no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës

no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës


Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Graph 36. Direct investments by main investing countriesDescription: Foreign direct investment statistics presented in this graph shows therelationship between nonresident investments in Kosovo versus Kosovo residents toinvestment abroad. Graph shows the geographical distribution of foreign direct investmentsin Kosovo and vice versa by main investing countries. Moreover, in the graph are not shownall the countries that have invested in Kosovo, but only the larger ones, due to the technicalaspects of the presentation. The data are presented as outstanding on net basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 31.1Graph 37. Reserve assetsDescription: Reserve assets are comprised of international assets classified according tointernational statistical standards. Data are presented as outstanding amounts.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 30.4Graph 38. Gross external debtDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liabilities of Kosovo residents tononresidents in a given period of time. Gross external debt is divided into public andprivate external debt. Private sector debt includes private debt that in the case of Kosovohas the largest share to total external debt of Kosovo. Until 2011 data are presented on anannual basis, and since 2012 on a quarterly basis. The data are presented as outstandingamounts on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 32.1Graph 39. Gross external debt by creditorsDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liability of Kosovo residents to nonresidentsin a given period of time. External debt is classified according to Kosovo creditors. The dataare presented as outstanding amounts on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 32.2| 117

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinPART II: TABLES 4Table 1. Financial corporations surveyDescription: Financial corporations sector consists of all resident corporations and quasicorporationsengaged in financial intermediation or in related financial activities and arecomprised from depository corporations and other financial corporations. Financialcorporations survey represents the consolidated financial position of the financialcorporations with the external sector, fiscal sector and real sector and is compiled fromdepository corporations survey (CBK and commercial banks) and other financialcorporations survey (insurance companies, pension funds, microfinance institutions, andassets managers). In terms of presentation, the survey differs from the balance sheetbecause in the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument, whereas surveys arepresented based on the sectoral approach.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, other financial corporations.Table 2. Depository corporations surveyDescription: Depository corporations comprise the central bank and other depositorycorporations (commercial banks). Depository corporations survey represents theconsolidated financial position of depository corporations with other financial corporations,external sector, fiscal sector and real sector and is compiled from CBK and other depositorycorporations survey. At this level, the consolidation is performed among CBK and otherdepository corporations. In terms of presentation, the survey differs from the balance sheetbecause in the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument, whereas the surveysare presented based on the sectoral approach. The concept on broad money includes onlydeposits which are part of broad money excluding currency in circulation. Broad moneycomprises deposits of other financial corporations (insurance companies, pension funds,etc.), deposits of nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISH. This definition isconsistent with European Central Bank definition.Periodicity: MonthlySource: CBK, other depository corporations.Table 3. CBK surveyDescription: CBK survey is compiled from CBK balance sheet and includes the CBKfinancial position with other depository corporations, other financial corporations, externalsector, fiscal and real sector. In terms of presentation, the survey differs from the balancesheet because in the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument, whereas surveysare presented based on the sectoral approach.Periodicity: Monthly4 Explanatory notes refer to group of tables which have been presented separately in the Monthly Statistics Bulletin (e.g. explanatory notes will be presented onthe level of financial corporations survey including table 1.1. Net Foreign Assets and Domestic Claims, and table 1.2. Liabilities).118 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Graph 36. Direct investments by main investing countriesDescription: Foreign direct investment statistics presented in this graph shows therelationship between <strong>no</strong>nresident investments in Kosovo versus Kosovo residents toinvestment abroad. Graph shows the geographical distribution of foreign direct investmentsin Kosovo and vice versa by main investing countries. Moreover, in the graph are <strong>no</strong>t shownall the countries that have invested in Kosovo, but only the larger ones, due to the technicalaspects of the presentation. The data are presented as outstanding on net basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 31.1Graph 37. Reserve assetsDescription: Reserve assets are comprised of international assets classified according tointernational statistical standards. Data are presented as outstanding amounts.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 30.4Graph 38. Gross external debtDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liabilities of Kosovo residents to<strong>no</strong>nresidents in a given period of time. Gross external debt is divided into public andprivate external debt. Private sector debt includes private debt that in the case of Kosovohas the largest share to total external debt of Kosovo. Until 2011 data are presented on anannual basis, and since 2012 on a quarterly basis. The data are presented as outstandingamounts on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 32.1Graph 39. Gross external debt by creditorsDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liability of Kosovo residents to <strong>no</strong>nresidentsin a given period of time. External debt is classified according to Kosovo creditors. The dataare presented as outstanding amounts on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 32.2| 117

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