,complying with international statistical standards.Since January 2008, there is a methodological change, where interest rates on loans includealso administrative fees applied by commercial banks for loans extended, paid byborrowers. Furthermore, since January 2008 statistics on overdrafts are presented asoutstanding and as such are <strong>no</strong>t included in calculation of weighted average. Since 2010,5 For details on NACE classification visit |

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