no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës

no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës

no. 140 - Banka Qendrore e Republikës së Kosovës


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Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013ABBREVIATIONS:CONVENTIONS:BOP Balance of PaymentsBPM5 Balance of Payments Manual (fifth edition)CBK Central Bank of the Republic of KosovoCEFTA Central European Free Trade AgreementCPI Consumer Price IndexDC Depository CorporationsECB European Central BankESA 95 European System of Regional and National Accounts 1995EU European UnionEULEX European Union Rule of Law MissionFA Financial AuxiliariesFC Financial CorporationsFDI Foreign Direct InvestmentsGDP Gross Domestic ProductIC Insurance CompaniesIMF International Monetary FundIRR Interest Rate ReportKPST Kosovo Pension Saving TrustMFSM Manual on Monetary and Financial StatisticsNFA Net Foreign AssetsNFC Non Financial CorporationsNPISH Nonprofit Institutions Serving HouseholdsODC Other Depository CorporationsOFC Other Finanical CorporationsOFI Other Financial IntermediariesPAK Privatization Agency of KosovoPF Pension FundsSBR Statistical Bank ReportSNA 93 United Nations System of National Account 1993TPL Third Party LiabilityUNMIK United Nations Interim Administration Mission in KosovoVAT Value Added Tax“ “ event does <strong>no</strong>t exist“ . “ event exists, data are <strong>no</strong>t available“…“ nil or negligible( e ) estimated( p ) preliminaryrevised data are marked by “bold”NOTE:For detailed description refer to explanatory <strong>no</strong>tes.Users of the data are requested to cite the source.Suggested citation: Central Bank of the Republic of KosovoMonthly Statistics Bulletin, No. <strong>140</strong>, Prishtina 2013.Any correction that may be required is made in the web site version.This publication includes the data available until 01 July 2013.| 3

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin4 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013CONTENTSSELECTED MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS ----------------------------------------------------------- 09PART I. GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- 111. Financial corporations assets --------------------------------------------------------------------- 112. FC net foreign assets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113. Growth of net foreign assets at FC -------------------------------------------------------------- 114. Sectoral breakdown of deposits at CBK ------------------------------------------------------- 125. Sectoral and currency breakdown of deposits at ODC ------------------------------------- 126. Maturity breakdown of deposits at ODC ------------------------------------------------------- 127. Sectoral breakdown of loans at ODC ----------------------------------------------------------- 138. Sectoral breakdown of new loans at ODC ----------------------------------------------------- 139. Other depository corporations loans by eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors -------------------------------- 1310. Maturity breakdown of ODC loans --------------------------------------------------------------- 1411. Growth of loans and deposits at ODC ---------------------------------------------------------- 1412. Interest rates on loans and deposits of ODC ------------------------------------------------- 1413. ODC income and expenditures ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1514. Growth of income at ODC and contribution to the growth --------------------------------- 1515. Growth of expenditures at ODC and contributions to the growth ------------------------ 1516. Interest rates on loans of OFI --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1617. OFI new loans by sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1618. Maturity breakdown of OFI loans ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1619. OFI loans by sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1720. OFI loans by eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1721. International transfers through money transferring agencies ----------------------------- 1722. Kosovo budget --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1823. Prices --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1824. Prices, main categories --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1825. Imports and producer prices ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1726. Exchange rates against euro currency --------------------------------------------------------- 1727. Real effective Exchange rate --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1728. Trade balance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1829. Exports of goods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1830. Imports of goods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1831. Balance of Payments of Kosovo ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1932. Current account -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1933. Financial account ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1934. International investments position --------------------------------------------------------------- 2035. International investments position, by sectors ------------------------------------------------ 2036. Direct investments, by main countries ---------------------------------------------------------- 2037. Reserve assets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2138. Gross external debt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2139. Gross external debt, by creditors ---------------------------------------------------------------- 21PART II. STATISTICAL TABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 251. FC survey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251.1. NFA and domestic claims ------------------------------------------------------------------ 251.2. Liabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 252. DC survey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 262.1. NFA and domestic claims ------------------------------------------------------------------ 26| 5

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin2.2. Liabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 273. CBK survey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 283.1. NFA and domestic claims ------------------------------------------------------------------ 283.2. Liabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 294. ODC survey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 304.1. NFA and domestic claims ------------------------------------------------------------------ 304.2. Liabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 315. OFC survey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 325.1. NFA and domestic claims ------------------------------------------------------------------ 325.2. Liabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 326. Other intermediary financial survey ------------------------------------------------------------- 336.1 Net foreign assets and internal claims --------------------------------------------------- 336.2 Liabilities----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 347. Insurance companies survey ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 357.1 Net foreign assets and internal claims ---------------------------------------------------- 357.2. Liabilities ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 368. Pension funds survey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 378.1. Net foreign assets, internal claims and liabilities -------------------------------------- 379. Financial auxiliaries survey ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 389.1. Net foreign assets and internal and internal claims ---------------------------------- 389.2. Liabilities ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3910. CBK balance sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4010.1. Assets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4010.2. Liabilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4111. ODC balance sheet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4211.1. Assets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4211.2. Liabilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4312. Deposits at ODC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4412.1. Euro deposits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4412.2. NFC, euro deposits ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4512.3. Households and NPISH, euro deposits ------------------------------------------------ 4612.4. FC, euro deposits --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4712.5. Non-euro deposits -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4813. ODC loans --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4913.1. Main sectors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4913.2. New loans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5013.3. Main eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5113.4. Industry, electricity and construction --------------------------------------------------- 5213.5. Services --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5314. ODC effective interest rates ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5414.1. Deposit interest rate ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5414.2. Loan interest rates ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5515. ODC income statement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5615.1. Income and expenditures ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5616. Other financial intermediaries balance sheet ------------------------------------------------- 5716.1. Assets ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5716.2. Liabilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5717. Other financial intermediaries loans ------------------------------------------------------------- 5817.1. Maturity --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5817.2. Eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 201317.3. New loans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5917.4. Nonfinancial corporations new loans -------------------------------------------------- 5917.5. Household new loans(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6017.6. Household new loans(2) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6018. Other financial intermediaries effective interest rates --------------------------------------- 6118.1. Loan interest rates ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6119. Other financial intermediaries income statement -------------------------------------------- 6119.1. Income and expenditures ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6120. Other financial intermediaries balance sheet ------------------------------------------------- 6220.1. Assets and liabilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6221. Financial auxiliaries balance sheet -------------------------------------------------------------- 6221.1. Income and expenditures ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6222. Financial auxiliaries international transfers ---------------------------------------------------- 6322.1. Incoming and outgoing transfers -------------------------------------------------------- 6323. Payment system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6423.1. Selected indicators ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6424. Foreign transfers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6524.1. Income and outflow transfers ------------------------------------------------------------ 6525. IC activity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6625.1. Income premiums and paid claims ----------------------------------------------------- 6626. Kosovo budget ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6726.1. Structure of revenues ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6726.2. Structure of expenditures ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6727. Gross domestic product ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6827.1. Expenditure approach --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6827.2. Approach by eco<strong>no</strong>mic activity ---------------------------------------------------------- 6828. Prices (CPI) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6928.1. Main components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6928.2. Imports and producer prices ------------------------------------------------------------- 7029. Balance of payments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7129.1. Main components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7129.2. Current account ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7229.3. Goods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7329.4. Services-net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7429.5. Services-credit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7529.6. Debit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7629.7. Income ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7729.8. Current transfers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7829.8.1. Remittances by channels --------------------------------------------------------------- 7929.8.2. Remittances by country ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7929.9. Financial account – neto ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8029.10. Financial account-investments in reporting eco<strong>no</strong>my ---------------------------- 8129.11. Financial account-investments abroad ----------------------------------------------- 8230. International investments position ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8330.1 Main components (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8330.2 Main components (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8330.3 By sectors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84| 7

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin30.4 Assets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8430.5 Liabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8430.6 Reconciliation with the balance of payments statistics ----------------------------- 8531. Direct investments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8631.1 Reconciliation statement (cummulative) ------------------------------------------------ 8631.2 By eco<strong>no</strong>mic activity (flow statistics) ---------------------------------------------------- 8731.3 By countries (flow statistics) --------------------------------------------------------------- 8732. External debt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8832.1 Gross position -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8832.2 Gross position by creditors ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8832.3 Solvency plan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8832.4 Net position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8933. Reconciliation statement of portfolio position -------------------------------------------------- 9033.1 Portfolio investments position ------------------------------------------------------------- 9034. Trade balance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9134.1 Exports by trading partners ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9134.2 Exports by trading partners-European Union ----------------------------------------- 9234.3 Exports by trading partners-CEFTA ----------------------------------------------------- 9334.4 Exports by trading partners-other European and Non-European countries --- 9434.5 Imports by trading partners ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9534.6 Imports by trading partners-European Union ----------------------------------------- 9634.7 Imports by trading partners-CEFTA ----------------------------------------------------- 9734.8 Imports by trading partners-other European and Non-European countries --- 9834.9 Exports by commodity groups ------------------------------------------------------------ 9934.10 Imports by commodity groups --------------------------------------------------------- 10034.11 Imports by trading partners and main commodity groups ---------------------- 10134.12 Imports by Broad Eco<strong>no</strong>mic Categories (BEC) ----------------------------------- 10235. Exchange rate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10335.1 Exchange rate against euro ---------------------------------------------------------- 10335.2 Real and <strong>no</strong>minal effective Exchange rate ---------------------------------------- 104PART III. EXPLANATORY NOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1058 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Macroeco<strong>no</strong>mic indicatorsDescription 2007 20082009201020112012Real sectorGDP (in millions of euro) 1/ 3,379.4 3,710.7 4,077.0 4,136.5 4,486.0 -Prices (annual average) 1/ 4.4% 9.4% -2.4% 3.5% 7.3% 2.5%Prices ( Year on Year) 1/ 10.5% 0.5% 0.1% 6.6% 3.6% 3.7%Financial sector (in millions of euro)Financial corporat ions asset s 2,941.9 3,370.3 4,005.0 4,440.5 4,732.0 5,289.3of which: ODC 1,435.0 1,808.2 2,204.1 2,455.0 2,648.2 2,830.4ODC loans 892.1 1,183.4 1,289.0 1,458.7 1,683.1 1,763.4Deposits at ODC 1,143.1 1,444.1 1,744.9 1,936.9 2,113.5 2,279.0External sector (in millions of euro)Current account -214.0 -460.9 -374.2 -515.7 -658.4 -380.3of which: goods import -1,352.9 -1,649.7 -1,651.7 -1,752.1 -2,059.0 -2,073.0of which: remittances 588.5 608.7 585.7 584.3 584.8 605.1Foreign direct investments 431.0 341.5 280.9 331.1 378.9 229.11/ Kosovo Agency of Statistics.NOTE; Data for external sector as are as of Q3 2012.| 9

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin10 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 20131. Financial corporations assets(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)6,0005,0004,0003,0002,0001,0000Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q12006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013CBK assets ODC assets OFC assets2. Financial corporations net foreign assets(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)3,0002,5002,0001,5001,0005000Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q12006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013CBK ODC OFC3. Growth of financial corporations net foreign assets(Year-on-year)80%65.0%60%43.5%36.3%69.7%40%22.9%26.8%22.9%18.2%20%28.8%32.6%5.0%-0.9%0%18.9% 18.0%-20%11.2% -4.3%1.7%8.1% 4.1%-4.8%-5.5% 0.1%-40%-22.9%-60%-80%-100.0%-100%-120%Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q12006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013CBK ODC OFC| 11

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin12 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 20137. Sectoral breakdown of loans at ODC(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)2,0001,8001,6001,4001,2001,0008006004002000-200Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Other <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations Households Other8. Sectoral breakdown of new loans at ODC(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)1009080706050403020100Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Nonfinancial corporationsHouseholds9. Other depository corporations loans by eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)1,4001,2001,0008006004002000Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Services Industry, elecricity and construcution Agriculture| 13

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin14 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 201313. ODC income and expenditures(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)300250200150100500-50Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Income Expenidtures Net income14. Growth of income at ODC and contribution to the growth(Year-on-year)45%40%35%30%25%20%15%10%5%0%-5%-10%Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Loans Bank placements Portfolio Other Fees a nd commissio ns Other income Income15. Growth of expenditures at ODC and contributions to the growth(Year-on-year)<strong>140</strong>%120%100%80%60%40%20%0%-20%-40%-60%Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013General and administrative expenditures Depriciation on fixed assets Loans provisions and other assets lossesFees a nd commissio ns Other BorrowingsDepositsExpenditures| 15

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin16 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 201319. OFI loans by sectors(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)1009080706050403020100Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr2012 2013Nonfinancial corporationHouseholds20. OFI loans by eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)4035302520151050Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr2012 2013Services Industry, energy and construction Agriculture21.International transfers through money transfer agencies(Cumulative within t he calendar year, in millions of euro)200180160<strong>140</strong>120100806040200Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2012Incoming transfersOutgoing transfers| 17

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin18 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 201325. Import and producer prices(Year-on-year, Jan 2008 = 100)15%10.1%10%5%4.4%5.8%6.2%7.5%8.4%1.1%5.0%2.7%0%-5%-2.7%-10%Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q32007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012Import pricesProducer prices26. Exchange rate against euro currency(Period average)160<strong>140</strong>120100806040200Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20131. lek Mecedonian denar Serbian dinar American dollar, right axis27. Real effective exchange rate(Index)1121101081061041021009896949290AppreciationDepreciationQ1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013REER (Total) REER (EU) REER (CEFTA)| 19

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin28. Trade balance(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)300020001000-1000-2000-3000Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Jan2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012Imports Exports Trade balance29. Exports of goods(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)350300250200150100500Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Jan2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012EU CEFTA Other European countries Non-European countries30. Imports of goods(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)3,0002,5002,0001,5001,0005000Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Jan2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012EU CEFTA Other European countries Non-European countries20 |

Monthly Statistics Buulletin April 2013| 21

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Monthly Statistics Buulletin April 2013| 23

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin24 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 1.1. FC survey - net foreign assets and domestic claims(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionNet foreign assetsClaims on<strong>no</strong>nresidentsMoneta Deposiry gold tsandSDRholdingsSecuritiesotherthansharesof which:IM FQuotaSharesandotherequit iesLess:liabilities to<strong>no</strong>nresidentsDomestic claimsNet claims on central governmentLess: Liabilitiesto centralDeposi ttsClaimson othersectorsOt her <strong>no</strong>n Househfinancial oldscorporations2005 December 827.3 890.9 __ 422.6 242.4 __ 145.3 63.6 348.9 -225.7 __ 225.7 225.7 574.6 565.6 439.6 126.02006 December 1,173.6 1,245.7 __ 660.0 341.3 __ 170.8 72.1 231.7 -475.0 __ 475.0 475.0 706.6 694.3 548.2 146.12007 December 1,622.4 1,704.6 __ 955.0 408.9 __ 175.4 82.3 124.5 -853.3 __ 853.3 853.3 977.8 965.9 765.1 200.6September 1,740.1 2,009.2 60.8 768.0 895.1 __ 138.3 269.1 535.3 -871.9 __ 871.9 871.9 1,407.2 1,387.8 1,055.6 329.72009 December 1,700.5 2,036.2 60.3 910.1 724.5 64.3 144.3 335.7 571.5 -846.3 __ 846.3 846.3 1,417.8 1,396.1 1,052.3 343.5March 1,759.2 2,116.8 62.4 1,003.7 635.3 66.5 211.5 357.6 589.3 -878.3 __ 878.3 878.3 1,467.6 1,446.1 1,052.9 386.2June 1,732.6 2,098.1 67.0 961.2 568.5 71.4 252.3 365.5 601.1 -940.7 __ 940.7 940.7 1,541.8 1,518.9 1,100.0 412.3September 1,956.3 2,345.2 63.0 1,196.7 566.1 67.3 244.7 389.0 561.0 -993.2 __ 993.3 993.3 1,554.2 1,531.5 1,102.2 422.82010 December 1,957.5 2,387.7 64.0 1,257.8 525.2 68.5 269.3 430.2 766.8 -824.8 __ 824.8 824.8 1,591.6 1,568.3 1,127.7 434.2March 2,027.1 2,456.6 61.8 1,250.7 586.5 66.2 294.0 429.5 734.3 -913.5 __ 913.5 913.5 1,569.9 1,542.6 1,181.2 438.8June 1,988.0 2,421.3 60.9 1,171.3 640.0 65.4 293.9 433.3 840.1 -905.2 __ 905.2 905.2 1,745.3 1,716.2 1,233.3 482.1September 2,108.2 2,511.5 63.3 1,297.5 539.1 68.0 332.7 403.3 862.2 -905.5 __ 905.5 905.5 1,767.7 1,740.8 1,235.1 504.22011 December 2,080.3 2,454.3 65.1 1,369.2 230.0 70.1 533.1 374.0 989.0 -798.4 __ 798.4 798.4 1,787.4 1,761.7 1,244.1 514.6March 2,087.9 2,449.5 63.8 1,179.7 346.9 68.8 580.9 361.6 1,000.8 -788.9 29.9 818.8 818.8 1,789.7 1,762.0 1,238.7 521.12012 June 2,081.2 2,445.1 66.4 1,257.2 239.1 71.9 598.7 363.9 1,057.1 -801.1 29.9 831.0 831.0 1,858.3 1,832.9 1,281.9 548.6September 2,301.6 2,716.8 65.0 1,129.0 598.8 70.7 622.1 415.1 985.7 -848.8 73.6 922.3 922.3 1,834.5 1,809.6 1,260.9 546.3December 2,337.3 2,773.6 63.3 1,260.7 486.0 68.8 666.5 436.3 1,082.4 -764.8 73.7 838.5 838.5 1,847.2 1,819.4 1,271.3 546.32013 March 2,376.5 2,821.3 63.3 1,189.5 515.7 69.0 734.5 444.8 1,112.0 -751.8 73.9 825.7 825.7 1,863.8 1,838.7 1,287.5 549.8ClaimsoncentralgovernmentLoansof which:of which:Table 1.2. FC survey - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DepositsTransf erabledepositsof which:OtherdepositsInsurance t echnical reservesDescriptionPublic Ot her <strong>no</strong>n HouseholPublic Other HouseholNet Pre<strong>no</strong>n f inancial ds<strong>no</strong>nfinanc <strong>no</strong>nfinanc dsequit y of paymentf inancial corporatiial ialhousehol ofcorporati onscorporati corporatids in premiumsonsons onspension andf d2005 December 830.6 315.0 67.6 76.8 155.5 515.6 181.3 33.7 298.9 3.0 174.5 152.4 22.1 165.8 2.22006 December 886.4 300.5 34.8 96.4 156.2 586.0 193.3 27.6 359.5 3.4 251.4 223.9 27.5 209.3 54.72007 December 1,110.9 386.1 49.6 133.5 187.5 724.8 188.4 43.8 489.3 … 316.1 286.2 29.9 273.8 46.0September 1,512.3 435.4 39.9 157.6 225.7 1,076.9 256.8 75.7 742.3 … 385.3 350.0 35.4 324.4 53.52009 December 1,444.3 483.2 50.1 184.0 237.7 961.0 73.9 82.9 801.9 … 422.3 380.8 41.5 326.1 79.3March 1,474.3 457.8 51.4 145.2 251.6 1,016.5 91.4 75.6 848.6 … 454.5 412.6 41.9 340.4 79.3June 1,454.8 477.8 44.8 153.8 270.2 977.0 31.3 76.7 868.1 … 456.2 412.5 43.8 351.4 71.3September 1,573.1 520.4 55.9 170.3 281.4 1,052.8 38.6 76.8 936.4 … 500.8 454.7 46.1 346.3 97.02010 December 1,744.2 621.2 83.8 218.6 303.5 1,123.1 42.8 83.4 995.9 … 540.5 493.7 46.8 361.0 78.6of which:March 1,737.8 596.2 107.5 178.2 295.9 1,141.6 34.7 80.0 1,025.9 … 572.6 524.2 48.3 364.9 86.2LoansSharesand otherequityOtheritems(net)June 1,757.4 591.4 72.0 185.9 315.2 1,166.0 48.0 75.0 1,039.9 … 602.7 551.5 51.1 373.1 94.7September 1,900.9 662.1 99.1 205.0 336.9 1,238.8 51.7 81.0 1,102.9 … 598.5 545.9 52.6 377.3 93.72011 December 1,940.2 665.1 75.5 208.1 360.9 1,275.1 60.8 79.7 1,129.6 … 647.8 593.3 54.5 395.1 86.2March 1,905.7 626.7 32.2 212.4 363.2 1,279.0 46.2 73.1 1,154.6 … 698.6 642.9 55.7 405.1 79.52012 June 1,931.6 651.7 24.7 223.2 379.6 1,279.9 59.5 75.8 1,141.1 … 717.3 659.1 58.3 389.0 100.3September 2,018.4 681.1 30.0 245.0 384.1 1,337.3 63.3 74.1 1,195.7 … 767.8 708.1 59.7 397.2 103.9December 2,094.0 717.5 31.2 257.5 407.2 1,376.5 61.8 78.2 1,232.9 … 814.9 745.1 69.8 399.2 111.52013 March 2,095.8 710.2 37.0 234.4 415.8 1,385.5 50.9 74.2 1,255.5 … 865.9 800.3 66.5 403.6 122.3| 25

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 2.1. DC survey - net foreign assets and domestic claims(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionNet foreign assetsClaims on<strong>no</strong>nresidentsof which:Currency Deposits Securit iesotherthansharesIM FQuotaLess:Liabilities to<strong>no</strong>nresidentsDomestic claimsNetclaims oncent ralgovernmentClaims oncent ralgov.Less:Liabilitiest o cent ralgov.Claims o<strong>no</strong>t hersectorsPublicfinancialcorporationsOt her <strong>no</strong>n Householf inancail dscorporations2001 December 583.3 604.8 239.2 358.1 7.5 __ 21.5 -44.2 -70.3 __ 70.3 26.1 25.9 … 25.9 __2002 December 649.5 674.1 53.1 621.0 ,,, __ 24.6 -171.8 -258.6 __ 258.6 86.8 86.5 … 80.8 5.72003 December 695.8 727.0 73.2 533.6 119.6 __ 31.2 -112.6 -346.4 __ 346.4 233.8 232.8 … 193.5 39.02004 December 648.7 687.9 55.3 384.0 236.7 __ 39.2 156.9 -216.8 __ 216.8 373.8 373.7 … 289.9 83.72005 December 695.1 744.5 74.6 422.6 242.4 __ 49.3 289.0 -225.7 __ 225.7 514.6 513.9 … 387.9 126.02006 December 975.4 1,035.6 63.4 660.0 303.1 __ 60.2 162.2 -475.0 __ 475.0 637.1 636.6 … 490.5 146.12007 December 1,377.5 1,426.1 145.3 955.0 308.2 __ 48.6 39.1 -853.3 __ 853.3 892.4 892.1 0.2 691.3 200.62008 December 1,436.1 1,512.0 121.1 794.9 581.8 __ 75.9 311.9 -871.8 __ 871.8 1,183.8 1,183.4 0.1 901.7 281.02 0 0 9 Decemb er 1,53 1.6 1,78 2 .2 111.4 9 10 .0 6 2 6 .4 6 4 .3 2 50 .6 4 4 2 .9 - 846.3 __ 846.3 1,289.2 1,289.0 0.3 942.9 343.52010 December 1,616.2 1,957.1 164.3 1,257.8 372.7 68.5 340.9 632.8 -824.8 __ 824.8 1,457.5 1,457.1 6.3 1,010.8 434.2March 1,633.1 1,974.3 163.8 1,250.6 399.6 66.2 341.2 598.4 -913.5 __ 913.5 1,511.9 1,511.5 0.2 1,065.3 438.8April 1,597.4 1,936.7 139.9 1,222.3 412.6 64.6 339.3 631.6 -908.2 __ 908.2 1,539.8 1,539.4 0.6 1,079.4 453.6May 1,615.2 1,971.8 157.1 1,201.6 432.4 65.9 356.6 649.7 -931.8 __ 931.8 1,581.5 1,581.2 0.4 1,106.4 468.5June 1,588.9 1,933.9 131.4 1,171.2 450.4 65.4 345.0 701.7 -905.2 __ 905.2 1,606.9 1,606.1 0.3 1,117.5 482.1July 1,626.1 1,967.5 205.8 1,<strong>140</strong>.0 436.0 66.3 341.4 698.6 -912.2 __ 912.3 1,610.9 1,610.3 0.5 1,113.1 490.5August 1,671.5 2,011.4 229.5 1,267.0 328.6 66.0 339.9 763.0 -849.4 __ 849.4 1,612.4 1,612.1 0.4 1,111.0 4 9 4 .0September 1,687.8 2,011.0 150.6 1,297.4 374.5 68.0 323.2 732.9 -905.5 __ 905.5 1,638.4 1,637.5 0.4 1,125.0 504.2October 1,671.8 1,975.3 141.1 1,315.5 333.1 66.6 303.5 751.3 -895.2 __ 895.2 1,646.5 1,646.0 1.5 1,128.5 508.5November 1,648.9 1,953.9 160.3 1,301.6 301.0 68.8 305.0 784.7 -869.0 __ 869.1 1,653.7 1,653.5 1.5 1,131.5 512.32011 December 1,603.8 1,900.3 124.9 1,359.3 227.0 70.1 296.6 867.7 -798.4 __ 798.4 1,666.1 1,665.6 1.5 1,139.6 514.6January 1,655.0 1,972.2 145.5 1,452.9 179.8 69.7 317.2 789.0 -862.4 10.0 872.4 1,651.5 1,650.9 1.4 1,119.5 513.1February 1,607.3 1,908.7 152.2 1,291.3 280.4 68.3 301.3 867.8 -792.8 19.9 812.7 1,660.6 1,660.1 1.3 1,130.4 511.5March 1,567.1 1,861.1 142.1 1,179.7 343.0 68.8 294.0 896.7 -788.9 29.9 818.8 1,685.6 1,685.0 1.4 1,145.6 521.1April 1,545.9 1,835.5 147.2 1,211.6 276.4 69.2 289.6 896.7 -814.2 29.9 844.1 1,711.0 1,710.2 1.4 1,160.4 531.2May 1,533.3 1,827.7 150.9 1,247.2 230.1 71.9 294.4 937.7 -787.7 29.9 817.6 1,725.4 1,724.6 1.5 1,163.4 541.5June 1,548.8 1,842.7 147.9 1,257.1 235.7 71.9 293.9 945.2 -801.1 29.9 831.0 1,746.4 1,745.5 1.5 1,176.2 548.6July 1,666.9 2,024.2 170.5 1,201.9 449.9 72.5 357.4 869.0 -868.6 37.1 905.7 1,737.6 1,736.8 1.4 1,163.4 551.3August 1,757.3 2,108.7 165.6 1,213.5 516.4 71.6 351.3 848.9 -875.2 37.2 912.4 1,724.2 1,723.7 1.4 1,149.8 552.1September 1,743.6 2,091.0 149.5 1,129.0 595.5 70.7 347.4 866.8 -862.6 59.7 922.3 1,729.4 1,728.5 1.4 1,161.2 546.3October 1,704.0 2,041.5 159.8 1,113.4 550.2 70.1 337.5 874.6 -852.3 59.8 912.1 1,726.9 1,726.0 1.4 1,156.9 549.1November 1,706.7 2,052.0 154.9 1,009.7 655.0 69.8 345.3 937.2 -799.6 59.8 859.5 1,736.9 1,736.4 1.4 1,169.4 546.22012 December 1,729.6 2,102.6 141.4 1,260.7 482.8 68.8 373.1 962.9 -778.7 59.9 838.5 1,741.6 1,740.9 1.4 1,172.9 546.3January 1,745.5 2,109.4 144.7 1,255.6 486.0 67.1 363.8 914.0 -820.8 72.5 893.3 1,734.8 1,734.0 0.8 1,167.6 546.1February 1,718.4 2,087.0 138.9 1,216.8 501.2 68.2 368.6 987.4 -757.5 72.6 830.1 1,744.9 1,744.7 0.4 1,179.8 545.0March 1,698.8 2,082.5 150.6 1,189.5 512.6 69.0 383.7 1,010.7 -751.8 73.9 825.7 1,762.5 1,761.7 0.3 1,190.7 549.82013 April 1,652.4 2,027.3 160.2 1,151.4 488.7 67.9 374.9 990.1 -791.5 81.8 873.3 1,781.6 1,781.0 0.3 1,206.4 555.2Loansof which:of which:26 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 2.2. DC survey - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionDeposits included in broad moneyTransferabledepositsOt herf inancialcorporationsPublic<strong>no</strong>nf inancialcorporatiof which:Ot her <strong>no</strong>nf inancailcorporationsHouseholdsOt herdepositsOt herf inancialcorporationsPublic<strong>no</strong>nf inancailcorporatiof which:Ot her <strong>no</strong>nf inancailcorporationsHouseholdsDepositsexcludedfrombroadmoney 1/Sharesand otherequit yOt herit ems net2001 December 486.8 361.5 . 7.0 135.3 219.2 125.2 . . 31.3 93.9 12.9 25.2 14.32002 December 413.6 285.3 . 3.5 160.1 121.7 128.3 . . 23.9 104.4 25.1 43.8 -4.82003 December 499.3 278.7 . 5.3 139.0 134.4 220.6 . . 87.1 133.5 29.2 61.1 -6.42004 December 719.5 303.5 29.8 34.6 81.3 145.5 416.0 19.1 149.3 24.4 222.5 __ 87.1 -1.02005 December 865.4 345.6 30.5 67.6 76.8 155.5 519.9 24.3 181.3 33.1 279.6 19.9 94.4 4.32006 December 912.8 336.4 35.9 34.8 96.4 156.2 576.3 30.5 193.3 24.6 322.4 40.6 128.8 55.42007 December 1,126.6 413.7 27.7 49.6 133.5 187.5 712.8 40.3 188.4 41.8 439.0 53.7 186.5 49.82008 December 1,393.0 454.6 63.7 15.4 176.0 186.2 938.3 47.6 250.1 44.2 593.8 74.9 233.8 46.42009 December 1,548.5 621.4 138.2 50.1 184.0 237.7 927.0 60.7 73.9 71.7 718.5 98.1 249.0 79.02010 December 1,747.9 674.3 53.1 83.8 218.6 303.5 1,073.6 85.2 30.2 73.5 884.7 138.2 278.5 84.4March 1,715.0 620.3 24.1 107.5 178.2 295.9 1,094.7 87.8 22.1 72.6 912.2 139.6 282.2 94.8April 1,721.7 619.7 35.9 70.3 181.7 318.1 1,101.9 86.8 31.2 70.2 913.2 <strong>140</strong>.1 284.0 83.4May 1,714.4 627.3 42.7 65.7 198.5 305.4 1,087.1 86.9 33.1 65.7 900.9 164.9 284.9 100.6June 1,734.7 642.6 51.2 72.0 185.9 315.2 1,092.1 86.6 35.5 67.0 902.5 166.6 288.8 100.3July 1,767.5 666.9 34.9 95.3 187.2 328.4 1,100.7 84.9 28.8 70.9 915.5 166.6 294.2 96.4August 1,871.6 746.7 44.0 105.0 217.5 357.6 1,124.8 88.7 35.1 64.5 933.6 174.3 291.6 97.0September 1,846.4 690.8 28.7 99.1 205.0 336.9 1,155.6 87.0 39.5 72.5 953.4 176.0 295.2 103.1October 1,840.3 683.2 28.3 92.3 208.8 330.8 1,157.1 89.5 41.8 72.7 949.3 176.1 299.1 107.7November 1,849.5 677.4 27.5 94.2 204.9 330.8 1,172.2 91.8 51.3 65.0 960.6 175.5 303.7 104.92011 December 1,902.2 705.3 37.8 77.2 208.1 360.9 1,196.9 91.0 49.2 71.7 979.9 175.8 304.3 89.2January 1,861.7 661.8 23.8 66.9 197.9 352.1 1,199.9 92.0 46.3 62.2 994.3 177.0 311.3 94.0February 1,887.7 676.7 29.9 67.5 193.1 362.8 1,211.0 97.4 44.1 65.4 1,000.3 177.5 310.7 99.2March 1,867.3 663.8 37.1 32.2 212.4 363.2 1,203.6 96.1 34.6 66.8 1,001.0 177.9 317.3 101.3April 1,849.2 639.7 19.6 25.5 205.4 368.8 1,209.5 95.1 49.9 63.3 997.9 177.4 309.7 106.3May 1,880.2 670.2 29.2 26.5 222.7 369.2 1,210.0 93.3 49.3 65.4 997.5 180.3 309.8 100.7June 1,887.5 690.4 38.7 24.7 223.2 379.6 1,197.0 95.3 48.0 67.2 983.1 184.8 308.0 113.8July 1,921.0 709.5 29.4 30.2 234.0 391.0 1,211.5 98.0 49.3 65.3 994.8 188.0 310.7 116.1August 1986.5 738.3 39.2 24.4 260.8 392.7 1248.2 98.5 50.3 67.1 1028.0 188.0 312.6 119.1September 1986.5 738.3 39.2 24.4 260.8 392.7 1248.2 98.5 50.3 67.1 1028.0 188.0 312.6 119.1October 1947.4 690.4 26.2 30.0 235.4 378.0 1256.9 97.0 55.1 67.5 1032.1 199.6 315.4 116.2November 2,006.2 744.4 37.2 31.8 252.0 401.5 1,261.8 98.6 54.5 66.3 1,038.9 201.3 316.1 120.32012 December 2,036.7 759.4 41.9 31.2 257.5 407.2 1,277.3 100.4 49.8 70.5 1,053.1 206.2 321.7 127.9January 2,016.1 739.4 30.6 48.0 238.6 400.0 1,276.8 102.3 33.9 66.3 1,069.2 209.0 322.2 112.2February 2,058.0 754.5 37.5 34.7 246.5 412.8 1,303.6 97.1 43.0 71.6 1,086.8 190.5 322.0 135.1March 2,051.9 769.7 59.4 37.0 234.4 415.8 1,282.2 80.3 38.7 68.0 1,090.2 190.1 327.2 <strong>140</strong>.32013 April 1,987.0 743.9 22.9 35.1 238.9 423.0 1,243.1 61.0 34.2 70.3 1,072.5 190.3 333.1 132.2| 27

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 3.1. CBK survey - net foreign assets and domestic claims(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionNet foreign assetsClaims on <strong>no</strong>n residentsM onetarygold andSDRCurrencyof which:Deposits SecuritiesotherthansharesIM FQuotaLess:liabilitiesto <strong>no</strong>nresidentsof which:SDRallocationsIM FAccountNetclaims oncentralgovernmentClaims o<strong>no</strong>thersectorsLiabilitiesto ODC2001 December 293.7 296.2 __ 150.8 145.4 __ __ 2.6 __ __ -70.3 0.2 173.92002 December 345.4 345.8 __ 17.5 328.3 __ __ 0.4 __ __ -258.6 0.3 46.22003 December 454.3 454.6 __ 26.6 427.4 __ __ 0.3 __ __ -346.4 1.0 59.62004 December 344.7 349.9 __ 12.1 213.2 124.4 __ 5.2 __ __ -216.8 0.1 72.92005 December 394.4 397.5 __ 24.5 213.4 159.5 __ 3.1 __ __ -225.7 0.8 82.52006 December 641.1 641.2 __ 11.1 424.9 203.6 __ 0.1 __ __ -472.9 0.5 94.52007 December 1,057.6 1,057.6 __ 63.8 759.0 229.3 __ … __ __ -849.4 0.3 113.62008 December 1,110.7 1,110.7 __ 39.7 529.0 541.3 __ … … __ -870.5 0.3 137.22009 December 1,088.3 1,198.5 60.3 21.8 522.3 529.7 64.3 110.2 60.3 49.1 -681.5 0.2 233.22010 December 1,108.0 1,246.9 64.0 60.2 854.4 199.2 68.5 138.9 64.2 73.0 -813.1 0.5 203.6March 1,155.4 1,292.2 61.8 72.5 860.8 229.6 66.2 136.9 62.1 73.0 -906.0 0.4 186.9April 1,162.4 1,297.6 60.3 45.9 880.4 244.5 64.6 135.2 60.6 73.0 -900.8 0.5 187.9May 1,183.4 1,316.2 61.4 60.5 881.9 244.6 65.9 132.8 61.8 69.4 -930.5 0.3 169.2June 1,167.9 1,300.1 60.9 36.0 890.9 244.7 65.4 132.2 61.3 69.4 -904.6 0.8 170.2July 1,161.2 1,294.1 61.7 91.7 826.8 244.7 66.3 133.0 62.2 69.4 -911.3 0.6 175.8August 1,164.7 1,297.4 61.4 129.9 897.3 139.8 66.0 132.6 61.8 69.4 -848.8 0.3 230.5September 1,173.5 1,308.0 63.3 55.0 949.3 169.8 68.0 134.5 63.7 69.4 -904.8 0.9 197.5October 1,161.7 1,294.9 62.0 41.0 988.5 134.8 66.6 133.3 62.4 69.4 -894.6 0.6 193.2November 1,145.3 1,280.6 63.8 63.7 977.0 104.9 68.8 135.3 64.5 69.4 -868.4 0.2 201.12011 December 1,098.8 1,234.6 65.1 13.5 1,059.3 25.0 70.1 135.8 65.7 69.4 -797.2 0.5 209.7January 1,178.5 1,314.4 64.7 44.6 1,133.1 0.0 69.7 135.9 65.4 69.4 -871.6 0.6 230.0February 1,134.3 1,268.8 63.3 51.7 984.1 100.0 68.3 134.5 64.0 69.4 -811.7 0.5 240.2March 1,119.0 1,254.0 63.8 44.6 926.1 150.0 68.8 135.0 64.5 69.4 -818.0 0.6 211.4April 1,115.8 1,250.9 69.0 42.6 969.6 100.0 69.2 135.1 64.8 69.4 -843.5 0.8 192.7May 1,091.4 1,239.2 66.5 46.9 1,003.4 50.0 71.9 147.8 67.4 79.6 -817.0 0.8 192.7June 1,114.3 1,262.1 66.4 43.4 1,029.8 50.0 71.9 147.7 67.4 79.6 -830.2 0.9 194.2July 1,199.3 1,395.9 66.8 46.8 909.9 299.9 72.5 196.6 67.9 127.8 -905.1 0.7 210.1August 1,256.5 1,452.3 65.9 52.8 911.9 350.0 71.6 195.8 67.1 127.8 -911.8 0.5 253.0September 1,263.5 1,458.5 65.0 40.4 882.4 399.9 70.7 194.9 66.2 127.8 -921.7 1.0 240.8October 1,233.0 1,427.3 64.7 46.2 896.3 350.0 70.1 194.3 65.7 127.8 -911.4 0.9 242.3November 1,231.0 1,424.6 64.2 48.3 796.3 446.0 69.8 193.6 65.4 127.8 -858.7 0.5 278.62012 December 1,238.8 1,469.1 63.3 16.8 1,034.1 286.0 68.8 230.3 64.6 165.3 -837.9 0.7 302.1January 1,253.4 1,482.2 61.8 40.3 1,016.8 296.0 67.1 228.7 63.0 165.3 -892.6 0.8 273.6February 1,221.2 1,454.3 62.6 35.3 997.1 291.0 68.2 233.1 64.0 165.3 -829.2 0.2 296.2March 1,250.1 1,480.5 63.3 43.9 993.2 311.0 69.0 230.5 64.8 165.3 -824.8 0.8 308.32013 April 1,241.5 1,469.2 62.3 50.4 947.5 341.0 67.9 227.7 63.8 163.7 -872.4 0.6 285.528 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 3.2 CBK survey - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionDeposits included in broad moneyTransferabledepositsOt herf inancialcorporationsof which:LocalgovernmentPublic<strong>no</strong>nf inancialcorporatiOt her depositsOt herfinancialcorporationsDeeposits excluded from broadmoneyOtherf inancialcorporationsLocalgov.Sharesand ot herequit yFundscontributed byownersof which:Profit/loss of theyearOt heritems(net )2001 December 8.4 8.4 __ __ 7.0 __ __ 12.9 10.6 2.4 4.7 2.6 1.1 23.62002 December 3.9 3.9 __ __ 3.5 __ __ 25.1 24.6 0.5 10.6 2.6 3.6 1.32003 December 5.3 5.3 __ __ 5.3 __ __ 27.4 25.7 1.7 16.1 2.6 4.5 0.52004 December 37.7 32.6 20.7 1.9 9.9 5.1 5.1 __ __ __ 18.0 10.0 3.0 -0.62005 December 66.6 62.5 23.3 1.6 37.6 4.1 4.1 __ __ __ 20.4 10.0 3.0 …2006 December 49.9 41.9 31.0 0.4 10.5 8.0 8.0 __ __ __ 25.5 10.0 6.4 -1.22007 December 57.2 46.7 22.4 3.2 21.1 10.6 10.6 __ __ __ 33.8 20.0 9.2 3.92008 December 63.9 56.7 49.9 5.3 1.5 7.2 7.2 __ __ __ 41.4 30.0 7.5 -2.02009 December 130.8 130.8 129.7 … 1.1 … … __ __ __ 44.9 30.0 3.7 -2.02010 December 45.6 45.6 43.9 … 0.0 … … __ __ __ 47.9 30.0 3.0 -1.8March 16.9 16.9 15.2 … 0.0 … … __ __ __ 46.6 30.0 -1.4 -0.6April 28.7 28.7 27.0 … 1.0 … … __ __ __ 45.6 30.0 -2.4 0.0May 35.2 35.2 33.5 … 0.0 … … __ __ __ 49.0 30.0 1.0 -0.2June 43.9 43.9 41.2 … 1.1 … … __ __ __ 49.1 30.0 1.1 0.9July 23.9 23.9 21.7 … 0.5 … … __ __ __ 50.0 30.0 1.9 0.7August 35.4 35.4 32.4 … 1.3 … … __ __ __ 49.7 30.0 1.5 0.7September 19.5 19.5 17.0 … 0.9 … … __ __ __ 51.7 30.0 3.6 0.8October 23.4 23.4 17.5 … 4.2 … … __ __ __ 50.9 30.0 2.6 0.2November 22.8 22.8 16.5 … 4.6 … … __ __ __ 53.0 30.0 4.5 0.22011 December 39.5 39.5 28.5 … 9.3 … … __ __ __ 54.3 30.0 5.8 -1.3January 24.3 24.3 13.3 … 9.4 … … __ __ __ 54.1 30.0 -0.2 -0.9February 31.5 31.5 19.9 … 9.9 … … __ __ __ 53.0 30.0 -1.3 -1.5March 38.9 38.9 27.3 … 9.9 … … __ __ __ 53.3 30.0 -1.0 -1.9April 23.9 23.9 9.2 … 13.0 … … __ __ __ 53.8 30.0 -0.4 2.8May 32.2 32.2 17.0 … 13.6 … … __ __ __ 52.3 30.0 2.5 -2.1June 40.4 40.4 25.3 … 13.4 … … __ __ __ 52.2 30.0 3.6 -1.9July 34.5 34.5 18.8 … 14.0 … … __ __ __ 52.6 30.0 4.0 -2.2August 42.4 42.4 26.8 … 13.9 … … __ __ __ 51.9 30.0 3.3 -2.1September 52.5 52.5 36.9 … 13.9 … … __ __ __ 51.4 30.0 2.8 -1.9October 31.1 31.1 15.5 … 13.9 … … __ __ __ 50.7 30.0 2.2 -1.6November 45.8 45.8 26.8 … 17.4 … … __ __ __ 50.4 30.0 1.7 -2.02012 December 51.5 51.5 32.4 … 17.4 … … __ __ __ 50.4 30.0 1.8 -2.4January 41.4 41.4 21.8 … 18.0 … … __ __ __ 49.0 30.0 -1.4 -2.5February 49.0 49.0 29.3 … 18.0 … … __ __ __ 49.7 30.0 -0.6 -2.7March 69.8 69.8 49.4 … 18.8 … … __ __ __ 50.3 30.0 0.0 -2.42013 April 36.6 36.6 14.2 … 20.8 … … __ __ __ 49.9 30.0 -0.5 -2.4| 29

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTabela 4.1. ODC survey - net foreign assets and domestic claims(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionNet f oreign asset sClaims on<strong>no</strong>nresidentsCurrencyof which:Deposits Securitiesot hert hansharesLess:liabilitiesto <strong>no</strong>nresidentsof which:Claims onCBKNetclaims oncentralClaims on other sectorsgovernmeDeposits LoansntPublic<strong>no</strong>nf inancial corp.Other Househol<strong>no</strong>nfinanc dsial corp.2001 December 289.7 308.6 88.3 212.8 7.5 18.9 13.9 5.0 176.8 __ 25.9 25.9 __ 25.9 __2002 December 304.1 328.3 35.6 292.7 … 24.2 17.5 6.7 45.7 __ 86.5 86.5 __ 80.8 5.72003 December 241.5 272.4 46.6 106.2 119.6 31.0 20.0 10.9 59.6 __ 232.8 232.8 0.2 193.5 39.02004 December 304.0 338.0 43.2 170.8 112.3 34.0 12.7 21.3 73.2 __ 373.7 373.7 __ 289.9 83.72005 December 300.7 346.9 50.1 209.2 82.9 46.2 18.4 27.9 81.6 __ 513.9 513.9 __ 387.9 126.02006 December 334.4 394.5 52.3 235.1 99.4 60.1 21.4 38.7 88.8 (2.1) 636.6 636.6 __ 490.5 146.12007 December 319.9 368.5 81.5 196.0 78.9 48.6 17.9 30.7 107.5 (3.9) 892.1 892.1 0.2 691.3 200.62008 December 325.4 401.3 81.4 265.9 40.5 75.9 42.0 33.7 136.8 (1.3) 1,183.4 1,183.4 0.1 901.7 281.02009 December 443.6 583.9 89.6 387.7 97.0 <strong>140</strong>.3 65.5 74.5 233.1 (164.9) 1,289.0 1,289.0 0.3 942.9 343.52010 December 508.1 710.2 104.1 403.3 173.4 202.1 85.5 116.6 203.4 (11.6 ) 1,457.1 1,457.1 6.3 1,010.8 434.3March 477.7 682.1 91.3 389.8 170.1 204.3 75.0 129.2 186.8 (7.5) 1,511.5 1,511.5 0.2 1,065.3 439.1April 435.0 639.1 94.0 341.9 168.1 204.1 69.6 134.4 187.7 (7.4) 1,539.4 1,539.4 0.6 1,079.4 453.8May 431.8 655.7 96.6 319.7 187.8 223.9 104.6 119.1 168.9 (1.3) 1,581.2 1,58 1.2 0.4 1,106.4 468.9June 420.9 633.8 95.4 280.3 205.6 212.8 100.4 112.4 169.9 (0.6) 1,606.1 1,606.1 0.3 1,117.5 482.5July 465.0 673.4 114.1 313.1 191.3 208.4 95.2 113.2 175.9 (0.9) 1,610.3 1,610.3 0.5 1,113.1 491.1August 506.8 714.0 99.6 369.7 188.7 207.2 103.4 102.5 230.8 (0.6) 1,612.1 1,612.1 0.4 1,111.0 494.6September 514.3 703.0 95.6 348.1 204.8 188.7 95.1 92.2 196.9 (0.7) 1,637.5 1,637.5 0.4 1,125.0 505.2October 510.2 680.4 100.1 327.0 198.2 170.2 80.6 88.3 190.9 (0.6) 1,646.0 1,646.0 1.5 1,128.5 509.1November 503.6 673.3 96.5 324.5 196.1 169.7 73.5 94.7 200.8 (0.6) 1,653.5 1,653.5 1.5 1,131.5 513.22011 December 509.2 665.7 111.5 300.0 202.0 156.5 64.8 90.5 220.0 (1.2) 1,665.6 1,6 6 5.6 1.5 1,139.6 516.1January 476.5 657.8 100.9 319.8 179.8 181.3 99.0 81.7 228.7 9.2 1,650.9 1,650.9 1.4 1,119.5 513.5Loansof which:February 473.0 639.9 100.5 307.2 180.4 166.9 89.3 76.9 240.0 18.8 1,660.1 1,660.1 1.3 1,130.4 512.3March 448.1 607.1 97.5 253.6 193.1 159.0 81.0 74.7 211.0 29.1 1,685.0 1,6 8 5.0 1.4 1,145.6 521.9April 430.1 584.6 104.6 242.0 176.4 154.6 75.5 75.2 192.7 29.2 1,710.2 1,710 .2 1.4 1,160.4 531.6May 442.0 588.5 104.0 243.8 180.1 146.6 68.9 74.7 19 5.1 29.3 1,724.6 1,724.6 1.5 1,163.4 542.4June 434.5 580.7 104.5 227.3 185.7 146.2 76.6 64.8 193.9 29.1 1,745.5 1,745.5 1.5 1,176.2 549.5July 467.6 628.3 123.7 292.0 150.0 160.8 96.6 59.0 209.6 36.5 1,736.8 1,736.8 1.4 1,163.4 551.7August 500.8 656.3 112.8 301.6 166.5 155.5 90.6 59.0 252.3 36.5 1,723.7 1,72 3 .7 1.4 1,149.8 552.8September 480.1 632.6 109.1 246.5 195.6 152.5 82.9 62.1 240.4 59.1 1,728.5 1,72 8 .5 1.4 1,161.2 547.3October 471.0 614.2 113.6 217.0 200.2 143.2 79.0 57.6 241.3 59.1 1,726.0 1,726.0 1.4 1,156.9 549.5November 475.7 627.4 106.6 213.4 209.1 151.7 93.4 53.9 277.6 59.1 1,736.4 1,736.4 1.4 1,169.4 546.92012 December 490.8 633.6 124.6 226.6 196.8 142.8 87.7 50.2 301.1 59.2 1,740.9 1,740.9 1.4 1,172.9 546.7January 492.1 627.2 104.4 238.8 190.0 135.1 81.5 50.6 286.4 71.8 1,734.0 1,734.0 0.8 1,167.6 546.4February 497.1 632.7 103.7 219.7 210.2 135.5 78.5 53.1 295.9 71.6 1,744.7 1,74 4 .7 0.4 1,179.8 545.4March 448.8 602.0 106.7 196.3 201.6 153.3 97.1 52.2 307.6 73.0 1,761.7 1,76 1.7 0.3 1,190.7 550.82013 April 410.9 558.1 109.7 203.9 147.7 147.2 90.7 51.5 284.8 81.0 1,781.0 1,78 1.0 0.3 1,206.4 555.630 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 4.2. ODC survey - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionDeposits included in broad moneyTransferabledepositsOtherfinancialcorporPublic<strong>no</strong>nf inancial corp.1/of which:Other Househol<strong>no</strong>nfinanc ds 2/ial corp.OtherdepositsOtherf inancialcorporationsof which:Public<strong>no</strong>nfinancialcorp. 1/Other Househol<strong>no</strong>nf inanc ds 2/ial corp.Depositsexcludedfrombroadmoney2001 December 478.4 353.1 . . 133.9 219.2 125.2 . . 31.3 93.9 . . . 20.4 -6.42002 December 409.7 281.4 . . 159.7 121.7 128.3 . . 23.9 104.4 . . . 33.2 -6.62003 December 494.0 273.4 . . 139.0 134.4 220.6 . . 87.1 133.5 1.8 1.8 . 45.0 -7.02004 December 681.9 270.9 9.0 24.7 81.3 145.5 410.9 14.0 149.3 24.4 222.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.1 -0.12005 December 798.8 283.0 7.2 30.0 76.8 155.5 515.8 20.2 181.3 33.1 279.6 19.9 0.7 19.3 74.0 3.42006 December 862.9 294.5 4.9 24.3 96.4 156.2 568.4 22.5 193.3 24.6 322.4 40.6 3.0 37.1 103.3 50.92007 December 1,069.3 367.1 5.3 28.5 133.5 187.5 702.3 29.8 188.4 41.8 439.0 53.7 2.0 50.3 152.7 39.82008 December 1,329.0 397.9 13.8 13.8 176.0 186.2 931.1 40.4 250.1 44.2 593.8 74.9 7.3 63.0 192.3 48.12009 December 1,417.8 490.6 8.5 48.9 184.0 237.7 927.2 60.8 73.9 71.7 718.5 97.9 11.2 83.5 204.2 81.02010 December 1,702.3 628.6 9.2 83.8 218.6 303.5 1,073.6 85.2 30.2 73.5 883.7 138.2 9.9 112.2 230.5 86.1of which:Ot her Househ<strong>no</strong>nf inan oldscialcorporationsSharesand otherequit yM arch 1,698.0 603.3 8.8 107.4 178.2 295.9 1,094.7 87.8 22.1 72.6 911.2 139.6 7.4 114.7 235.6 95.4April 1,693.0 591.0 8.9 70.2 181.7 318.1 1,101.9 86.8 31.2 70.2 911.0 <strong>140</strong>.1 7.4 115.2 238.4 83.2M ay 1,679.2 592.1 9.2 65.7 198.5 305.4 1,087.1 86.9 33.1 65.7 898.6 164.9 7.5 138.6 235.9 100.5June 1,690.8 598.6 10.0 70.9 185.9 315.2 1,092.1 86.6 35.5 67.0 900.1 166.6 8.1 139.8 239.8 99.1July 1,743.6 642.9 13.2 94.7 187.2 328.4 1,100.7 84.9 28.8 70.9 913.1 166.6 8.1 139.8 244.2 95.7August 1,836.2 711.4 11.6 103.7 217.5 357.6 1,124.8 88.7 35.1 64.5 933.6 174.3 8.3 148.5 242.0 96.7September 1,826.8 671.3 11.8 98.2 205.0 336.9 1,155.6 87.0 39.5 72.5 953.4 176.0 8.5 149.5 243.5 101.7October 1,816.9 659.9 10.8 88.1 208.8 330.8 1,157.1 89.5 41.8 72.7 949.3 176.1 8.6 149.7 248.2 105.2November 1,826.7 654.5 11.0 89.5 204.9 330.8 1,172.2 91.8 51.3 65.0 960.6 175.5 7.4 149.4 250.6 104.52011 December 1,862.7 665.9 10.1 67.9 208.1 360.9 1,196.9 91.0 49.2 71.7 979.9 175.8 8.0 149.7 254.3 100.8January 1,837.3 637.4 10.5 57.5 197.9 352.1 1,199.9 92.0 46.3 62.2 994.3 177.0 7.8 151.1 257.3 93.6Ot heritems(net)February 1,856.2 645.2 10.0 57.7 193.1 362.8 1,211.0 97.4 44.1 65.4 1,000.3 177.5 6.3 153.1 257.8 100.5M arch 1,828.5 624.9 9.8 22.3 212.4 363.2 1,203.6 96.1 34.6 66.8 1,001.0 177.9 6.3 153.6 264.0 102.8April 1,825.3 615.8 10.4 12.5 205.3 368.8 1,209.5 95.1 49.9 63.3 997.9 177.4 6.3 153.2 255.9 103.5M ay 1,847.9 637.9 12.1 12.9 222.7 369.2 1,210.0 93.3 49.3 65.4 997.5 180.3 8.4 154.8 257.5 105.2June 1,847.0 650.0 13.4 11.2 223.2 379.6 1,197.0 95.3 48.0 67.2 983.1 184.8 8.6 158.0 255.8 115.4July 1,886.5 675.0 10.6 16.2 234.0 391.0 1,211.5 98.0 49.3 65.3 994.8 188.0 7.8 161.8 258.1 117.8August 1,944.2 695.9 12.4 10.5 260.8 392.7 1,248.2 98.5 50.3 67.1 1,028.0 18 8 .0 7.8 161.8 260.7 120.4September 1,923.8 679.5 14.0 16.0 244.9 384.1 1,244.3 97.0 51.2 67.1 1,024.8 19 9 .5 7.1 170.9 263.0 12 1.7October 1,916.3 659.4 10.7 16.0 235.4 378.0 1,256.9 97.0 55.1 67.5 1,032.1 199.6 7.2 174.0 264.6 116.9November 1,960.3 698.5 10.5 14.3 252.0 401.5 1,261.8 98.6 54.5 66.3 1,038.9 201.3 7.1 175.9 265.8 121.32 0 12 Decemb er 1,9 8 5.3 708.0 9.6 13.8 257.5 407.2 1,277.3 100.4 49.8 70.5 1,053.1 206.2 7.8 179.8 271.4 129.2January 1,974.7 698.0 8.9 30.0 238.6 400.0 1,276.8 10 2 .3 33.9 66.3 1,069.2 209.0 7.8 182.6 273.2 127.4February 2,009.0 705.5 8.2 16.7 246.5 412.8 1,303.6 97.1 43.0 71.6 1,086.8 19 0 .5 6.9 165.6 272.3 137.5M arch 1,982.1 699.9 10.1 18.3 234.4 415.8 1,282.2 80.3 38.7 68.0 1,090.2 19 0 .1 6.2 165.3 276.9 141.92013 April 1,950.3 707.3 8.7 14.4 238.9 423.0 1,243.1 61.0 34.2 70.3 1,072.5 190.3 7.0 164.4 283.2 133.9| 31

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 5.1. OFC survey - net foreign assets and domestic claims(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionNet foreign assetsClaims on<strong>no</strong>nresidentsSecurit iesotherthansharesof which:Sharesand otherequit yLess:liabilitiest o <strong>no</strong>nresidentsLoansClaims on depozitory corporationsCBKTransferabledepositstOtherdepositsOther depository corporationsTransferabledepositstOtherdepositsNetclaims oncentralgovernmentClaims o<strong>no</strong>thersectorsLoans2005 December 132.1 146.4 __ 145.3 14.3 14.3 54.8 27.4 23.3 4.1 27.4 7.2 20.2 __ 60.0 51.72006 December 198.1 210.0 38.3 170.8 11.9 11.9 66.9 39.0 31.0 8.0 28.0 4.9 23.0 __ 69.5 57.72007 December 244.9 278.5 100.7 175.4 33.6 33.6 72.8 32.9 22.4 10.6 39.8 6.2 33.6 __ 85.4 73.8September 164.4 243.9 93.5 138.3 79.4 79.4 181.3 110.1 110.1 … 71.2 9.6 61.6 __ 128.0 108.82009 December 168.6 253.8 97.9 144.3 85.1 85.1 200.0 129.7 129.7 … 70.3 7.4 62.9 __ 130.8 109.4March 236.2 319.8 102.0 211.5 83.7 83.7 168.5 89.8 89.8 … 78.8 7.3 71.4 __ 134.2 113.4June 270.0 358.3 99.9 252.3 88.3 88.3 128.4 40.5 40.5 … 87.9 6.9 81.0 __ 141.5 119.3September 301.3 390.0 136.8 244.7 88.7 88.7 143.4 48.2 48.2 … 95.3 7.1 88.2 __ <strong>140</strong>.7 118.42010 December 341.3 430.5 152.5 269.3 89.2 89.2 142.8 43.9 43.9 … 98.8 8.2 90.6 __ 139.7 116.9M arch 394.0 482.3 186.9 294.0 88.3 88.3 116.4 15.2 15.2 … 101.2 9.7 91.5 __ 142.9 116.0June 399.1 487.4 189.7 293.9 88.3 88.3 <strong>140</strong>.8 41.2 41.2 … 99.6 5.4 94.2 __ 144.1 115.8September 420.4 500.5 164.5 332.7 80.1 80.1 120.8 17.0 17.0 … 103.8 9.8 94.0 __ 136.1 110.12011 December 462.4 544.1 3.1 533.1 81.7 81.7 137.9 27.7 27.7 … 110.4 7.3 103.1 __ 128.1 102.5March 520.8 588.4 3.2 580.9 67.6 67.6 141.4 27.3 27.3 … 114.1 7.7 106.4 __ 120.1 93.12012 June 532.4 602.4 3.3 598.7 70.0 70.0 146.5 25.3 25.3 … 121.2 11.5 109.7 __ 130.2 105.7September 558.0 625.7 3.2 622.1 67.7 67.7 164.0 36.9 36.9 … 127.1 12.0 115.1 13.8 123.7 99.7December 607.6 670.8 3.3 666.5 63.2 63.2 14 7. 7 32.4 32.4 … 115. 3 9 .5 10 5.8 13.9 122.2 98.32013 March 677.7 738.8 3.2 734.5 61.1 61.1 152.6 49.4 49.4 … 103.3 8.4 94.9 0.0 121.2 96.9Table 5.2. OFC survey - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Loans Insurance technical reserves Shares and ot her equit y Ot her it emsDescriptionNetequity ofhousehods in in lifeins.Netequity forhouseholds inpensionfundsPrepayment ofpreiumsandreservesFundscontributed byownersRetainedearningsGeneralandspecialreservesProfit/ Loss for theyearOtherliabilitiesLess:otherassetsPlus:consolidationadjustment2005 December 3.0 174.5 __ 152.4 22.1 71.4 47.7 12.9 6.7 4.0 -2.1 4.4 6.5 __2006 December 3.4 251.4 __ 223.9 27.5 80.5 55.2 15.8 7.9 1.6 -0.7 7.4 8.2 __2007 December … 316.1 __ 286.2 29.9 87.4 62.1 20.1 1.7 3.5 -0.4 9.6 10.0 __September 0.3 385.3 … 350.0 35.4 83.8 57.0 17.9 6.9 2.0 4.4 20.6 16.2 __2009 December 2.9 422.3 … 380.8 41.5 77.0 53.4 19.4 7.2 -3.1 -2.7 13.1 15.8 __March 2.6 454.5 … 412.6 41.9 78.0 55.0 14.2 8.2 0.6 3.9 21.2 17.3 __June 3.0 456.2 … 412.5 43.8 77.8 55.5 13.4 8.2 0.7 2.9 19.9 17.1 __September 3.7 500.8 … 454.7 46.1 76.3 55.6 14.5 5.6 0.5 4.7 20.6 15.9 __2010 December 2.9 540.5 … 493.7 46.8 82.5 59.7 13.6 7.2 2.0 -2.1 20.9 23.1 __March 3.3 572.6 … 524.2 48.3 82.6 59.5 14.8 7.2 1.2 -5.3 17.3 22.6 __June 2.7 602.7 … 551.5 51.1 84.3 60.9 15.6 6.6 1.2 -5.6 17.3 22.9 __September 2.8 598.5 … 545.9 52.6 82.1 57.5 15.5 6.5 2.7 -6.0 17.1 23.1 __2011 December 3.3 647.8 … 593.3 54.5 85.4 60.4 13.3 10.8 0.9 -6.3 16.1 22.4 __M arch 2.5 698.6 … 642.9 55.7 87.8 63.4 12.7 10.9 0.8 -6.5 15.6 22.1 __2012 June 4.1 717.3 … 659.1 58.3 81.0 62.4 9.8 10.6 -1.8 6.7 30.4 23.8 __September 4.2 767.8 … 708.1 59.7 82.8 63.3 10.2 10.7 -1.4 4.7 30.0 25.3 __December 4.5 806.9 … 745.1 61.8 79.3 60.5 14.6 11.2 -7.0 4.9 28.1 23.2 __2013 M arch 6.1 866.8 … 800.3 66.5 76.3 63.7 3.2 9.9 -0.4 2.2 29.7 27.5 __32 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 6.1. Other intermediary financial survey – net foreign assets and internalclaims(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionNetforeignassetsClaims on<strong>no</strong>nresidentsClaims on depository corporationsLiabilitiesCBK Ot hertodepositoCurrency nenresident sLoans rycorporationsTransf erabledepositsOtherdepositsClaims o<strong>no</strong>thersectorsOt her<strong>no</strong>nf inancialcorporations2005 December -13.4 0.8 0.8 14.3 14.3 5.8 … 5.8 3.7 2.1 53.3 51.7 51.7 1.6Sep t emb er -10 .4 0 .9 0 .9 11.3 11.3 2 .2 … 2 .2 1.9 0 .3 57.1 55.4 55.4 1.72006 December -11.0 0.9 0.9 11.9 11.9 2.4 … 2.4 1.9 0.5 59.5 57.7 57.7 1.82007 December -31.3 2.4 2.4 33.6 33.6 9.6 … 9.6 3.0 6.6 74.8 73.8 73.8 0.92008 December -51.6 6.1 6.1 57.7 57.7 6.5 … 6.5 6.5 4.5 95.0 94.0 94.0 1.0March -57.0 8.4 8.4 65.4 65.4 4.2 … 4.2 4.2 2.2 99.9 98.8 98.8 1.1June -60.1 9.6 9.6 69.8 69.8 5.2 … 5.2 5.2 3.8 105.3 104.1 104.1 1.1September -67.8 11.9 11.9 79.7 79.7 6.0 … 6.0 2.1 3.9 110.3 108.8 108.8 1.52 0 0 9 Decemb er -73 .7 11.5 11.5 8 5.1 8 5.1 5.9 … 5.9 1.7 4 .2 111.0 10 9 .4 10 9 .4 1.6March -77.5 6.2 6.2 83.7 83.7 5.5 … 5.5 1.7 3.8 114.9 113.4 113.4 1.5June -82.4 5.9 5.9 88.3 88.3 5.4 … 5.4 1.3 4.1 120.9 119.3 119.3 1.6September -80.5 8.2 8.2 88.7 88.7 5.6 … 5.6 1.6 4.0 119.9 118.4 118.4 1.52010 December -80.5 8.7 8.7 89.2 89.2 5.8 … 5.8 1.9 4.0 118.3 116.9 116.9 1.4March -87.1 1.2 1.2 88.3 88.3 8.1 … 8.1 2.6 5.5 117.7 116.0 116.0 1.7June - 8 4 .6 3 .6 3 .6 8 8 .3 8 8 .3 6 .6 … 6 .6 1.4 5.2 118 .1 115.8 115.8 2 .2September -77.2 2.9 2.9 80.1 80.1 5.7 … 5.7 1.4 4.2 112.0 110.1 110.1 1.92011 December -72.4 9.2 9.2 81.7 81.7 6.8 … 6.8 2.5 4.3 104.8 102.5 102.5 2.2March -63.4 4.2 4.2 67.6 67.6 7.2 … 7.2 1.9 5.4 95.2 93.1 93.1 2.12012 June -69.8 0.2 0.2 70.0 70.0 9.0 … 9.0 5.2 3.8 105.7 105.7 105.7 0.0September -67.4 0.3 0.3 67.7 67.7 12.5 … 12.5 8.1 4.4 99.7 99.7 99.7 0.0December -62.3 0.9 0.9 63.2 63.2 8.5 … 8.5 7.0 1.5 98.3 98.3 98.3 0.02013 March -60.3 0.9 0.9 61.1 61.1 7.4 7.4 6.0 1.4 96.9 96.9 96.9 0.0LoansOt herclaims| 33

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 6.2. Other intermediary financial survey - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Lo ansShares and other equityOther items (net)DescriptionFundscontributed byownersRetainedearningsGeneralandspecialreservesGrant sfromdo<strong>no</strong>rsOt herliabilitiesLess:Ot herasset sPlus:Consolidationadjustment2005 December 3.0 41.5 24.8 10.2 6.5 … 1.1 2.3 1.2 …2006 December 3.4 46.4 27.7 11.4 7.2 … 1.2 2.6 1.4 …M arch … 40.8 25.5 15.1 0.2 … 3.4 4.6 1.2 …June … 45.3 28.3 16.8 0.3 … 3.8 5.1 1.3 …September … 46.8 29.2 17.3 0.3 … 3.9 5.3 1.4 …2007 December … 49.0 30.6 18.1 0.3 … 4.1 5.5 1.4 …M arch … 32.7 14.2 12.6 6.0 … 5.1 7.9 2.7 …June … 35.9 18.0 10.9 6.9 … 5.5 8.5 3.0 …September … 35.2 18.1 10.1 6.9 … 5.9 9.4 3.5 …2008 December … 37.6 18.8 13.6 5.3 … 12.3 15.9 3.6 …M arch … 37.3 17.8 14.2 5.3 … 12.3 15.9 3.6 …June … 38.9 18.3 15.2 5.3 … 11.5 15.3 3.8 …September … 39.1 18.5 15.4 5.2 … 9.4 14.8 5.5 …2009 December … 38.0 14.8 17.9 5.2 … 5.2 10.1 4.9 …M arch … 37.2 15.6 16.5 5.2 … 5.7 11.0 5.2 …June … 36.6 15.5 15.9 5.2 … 7.3 12.4 5.1 …September … 35.9 15.7 17.6 2.6 … 9.1 13.2 4.1 …2010 December … 37.8 18.7 16.5 2.6 … 5.8 12.8 7.0 …M arch … 38.1 18.6 16.9 2.6 … 0.7 7.2 6.5 …June … 38.7 19.0 17.2 2.5 … 1.4 8.3 6.9 …September … 38.9 19.2 17.2 2.5 … 1.6 8.7 7.0 …2011 December … 38.7 20.1 16.2 2.4 … 0.4 6.8 6.4 …M arch … 37.5 20.8 14.2 2.5 … 1.6 7.1 5.5 …2012 June … 31.8 19.2 12.9 2.2 … 13.1 20.7 7.6 …September … 31.8 20.1 13.3 2.3 … 12.9 21.3 8.4 …December … 31.2 20.3 13.1 2.3 … 13.3 21.4 8.0 …2013 M arch … 30.2 20.3 9.4 1.0 … 13.8 21.7 7.9 …34 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 7.1. Insurance companies survey - net foreign assets and internal claims(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Net foreign assetsClaims and other depository corporationsDescriptionClaims on <strong>no</strong>nresident sCashSecurit iesotherthansharesShares andotherequityCBKTransferable depositsOtherdepositsOther depository corporationsTransferable depositsOtherdepositsClaims on othersectorsOtherclaims2005 December 3.5 3.5 0.2 … 3.3 35.8 17.4 17.4 0.0 18.4 3.5 14.9 6.7 6.72006 December … … … … … 45.2 20.5 18.5 2.0 24.7 2.4 22.3 10.0 10.0M arch … … … … … 47.2 18.9 13.5 5.3 28.3 3.1 25.2 11.2 11.2June … … … … … 50.4 19.0 12.2 6.9 31.3 3.8 27.5 11.6 11.6September … … … … … 49.8 19.5 12.6 6.9 30.3 5.9 24.4 14.1 14.12007 December … … … … … 49.7 20.0 14.9 5.2 29.7 2.8 26.9 10.7 10.7M arch 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 51.2 20.1 11.1 9.0 31.1 3.5 27.6 11.8 11.8June 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 48.8 21.4 10.6 10.8 27.4 3.9 23.5 12.4 12.4September 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 48.8 21.4 10.6 10.8 27.4 3.9 23.5 12.4 13.12008 December 0.5 0.5 0.5 … … 55.0 22.6 15.4 7.2 32.4 5.8 26.7 13.3 13.3M arch 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 52.1 22.4 20.6 1.8 29.7 2.9 26.7 15.6 15.6June 0.2 0.2 0.2 … … 49.1 12.4 10.6 1.8 36.7 4.8 31.9 15.6 14.1September 0.2 0.2 0.2 … … 53.3 8.3 8.3 … 45.1 5.5 39.5 16.0 14.22009 December 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 51.7 7.7 7.7 … 44.0 4.0 40.0 18.2 16.4M arch 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 60.1 7.6 7.6 … 52.5 4.0 48.4 17.8 16.0June 0.2 0.2 0.2 … … 58.7 5.7 5.7 … 53.0 4.1 49.0 19.2 17.4September 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 60.8 5.6 5.6 … 55.1 4.1 51.0 19.5 17.72010 December 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 61.0 5.8 5.8 … 55.2 5.2 50.0 20.0 18.2M arch 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 60.9 5.8 5.8 … 55.1 5.9 49.2 24.1 22.3June 0.2 0.2 0.2 … … 62.2 7.3 7.3 … 54.9 2.7 52.1 25.0 23.2September 0.4 0.4 0.4 … … 66.2 4.5 4.5 … 61.7 7.3 54.4 23.2 21.42011 December 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 74.0 7.7 7.7 … 66.3 3.2 63.1 22.5 20.7M arch 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 75.1 5.0 5.0 … 70.1 5.0 65.1 24.2 22.42012 June 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 80.1 4.8 4.8 … 75.3 5.5 69.7 23.8 21.6September 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 82.2 4.8 4.8 … 77.4 3.2 74.2 23.4 21.6December 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … 83.8 5.0 5.0 … 78.8 2.1 76.7 26.6 26.62013 March 0.2 0.2 0.2 … … 83.0 4.9 4.9 … 78.1 2.3 75.8 23.9 23.9| 35

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 7.2. Insurance companies survey - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)PërshkrimiKredit ëKorporata tjeradepozitueseRezervattekniketësigurimitKapitalinet o nëek. fam.nërezervat esigurimittë jetësParapagimi ipremivedherezervatkundrejtkërkesavejo tëpaguaraKapitali aksionar dhe tjeraFondetvetanakeFitmiet embajt uraRezervatepërgjithshme dhetëveçantaProfiti/humbjavjetoreZëra tjerë (neto)DetyrimetjeraMinus:AsetetjeraPlus:Përshtatja ekonsoliduar2005 December __ __ 22.1 __ 22.1 27.1 20.1 2.7 0.2 4.0 -3.2 2.1 5.3 …2006 December __ __ 27.5 __ 27.5 29.7 23.0 4.4 0.7 1.6 -2.0 4.9 6.8 …M arch __ __ 26.6 __ 26.6 32.3 22.4 6.8 0.6 2.4 -0.5 5.6 6.1 …June __ __ 27.3 __ 27.3 34.0 22.9 6.0 1.4 3.7 0.6 6.5 5.8 …September __ __ 29.7 __ 29.7 33.9 24.2 4.0 1.4 4.3 0.3 5.7 5.4 …2007 December __ __ 29.9 __ 29.9 34.3 27.0 2.4 1.4 3.5 -3.8 4.0 7.8 …M arch __ __ 30.4 __ 30.4 36.3 27.3 5.4 0.7 3.0 -3.7 4.8 8.5 …June __ __ 31.4 __ 31.4 36.9 30.5 4.7 1.5 0.2 -7.0 0.9 7.9 …September 0.6 0.6 31.4 __ 31.4 36.9 30.5 4.7 1.5 0.2 -7.0 0.9 7.9 …2008 December 1.0 1.0 32.3 __ 32.3 35.9 30.5 0.0 2.1 3.4 -0.4 8.2 8.5 …M arch 1.0 1.0 31.2 __ 31.2 40.6 33.8 3.6 1.9 1.2 -5.0 4.3 9.3 …June 0.3 0.3 34.1 __ 34.1 38.8 33.8 3.3 2.4 -0.7 -8.4 1.7 10.1 …September 0.3 0.3 35.4 __ 35.4 40.8 33.8 3.3 1.7 2.0 -7.0 3.7 10.7 …2009 December 2.9 2.9 41.5 __ 41.5 35.0 33.8 2.3 2.0 -3.1 -9.4 1.4 10.8 …March 2.6 2.6 41.9 __ 41.9 36.8 34.8 -1.6 3.0 0.6 -3.3 8.7 12.0 …June 3.0 3.0 43.8 __ 43.8 37.2 35.3 -1.8 3.0 0.7 -5.8 6.1 11.9 …September 3.7 3.7 46.1 __ 46.1 36.3 35.3 -2.5 3.0 0.5 -5.6 6.1 11.8 …2010 December 3.2 3.2 47.2 __ 47.2 39.5 33.9 -2.4 7.0 0.9 -8.8 7.0 15.8 …March 3.3 3.3 48.3 __ 48.3 40.5 36.8 -2.1 4.6 1.2 -7.0 9.0 16.0 …June 2.7 2.7 51.1 __ 51.1 41.5 37.8 -1.6 4.1 1.2 -8.0 8.0 16.0 …September 2.8 2.8 52.6 __ 52.6 42.8 37.8 -1.6 4.0 2.7 -8.5 7.5 16.0 …2011 December 3.3 3.3 54.5 __ 54.5 46.3 39.9 -2.9 8.4 0.9 -7.5 8.4 15.9 …M arch 2.5 2.5 55.7 __ 55.7 49.9 42.3 -1.6 8.4 0.8 -8.7 7.7 16.5 …2012 June 4.1 4.1 58.3 __ 58.3 48.8 42.8 -3.0 8.4 0.6 -7.1 9.0 16.1 …September 4.2 4.2 59.7 __ 59.7 50.6 42.8 -3.0 8.4 2.5 -8.8 8.1 16.9 …December 7.2 7.2 69.8 __ 69.8 46.6 42.8 -3.2 8.9 -1.9 -13.1 7.2 20.3 …2013 M arch 6.1 6.1 66.5 __ 66.5 46.1 43.4 -6.2 8.9 0.1 -11.6 8.0 19.6 …36 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 8.1. Pension funds survey - net foreign assets, internal claims andliabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)PërshkrimiAsetet e jashtme neto Kërkesat dhe korporatat tjera depozituese Kërkesatnet oKërkesa ndajsektorëve tjerëKërkesat ndaj jorezident ëve BQK Korporat a t jera depozit uese ndajKërkesaqeverisëtjeraqendroreLet rat Kapitalime vlerë aksionarpërveç dhe tjeraaksioneveDepozit Depozita t ë a t jeratransferueshmeDepozit Depozita t ë a t jerat ransf erueshmeKapitalinet o nëek. f am.Nërezervatesigurimittë jetës2005 December 142.0 142.0 … 142.0 10.4 10.0 5.9 4.1 0.4 … 0.4 __ __ __ 152.4 __ 152.42006 December 209.1 209.1 38.3 170.8 14.8 14.4 8.4 6.0 0.5 0.5 … __ __ __ 223.9 __ 223.9March 227.1 227.1 87.3 139.9 14.0 13.4 13.4 … 0.5 0.5 … __ __ __ 241.1 __ 241.1June 249.4 249.4 94.1 155.3 14.5 14.0 8.6 5.4 0.5 0.5 … __ __ __ 263.9 __ 263.9September 262.5 262.5 92.5 170.0 12.4 11.9 6.5 5.4 0.5 0.4 … __ __ __ 274.9 __ 274.92007 December 272.9 272.9 97.5 175.4 13.3 12.9 7.5 5.4 0.5 0.5 … __ __ __ 286.2 __ 286.2March 268.2 268.2 94.8 173.5 8.2 6.0 6.0 … 2.2 2.1 0.1 __ __ __ 276.5 __ 276.5June 268.7 268.7 95.0 173.7 23.1 7.7 7.7 … 15.4 0.2 15.2 __ __ __ 291.8 __ 291.8September 248.6 248.6 89.3 159.3 32.2 16.6 16.6 … 15.6 0.1 15.5 __ __ __ 280.7 __ 280.72008 December 206.1 206.1 77.9 128.2 50.3 34.5 34.5 … 15.8 0.1 15.7 __ __ __ 256.3 __ 256.3M arch 192.9 192.9 77.1 115.8 68.3 52.2 52.2 … 16.1 0.1 16.0 __ __ __ 261.1 __ 261.1June 215.8 215.8 83.7 132.1 87.8 71.5 71.5 … 16.3 0.1 16.2 __ __ __ 303.6 __ 303.6September 229.8 229.8 91.5 138.3 118.4 101.8 101.8 … 16.6 0.1 16.5 __ 1.7 1.7 350.0 __ 350.02009 December 240.2 240.2 95.9 144.3 139.0 122.1 122.1 … 16.9 0.1 16.9 __ 1.6 1.6 380.8 __ 380.8March 311.6 311.6 100.1 211.5 99.4 82.2 82.2 … 17.3 0.1 17.2 __ 1.5 1.5 412.6 __ 412.6June 350.3 350.3 97.9 252.3 60.8 34.8 34.8 … 26.0 0.0 26.0 __ 1.4 1.4 412.5 __ 412.5September 379.6 379.6 134.9 244.7 73.8 42.5 42.5 … 31.2 0.1 31.2 __ 1.3 1.3 454.7 __ 454.72010 December 419.8 419.8 150.5 269.3 72.7 38.2 38.2 … 34.6 0.1 34.5 __ 1.2 1.2 493.7 __ 493.7March 478.9 478.9 184.9 294.0 44.3 9.4 9.4 … 34.8 0.1 34.8 __ 1.1 1.1 524.2 __ 524.2June 481.5 481.5 187.7 293.9 69.0 33.9 33.9 … 35.1 0.1 35.0 __ 1.0 1.0 551.5 __ 551.5September 497.1 497.1 164.4 332.7 47.8 12.4 12.4 … 35.4 0.2 35.3 __ 0.9 0.9 545.9 __ 545.92011 December 536.2 536.2 3.1 533.1 56.3 20.8 20.8 … 35.5 0.0 35.5 __ 0.8 0.8 593.3 __ 593.3Kapitalinet o i ek.FamiljarenëfondetpensionaleMarch 584.0 584.0 3.0 580.9 58.2 22.3 22.3 … 35.9 0.1 35.8 __ 0.7 0.7 642.9 __ 642.92012 June 601.9 601.9 3.2 598.7 56.5 20.5 20.5 … 36.1 0.0 36.0 __ 0.7 0.7 659.1 __ 659.1September 625.2 625.2 3.1 622.1 68.5 32.0 32.0 … 36.5 0.1 36.4 13.8 0.6 0.6 708.1 __ 708.1December 669.7 669.7 3.1 666.5 61.1 27.4 27.4 … 33.7 0.1 33.6 13.9 0.5 0.5 745.1 __ 745.12013 March 737.7 737.7 3.2 734.5 62.2 44.5 44.5 … 17.7 0.1 17.7 0.0 0.4 0.4 800.3 __ 800.3Rezervateknike tësigurimit| 37

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 9.1. Financial auxiliaries survey - net foreign assets and internal claims(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Net foreign assetsClaims and depository cosporationsCBKOther depository corporationsDescritpionCashDeposits Securitiesot herthansharesOtherTransfarabledepositsOt herdepositsTransf erabledepositsOtherdeposits2005 December … … … … … 2.8 … … … 2.8 0.0 2.82006 December … … … … … 4.5 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.3March 0.1 0.1 … 0.0 … 3.5 … … … 3.5 0.0 3.5June 2.8 … … 2.8 … 0.6 … … … 0.6 0.0 0.6September 2.9 … … 2.9 … 0.5 … … … 0.5 0.0 0.52007 December 3.2 … … 3.2 … 0.1 … … … 0.1 0.0 0.1M ar ch 2 .2 … … 2 .2 … 1.1 … … … 1.1 0 .0 1.1June 2.2 … … 2.2 … 1.0 … … … 1.0 0.0 1.0Sep t emb er 2 .1 … … 2 .1 … 1.1 … … … 1.1 0 .1 1.02008 December 2.1 … 0.1 1.9 … 1.1 … … … 1.1 0.1 1.1March 1.9 … … 1.9 … 3.4 … … … 3.4 2.1 1.2June 1.9 … … 1.9 … 3.8 … … … 3.8 1.9 1.9September 2.0 … … 2.0 … 3.6 … … … 3.6 1.9 1.72009 December 2.0 … … 2.0 … 3.5 … … … 3.5 1.6 1.9March 1.9 … … 1.9 … 3.5 … … … 3.5 1.5 2.0June 1.9 … … 1.9 … 3.4 … … … 3.4 1.4 2.0September 2.0 … … 2.0 … 3.3 … … … 3.3 1.3 2.02010 December 2.0 … … 2.0 … 3.2 … … … 3.2 1.2 2.0March 2.0 … … 2.0 … 3.1 … … … 3.1 1.1 2.0June 2.0 … … 2.0 … 3.0 … … … 3.0 1.1 1.9September 0.2 … … 0.2 … 1.1 … … … 1.1 1.0 0.12011 December 0.2 … … 0.2 … 1.0 … … … 1.0 0.8 0.2March 0.2 … … 0.2 … 0.9 … … … 0.9 0.7 0.22012 June 0.2 … … 0.1 … 0.9 … … … 0.8 0.7 0.2September 0.2 … … 0.2 … 0.7 … … … 0.7 0.6 0.2December 0.2 … … 0.2 … 0.6 … … … 0.6 0.5 0.22013 March 0.2 … … 0.2 … 0.6 … … … 0.6 0.5 0.138 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 9.2. Financial auxiliaries survey - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Shares and ot her equit yDescriptionFundscontributed byownersRetainedearningsGeneralandspecialreservesOt heritems(net)ValuationadjustmentOtherliablitiesM inus:Ot herassetsPlus:Consolidatedadjust ment2005 December 2.8 2.8 … … … … … … …2006 December 4.5 4.5 … … … … … … …March 3.9 4.0 -0.1 … … -0.4 0.3 0.7 …June 4.1 4.3 -0.2 … … -0.7 0.1 0.8 …September 4.2 4.5 -0.3 … … -0.7 0.0 0.8 …2007 December 4.1 4.5 -0.4 … … -0.7 0.0 0.8 …March 4.1 4.5 -0.4 … … -0.7 0.0 0.8 …June 3.9 4.4 -0.5 … … -0.7 0.0 0.7 …September 4.0 4.7 -0.6 … … -0.7 0.0 0.7 …2008 December 3.8 4.7 -0.9 … … -0.6 0.1 0.7 …M arch 4.0 4.9 -0.9 … … 1.4 2.1 0.7 …June 4.0 4.9 -0.9 … … 1.8 1.9 0.1 …September 3.9 4.7 -0.8 … … 1.7 1.8 0.1 …2009 December 4.0 4.8 -0.8 … … 1.5 1.6 0.1 …M arch 4.0 4.7 -0.7 … … 1.4 1.5 0.1 …June 4.0 4.7 -0.6 … … 1.4 1.4 0.1 …September 4.0 4.7 -0.6 … … 1.2 1.3 0.1 …2010 December 4.1 4.7 -0.6 … … 1.1 1.2 0.1 …M arch 4.1 4.1 0.0 … … 1.1 1.1 0.0 …June 4.1 4.1 0.0 … … 1.0 1.0 0.0 …September 0.4 0.4 0.0 … … 0.9 0.9 0.0 …2011 December 0.4 0.4 0.0 … … 0.8 0.8 0.0 …M arch 0.4 0.4 0.0 … … 0.7 0.8 0.0 …2012 June 0.4 0.4 0.0 … … 0.7 0.7 0.0 …September 0.4 0.4 0.0 … … 0.6 0.6 0.0 …December 0.4 0.4 0.0 … … 0.4 0.5 0.0 …2013 M arch 0.4 0.4 0.0 … … 0.4 0.4 0.0 …| 39

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 10.1. CBK balance sheet - assets(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)TotalAssetsDescriptionM onetarygold andSDRsCurrency and depositsCurrency(Cash)In eurocurrencyIn <strong>no</strong>neurocurrencyDepozitatTransferabledepositsOtherdepositsSecuritiesotherthansharesIM FQuotaOtheraccountsreceivableNonfinancialassets2001 December 297.1 __ 296.2 150.8 __ 150.8 145.4 99.4 46.0 __ __ 0.2 0.72002 December 346.7 __ 345.8 17.5 17.3 0.2 328.3 66.2 262.1 __ __ 0.3 0.62003 December 456.5 __ 454.0 26.6 26.3 0.3 427.4 23.8 403.6 __ __ 1.6 0.92004 December 350.7 __ 225.3 12.1 12.1 … 213.2 8.9 204.3 124.4 __ 0.3 0.72005 December 398.8 __ 237.9 24.5 24.5 … 213.4 23.0 190.5 159.5 __ 0.9 0.52006 December 643.1 __ 436.1 11.1 11.1 … 424.9 22.4 402.6 203.6 __ 2.0 1.42007 December 1,060.1 __ 822.8 63.8 63.8 … 759.0 1.9 757.1 229.3 __ 5.8 2.22008 December 1,113.2 __ 568.7 39.7 39.7 … 529.0 10.4 518.6 541.3 __ 1.0 2.22009 December 1,201.0 60.3 544.1 21.8 21.8 … 522.3 34.9 487.4 529.7 64.3 0.4 2.32010 December 1,250.0 64.0 914.6 60.2 60.2 … 854.4 25.6 828.8 199.2 68.5 1.1 2.6March 1,295.3 61.8 933.3 72.5 72.5 … 860.8 16.8 844.1 229.6 66.2 1.8 2.6April 1,300.6 60.3 926.2 45.9 45.9 … 880.4 25.5 854.8 244.5 64.6 2.3 2.6May 1,319.0 61.4 942.3 60.5 60.5 … 881.9 25.7 856.2 244.6 65.9 2.2 2.5June 1,303.4 60.9 926.8 36.0 36.0 … 890.9 24.9 866.0 244.7 65.4 3.1 2.5July 1,297.4 61.7 918.5 91.7 91.7 … 826.8 4.5 822.3 244.7 66.3 3.5 2.7August 1,300.4 61.4 1,027.2 129.9 129.9 … 897.3 25.0 872.3 139.8 66.0 3.3 2.7September 1,311.7 63.3 1,004.4 55.0 55.0 … 949.3 25.7 923.6 169.8 68.0 3.5 2.8October 1,298.2 62.0 1,029.5 41.0 41.0 … 988.5 25.7 962.8 134.8 66.6 2.6 2.7November 1,283.8 63.8 1,040.7 63.7 63.7 … 977.0 30.3 946.7 104.9 68.8 2.5 3.02011 December 1,238.2 65.1 1,072.8 13.5 13.5 … 1,059.3 31.5 1,027.8 25.0 70.1 2.3 3.1January 1,318.0 64.7 1,177.7 44.6 44.6 … 1,133.1 39.9 1,093.2 0.0 69.7 2.8 3.0February 1,272.2 63.3 1,035.7 51.7 51.7 … 984.1 39.4 944.7 100.0 68.3 2.0 3.0March 1,257.5 63.8 970.7 44.6 44.6 … 926.1 39.1 887.0 150.0 68.8 1.3 2.9April 1,254.5 69.0 1,012.3 42.6 42.6 … 969.6 39.8 929.9 100.0 69.2 1.2 2.9May 1,242.8 66.5 1,050.3 46.9 46.9 … 1,003.4 39.9 963.4 50.0 71.9 1.2 2.9June 1,265.8 66.4 1,073.2 43.4 43.4 … 1,029.8 38.9 990.9 50.0 71.9 1.4 2.8July 1,399.4 66.8 956.7 46.8 46.8 … 909.9 131.6 778.3 299.9 72.5 0.8 2.8August 1,455.6 65.9 964.7 52.8 52.8 … 911.9 125.2 786.7 350.0 71.6 0.7 2.8September 1,462.2 65.0 922.8 40.4 40.4 … 882.4 93.1 789.3 399.9 70.7 1.0 2.8October 1,431.0 64.7 942.5 46.2 46.2 … 896.3 178.5 717.8 350.0 70.1 0.9 2.8November 1,427.9 64.2 844.6 48.3 48.3 … 796.3 97.4 698.8 446.0 69.8 0.6 2.82012 December 1,472.6 63.3 1,050.9 16.8 16.8 … 1,034.1 99.5 934.6 286.0 68.8 0.8 2.9January 1,485.8 61.8 1,057.1 40.3 40.3 … 1,016.8 86.3 930.5 296.0 67.1 0.9 2.8February 1,457.4 62.6 1,032.4 35.3 35.3 … 997.1 63.8 933.4 291.0 68.2 0.3 2.9March 1,484.1 63.3 1,037.1 43.9 43.9 … 993.2 55.6 937.6 311.0 69.0 0.8 2.82013 April 1,472.6 62.3 997.9 50.4 50.4 … 947.5 64.6 882.8 341.0 67.9 0.6 2.840 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Tabela 10.2. CBK balance sheet - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Total liabilitiesDescriptionTransferable deposit sIn eurocurrencyOt herdepositoryof which:of which:Ot herf inancialcorporatiCent ralgovernmentOt herdepositsSDRallocationsIM Faccount<strong>no</strong>.1Ot heraccountspayableSharesand ot herequit iesFundscontributed byownersof which:Profit/loss of t heyear2001 December 297.1 268.1 267.9 173.9 10.6 70.2 __ __ __ 24.2 4.7 2.6 1.12002 December 346.7 334.2 334.0 46.2 24.6 258.4 __ __ __ 1.9 10.6 2.6 3.62003 December 456.5 432.5 432.2 59.6 19.2 346.1 6.5 __ __ 1.4 16.1 2.6 4.52004 December 350.7 327.5 327.5 72.9 20.7 216.8 5.1 __ __ 0.1 18.0 10.0 3.02005 December 398.8 373.8 373.8 82.5 23.3 225.7 4.1 __ __ 0.5 20.4 10.0 3.02006 December 643.1 609.4 609.4 94.5 31.0 472.9 8.0 __ __ 0.2 25.5 10.0 6.42007 December 1,060.1 1,009.7 1,009.7 113.6 22.4 849.4 10.6 __ __ 6.1 33.8 20.0 9.22008 December 1,113.2 1,064.4 1,064.4 137.2 49.9 870.5 7.2 __ __ 0.2 41.4 30.0 7.52009 December 1,201.0 921.3 921.3 233.2 129.7 556.5 125.0 60.3 49.1 0.3 44.9 30.0 3.72010 December 1,250.0 466.9 466.9 203.6 43.9 216.0 597.1 64.2 73.0 0.9 47.9 30.0 3.0March 1,295.3 585.8 585.8 186.9 15.2 380.2 525.8 62.1 73.0 2.0 46.6 30.0 -1.4April 1,300.6 486.0 486.0 187.9 27.0 267.9 632.9 60.6 73.0 2.5 45.6 30.0 -2.4M ay 1,319.0 585.2 585.2 169.2 33.5 379.3 551.2 61.8 69.4 2.3 49.0 30.0 1.0June 1,303.4 511.1 511.1 170.2 41.2 295.5 609.1 61.3 69.4 3.4 49.1 30.0 1.1July 1,297.4 503.7 503.7 175.8 21.7 302.5 608.8 62.2 69.4 3.4 50.0 30.0 1.9August 1,300.4 493.9 493.9 230.5 32.4 226.6 622.2 61.8 69.4 3.4 49.7 30.0 1.5September 1,311.7 594.8 594.8 197.5 17.0 376.3 528.6 63.7 69.4 3.5 51.7 30.0 3.6October 1,298.2 590.4 590.4 193.2 17.5 372.4 522.2 62.4 69.4 3.0 50.9 30.0 2.6November 1,283.8 485.2 485.2 201.1 16.5 259.9 608.6 64.5 69.4 3.2 53.0 30.0 4.52011 December 1,238.2 621.6 621.6 209.7 28.5 371.7 425.5 65.7 69.4 1.7 54.3 30.0 5.8January 1,318.0 626.6 626.6 230.0 13.3 371.1 500.5 65.4 69.4 2.1 54.1 30.0 -0.2February 1,272.2 710.0 710.0 240.2 19.9 437.3 374.4 64.0 69.4 1.5 53.0 30.0 -1.3March 1,257.5 665.0 665.0 211.4 27.3 413.6 404.4 64.5 69.4 1.0 53.3 30.0 -1.0April 1,254.5 725.8 725.8 192.7 9.2 508.5 335.0 64.8 69.4 5.7 53.8 30.0 -0.4May 1,242.8 877.8 877.8 192.7 17.0 652.0 165.0 67.4 79.6 0.8 52.3 30.0 2.5June 1,265.8 855.6 855.6 194.2 25.3 620.2 210.0 67.4 79.6 0.9 52.2 30.0 3.6July 1,399.4 1,055.6 1,055.6 210.1 18.8 810.1 95.0 67.9 127.8 0.6 52.6 30.0 4.0August 1,455.6 1,135.1 1,135.1 253.0 26.8 838.8 73.0 67.1 127.8 0.7 51.9 30.0 3.3September 1,462.2 1,122.9 1,122.9 240.8 36.9 828.7 93.0 66.2 127.8 0.9 51.4 30.0 2.8October 1,431.0 1,092.6 1,092.6 242.3 15.5 818.4 93.0 65.7 127.8 1.2 50.7 30.0 2.2November 1,427.9 1,090.6 1,090.6 278.6 26.8 765.7 93.0 65.4 127.8 0.9 50.4 30.0 1.72012 December 1,472.6 1,039.9 1,039.9 302.1 32.4 685.9 152.0 64.6 165.3 0.5 50 .4 30.0 0.3January 1,485.8 1,022.1 1,022.1 273.6 21.8 706.6 186.0 63.0 165.3 0.4 49.0 30.0 -1.4February 1,457.4 1,024.1 1,024.1 296.2 29.3 675.2 154.0 64.0 165.3 0.2 49.7 30.0 -0.6March 1,484.1 1,094.3 1,094.3 308.3 49.4 715.8 109.0 64.8 165.3 0.4 50.3 30.0 0.02013 April 1,472.6 1,045.8 1,045.8 285.5 14.2 723.4 149.0 63.8 163.7 0.4 49.9 30.0 -0.5| 41

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 11.1. ODC balance sheet - assets(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionTotal assetsCash andbalanceswith CBKBalances wit h commercial banks Securit iesIn eurocurrencyIn <strong>no</strong>neurocurrenciesGrossloans andleasef inancingOtherfinancialcorporationsof which in euro:2001 December 519.8 265.1 212.8 212.8 . 7.5 25.9 __ __ 25.9 __ __ 4.5 3.92002 December 473.7 81.3 292.7 292.7 . … 86.5 __ __ 80.8 5.7 __ 9.5 3.72003 December 589.2 106.2 106.2 106.2 . 119.6 232.8 __ 0.2 193.5 39.0 __ 12.3 12.22004 December 816.5 116.5 186.0 169.2 16.8 112.3 373.7 __ … 289.9 83.7 __ 15.9 12.22005 December 984.4 131.7 221.9 201.0 21.0 82.9 513.9 __ … 387.9 126.0 __ 16.9 17.02006 December 1,161.2 141.1 243.3 218.8 24.5 99.4 636.6 __ … 490.5 146.1 __ 23.0 17.92007 December 1,435.0 189.0 208.1 173.4 34.7 78.9 892.1 __ 0.2 691.3 200.6 __ 27.2 39.72008 December 1,808.2 218.2 283.9 236.3 47.6 40.5 1,183.4 0.6 0.1 901.7 281.0 __ 39.0 43.12009 December 2,204.1 322.7 405.6 326.7 78.8 97.0 1,289.0 2.3 0.3 942.9 343.5 __ 43.1 46.72010 December 2,455.0 307.5 439.0 367.2 71.8 173.4 1,458.7 5.7 6.3 1,008.3 434.2 2.5 44.0 32.3March 2,466.4 278.1 425.1 343.3 81.8 170.1 1,513.2 7.0 0.2 1,062.8 438.8 2.5 43.3 36.7April 2,465.0 281.7 383.5 320.8 62.7 168.1 1,541.0 5.5 0.6 1,077.1 453.6 2.3 45.0 45.7May 2,496.8 265.6 357.6 271.1 86.5 187.8 1,599.9 5.5 0.4 1,104.0 468.5 2.4 44.9 41.1June 2,501.1 265.3 319.5 243.9 75.6 205.6 1,624.9 5.8 0.3 1,115.0 482.1 2.4 45.0 40.8July 2,553.8 290.0 354.9 286.1 68.8 191.3 1,629.1 5.6 0.5 1,110.7 490.5 2.3 45.1 43.4August 2,659.9 330.4 355.9 287.1 69.8 188.7 1,630.9 6.2 0.4 1,108.8 490.0 6.1 44.9 49.0September 2,631.9 292.5 392.5 311.2 81.3 204.8 1,656.3 6.8 0.4 1,122.7 499.4 7.1 44.9 40.9October 2,613.0 291.0 358.6 274.0 84.6 198.2 1,678.8 6.8 1.5 1,126.3 504.4 6.4 45.9 40.6November 2,629.4 297.3 357.6 271.0 86.6 196.1 1,686.2 7.3 1.5 1,129.0 508.3 6.4 46.1 46.12011 December 2,649.7 331.5 329.5 251.8 77.7 202.0 1,698.1 8.3 1.5 1,136.1 510.9 7.3 47.4 41.3FixedassetsOt herassetsJanuary 2,648.3 329.6 358.6 276.9 81.6 189.7 1,683.1 16.6 1.4 1,116.1 509.4 7.1 48.0 39.4February 2,660.6 340.5 337.5 260.3 77.2 200.3 1,692.2 16.1 1.3 1,127.3 508.0 6.6 48.0 42.0Public<strong>no</strong>nf inancialcorpoOt her <strong>no</strong>nf inancialcorporationsMarch 2,634.3 308.5 291.4 212.8 78.6 222.9 1,717.1 16.1 1.4 1,142.4 517.5 6.8 48.7 45.6April 2,619.2 297.2 279.6 200.9 78.7 206.3 1,740.8 16.7 1.4 1,157.3 527.4 6.9 48.5 46.7HouseholdsGrossloans in<strong>no</strong>n eurocurrencyMay 2638.8 299.1 278.2 205.6 72.6 209.9 1755.3 17.3 1.5 1160.1 537.7 7.1 48.7 47.6June 2,652.3 298.4 265.3 203.3 62.0 215.6 1,776.3 18.3 1.5 1,172.5 544.7 7.6 49.9 46.9July 2,714.2 333.3 331.3 273.9 57.4 187.1 1,767.1 20.3 1.4 1,159.6 547.4 7.7 56.0 39.4August 2,770.4 365.1 353.0 296.8 56.2 203.6 1,753.8 19.6 1.4 1,146.1 548.1 7.7 56.0 38.9September 2,765.3 349.5 307.6 244.3 63.4 255.4 1,758.7 18.6 1.4 1,157.7 542.2 7.6 56.5 37.6October 2,746.4 354.9 283.4 214.1 69.4 260.0 1,748.4 18.2 1.4 1,153.6 544.9 7.5 56.7 43.1November 2,804.5 384.2 294.6 238.3 56.2 268.9 1,758.8 18.7 1.4 1,166.2 541.9 7.5 56.1 41.82012 December 2,829.3 425.7 287.7 227.8 59.9 256.6 1,763.4 19.8 1.4 1,169.8 542.6 6.9 57.7 38.7January 2,813.4 390.7 311.9 237.6 74.3 262.5 1,754.9 19.1 0.8 1,165.1 542.1 6.4 57.8 35.6February 2,838.4 399.6 297.4 220.8 76.6 282.7 1,765.6 19.1 0.4 1,176.9 540.9 7.0 57.2 35.9March 2,835.7 414.3 270.1 193.1 77.0 275.5 1,782.7 19.9 0.3 1,188.0 545.8 6.7 56.0 37.22013 April 2,799.3 394.5 279.3 190.3 89.0 229.5 1,801.6 18.7 0.3 1,203.7 551.0 6.9 56.2 38.242 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 11.2. ODC balance sheet - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Total liabilitiesDescriptionBalancesfromot herbanksDeposits Write -downs,provisionsTransferabledepositsOt herdeposits:SavingdepositsOtherborrowings (incl.<strong>no</strong>n neg.CD)Ot herliabilitiesSubordin Ownated debt resourcesof which:Sharecapital2001 December 519.8 . 492.3 365.4 126.8 _ 5.0 … 2.0 … 20.4 18.42002 December 473.7 . 427.2 295.9 131.3 _ 5.4 … 6.6 1.3 33.2 30.82003 December 589.2 1.8 514.0 290.5 223.5 _ 8.9 … 17.5 2.0 45.0 44.12004 December 816.5 14.3 694.5 281.0 413.5 _ 1.4 … 27.9 9.3 69.1 57.72005 December 984.4 23.0 836.7 296.6 540.1 _ 6.4 … 37.3 7.0 74.0 62.42006 December 1,161.2 30.3 924.3 308.9 615.4 _ 4.2 … 92.1 7.0 103.3 78.42007 December 1,435.0 25.8 1,143.1 380.7 762.4 _ 2.7 … 103.7 7.0 152.7 114.92008 December 1,808.2 34.9 1,444.1 429.8 1,014.2 _ … … 129.8 7.0 192.5 145.92009 December 2,204.1 58.5 1,744.9 517.8 1,229.5 _ … … 171.7 24.4 204.6 159.42010 December 2,455.0 94.0 1,936.9 671.0 923.2 342.7 … 0.1 160.0 33.5 230.5 170.4M arch 2,466.4 105.3 1,919.4 645.0 928.8 345.7 … 0.1 172.4 33.5 235.6 170.4April 2,465.0 109.2 1,909.5 632.6 936.2 340.7 … 0.1 174.4 33.5 238.3 170.4M ay 2,496.8 93.4 1,949.4 638.8 968.6 342.0 … 0.1 184.4 33.5 236.0 170.4June 2,501.1 86.6 1,957.8 640.9 978.1 338.8 … 0.1 183.1 33.5 239.9 170.4July 2,553.8 86.0 2,005.8 679.9 982.2 343.7 … 0.1 184.1 33.5 244.2 169.1August 2,659.9 77.2 2,113.7 756.1 1,011.0 346.6 2.2 0.1 188.7 36.0 242.0 176.6September 2,631.9 44.2 2,098.0 718.0 1,035.4 344.6 32.3 0.1 182.6 31.0 243.5 176.6October 2,613.0 43.1 2,073.6 694.1 1,037.7 341.8 32.2 0.1 184.7 31.0 248.2 176.6November 2,629.4 45.9 2,075.6 695.1 1,035.1 345.5 32.6 0.2 193.4 31.0 250.6 176.62011 December 2,649.7 40.0 2,104.0 699.0 1,056.8 348.2 30.4 0.2 189.9 31.0 254.2 176.6January 2,648.3 33.7 2,113.5 678.4 1,084.1 351.1 30.4 0.2 182.2 31.0 257.2 176.9February 2,660.6 28.3 2,123.4 681.2 1,084.7 357.5 30.7 0.2 189.2 31.0 257.7 176.6M arch 2,634.3 26.3 2,087.5 657.4 1,074.3 355.8 31.3 2.0 191.3 31.0 264.2 179.6April 2,619.2 27.7 2,078.3 644.5 1,082.8 350.9 31.6 2.0 191.9 31.0 256.0 181.1May 2638.8 26.6 2097.0 667.8 1081.4 347.8 29.6 2.0 194.1 31.0 257.7 181.1June 2638.8 26.6 2097.0 667.8 1081.4 347.8 29.6 2.0 19 4 .1 3 1.0 2 57.7 18 1.1July 2,714.2 15.6 2,171.1 721.1 1,103.2 346.9 26.9 1.8 208.5 31.0 258.1 181.1August 2,770.4 14.5 2,222.8 745.8 1,125.1 351.9 27.0 1.7 211.7 31.0 260.7 181.1September 2,765.3 15.1 2,206.5 723.4 1,134.1 349.0 31.0 1.6 215.9 31.0 263.0 181.1October 2,746.4 13.1 2,194.9 697.6 1,147.9 349.4 26.5 2.0 213.1 31.0 264.7 200.1November 2,804.5 12.5 2,255.1 738.8 1,165.1 351.2 22.8 1.8 214.4 31.0 265.8 200.12012 December 2,829.3 6.0 2,279.1 751.9 1,172.1 355.0 18.9 1.7 221.4 31.0 270.8 200.1January 2,813.4 4.3 2,265.1 738.9 1,170.9 355.4 19.1 1.6 218.8 31.0 273.2 200.1February 2,838.4 7.2 2,278.3 744.1 1,178.2 356.0 20.0 1.8 227.4 31.0 272.3 200.1M arch 2,835.7 4.0 2,269.4 756.0 1,155.6 357.8 19.4 1.6 233.0 31.0 276.9 200.12013 April 2,799.3 3.0 2,231.4 756.8 1,095.4 379.2 19.9 1.2 229.2 31.0 283.2 205.1| 43

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 12.1. ODC deposits - euro deposits(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Total deposits in euroDescriptionGovernmentFinanncial corporationsOtherdepositorycorporationsOtherf inancialintermediariesInsurancecompaniesPensionfundsFinancialauxilliariesNon f inancial corporat ionsPublic Other<strong>no</strong>nf inanc <strong>no</strong>nf inancial ialcorporati corporations onsOt her domest ic sect orsHouseholdsNPISHNonresident s2001 December 492.3 __ __ __ __ __ . __ 165.2 __ 165.2 313.1 313.1 __ 13.92002 December 427.2 __ __ __ __ __ . __ 183.6 __ 183.6 226.1 226.1 __ 17.52003 December 515.8 __ 1.8 1.8 __ __ . __ 226.1 __ 226.1 267.9 267.9 __ 20.02004 December 674.9 1.3 25.6 3.7 3.5 15.5 . 2.9 275.3 173.5 101.8 360.3 350.7 9.6 12.32005 December 815.3 2.9 35.4 8.1 5.8 18.8 . 2.8 319.0 211.3 107.7 440.7 428.7 12.0 17.32006 December 890.4 7.0 28.1 0.1 2.4 24.7 0.4 0.5 337.8 217.4 120.5 499.2 486.1 13.1 18.22007 December 1,092.0 4.1 39.1 3.1 5.6 28.3 0.4 1.7 386.2 215.5 170.7 647.0 631.9 15.2 15.62008 December 1,366.9 1.4 62.9 5.0 6.5 31.5 19.4 0.4 479.7 263.8 215.9 785.0 774.5 10.5 37.92009 December 1,640.1 165.0 78.2 6.1 5.9 43.1 22.6 0.4 371.5 121.6 249.9 962.2 948.8 13.4 63.22010 December 1,831.1 11.7 105.0 7.3 7.9 47.6 41.6 0.6 414.9 122.3 292.6 1,220.1 1,206.1 14.0 79.4March 1,806.0 7.4 108.5 7.3 8.1 50.1 42.3 0.7 385.1 137.6 247.5 1,234.0 1,220.6 13.4 71.0April 1,795.7 8.2 106.4 5.9 7.4 50.0 42.6 0.7 360.1 113.7 246.3 1,255.9 1,242.7 13.3 65.0May 1,829.7 2.0 107.4 5.3 7.5 51.4 42.6 0.6 369.2 109.0 260.2 1,251.3 1,236.5 14.8 99.7June 1,833.7 1.6 107.6 5.0 6.6 52.6 42.8 0.6 363.8 115.9 247.9 1,264.8 1,246.6 18.2 95.9July 1,877.3 1.9 108.4 4.2 5.5 55.8 42.2 0.6 385.0 133.6 251.4 1,291.2 1,270.2 21.1 90.8August 1,990.0 1.8 115.4 10.4 5.7 56.1 42.4 0.7 426.3 151.3 275.1 1,348.6 1,326.5 22.0 98.0September 1,979.6 1.9 116.9 12.4 5.6 55.4 42.6 0.7 426.6 149.8 276.7 1,344.5 1,323.5 21.0 89.8October 1,959.8 1.7 121.1 15.2 6.3 56.2 42.7 0.7 423.4 142.0 281.4 1,340.2 1,316.8 23.4 73.3November 1,956.6 1.9 121.1 11.9 9.8 56.0 42.9 0.6 420.9 152.9 268.0 1,346.6 1,326.5 20.1 66.12011 December 1,980.7 2.7 117.5 9.9 6.8 57.2 43.1 0.5 406.6 128.5 278.1 1,395.6 1,373.4 22.2 60.0January 1,996.2 2.1 121.2 12.3 6.1 59.2 43.0 0.5 373.1 115.3 257.9 1,405.7 1,382.9 22.8 94.0February 2,007.8 2.4 125.4 11.7 7.6 62.5 42.9 0.6 371.7 113.3 258.4 1,424.0 1,400.1 23.9 84.3March 1,971.4 2.1 124.8 12.6 7.2 61.3 43.1 0.6 347.0 68.5 278.5 1,421.3 1,400.6 20.7 76.3April 1,965.3 1.1 125.4 13.8 5.9 61.5 43.6 0.6 342.8 74.0 268.8 1,425.6 1,404.1 21.4 70.4May 1,983.1 1.0 122.0 11.1 5.0 61.8 43.5 0.5 362.8 73.8 288.9 1,433.9 1,409.0 24.9 63.5June 2,001.0 1.0 127.8 12.7 4.8 66.0 43.8 0.6 358.5 70.8 287.7 1,442.4 1,416.9 25.5 71.3July 2,064.3 0.7 128.0 12.7 6.8 64.3 43.6 0.6 372.5 77.1 295.4 1,472.3 1,445.6 26.7 90.8August 2,114.5 0.8 128.9 11.4 7.5 65.6 44.0 0.4 395.3 72.3 322.9 1,504.4 1,480.9 23.4 85.2September 2,101.1 0.8 133.7 13.4 8.2 67.3 44.3 0.5 384.9 79.3 305.6 1,503.7 1,479.6 24.1 78.1October 2,089.8 0.8 125.0 11.0 8.2 64.5 40.8 0.5 383.9 83.2 300.7 1,506.6 1,482.5 24.1 73.5November 2,150.0 1.1 125.4 10.4 7.3 63.8 43.3 0.5 398.8 80.9 317.8 1,536.9 1,513.8 23.1 87.92012 December 2,162.8 0.7 120.0 3.8 6.2 64.3 45.3 0.4 401.7 75.6 326.1 1,558.6 1,535.4 23.2 81.7January 2,142.0 0.8 120.4 3.0 6.9 64.0 46.0 0.4 375.4 76.0 299.5 1,569.9 1,544.8 25.1 75.6February 2,154.9 1.0 115.5 4.5 6.8 63.9 39.9 0.4 386.3 71.8 314.6 1,579.5 1,553.8 25.7 72.5March 2,143.4 1.0 98.0 1.5 6.6 65.1 24.3 0.5 369.8 69.1 300.7 1,583.6 1,558.1 25.5 91.02013 April 2,106.5 0.9 77.9 1.6 6.1 64.2 5.5 0.4 367.5 60.7 306.8 1,575.6 1,549.3 26.4 84.544 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 12.2. Deposits at ODC - <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, euro deposits(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Non f inancial corporat ionsPublic <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporationsOt her <strong>no</strong>nf inancial corporationsDescriptionTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsUp to 1mont hof which:Over 1 Over 3 Over2mont h mont hs yearsand up and upto 3 to 6mont hs mont hsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOt herdepositsUp to Over 11 mont hmont h and upto 3mont hsof which:Over 6mont hs andup to 1yearOver 1yearand upto 2yearsOver2years2001 December 165.2 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 165.2 133.9 … 31.3 __ __ __ __ __2002 December 183.6 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 183.6 159.7 … 23.9 __ __ __ __ __2003 December 226.1 __ __ … __ __ __ __ __ 226.1 139.0 … 87.1 __ __ __ __ __2004 December 275.3 173.5 24.2 … 149.3 34.0 0.0 __ … 101.8 78.2 … 23.6 9.0 6.0 0.2 2.1 __2005 December 319.0 211.3 29.9 … 181.3 23.9 12.8 __ … 107.7 74.4 … 33.4 6.3 8.3 5.1 0.7 __2006 December 337.8 217.4 24.0 … 193.3 19.9 19.4 __ … 120.5 93.6 … 26.9 6.2 6.8 1.7 3.0 __2007 December 386.2 215.5 27.1 … 188.4 105.6 21.4 __ … 170.7 128.4 … 42.3 18.0 10.4 3.7 2.0 __2008 December 479.7 263.8 13.7 … 250.1 21.8 47.2 __ … 215.9 170.2 … 45.8 18.7 4.7 2.0 7.0 __2009 December 371.5 121.6 47.6 … 73.9 0.7 10.7 52.3 … 249.9 178.0 … 71.9 31.2 11.1 … 5.3 10.92010 December 414.9 122.3 79.5 … 42.8 2.7 21.7 3.1 12.6 292.6 212.6 16.9 63.1 19.0 5.3 17.1 8.8 9.7March 385.1 137.6 103.0 … 34.6 0.2 13.8 5.2 12.6 247.5 170.9 14.7 61.9 20.6 4.5 19.9 5.6 7.0April 360.1 113.7 70.0 … 43.7 0.2 21.9 6.3 12.6 246.3 171.8 13.6 60.9 15.7 6.1 20.9 5.2 7.0May 369.2 109.0 63.3 … 45.6 0.3 21.0 9.1 12.6 260.2 190.3 12.7 57.2 10.2 8.5 19.3 5.9 7.1June 363.8 115.9 67.8 … 48.0 4.2 23.0 5.8 12.6 247.9 175.9 12.5 59.6 14.5 5.1 19.6 6.0 7.7July 385.0 133.6 92.2 … 41.3 0.2 19.8 7.3 12.6 251.4 175.5 13.6 62.3 11.8 12.0 15.7 6.5 8.8August 426.3 151.3 103.6 … 47.6 1.3 25.0 7.3 12.6 275.1 205.2 12.6 57.3 10.9 9.3 16.5 7.5 7.9September 426.6 149.8 98.1 0.0 51.7 0.2 33.6 4.1 12.2 276.7 198.8 12.7 65.2 20.8 5.6 16.9 7.4 8.2October 423.4 142.0 88.0 0.0 54.0 4.3 27.8 3.1 12.2 281.4 203.0 15.3 63.1 14.2 10.4 10.9 6.8 8.2November 420.9 152.9 89.4 0.0 63.5 0.3 27.7 16.2 12.2 268.0 198.1 13.0 56.8 12.3 5.3 12.5 6.4 7.42011 December 406.6 128.5 67.8 0.0 60.8 0.1 29.7 17.2 11.6 278.1 201.1 14.0 62.9 12.3 5.1 18.5 7.3 8.0January 373.1 115.3 57.4 0.0 57.8 0.2 27.7 16.2 11.6 257.9 190.4 8.0 59.4 10.9 11.9 19.8 6.1 7.8February 371.7 113.3 57.6 0.0 55.7 0.1 26.6 15.2 11.6 258.4 189.2 9.4 59.8 11.5 10.9 21.1 7.2 6.3March 347.0 68.5 22.3 0.0 46.2 0.1 17.2 15.2 11.6 278.5 207.7 9.73 61.1 19.1 5.1 20.7 7.4 6.3April 342.8 74.0 12.5 0.0 61.5 4.1 27.4 15.2 11.6 268.8 201.4 9.23 58.2 11 4.1 21.1 7.2 6.3May 362.8 73.8 12.9 0.0 60.9 6.4 34.7 5.6 11.6 288.9 216.8 9.2 62.9 10.5 5.1 23.2 7.1 8.4June 358.5 70.8 11.2 0.1 59.5 0.3 40.9 3.6 11.6 287.7 215.3 8.44 64 12 3.0 23.2 7.0 7.8July 372.5 77.1 16.2 0.1 60.8 4.5 27.3 14.3 11.6 295.4 223.5 9.5 62.4 9.11 12.0 21.6 6.9 7.8August 395.3 72.3 10.5 0.0 61.8 0.9 46.2 0.1 11.6 322.9 249.3 11.2 62.5 10.6 11.2 21.0 7.5 7.3September 384.9 79.3 16.0 0.0 63.3 0.8 46.9 0.1 12.0 305.6 232.8 11.2 61.6 19 2.8 22.0 7.1 7.1October 383.9 83.2 16.0 0.0 67.2 6.1 45.6 0.1 12.0 300.7 227.2 11.1 62.4 11.1 3.8 22.6 7.4 7.2November 398.8 80.9 14.3 0.0 66.6 1.0 49.9 0.1 12.0 317.8 246.3 8.23 63.3 10.9 3.7 22.9 8.0 7.12012 December 401.7 75.6 13.8 0.0 61.8 0.9 46.0 0.1 12.0 326.1 249.6 9.19 67.3 9.96 6.0 27.4 6.5 7.8January 375.4 76.0 30.0 2.0 44.0 4.2 24.9 0.1 12.0 299.5 227.2 6.33 66 11 12.1 27.1 6.3 7.8February 386.3 71.8 16.7 2.0 53.0 2.0 36.2 0.1 12.0 314.6 237.7 13.8 63 11.1 11.0 27.4 5.6 6.9March 369.8 69.1 18.3 1.9 48.9 0.0 32.0 2.1 12.1 300.7 228.1 14.8 57.8 12.3 3.7 28.4 5.1 6.22013 April 367.5 60.7 14.4 2.0 44.3 4.4 23.9 2.0 12.1 306.8 231.0 14.6 61.1 5.24 2.7 27.6 6.2 7.0| 45

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 12.3. Deposits at ODC - households and NPISH, euro deposits(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Other domestic sectorsHouseholdsNPISHDescriptionTransf erabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsUp to 1mont hof which:Over 3 Overmont hs 3monthsand up t o and up6 mont hs t o1 yearOver 1year andup t o 2yearsOver 2yearsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOt herdeposits2001 December 313.1 313.1 219.2 … 93.9 __ __ 93.9 __ __ __ __ … __2002 December 226.1 226.1 121.7 … 104.4 __ __ 104.4 __ __ __ __ … __2003 December 267.9 267.9 134.4 … 133.5 __ __ 133.5 __ __ __ __ … __2004 December 360.3 350.7 136.9 … 213.8 63.8 __ 91.8 14.2 1.9 9.6 8.9 … 0.72005 December 440.7 428.7 144.7 … 284.0 87.2 __ 109.3 26.5 19.3 12.0 10.4 … 1.62006 December 499.2 486.1 143.8 … 342.3 122.2 __ 127.9 26.5 37.1 13.1 7.6 … 5.52007 December 647.0 631.9 170.6 … 461.3 156.2 __ 141.6 74.6 50.3 15.2 11.9 … 3.32008 December 785.0 774.5 163.3 … 611.2 189.6 __ 234.6 64.8 61.6 10.5 7.7 … 2.82009 December 962.2 948.8 208.0 … 740.8 242.4 315.9 … 63.2 80.5 13.4 11.1 … 2.32010 December 1,220.1 1,206.1 270.4 274.5 661.2 30.0 76.1 347.8 61.1 108.3 14.0 13.0 0.5 0.5March 1,234.0 1,220.6 257.3 276.6 686.8 31.0 82.4 351.6 69.2 111.6 13.4 12.4 0.4 0.6April 1,255.9 1,242.7 279.9 271.8 690.9 29.9 83.9 349.8 75.7 112.5 13.3 11.1 0.4 1.7May 1,251.3 1,236.5 266.4 273.1 697.0 23.9 67.0 245.3 195.5 135.7 14.8 12.6 0.4 1.9June 1,264.8 1,246.6 273.7 270.1 702.8 34.3 62.7 245.7 201.7 137.1 18.2 15.8 0.4 2.0July 1,291.2 1,270.2 286.8 272.3 711.0 26.7 62.3 241.2 211.8 <strong>140</strong>.7 21.1 18.7 0.3 2.1August 1,348.6 1,326.5 314.5 276.5 735.5 28.2 62.9 242.6 232.6 145.8 22.0 19.7 0.3 2.1September 1,344.5 1,323.5 291.5 275.8 756.2 31.7 64.2 248.5 246.0 146.7 21.0 18.6 0.2 2.1October 1,340.2 1,316.8 286.8 270.8 759.2 21.8 62.3 250.8 250.6 147.0 23.4 20.7 0.3 2.4November 1,346.6 1,326.5 286.0 273.3 767.3 31.7 63.8 253.2 253.8 147.3 20.1 17.6 0.3 2.12011 December 1,395.6 1,373.4 314.4 276.2 782.8 24.8 67.0 257.3 261.5 147.6 22.2 18.3 0.5 3.3January 1,405.7 1,382.9 306.5 280.0 796.4 25.3 70.1 260.0 269.5 149.1 22.8 18.9 0.6 3.3February 1,424.0 1,400.1 315.0 283.5 801.7 31.6 64.5 255.1 274.5 151.1 23.9 21.3 0.5 2.1March 1,421.3 1,400.6 314.8 280.9 804.9 23.5 68.4 254.9 273.3 151.6 20.7 16.9 0.5 3.3April 1,425.6 1,404.1 321.9 279.0 803.3 31.2 69.7 254.0 272.8 151.2 21.4 18.5 0.4 2.5May 1,433.9 1,409.0 325.0 278.3 805.8 24.4 73.8 253.1 272.3 152.6 24.9 20.7 0.3 3.9June 1,442.4 1,416.9 336.0 275.8 805.2 30.4 66.7 258.9 271.0 155.5 25.5 22.0 0.3 3.1July 1,472.3 1,445.6 348.3 278.3 819.0 27.1 66.1 268.3 269.5 159.4 26.7 22.7 0.2 3.9August 1,504.4 1,480.9 349.0 283.2 848.8 29.9 64.1 296.0 264.9 167.1 23.4 19.1 0.1 4.2September 1,503.7 1,479.6 340.9 280.7 857.9 31.7 64.7 309.2 262.1 168.7 24.1 20.0 0.1 4.0October 1,506.6 1,482.5 334.2 281.2 867.1 23.0 64.9 317.6 262.3 171.8 24.1 19.0 0.1 5.1November 1,536.9 1,513.8 357.0 280.7 876.1 30.6 66.0 326.8 260.7 173.6 23.1 19.7 0.0 3.42012 December 1,558.6 1,535.4 361.5 283.2 890.8 25.2 58.4 337.8 260.5 177.6 23.2 19.7 0.0 3.4January 1,569.9 1,544.8 352.1 283.5 909.1 25.6 54.4 345.8 265.0 180.5 25.1 20.2 0.1 4.9February 1,579.5 1,553.8 362.2 281.8 909.8 29.4 54.0 494.6 130.4 163.4 25.7 20.7 0.1 4.9March 1,583.6 1,558.1 363.0 283.0 912.1 23.1 67.2 490.6 133.1 163.1 25.5 20.6 0.2 4.82013 April 1,575.6 1,549.3 370.5 321.7 857.1 8.4 48.1 479.5 135.1 162.2 26.4 21.4 0.2 4.746 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 12.4. Deposits at ODC - financial corporations, euro deposits(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Finanncial corporationsDescriptionCBKOther depository corporat ions Other financial intermediaries Insurance companies Pension funds FinancialauxilliariesTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOt herdeposits2001 December __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . . __ . __2002 December __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . . __ . __2003 December 1.8 __ 1.8 1.8 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . . __ . __2004 December 25.6 __ 3.7 2.2 __ 1.5 3.5 2.5 __ 1.0 15.5 5.3 __ 10.3 . . __ . 2.92005 December 35.4 __ 8.1 1.1 __ 7.0 5.8 3.7 __ 2.1 18.8 3.5 __ 15.3 . . __ . 2.82006 December 28.1 __ 0.1 0.1 __ … 2.4 1.9 __ 0.5 24.7 2.4 __ 22.3 0.4 0.4 __ … 0.52007 December 39.1 __ 3.1 0.1 __ 2.9 5.6 2.2 __ 3.4 28.3 2.2 __ 26.2 0.4 0.4 __ … 1.72008 December 62.9 __ 5.0 2.7 __ 2.3 6.5 2.0 __ 4.5 31.5 5.8 __ 25.8 19.4 5.9 __ 13.5 0.42009 December 78.2 __ 6.1 0.1 __ 6.0 5.9 1.7 __ 4.2 43.1 3.8 __ 39.3 22.6 2.7 __ 19.5 0.42010 December 105.0 … 7.3 1.0 … 6.3 7.9 2.6 0.5 4.8 47.6 4.7 0.0 42.8 41.6 1.6 15.3 24.7 0.6M arch 108.5 … 7.3 0.5 … 6.8 8.1 2.6 1.0 4.5 50.1 3.9 0.3 46.0 42.3 2.1 15.4 24.8 0.7April 106.4 … 5.9 0.6 … 5.3 7.4 2.1 0.7 4.5 50.0 4.4 1.0 44.5 42.6 2.2 15.5 24.8 0.7May 107.4 … 5.3 2.0 … 3.3 7.5 2.3 0.7 4.5 51.4 4.4 0.2 46.8 42.6 2.2 15.5 24.9 0.6June 107.6 … 5.0 1.7 … 3.3 6.6 1.4 0.8 4.4 52.6 6.1 0.2 46.3 42.8 2.3 15.6 24.9 0.6July 108.4 … 4.2 1.0 … 3.3 5.5 1.4 0.5 3.6 55.8 9.4 0.2 46.2 42.2 2.2 15.6 24.4 0.6August 115.4 … 10.4 0.9 … 9.6 5.7 1.5 0.6 3.6 56.1 8.2 0.2 47.7 42.4 1.4 15.7 25.3 0.7September 116.9 … 12.4 0.6 … 11.8 5.6 1.4 0.6 3.6 55.4 8.5 0.4 46.5 42.6 1.6 15.7 25.4 0.7October 121.1 … 15.2 4.6 … 10.6 6.3 1.2 0.6 4.5 56.2 6.8 0.2 49.3 42.7 2.6 15.8 24.4 0.7No vemb er 12 1.1 … 11.9 1.2 … 10 .6 9 .8 1.8 3 .4 4 .6 56 .0 7.9 0 .3 4 7.8 4 2 .9 1.2 15.8 2 5.9 0 .62011 December 117.5 … 9.9 0.8 … 9.1 6.8 2.5 1.0 3.3 57.2 6.2 0.2 50.8 43.1 1.34 15.9 25.9 0.5January 121.2 … 12.3 1.2 … 11.1 6.1 2.7 1.2 2.3 59.2 6.4 0.3 52.5 43.0 1.15 15.9 25.9 0.5February 125.4 … 11.7 0.6 … 11.1 7.6 2.5 2.8 2.3 62.5 6.1 0.3 56.2 42.9 1.01 15.9 26.0 0.6March 124.8 … 12.6 0.7 … 11.9 7.2 1.9 2.7 2.7 61.3 6.6 0.3 54.4 43.1 1.12 16.0 26.0 0.6April 125.4 … 13.8 0.9 … 13.0 5.9 2.5 0.7 2.7 61.5 5.9 0.3 55.2 43.6 1.42 16.0 26.2 0.6May 12 2 .0 … 11.1 0 .9 … 10.2 5.0 2.2 0.1 2.7 61.8 8.5 0.3 53.0 43.5 1.3 16.1 26.2 0.5June 12 7.8 … 12 .7 1.1 … 11.5 4.8 1.8 0.3 2.7 66.0 9.8 0.3 55.9 43.8 1.4 16.1 26.2 0.6July 12 8 .0 … 12 .7 1.2 … 11.6 6.8 2.0 0.9 3.9 64.3 7.1 0.4 56.9 43.6 1.2 16.2 26.3 0.6August 128.9 … 11.4 1.4 … 10.0 7.5 1.9 1.5 4.0 65.6 8.8 0.4 56.4 44.0 1.5 16.3 26.3 0.4September 133.7 … 13.4 0.9 … 12.5 8.2 2.6 1.5 4.1 67.3 9.4 0.4 57.5 44.3 1.7 16.3 26.3 0.5October 125.0 … 11.0 1.8 … 9.2 8.2 2.5 1.5 4.1 64.5 6.7 0.5 57.3 40.8 1.2 16.3 23.2 0.5November 125.4 … 10.4 1.4 … 9.0 7.3 1.9 1.2 4.2 63.8 7.3 0.5 56.1 43.3 0.8 21.5 21.0 0.52012 December 120.0 0.0 3.8 0.9 0.0 2.9 6.2 1.7 0.1 4.4 64.3 6.8 0.4 57.1 45.3 0.7 22.1 22.5 0.4January 120.4 0.0 3.0 0.7 0.0 2.3 6.9 2.2 0.4 4.2 64.0 5.5 0.4 58.1 46.0 0.7 22.8 22.5 0.4February 115.5 0.0 4.5 3.7 0.0 0.7 6.8 2.0 0.5 4.2 63.9 5.0 0.4 58.5 39.9 0.8 16.5 22.6 0.4March 98.0 0.0 1.5 0.7 0.0 0.7 6.6 1.4 0.1 5.0 65.1 7.2 0.6 57.4 24.3 1.0 16.6 6.7 0.52013 April 77.9 0.0 1.6 0.9 0.0 0.7 6.1 1.2 0.1 4.8 64.2 6.3 0.5 57.4 5.5 0.9 0.0 4.6 0.4| 47

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 12.5. Non euro deposits(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionNon-euro depositsFinanncialcorporationsCBKof which:OtherdepositorycorporationsOtherf inancialintermediariesInsurancecompaniesNonfinancialcorporationsPublic<strong>no</strong>nf inancialcorporationsOther<strong>no</strong>nf inancialcorporationsOther domestic sectorsHouseholdsTransferabledepositsSavingaccountOtherdepositsNonresidentsNPISH2005 December 29.4 … __ … … … 2.8 __ 2.8 26.0 25.7 10.8 __ 14.9 0.3 0.52006 December 34.3 … __ … … … 3.7 0.3 3.5 29.8 29.6 12.4 __ 17.2 0.2 0.52007 December 53.3 0.5 __ … 0.1 0.4 8.1 1.5 6.6 44.3 44.2 16.2 __ 28.0 0.1 0.42008 December 81.9 0.9 __ … … 0.9 11.6 0.1 11.5 68.4 68.2 22.9 __ 45.2 0.3 1.02009 December 112.1 2.1 __ 1.2 … 0.9 18.3 1.3 17.0 91.1 90.9 29.7 __ 61.1 0.2 0.72010 December 113.8 3.1 __ 2.9 __ __ 13.7 4.3 9.4 93.8 93.3 33.1 25.9 34.3 0.5 3.1March 122.3 2.0 __ 1.7 __ __ 15.2 4.5 10.7 101.7 101.1 38.6 28.5 34.0 0.6 3.3April 121.5 2.0 __ 1.9 __ __ 13.3 0.3 13.0 102.2 101.7 38.2 29.2 34.2 0.6 3.8May 126.9 2.2 __ 1.9 __ __ 13.9 2.4 11.5 106.5 106.1 39.0 30.8 36.3 0.5 4.2June 131.2 2.2 __ 2.1 __ __ 16.2 3.1 13.1 109.0 108.5 41.5 30.9 36.1 0.5 3.8July 13 4 .1 1.6 _ _ 1.5 _ _ _ _ 17.2 2 .5 14 .7 111.6 111.1 4 1.6 3 2 .4 3 7.2 0 .4 3 .7A ug ust 13 5.2 1.8 _ _ 1.6 _ _ _ _ 15.3 0 .1 15.2 113 .8 113 .2 4 3 .1 3 2 .4 3 7.7 0 .7 4 .2September 132.8 2.3 __ 2.3 __ __ 9.4 0.1 9.3 116.8 116.3 45.4 30.8 40.1 0.4 4.3October 130.8 2.3 __ 2.1 __ __ 8.8 0.1 8.7 113.5 113.0 44.0 30.6 38.4 0.5 6.2November 132.9 2.4 __ 2.4 __ __ 9.5 0.1 9.4 114.8 114.3 44.8 31.3 38.2 0.5 6.22011 December 131.5 0.3 __ 0.3 __ __ 9.8 0.1 9.7 117.5 117.0 46.5 31.7 38.9 0.4 3.8January 129.7 0.6 __ 0.4 __ __ 9.8 0.1 9.7 114.9 114.6 45.6 31.1 37.9 0.3 4.0February 127.7 1.0 __ 0.7 __ __ 6.4 0.1 6.3 116.4 116.1 47.9 31.1 37.1 0.3 3.9March 128.9 0.7 __ 0.7 __ __ 7.0 __ 7.0 117.5 117.2 48.4 31.9 37.0 0.3 3.6April 126.8 0.7 __ 0.7 __ __ 6.2 __ 6.2 115.9 115.7 46.9 31.7 37.1 0.1 4.0May 125.5 0.9 __ 0.8 __ __ 7.5 __ 7.5 112.7 112.5 44.3 30.3 37.9 0.2 4.4June 120.8 1.1 __ 1.0 __ __ 11.3 __ 11.3 104.2 103.8 43.6 27.3 32.9 0.4 4.2July 120.4 1.4 __ 1.2 __ __ 11.8 __ 11.8 102.5 102.0 42.7 26.2 33.1 0.5 4.8August 122.4 1.7 __ 1.5 __ __ 12.8 __ 12.8 103.5 101.6 43.7 25.2 32.7 0.3 4.4September 120.3 1.6 0.0 1.4 0.1 __ 13 .5 __ 13.5 100.6 100.3 43.2 25.3 31.8 0.3 4.5October 117.4 1.7 __ 1.5 0 .1 __ 9.4 __ 9.4 101.9 101.6 43.8 26.0 31.9 0.3 4.4November 116 .5 1.8 __ 1.4 0 .2 __ 7.5 __ 7.5 102.8 102.5 44.5 26.2 31.7 0.3 4.42012 December 120.9 1.6 0.0 1.2 0 .2 0.0 9.6 0.0 9.6 104.9 104.7 45.7 27.0 32.0 0.2 4.8January 12 5.7 0 .4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 13 .1 0.0 13.1 107.4 107.1 47.9 27.5 31.7 0.3 4.7February 12 7.5 0 .3 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 10 .4 0.0 10 .4 111.9 111.4 50 .6 2 8 .8 3 2 .0 0 .4 4 .9March 12 7.1 0 .4 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 7.8 0.0 7.8 113.9 113.2 52.8 28.5 31.9 0.8 4.92013 April 126.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.4 0.0 9.4 111.5 110.7 52.5 28.1 30.0 0.8 5.148 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 13.1. ODC loans - main sectors(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionTotalFinancialcorporationsof which:OtherfinancialintermediariesInsurancecompaniesNonfinancialcorporationsPublic<strong>no</strong>nf inancialcorporationsof which:Other <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporationsUp to 1yearOver 1year andup t o 2yearsOver 2yearsOtherdomesticcorporationsHouseholdsUp to 1yearof which:Over 1year andup to 2years2001 December 25.9 __ __ __ 25.9 __ 25.9 24.6 1.3 __ __ __ __ __ __ __2002 December 86.5 __ __ __ 80.8 __ 80.8 67.3 13.5 __ 5.7 5.7 1.4 4.3 __ __2003 December 232.8 __ __ __ 193.7 0.2 193.5 124.7 68.7 0.2 39.0 39.0 11.4 16.0 11.6 __2 0 0 4 Decemb er 3 73 .7 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 8 9 .9 … 2 8 9 .9 111.5 111.3 6 7.2 8 3 .7 8 3 .7 15.9 15.2 52 .6 _ _2005 December 513.9 __ __ __ 387.9 … 387.9 117.9 125.2 144.7 126.0 126.0 19.5 21.0 85.4 __2006 December 636.6 __ __ __ 490.5 … 490.5 128.7 127.7 234.1 146.1 146.1 19.7 24.7 101.7 __2007 December 892.1 __ __ __ 691.5 0.2 691.3 174.0 122.6 394.6 200.6 200.6 24.0 29.6 147.1 __2008 December 1,183.4 0.6 __ 0.6 901.8 0.1 901.7 191.0 132.3 578.4 281.0 281.0 20.9 30.9 229.2 __2009 December 1,289.0 2.3 1.2 1.1 943.2 0.3 942.9 215.7 113.0 614.2 343.5 343.5 27.0 32.1 284.5 __2010 December 1,458.7 5.7 2.6 3.0 1,014.5 6.3 1,008.3 259.4 64.3 684.5 434.3 434.2 26.5 30.7 377.0 2.5March 1,513.2 7.0 3.4 3.5 1,063.0 0.2 1,062.8 295.4 58.6 708.8 439.1 438.8 25.7 29.5 383.6 2.5April 1,541.0 5.5 3.3 2.2 1,077.7 0.6 1,077.1 304.5 57.9 714.7 453.8 453.6 30.1 30.2 393.3 2.3May 1,599.9 5.5 3.6 1.8 1,104.3 0.4 1,104.0 313.5 93.3 697.1 468.9 468.5 32.4 43.2 392.9 2.4June 1,624.9 5.8 3.6 2.1 1,115.3 0.3 1,115.0 342.3 81.9 690.8 482.5 482.1 34.6 45.7 401.8 2.4July 1,6 2 9 .1 5.6 3 .6 2 .0 1,111.2 0 .5 1,110 .7 3 3 6 .4 78 .2 6 9 6 .2 4 9 1.1 4 9 0 .5 4 4 .0 57.5 3 8 9 .1 2 .3August 1,630.9 6.2 4.1 1.9 1,109.2 0.4 1,108.8 283.9 67.3 757.6 490.7 490.0 33.2 31.7 425.0 6.1September 1,656.3 6.8 4.7 2.1 1,123.2 0.4 1,122.7 298.4 80.4 744.0 500.4 499.4 38.7 38.2 422.5 7.1October 1,678.8 6.8 4.8 2.0 1,127.7 1.5 1,126.3 310.3 72.6 743.3 505.0 504.4 38.7 31.3 434.4 6.4No vemb er 1,6 8 6 .2 7.3 5.5 1.7 1,13 0 .5 1.5 1,12 9 .0 3 12 .7 74 .1 74 2 .2 50 9 .3 50 8 .3 4 0 .6 3 1.6 4 3 6 .1 6 .42011 December 1,698.1 8.3 6.6 1.7 1,137.6 1.5 1,136.1 307.8 83.4 744.8 512.4 510.9 44.0 38.1 428.8 7.3January 1,683.1 16.7 14.9 1.7 1,117.4 1.4 1,116.1 300.3 84.1 731.6 509.8 509.4 44.2 37.7 427.5 7.1February 1,692.2 16.3 14.6 1.7 1,128.6 1.3 1,127.3 306.2 91.6 729.5 508.8 508.0 45.7 36.2 426.1 6.6M arch 1,717.1 16.8 15.1 1.7 1,143.7 1.4 1,142.4 307.9 83.8 750.7 518.3 517.5 45.8 30.5 441.2 6.8April 1,740.8 17.4 15.6 1.7 1,158.7 1.4 1,157.3 323.7 81.2 752.4 527.8 527.4 41.9 37.4 448.1 6.9Over 2yearsLoans inNonEuroCurrencyMay 1755.3 18.2 16.4 1.7 1161.5 1.5 1160.1 322.5 79.2 758.4 538.7 537.7 43.0 39.1 455.7 7.1June 1,776.3 18.3 17.4 0.9 1,174.0 1.5 1,172.5 347.1 80.6 744.8 545.6 544.7 47.1 46.9 450.7 7.6July 1,767.1 20.3 18.4 1.9 1,161.0 1.4 1,159.6 338.4 80.2 741.0 547.8 547.4 55.5 38.8 453.1 7.7August 1,753.8 19.6 17.8 1.8 1,147.5 1.4 1,146.1 289.8 95.4 760.9 548.9 548.1 48.1 38.7 461.4 7.7September 1,758.7 18.6 15.9 2.7 1,159.1 1.4 1,157.7 309.5 92.4 755.9 543.2 542.2 50.4 38.5 453.3 7.6October 1,748.4 18.2 16.2 2.0 1,155.0 1.4 1,153.6 304.5 92.4 756.7 545.3 544.9 51.5 38.4 455.0 7.5No vemb er 1,758 .8 18 .7 16 .0 2 .6 1,16 7.6 1.4 1,16 6 .2 3 16 .4 8 9 .5 76 0 .3 54 2 .6 54 1.9 50 .0 3 7.6 4 54 .3 7.52012 December 1,763.4 19.8 16.3 3.5 1,171.2 1.4 1,169.8 313.4 91.7 764.8 543.0 542.6 52.2 37.3 453.0 6.9January 1,754.9 19.1 16.0 3.1 1,165.9 0.8 1,165.1 303.7 96.8 764.6 542.5 542.1 51.8 37.5 452.8 6.4Feb r uar y 1,76 5.6 19 .1 16 .1 3 .0 1,177.3 0 .4 1,176 .9 3 4 9 .8 76 .1 751.0 54 1.4 54 0 .9 52 .5 4 0 .5 4 4 7.9 7.0March 1,782.7 19.9 16.3 3.5 1,188.3 0.3 1,188.0 354.7 79.9 753.4 546.8 545.8 53.8 40.9 451.1 6.72013 April 1,801.6 18.7 16.2 2.5 1,204.0 0.3 1,203.7 364.7 86.8 752.2 551.4 551.0 57.4 41.3 452.3 6.9| 49

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 13.2. ODC loans - new loans(Flow statistics, end of period, in millions of euro)Description Total 1/≤ 1 yearInvestment loans> 1 year≤ 5years2/> 5yearsNonfinancial corporationsNon-investment loans≤ 1 year3/> 1 year≤ 5years> 5yearsOverdrafts 4/ 5/CreditlinesLoanswithfavourableconditionsConsumerloans≤ 1 yearM ortgage loans> 1 year≤ 5years6/Households> 5yearsOverdrafts 4/5/LoanswithfavourableconditionsOtherLoans2005 December 40.8 0.7 10.3 4.9 5.3 13.4 . 7.5 . . 4.8 - 0.4 0.0 0.1 . 1.02006 December 45.4 0.5 8.5 10.6 5.6 12.8 . 8.2 . . 4.7 - 0.6 0.0 0.2 . 2.02007 December 53.3 3.6 6.4 12.1 4.7 16.6 . 10.2 . . 6.6 - 0.6 0.0 0.4 . 2.72008 December 60.0 1.1 9.5 7.1 5.9 19.1 . 135.5 . . 13.6 - 2.3 1.4 5.7 . 0.02009 December 65.3 0.9 9.5 10.0 5.2 23.9 . <strong>140</strong>.8 . . 12.2 - 1.6 2.0 6.2 . 0.02010 December 79.6 1.7 26.3 3.8 3.2 20.0 3.3 108.3 8.1 2.7 9.7 0.0 2.1 1.2 5.0 4.9 0.7M arch 86.2 1.0 28.3 1.8 3.7 17.2 1.6 108.4 5.8 6.7 15.4 0.0 2.1 1.6 5.6 5.9 0.8April 71.1 0.8 14.6 3.6 2.7 13.9 1.7 105.2 10.4 3.9 19.2 0.1 3.4 0.7 5.1 5.6 0.9M ay 99.9 0.9 20.6 4.0 1.9 13.3 1.7 110.6 5.3 25.8 21.1 0.1 2.6 0.8 5.6 6.3 0.9June 79.2 0.7 20.5 1.4 1.7 12.7 2.6 121.1 7.6 7.6 19.6 0.1 3.0 1.2 6.0 7.3 0.8July 60.7 1.3 12.2 4.7 1.2 8.8 2.4 115.4 3.8 3.9 16.8 0.0 2.0 1.3 6.7 5.5 0.6August 49.9 0.9 10.7 1.2 1.8 8.2 0.5 106.0 3.7 4.3 13.2 0.0 2.0 0.8 6.5 5.8 0.6September 56.1 0.8 10.6 5.7 1.7 9.7 0.7 118.0 4.7 2.2 15.1 0.0 2.1 1.2 6.6 5.5 0.8October 66.8 1.0 14.8 3.3 5.4 11.2 1.3 131.8 5.6 4.9 15.0 0.1 2.0 1.1 6.7 5.9 1.0November 59.9 1.0 14.8 8.3 1.8 10.8 1.3 137.0 4.0 1.6 12.4 0.0 1.5 1.1 7.6 4.5 0.82011 December 75.5 2.0 18.1 8.6 3.3 15.8 2.7 147.8 8.6 3.0 13.8 0.0 1.7 1.1 5.9 4.5 1.0January 39.1 0.6 9.7 1.0 1.9 5.8 0.5 134.9 6.1 5.0 8.5 0.1 1.2 0.4 6.4 3.7 0.8February 51.9 1.0 15.6 5.0 2.4 11.2 0.2 143.8 4.2 1.1 9.8 0.1 1.1 0.9 6.4 2.5 0.8M arch 72.5 2.4 18.5 3.1 2.1 14.0 0.7 152.9 6.5 4.0 19.3 0.0 2.0 1.0 6.7 4.0 1.4April 71.3 1.0 17.8 4.6 1.8 12.9 0.5 148.6 8.1 4.3 19.7 0.0 2.3 0.8 6.4 4.6 1.1M ay 73.6 1.2 18.4 3.9 1.9 11.0 0.3 149.9 7.1 7.0 19.7 0.0 2.8 1.2 6.5 4.8 1.3June 66.4 0.7 16.5 1.8 1.3 12.2 3.7 159.1 8.4 2.7 18.0 0.1 2.6 1.1 6.5 4.3 1.3July 58.8 1.7 17.5 0.6 1.4 11.0 1.3 152.4 6.7 2.0 15.5 0.1 2.1 1.2 6.6 3.5 1.0August 55.3 0.3 14.6 1.0 2.6 6.2 1.1 149.0 6.8 9.5 12.1 0.1 1.8 1.2 6.6 3.4 1.5September 65.6 0.7 12.8 5.7 2.9 6.7 0.8 153.0 7.1 14.2 12.8 0.0 1.8 1.1 6.6 5.0 1.0October 56.5 1.1 15.7 1.7 2.2 10.3 0.2 157.6 4.0 1.5 14.6 0.0 1.8 1.0 6.8 5.4 1.0November 60.5 1.4 18.4 4.6 2.5 9.4 0.6 159.6 8.1 1.4 13.4 0.1 1.7 1.4 6.3 4.5 1.12012 December 72.9 2.0 21.7 2.3 4.2 16.0 0.6 170.3 9.2 4.6 13.4 0.0 1.6 1.2 6.4 4.1 1.1January 38.7 1.1 9.0 0.2 1.8 6.8 0.8 160.1 3.9 2.3 12.4 0.0 1.2 0.7 6.9 1.5 0.8February 48.8 0.9 11.5 0.7 1.4 9.4 0.2 167.8 7.6 5.1 14.2 0.0 1.4 1.2 6.9 2.0 0.9M arch 76.3 1.6 21.3 0.7 2.5 12.1 0.3 177.6 6.3 8.1 21.6 0.0 2.3 0.9 7.0 3.0 1.92013 April 70.9 2.5 17.1 2.6 2.6 10.6 1.6 176.3 5.2 4.8 21.1 0.0 2.1 1.1 6.8 3.3 1.41/ Total excludes overdrafts and credit lines that represent outstanding amounts;2/ Up to January 2010 includes also loans in agriculture with maturity over 1 year;3/ Up to January 2010 includes also loans in agriculture with maturity up to 1 year;4/ Up toJanuary 2010 includes also credit lines;5/ Since January 2008 represent outstanding amounts;6/ Up to January 2010 includes also loans with maturity of up to 5 years.50 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 13.3. ODC loans - main eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)TotalDescriptionAgricultureIndust ry, energy and const ruct ionServicesUp t o 1 year Over 1 year Up to 1 year Over 1 year Up to 1 year Over 1 year2001 December 25.9 … … __ 3.8 3.8 … 22.2 22.2 …2002 December 86.5 1.5 1.5 __ 13.6 13.6 … 71.4 71.4 …2003 December 232.8 4.7 3.9 0.8 22.2 12.6 9.7 205.8 119.7 86.12004 December 289.9 7.9 3.9 4.1 47.8 22.5 25.3 234.2 89.5 144.82005 December 387.9 12.5 4.1 8.4 74.2 24.5 49.7 301.1 92.4 208.82006 December 490.5 16.4 3.4 13.0 97.7 28.0 69.7 376.4 120.6 255.82007 December 691.5 29.0 4.1 24.9 144.5 32.8 111.7 518.0 149.5 368.52008 December 902.4 37.4 4.1 33.3 160.2 28.9 131.2 704.8 126.4 578.42009 December 945.5 38.2 3.8 34.4 236.7 54.8 181.9 670.5 113.2 557.32010 December 1,022.8 38.2 1.7 36.5 269.3 77.1 192.2 715.3 188.5 526.8March 1,073.5 38.8 2.8 36.0 265.5 73.2 192.3 769.2 220.2 549.0April 1,086.6 39.0 2.6 36.4 265.5 73.7 191.8 782.1 229.5 552.6May 1,112.3 39.5 2.1 37.5 279.6 76.2 203.4 793.2 229.2 564.0June 1,123.6 40.1 2.4 37.7 281.8 77.0 204.8 801.8 227.6 574.1July 1,119.2 40.1 2.3 37.8 279.7 77.7 202.0 799.4 220.2 579.2August 1,117.5 39.8 0.4 39.3 275.7 73.9 201.8 802.1 208.7 593.4September 1,132.3 40.1 0.6 39.5 274.5 75.2 199.2 817.8 216.7 601.0October 1,136.9 39.9 0.7 39.2 286.5 86.6 199.9 810.5 223.7 586.8November 1,<strong>140</strong>.3 40.0 0.8 39.2 283.7 84.1 199.5 816.6 229.9 586.72 0 11 Decemb er 1,149.5 40.5 0.8 39.7 284.7 82.3 202.4 824.4 220.5 603.8January 1,13 7.5 39.4 0.4 39.0 281.9 83.5 198.4 816.1 220.3 595.9February 1,14 7.9 39.4 0.4 38.9 290.2 89.1 201.1 818.3 220.8 597.5March 1,16 3 .1 40.7 0.5 40.1 296.6 89.4 207.3 825.8 228.8 596.9April 1,178 .7 41.4 0.4 41.0 297.1 95.8 201.4 840.2 238.6 601.6May 1,18 2 .2 42.4 0.4 42.0 295.8 94.9 200.9 844.0 241.1 602.9June 1,19 6 .1 43.0 0.5 43.0 297.2 94.2 203.0 855.9 259.1 596.8July 1,18 5.2 43.0 0.6 43.0 295.4 92.5 202.8 846.8 253.1 593.7August 1,170 .8 42.5 0.8 42.5 288.2 74.5 213.7 840.2 208.4 631.8September 1,18 1.2 42.3 2.9 39.4 292.2 77.9 214.3 846.7 224.5 622.2October 1,176 .4 42.4 2.9 39.4 292.9 75.9 217.0 841.1 212.4 628.7November 1,189.5 43.1 3.0 40.1 292.7 77.4 215.3 853.7 230.1 623.72012 December 1,19 4 .2 43.6 3.0 40.6 290.4 74.1 216.2 860.2 232.3 627.9January 1,18 7.5 43.7 3.2 40.6 289.3 69.4 219.9 854.5 226.5 628.0February 1,19 9 .2 44.7 4.2 40.5 291.7 90.8 200.9 862.9 251.6 611.3March 1,210.9 46.1 4.5 41.6 294.3 93.2 201.1 870.5 253.5 617.02013 April 1,225.4 47.1 4.4 42.7 296.4 93.2 203.2 881.9 262.7 619.3| 51

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 13.4. ODC loans - industry, electricity and construction(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Indust ry, energy and const ruct ionDescriptionM iningM anufacturing Electricity, gas and water ConstructionUp t o 1 year Over 1 year Up t o 1 year Over 1 year Up t o 1 year Over 1 year2001 December 3.8 __ 3.8 3.8 0.0 __ __ __ __ __ __2002 December 13.6 __ 13.6 13.6 0.0 __ __ __ __ __ __2003 December 22.2 __ 18.8 10.8 8.0 … … __ 3.4 1.7 1.72004 December 47.8 … 35.5 16.1 19.4 0.1 … 0.1 12.2 6.4 5.82005 December 74.2 0.5 47.5 11.4 36.2 0.6 0.2 0.4 25.6 12.5 13.12006 December 97.7 0.5 61.2 11.8 49.3 0.7 0.3 0.4 35.3 15.3 20.02007 December 144.5 5.6 88.3 16.3 72.0 1.2 0.4 0.8 49.5 15.6 33.92008 December 160.2 0.8 92.3 13.6 78.6 1.6 0.3 1.3 65.6 14.2 51.32009 December 236.7 14.1 119.9 17.9 102.0 13.7 10.0 3.7 89.1 21.2 67.92010 December 269.3 14.6 127.6 26.1 101.6 18.0 11.9 6.1 109.1 38.2 70.9March 265.5 9.4 127.1 26.7 100.4 12.3 5.1 7.2 116.7 40.4 76.3A p r il 2 6 5.5 10 .5 12 7.7 2 6 .9 10 0 .8 11.3 4 .2 7.1 116 .0 4 0 .3 75.6May 279.6 12.9 134.6 28.0 106.7 12.0 5.0 7.0 120.1 42.3 77.7June 281.8 12.7 134.1 27.0 107.0 12.6 5.8 6.7 122.5 43.2 79.3July 279.7 12.4 133.1 27.2 105.9 12.2 5.7 6.5 122.0 43.8 78.1August 275.7 11.2 133.7 26.8 106.9 12.6 6.1 6.5 118.2 40.9 77.2September 274.5 11.4 132.7 27.1 105.5 12.5 6.2 6.3 118.0 41.4 76.6October 286.5 14.3 134.5 28.3 106.2 13.9 7.7 6.2 123.8 46.9 76.9November 283.7 14.9 132.6 27.6 105.0 13.8 7.6 6.2 122.3 44.2 78.12011 December 284.7 17.2 136.7 28.4 108.3 14.5 7.9 6.6 116.3 38.8 77.4January 281.9 17.0 136.7 29.7 107.0 13.8 7.5 6.4 114.4 39.2 75.2February 290.2 17.8 131.7 29.0 102.7 14.1 7.7 6.4 126.5 46.4 80.1March 296.6 16.8 139.3 29.5 109.7 14.0 7.9 6.1 126.5 46.7 79.8A p r il 2 9 7.1 16 .4 13 8 .5 3 5.3 10 3 .2 13 .7 7.8 5.9 12 8 .5 4 7.5 8 1.0M ay 295.8 17.7 137.3 35.6 101.7 12.3 6.6 5.8 128.4 46.0 82.5June 297.2 17.4 137.3 32.8 104.6 14.1 8.2 5.9 128.3 46.9 81.4July 295.4 16.6 136.6 33.5 103.0 13.9 8.0 5.9 128.3 44.7 83.6August 288.2 16.1 129.3 21.8 107.5 15.5 7.9 7.6 127.3 38.6 88.7September 292.2 16.7 133.1 22.7 110.4 15.7 8.0 7.7 126.6 39.9 86.7October 292.9 15.8 135.8 22.7 113.0 15.4 6.7 8.7 125.9 39.9 86.1November 2 9 2 .7 15.6 13 4 .6 2 3 .1 111.5 15.6 6 .5 9 .1 12 6 .8 4 0 .9 8 5.92012 December 290.4 16.2 133.1 21.7 111.4 15.9 6 .7 9 .3 12 5.2 3 8 .2 8 7.0January 289.3 15.3 133.2 23.7 109.5 14.7 6.3 8.4 126.0 39.0 87.0February 291.7 15.6 135.5 30.3 105.2 14.3 6.5 7.8 126.3 46.5 79.8March 294.3 23.1 128.3 28.1 100.2 15.7 7.6 8.0 127.3 47.8 79.52013 April 296.4 21.8 131.6 30.0 101.7 15.2 7.4 7.8 127.8 47.3 80.652 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 13.5. ODC loans - services(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)DescriptionServicesWhole sale and retail t rade Hot el and rest aurant s Ot her t radeUp to 1yearOver 1yearUp to 1yearOver 1yearUp to 1yearOver 1yearFin.services,expol.realestate,rent , bus2001 December 22.2 14.0 14.0 __ 4.1 4.1 __ __ __ __ __ __ 4.1 4.1 __2002 December 71.4 51.4 51.4 __ 14.6 14.6 __ __ __ __ __ __ 5.4 5.4 __2003 December 205.8 113.1 75.8 37.3 71.8 31.7 40.1 1.3 0.4 0.9 __ __ 19.6 11.9 7.72004 December 234.2 172.8 66.3 106.5 18.9 9.4 9.6 5.4 2.8 2.6 3.2 3.1 33.8 10.9 22.92005 December 301.1 209.6 64.0 145.5 28.0 12.2 15.8 12.1 4.8 7.3 2.7 2.6 48.7 11.2 37.52006 December 376.4 259.5 74.5 185.0 29.5 10.5 19.0 18.3 7.4 11.0 1.1 0.9 68.0 28.1 39.92007 December 518.0 344.6 88.7 256.0 44.9 14.5 30.4 26.6 6.8 19.7 1.5 1.2 100.4 39.2 61.22008 December 704.8 437.5 79.1 358.4 45.1 6.4 38.7 22.0 2.4 19.6 6.0 4.5 194.2 37.0 157.22009 December 670.5 458.9 81.3 377.6 50.8 9.1 41.7 23.7 2.1 21.6 10.6 9.7 126.6 19.8 106.82010 December 715.3 521.2 <strong>140</strong>.5 380.7 39.5 4.2 35.3 18.9 2.9 16.1 22.0 8.8 113.6 32.1 81.5of which:March 769.2 560.7 161.8 398.9 39.4 3.7 35.7 22.0 3.9 18.1 23.0 10.7 124.2 40.1 84.1April 782.1 573.1 171.9 401.2 39.7 4.2 35.5 22.3 4.0 18.2 22.1 9.2 125.0 40.1 84.9May 793.2 585.3 173.1 412.2 40.7 4.1 36.6 21.4 4.1 17.3 22.4 10.2 123.4 37.7 85.7June 801.8 589.5 166.2 423.3 40.5 4.2 36.2 21.2 4.2 17.0 24.8 11.3 125.8 41.7 84.1July 799.4 587.6 160.2 427.4 40.8 4.3 36.6 20.8 4.1 16.7 25.3 11.7 124.8 39.9 84.9August 802.1 591.0 146.7 444.3 40.3 4.8 35.5 20.6 4.4 16.2 26.4 12.7 123.8 39.9 83.9September 817.8 601.5 152.8 448.7 40.3 4.6 35.7 23.5 4.6 18.9 27.6 13.8 124.9 40.9 84.0October 810.5 595.2 159.8 435.4 40.4 4.6 35.8 23.2 4.7 18.5 50.4 25.6 101.3 29.0 72.3November 816.6 599.4 163.8 435.6 39.6 4.3 35.3 23.1 4.5 18.6 53.8 28.8 100.7 28.6 72.12011 December 824.4 606.2 163.2 443.0 39.9 4.2 35.7 23.4 4.6 18.9 55.0 19.9 99.9 28.7 71.2January 816.1 600.1 157.6 442.5 38.7 3.3 35.4 24.6 5.3 19.3 54.4 26.3 98.4 27.8 70.6Over 1yearOt her servicesUp to 1yearOver 1yearFebruary 818.3 605.5 161.7 443.8 39.6 3.7 35.8 25.6 6.2 19.4 49.2 21.2 98.5 28.0 70.5March 825.8 609.4 167.9 441.5 40.1 3.9 36.2 26.0 6.7 19.3 47.7 21.2 102.6 29.1 73.5April 840.2 622.9 177.8 445.1 39.9 3.9 36.1 25.8 6.6 19.2 48.1 19.4 103.5 31.0 72.5May 844.0 622.4 178.9 443.5 41.8 4.7 37.1 26.3 6.4 20.0 48.3 19.9 105.2 31.3 74.0June 855.9 634.7 195.8 438.9 38.2 3.1 35.1 23.4 4.8 18.5 51.2 23.5 108.3 31.9 76.5July 846.8 629.2 190.3 438.9 39.2 4.0 35.2 23.0 4.6 18.4 50.5 22.8 105.0 31.5 73.5August 840.2 622.1 161.2 460.8 38.3 3.4 34.9 24.4 4.7 19.8 51.6 11.5 103.9 27.6 76.2September 846.7 618.4 170.1 448.3 38.3 3.6 34.6 23.7 3.3 20.4 51.6 11.8 114.7 35.7 79.1October 841.1 620.1 166.5 453.5 37.7 3.6 34.0 23.8 3.3 20.6 51.3 12.0 108.3 27.0 81.2November 853.7 630.6 181.5 449.1 38.8 4.0 34.7 23.2 3.2 20.0 52.4 13.1 108.8 28.2 80.72012 December 860.2 635.3 185.7 449.6 38.8 4.2 34.6 22.7 2.2 20.6 54.5 12.2 108.8 28.0 80.8January 854.5 632.7 181.6 451.1 39.8 4.2 35.6 22.2 2.2 20.0 53.5 11.7 106.3 26.8 79.5February 862.9 640.3 204.7 435.6 40.3 4.6 35.6 22.8 2.8 20.1 53.8 12.0 105.6 27.5 78.1March 870.5 643.5 203.6 439.8 41.0 4.8 36.2 23.4 3.1 20.3 55.0 13.5 107.6 28.5 79.22013 April 881.9 649.8 210.7 439.1 41.8 5.0 36.8 23.6 3.3 20.3 55.7 13.8 111.0 29.9 81.2| 53

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 14.1. ODC effective interest rate - deposit interest rates(New contracts, unless otherwise indicated)DescriptionDepositratesTransferabledepositsUp to 1mont hNonfinancial corporat ionsOther depositsSaving Transfedeposits rableLess than 250.000 euro More than 250.000 euro deposit Up to 1s mont hOver 1monthand upto 3Over 6monthsand up 1yearOver2yearsUp to 1mont hOver 1mont hand upto 3Over 6mont hsand up 1yearHouseholdsOther deposits2005 December 3.12 0.26 2.07 2.37 3.40 * 2.90 * * 1.71 0.04 1.85 2.24 * 3.33 3.87 4.04 1.742006 December 3.11 0.39 2.06 2.85 4.32 * 3.11 * * 1.53 0.03 1.93 2.35 * 3.44 4.16 4.51 1.652007 December 4.00 0.48 2.68 2.93 4.35 * 4.27 4.15 * 2.45 0.02 2.55 2.75 * 3.60 4.72 5.27 2.252008 December 4.42 0.53 3.09 3.97 5.32 * 3.61 4.92 * 2.85 0.11 3.21 4.60 * 4.45 4.99 3.95 2.742009 December 3.98 0.72 3.42 3.42 5.03 * 3.88 4.88 * 2.63 0.34 3.09 3.28 * 4.39 5.00 5.50 2.512010 December 3.38 0.63 2.44 3.08 4.96 5.14 * 3.74 * 2.07 0.55 2.58 2.63 3.15 4.49 4.77 5.14 2.21M arch 3.36 1.01 1.99 3.26 4.31 * 2.33 * 5.11 2.30 0.43 2.48 2.74 3.03 3.94 4.16 5.22 2.11April 3.48 0.92 2.14 3.51 4.91 * 2.35 3.82 5.42 2.19 0.40 2.53 2.50 2.94 4.15 4.25 5.13 2.04M ay 3.41 0.91 2.39 3.67 3.89 4.61 * 3.36 * 2.26 0.41 2.64 2.61 2.87 4.13 4.65 4.97 2.10June 3.50 0.84 2.17 2.81 4.94 * 2.10 3.92 5.30 2.20 0.40 2.51 2.75 2.91 4.21 4.62 5.03 2.03July 3.59 1.44 2.27 * 4.66 5.83 2.14 * 5.68 2.28 0.29 2.53 2.50 2.81 4.12 4.48 5.15 2.08August 3.64 * 2.10 * 5.10 * 2.79 3.87 4.98 2.28 0.42 2.74 2.63 2.77 4.06 4.53 5.15 2.08September 3.53 0.89 2.64 2.75 5.09 * 2.56 3.89 * 1.67 0.46 2.48 2.71 2.76 4.27 4.70 5.15 2.01October 3.26 0.92 2.21 2.55 4.85 * 2.26 3.76 * 2.26 0.48 2.51 2.45 2.72 4.24 4.64 5.07 2.05November 3.75 0.89 2.03 2.59 4.56 * 2.22 3.63 5.32 2.17 0.49 2.48 2.49 2.84 4.34 5.15 4.92 2.002011 December 3.71 0.86 0.00 2.91 4.90 5.05 * 3.88 5.25 2.20 0.48 2.49 2.47 2.88 4.21 4.56 5.36 2.06January 3.09 0.77 1.71 2.62 4.65 * 1.46 4.04 * 2.10 0.50 2.32 2.26 2.73 4.00 4.48 5.11 2.06February 3.39 0.69 2.20 2.93 4.73 * 1.80 * * 2.14 0.51 2.39 2.43 2.99 4.03 4.50 5.22 1.93M arch 3.33 0.85 2.15 * * 4.31 2.77 3.91 2.66 2.13 0.50 2.57 2.65 2.89 4.01 4.53 5.18 2.06April 3.63 0.87 2.29 2.71 5.03 * 1.74 3.81 5.42 2.10 0.49 2.39 2.50 2.92 4.10 4.49 5.09 2.00M ay 3.54 0.78 2.37 2.89 4.53 5.19 1.62 3.91 4.73 2.08 0.50 2.62 2.46 2.92 4.22 4.51 5.32 2.05June 3.59 0.92 2.25 * 4.51 * 1.82 3.95 * 2.00 0.49 2.45 2.72 2.92 4.29 4.64 5.49 1.99July 3.41 0.88 2.09 * 4.32 5.62 1.74 * * 2.01 0.50 2.04 2.38 2.88 4.26 4.52 5.39 2.04August 3.93 0.94 2.24 2.87 5.02 * 1.30 * 4.88 2.02 0.50 2.81 2.57 2.77 4.26 4.64 5.39 2.04September 3.73 1.25 2.07 2.77 3.94 * 1.37 3.92 5.46 1.97 0.51 2.26 2.60 2.65 4.32 3.87 5.26 1.97October 3.73 0.85 1.93 * 4.94 5.24 * * * 2.00 0.54 2.28 2.38 2.70 4.26 4.63 5.23 2.04November 3.74 0.96 2.46 * 4.96 * * 3.93 5.19 2.18 0.52 2.21 2.49 2.84 4.35 4.49 5.28 1.982012 December 3.74 0.83 * 2.79 * * 2.67 4.02 4.75 2.15 0.54 2.30 2.46 2.84 4.20 4.52 4.76 2.06January 3.64 0.85 1.28 2.79 4.84 * 2.88 * 3.57 1.98 0.60 2.30 2.33 2.81 4.12 4.48 5.25 1.71February 3.64 0.79 1.79 2.14 3.00 * * 4.03 * 1.93 0.61 2.13 2.43 2.97 4.07 4.56 5.18 1.60March 3.54 1.02 1.78 0.00 2.12 * * * 5.05 1.97 0.60 2.11 2.46 2.92 3.91 4.43 4.67 1.682013 April 3.40 0.80 0.83 1.56 * 4.90 * * * 1.97 0.59 1.94 2.20 2.71 3.90 4.47 4.95 1.63Over 1mont hand upto 3monthsOver 3monthsand up 6monthsOver 6mont hsand up 1yearOver 1yearand up2 yearsOver2yearsSavingdeposits54 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 14.2. ODC effective interest rate - loan interest rates(New contracts, unless otherwise indicated)DescriptionLoanratesNon financial corporationsInvestment business loansUp to 1yearOver 1year upto 5 yearsOver 5yearsOther business loans(<strong>no</strong>n-investing)Up to 1yearOver 1year upto 5 yearsOverdraf t sCreditlinesLoans withfavourableconditionsLoans Othercovered loansbydepositsHouseholdsConsumer loans2005 December 14.47 17.34 13.29 13.29 15.18 14.38 15.11 11.51 … * * … * 11.51 * * *2006 December 14.70 * 14.50 14.50 13.60 15.18 15.72 12.36 … * * … * 12.36 * 13.36 *2007 December 14.06 * 13.76 13.76 * 14.64 15.09 13.72 … * * … * 13.72 12.92 12.36 *2008 December 13.79 * 13.92 13.92 14.20 13.45 15.03 13.50 … * 19.48 … … 13.50 9.81 10.82 8.132009 December 14.09 * 14.34 14.34 * * * … * 17.83 … … 13.31 * 10.67 *2010 December 14.31 16.13 13.95 * 18.66 14.44 12.65 13.27 7.69 * 22.57 6.55 8.56 14.56 * 11.67 10.26M ar ch 14 .19 18 .2 3 13 .8 1 12 .4 9 18 .4 9 14 .9 3 11.8 8 13 .13 7.0 2 9 .0 9 2 0 .2 7 5.3 1 8 .3 6 13 .76 * 12 .2 2 9 .8 3April 14.38 * 15.23 11.59 17.65 15.47 12.69 11.98 6.50 4.43 21.24 5.68 8.06 13.51 * 11.59 10.51M ay 13 .2 5 17.2 8 13 .9 8 12 .0 0 17.72 15.4 0 12 .70 13 .3 2 6 .6 6 6 .56 2 1.2 3 7.2 3 8 .79 11.4 7 * 11.8 5 11.52June 14.13 18.69 13.83 12.56 19.02 15.42 11.85 12.77 3.64 7.06 19.03 6.25 8.16 13.91 * 11.88 11.00July 14.28 17.58 14.16 * 16.92 15.54 12.43 12.69 5.83 8.72 18.42 5.39 8.55 14.04 * 11.95 11.00A ug ust 14 .0 2 15.11 13 .78 13 .0 2 18 .72 14 .8 3 12 .2 6 14 .16 5.8 7 8 .73 17.8 8 6 .2 6 8 .4 1 13 .73 * 11.9 7 10 .10September 14.22 12.87 14.67 11.07 21.57 15.08 11.74 13.37 7.50 8.39 17.28 7.25 8.36 13.66 * 11.88 9.45Oct o b er 13 .9 3 14 .2 4 13 .53 * 16 .76 14 .6 4 11.9 2 13 .3 9 5.4 9 10 .0 5 17.3 5 6 .8 7 8 .9 0 13 .71 15.72 11.75 11.58No vemb er 13 .6 2 14 .4 7 13 .0 2 13 .53 15.0 6 14 .19 11.4 6 13 .9 2 6 .4 3 10 .2 0 14 .2 0 7.2 8 9 .0 8 13 .9 7 * 11.4 8 10 .9 42 0 11 Decemb er 13 .6 9 15.8 9 13 .55 11.6 8 16 .4 0 13 .8 0 11.78 12 .12 6 .10 9 .8 8 16 .4 4 6 .0 1 8 .58 14 .0 2 14 .3 1 11.9 9 10 .8 3January 14.53 17.85 14.01 * 17.96 15.56 12.25 13.69 6.16 8.80 18.31 6.99 9.22 14.25 12.38 11.34 9.62February 13.33 15.84 12.68 10.90 16.83 14.23 10.90 12.96 6.33 * 16.79 6.81 8.47 13.83 9.73 11.71 10.39M ar ch 13 .8 1 14 .2 5 13 .4 6 12 .8 0 17.6 5 14 .8 6 11.19 11.70 7.2 9 * 16 .8 3 6 .3 3 8 .18 13 .4 1 * 11.8 9 10 .4 0A p r il 13 .4 5 15.73 13 .4 8 10 .13 18 .2 1 14 .59 10 .8 1 11.9 4 6 .56 * 16 .6 2 7.11 8 .3 1 13 .10 * 11.15 11.11M ay 13 .4 0 14 .13 13 .0 3 10 .8 0 15.6 5 15.52 11.2 0 12 .0 7 5.3 7 * 16 .8 0 7.0 1 8 .3 6 13 .15 * 11.3 3 10 .12June 13.50 15.51 13.05 10.94 19.83 14.16 10.72 10.92 7.21 9.61 16.23 7.05 8.08 13.47 7.72 11.67 10.50July 13 .0 6 8 .6 8 12 .2 2 11.9 0 14 .54 14 .9 7 11.18 11.9 4 7.6 8 * 16 .50 6 .2 6 8 .74 13 .54 14 .16 11.4 8 10 .3 0A ug ust 13 .3 8 15.9 2 12 .4 3 * 16 .3 4 14 .78 10 .75 11.72 6 .78 * 15.9 6 6 .74 7.9 5 13 .72 * 11.4 5 10 .0 9September 13.80 16.53 13.51 * 14.51 15.76 10.82 11.44 6.35 9.90 16.54 7.17 6.80 13.44 12.12 11.61 9.69Oct o b er 13 .18 14 .2 1 12 .9 4 10 .79 14 .75 13 .9 6 11.2 0 13 .76 6 .6 3 9 .9 6 16 .12 6 .58 6 .75 13 .3 0 * 11.4 3 10 .3 4November 12.72 14.64 12.16 9.67 14.05 14.40 10.43 10.83 7.06 * 16.08 7.21 8.16 13.30 * 10.39 8.972012 December 12.86 15.37 12.03 10.19 15.29 13.66 10.70 11.90 5.92 * 12.46 6.11 7.97 13.06 * 10.78 9.79Januar y 13 .57 12 .70 13 .72 * 15.52 15.3 8 10 .73 12 .6 4 5.6 0 * 16 .3 9 6 .4 6 4 .78 12 .6 3 11.9 5 11.2 2 10 .2 9February 13.49 14.10 14.05 * 16.71 14.15 * 11.56 * * 14.98 6.48 6.71 12.81 * 11.02 9.83March 12.63 15.24 12.30 11.00 15.95 13.79 * 12.85 7.31 9.94 15.84 6.22 6.74 12.10 * 11.03 9.452013 April 12.59 12.86 12.45 10.48 16.10 14.12 * 13.37 6.98 10.35 16.91 6.58 5.75 12.03 13.43 11.34 9.73OverdraftsLoans withfavourableconditionsLoanscoveredbydepositsOtherloansUp to 5yearsMortgage loansOver 5years upto 10yearsOver 10years| 55

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 15.1. ODC income statement - income and expenditures(Outstanding amounts, within the calendar year, in millions of euro)DescriptionNetIncomeIncomeInterestincomeof which: Non- of which:InterestLoans Securit iesincomeFees andcommissionsExpendituresInt erest expendit uresDeposits BorrowingsOtherNon-Interestexpendituresof which:Provisions for loanand ot herassetslossesGeneralandadminist rat iveexpenses2001 December 5.5 16.6 7.2 2.1 … 9.4 9.2 10.1 1.3 0.8 0.5 … 0.6 0.6 8.22002 December 0.9 31.9 17.8 9.4 0.2 14.0 13.2 28.4 3.5 3.1 0.4 … 3.3 3.3 21.62003 December 5.3 48.7 30.7 23.8 0.8 18.0 16.8 40.9 5.3 4.8 0.5 … 7.7 7.7 27.92004 December 10.7 73.4 54.0 48.1 3.4 19.4 17.5 58.9 10.0 9.2 0.7 … 11.1 11.1 37.82005 December 11.0 94.3 74.6 68.0 2.7 19.7 17.4 78.0 15.4 13.9 1.5 … 13.4 13.4 49.22006 December 19.7 114.0 88.8 79.4 2.8 25.2 22.5 88.5 19.9 17.5 2.4 … 13.7 13.7 54.82007 December 41.7 157.3 117.9 103.0 3.6 39.5 23.8 115.6 26.0 23.2 2.8 … 19.9 17.8 69.72008 December 38.0 195.0 155.7 <strong>140</strong>.4 2.3 39.3 30.2 146.0 43.1 35.1 2.8 5.1 27.7 22.8 86.22009 December 31.4 203.3 164.6 159.6 1.2 38.7 32.7 171.9 52.1 48.1 3.6 0.4 32.6 33.4 86.42010 December 37.9 217.2 175.8 169.6 3.1 41.4 37.5 179.4 55.3 49.4 4.8 1.1 36.0 28.3 88.1March 6.4 55.6 45.5 43.7 0.8 10.0 9.2 49.2 13.5 12.1 1.2 0.3 13.9 12.0 21.8April 9.6 74.5 61.1 58.7 1.1 13.5 12.5 64.9 18.0 16.1 1.6 0.3 17.6 15.1 29.2May 13.0 94.5 77.2 74.1 1.4 17.3 15.9 81.5 22.8 20.2 2.1 0.4 21.4 18.1 37.4June 17.6 114.8 93.7 89.9 1.7 21.1 19.4 97.2 27.4 24.4 2.5 0.5 23.9 19.7 45.9July 20.5 136.0 110.7 106.1 2.1 25.3 22.9 115.4 33.1 28.7 2.8 1.7 28.2 23.4 54.1August 26.2 156.9 127.5 122.2 2.4 29.4 26.8 130.6 38.1 33.1 3.9 1.1 30.5 24.6 62.0September 28.4 176.4 143.9 137.8 2.8 32.5 30.5 148.0 43.1 37.6 4.4 1.2 35.1 28.8 69.8October 33.3 197.3 160.9 153.8 3.3 36.3 34.1 164.0 48.2 42.1 4.8 1.3 37.7 30.7 78.0November 36.5 217.6 177.7 169.7 3.7 40.0 37.7 181.1 53.2 46.6 5.1 1.5 41.0 33.3 86.92011 December 42.2 240.0 195.0 186.2 4.2 45.0 41.7 197.8 58.4 51.3 5.6 1.5 42.7 34.2 96.7January 3.3 20.3 16.9 16.1 0.5 3.5 3.3 17.0 5.1 4.6 0.4 0.1 3.6 3.0 8.2February 4.2 39.9 32.8 31.5 0.9 7.1 6.6 35.7 10.0 9.1 0.7 0.3 9.0 7.7 16.7March 8.8 61.4 50.0 47.9 1.3 11.4 10.3 52.5 15.2 13.8 1.0 0.4 12.7 10.7 24.7April 11.9 81.9 66.7 63.9 1.8 15.2 13.9 70.0 20.3 18.2 1.5 0.5 16.8 14.3 32.9May 14.2 103.2 84.1 80.6 2.3 19.1 17.8 89.0 25.4 22.9 1.8 0.7 22.3 19.0 41.4June 12 .6 12 4 .2 10 1.1 9 6 .9 2 .8 2 3 .1 2 1.5 111.6 3 0 .5 2 7.6 2 .1 0 .8 3 1.5 2 7.5 4 9 .7July 15.2 145.6 118.2 113.5 3.1 27.4 25.5 130.4 35.6 32.3 2.4 0.9 36.7 32.0 58.0August 18.3 164.9 133.5 130.1 1.6 31.4 29.4 146.7 40.9 37.2 2.7 1.1 39.2 33.7 66.5September 20.8 184.8 149.7 146.0 1.8 35.1 33.0 164.1 46.3 42.0 3.0 1.3 42.9 36.8 74.9October 23.6 205.8 166.7 162.6 2.0 39.0 36.8 182.1 51.9 47.1 3.3 1.5 47.2 40.3 83.1November 24.8 225.8 182.8 178.2 2.2 43.1 40.7 201.0 57.4 52.3 3.9 1.2 51.8 44.3 91.92012 December 22.4 247.0 200.5 194.9 3.0 46.6 44.2 224.6 63.1 57.6 3.2 2.3 59.1 50.3 102.4January 2.3 20.8 16.7 16.2 0.1 4.2 3.7 18.6 5.6 5.2 0.2 0.2 4.8 4.2 8.1Feb r uar y 1.5 3 9 .8 3 1.9 3 1.0 0 .3 7.9 7.1 3 8 .3 10 .6 9 .8 0 .4 0 .4 11.4 9 .8 16 .3March 6.8 60.6 49.0 47.4 0.7 11.6 10.6 53.8 16.2 15.0 0.7 0.5 13.3 10.9 24.42013 April 8.8 81.2 65.6 63.6 0.9 15.6 14.5 72.4 21.5 19.9 0.9 0.7 18.2 15.1 32.756 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 16.1. Other financial intermediaries balance sheet - assets(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Total assetsDescriptionCash Balance with commercial banks Gross loans Lease f inancing FixedassetsIn euroIn euro currency: of whichIn euro currencyIn euro currency: of whichcurrencyDomesticCurrent TimeOther <strong>no</strong>n HouseholOther Other <strong>no</strong>n Ho useholaccount depositsf inancial dsfinancial financial ds0corporaticorporati corporationsons onsOtherassetsJanuary 127.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 14.8 14.8 6.8 8.0 86.0 86.0 37.5 48.5 17.9 17.9 0.2 14.5 3.2 6.0 2.4February 126.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 15.5 15.5 11.9 3.4 84.2 84.2 36.7 47.5 18.0 18.0 0.2 14.6 3.2 5.9 3.0March 122.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 11.3 11.3 7.6 3.7 83.4 83.4 35.5 48.0 18.7 18.7 0.2 15.1 3.4 5.8 2.8April 121.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 10.4 10.4 9.0 1.4 83.0 83.0 34.9 48.1 18.8 18.8 0.2 15.1 3.5 5.6 3.0May 120.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 9.9 9.9 5.6 4.3 82.9 82.9 34.6 48.3 19.3 19.3 0.2 15.3 3.9 5.5 2.6June 120.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 9.0 9.0 5.2 3.8 82.7 82.7 34.1 48.6 19.9 19.9 0.0 0.0 0.2 5.3 2.3July 122.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 11.3 11.3 7.0 4.3 81.4 81.4 33.0 48.4 20.5 20.5 0.2 16.1 4.2 5.5 3.1Auugust 122.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 12.3 12.3 8.1 4.3 80.5 80.5 32.3 48.3 20.4 20.4 0.2 16.0 4.2 5.5 3.1September 120.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 12.5 12.5 8.1 4.4 79.3 79.3 31.0 48.3 20.5 20.5 0.2 15.8 4.4 5.4 3.0October 120.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 12.6 12.6 8.1 4.6 79.0 79.0 30.1 48.9 20.5 20.5 0.2 15.7 4.6 5.4 3.0November 121.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 12.6 12.6 10.9 1.8 79.2 79.2 29.4 49.8 20.4 20.4 0.1 15.6 4.6 5.4 3.12012 December 115.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 8.5 8.5 7.0 1.5 77.5 77.5 27.9 49.6 20.8 20.8 0.1 16.0 4.7 5.1 2.9January 114.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 9.0 9.0 7.4 1.5 76.0 76.0 26.7 49.3 20.6 20.6 0.1 15.8 4.7 5.1 2.82013 February 115.6 0.9 0.9 10.4 10.4 9.0 1.5 75.5 75.5 26.0 49.5 20.9 20.9 0.0 16.0 4.8 5.1 2.8M arch 113.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 7.4 7.4 6.0 1.4 75.7 75.7 25.5 50.2 21.2 21.2 0.1 16.2 4.9 5.0 2.92013 April 113.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 8.3 8.3 6.9 1.4 75.5 75.5 25.1 50.4 21.3 21.3 0.1 16.3 4.9 5.1 2.8Table 16.2. Other financial intermediaries balance sheet - liabilities(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Total liabilitiesDebts toOwn resourcesclientDescriptionDomest icSharecapitalContigencyGeneralreservesProfit/loss of t heRet ainedprofit/losNonresidentsJanuary 127.2 94.2 19.2 33.0 15.5 0.1 2.1 -0.5 13.5 2.4February 126.9 93.7 19.2 33.2 15.6 0.1 2.1 -0.8 13.8 2.4M arch 122.3 89.7 18.5 32.6 15.8 0.1 2.1 -1.3 13.5 2.4April 121.0 88.8 19.4 32.2 16.1 0.1 2.2 -1.9 13.3 2.4M ay 120.5 88.5 20.1 32.0 16.3 0.1 2.2 -2.2 13.3 2.4June 120.3 90.7 20.7 31.8 16.8 0.0 2.2 -2.4 12.9 2.4July 122.0 90.1 21.5 31.9 16.9 0.1 2.2 -2.9 13.3 2.4Auugust 122.1 90.4 21.7 31.7 17.1 0.1 2.2 -3.2 13.2 2.4September 120.9 89.1 21.3 31.8 17.7 0.1 2.2 -3.9 13.3 2.4October 120.8 88.9 21.9 31.9 17.8 0.1 2.2 -3.9 13.3 2.4November 121.0 89.7 22.9 31.3 17.9 0.1 2.2 -4.5 13.3 2.42012 December 115.8 84.6 21.4 31.2 17.9 0.1 2.2 -4.5 13.1 2.4January 114.4 83.4 31.0 31.0 17.9 0.1 1.0 0.1 9.5 2.4February 115.6 84.8 30.8 30.8 17.1 0.0 1.0 0.1 9.4 3.1M arch 113.1 82.9 11.8 30.2 17.2 0.0 1.0 -0.5 9.4 3.12013 April 113.9 84.2 84.2 29.7 16.6 0.0 1.0 -0.6 9.5 3.1| 57

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTabela 17.1. Other financial intermediaries loans – by maturity(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Total loansDescriptionFinancialcorporationsNon f inancail corporations≤ 1 yar >1 ≤ 2years> 2 ≤ 5years> 5 ≤ 10yearsHouseholds and ot her sect ors> 10 years ≤ 1 yar >1 ≤ 2years> 2 ≤ 5years> 5 ≤ 10years> 10 yearsNonresidentsJanuary 86.0 … 37.5 3.8 12.6 18.3 0.3 2.6 48.5 6.4 20.7 19.7 1.6 … …February 84.2 … 36.7 3.8 14.5 18.1 0.3 0.0 47.5 7.4 21.1 18.7 0.3 … …March 83.6 … 35.5 4.6 12.9 17.6 0.3 0.0 48.1 10.4 20.3 17.2 0.3 … …April 83.0 … 34.9 4.7 12.6 17.2 0.3 0.0 48.1 8.6 22.4 16.8 0.2 … …May 82.9 … 34.6 5.1 12.4 16.8 0.4 0.0 48.3 8.7 22.8 16.5 0.3 … …June 82.8 … 34.2 4.5 12.4 16.9 0.4 0.0 48.6 8.9 20.9 18.1 0.7 … …July 81.5 … 33.1 4.6 12.0 16.2 0.4 0.0 48.4 8.7 22.7 16.8 0.3 … …Auugust 80.5 … 32.3 4.7 11.6 15.6 0.4 0.0 48.3 8.4 20.6 18.4 0.8 … …September 79.3 … 31.0 4.9 10.9 14.9 0.4 0.0 48.3 8.7 22.4 16.9 0.3 … …October 79.0 … 30.1 4.3 10.8 14.5 0.4 0.0 48.9 8.1 23.5 16.7 0.6 … …November 79.2 … 29.4 4.6 10.3 14.1 0.4 0.0 49.8 8.0 24.7 16.9 0.3 … …2012 December 77.5 … 27.9 4.4 9.8 13.4 0.4 0.0 49.6 8.1 24.6 16.7 0.2 … …January 76.0 … 26.7 4.3 9.3 12.8 0.4 0.0 49.3 8.0 25.6 15.5 0.2 … …2013 February 75.5 … 26.0 4.3 8.9 12.4 0.4 0.0 49.5 8.5 24.5 16.3 0.2 … …M arch 75.7 … 25.5 4.4 8.7 12.0 0.3 0.0 50.2 8.7 25.2 16.1 0.2 … …2013 April 75.5 … 25.1 4.5 8.6 11.6 0.3 0.0 50.4 8.9 25.1 16.2 0.2 … …Table17.2. Other financial intermediaries balance sheet – eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors(Outstanding amounts, end of period, in millions of euro)Total loansDescriptionAgricultureIndustry, energy and reconstruct ionM iningManufacturingElectricit Construcy, gas tionand waterServicesTradeHot elsandrestaurantsOthertradesFinancialservices ,realest ate,OtherservicesJanuary 37.5 10.3 8.9 0.0 3.1 0.0 5.8 18.4 8.1 1.9 0.5 0.5 7.3February 36.7 10.1 8.8 0.0 3.0 0.0 5.7 17.9 7.9 1.5 0.5 0.8 7.1M arch 35.5 9.8 8.5 0.0 2.8 0.0 5.7 17.1 7.5 1.7 0.5 0.5 6.9April 34.9 9.7 8.4 0.0 2.8 0.0 5.6 16.7 7.4 1.6 0.5 0.6 6.6M ay 34.6 9.8 8.4 0.0 2.7 0.0 5.7 16.4 7.1 1.6 0.5 0.5 6.6June 34.2 9.7 8.4 2.6 2.6 0.0 5.8 16.0 6.9 1.6 0.4 0.6 6.5July 33.1 9.6 8.1 0.0 2.5 0.0 5.6 15.4 6.7 1.5 0.4 0.6 6.1Auugust 32.3 9.4 8.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 5.5 14.9 6.4 1.5 0.4 0.6 6.0September 31.0 9.0 7.8 0.0 2.3 0.1 5.4 14.2 5.9 1.4 0.3 0.6 6.0October 30.1 8.7 7.8 0.0 2.2 0.0 5.5 13.6 5.4 1.3 0.3 0.6 6.0November 29.4 8.5 7.5 0.0 2.3 0.0 5.3 13.3 5.2 1.2 0.3 1.1 5.42012 December 27.9 8.0 7.4 0.0 2.1 0.0 5.3 12.5 4.8 1.1 0.3 0.8 5.4January 26.7 7.7 7.1 0.0 2.0 0.0 5.1 11.9 4.6 0.6 0.8 1.0 5.02013 February 26.0 7.5 6.9 0.0 1.8 0.0 5.2 11.6 4.4 1.0 0.3 1.0 4.8M arch 25.5 7.4 6.8 0.0 1.7 0.6 4.5 11.3 4.3 0.9 0.4 1.1 4.72013 April 25.1 7.3 6.5 0.0 1.7 0.0 4.8 11.3 4.0 1.2 0.3 1.1 4.758 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Tabela 17.3. Other financial intermediaries loans – new loans(Flow statistics, in thousands of euro)TotalDescriptionNonf inancial corporations andhouseholdsNonfinancial corporationsHouseholdsInvest ing and <strong>no</strong>ninvesting loans Invest ing and <strong>no</strong>ninvesting loans Consumer loans M ort gagesNonf inancial corporations andhouseholdsOther loansNumber Sum Number Sum Number Sum Number Sum Number Sum Number SumJanuary 2,523 5,303 715 2,214.3 1,414 2,370.7 230 329.4 17 75.2 147 313.7February 2,434 4,819 655 1,700.6 1,440 2,437.8 157 266.3 19 151.5 163 263.0March 3,306 7,009 860 2,245.7 2,043 3,929.4 199 347.7 38 227.3 166 258.9April 2,660 5,967 675 1,977.5 1,637 3,264.5 185 308.1 29 147.2 134 269.4May 2,918 6,757 802 2,249.9 1,686 3,396.9 200 290.0 43 286.8 187 533.5June 2,841 6,771 737 2,478.4 1,722 3,323.3 230 371.2 56 466.0 96 132.4July 2,428 5,680 603 1,831.9 1,485 3,076.0 218 303.1 40 346.6 82 122.6Auugust 2,409 5,074 562 1,312.7 1,426 2,914.8 256 384.8 58 301.2 107 160.2September 2,556 5,594 555 1,392.7 1,623 3,308.6 211 284.3 53 246.2 114 362.6October 3,020 6,389 486 1,487.3 1,847 3,712.1 539 781.6 40 234.9 108 172.8November 2,897 6,557 458 1,559.3 1,784 3,503.9 491 739.9 31 569.6 133 184.82012 December 3,276 6,885 544 1,741.3 2,066 3,886.3 505 751.7 26 169.2 135 336.0January 2,604 4,764 493 953.4 1,669 3,125.6 309 457.1 17 80.3 116 147.42013 February 2,729 5,307 571 1,275.0 1,702 3,226.0 326 478.1 25 145.5 105 182.1March 3,684 6,738 769 1,876.2 2,302 4,035.8 431 470.0 23 138.6 159 217.42013 April 3,186 6,319 708 1,468.3 1,966 3,784.7 377 477.4 34 456.1 101 132.6Table 17.4. Other financial intermediaries loans – <strong>no</strong>n-fincancial corporationsnew loans(Flow statistics, in thousands of euro)TotalDescriptionInvesting loans≤ 1 year > 1 year ≤ 5 years > 5 years ≤ 1 yearNoninvesting loans> 1 year ≤ 5 years > 5 yearsOther loansNr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. SumJanuary 752 2,373.5 152 205.4 177 552.1 * * 126 265.5 260 1,191.2 * * 37 159.1February 699 1,825.5 135 176.9 162 463.1 * * 122 231.2 234 735.3 2 94.1 44 125.0March 898 2,348.3 170 177.8 201 579.4 * * 196 172.0 289 949.5 4 367.0 38 102.5April 723 2,119.5 125 199.5 162 688.0 * * 147 233.2 241 856.8 * * 48 142.0May 890 2,618.8 141 277.8 173 678.6 * * 148 164.1 340 1,129.4 * * 88 368.9June 760 2,524.2 125 178.9 182 905.4 * * 136 266.2 294 1,127.9 * * 23 45.8July 617 1,849.0 112 206.1 145 502.1 1 6.0 109 150.3 236 967.3 * * 14 17.1Auugust 582 1,341.4 109 161.9 137 374.7 * * 99 134.1 217 642.1 * * 20 28.8September 576 1,627.0 99 289.3 148 410.1 * * 76 102.1 232 591.2 * * 21 234.3October 514 1,553.1 114 75.3 137 483.7 * * 92 111.7 143 816.6 * * 28 65.7November 482 1,588.0 122 259.7 183 853.6 2 18.3 61 74.0 90 353.7 * * 24 28.72012 December 566 1,757.1 173 168.7 175 864.1 * * 93 145.9 103 562.7 * * 22 15.8January 526 980.6 167 218.4 167 470.7 0 0.0 66 44.5 93 219.9 0 0.0 33 27.22013 February 606 1,346.4 212 272.3 173 403.4 0 0.0 80 153.5 105 441.2 1 4.5 35 71.4March 841 1,982.8 277 295.5 230 843.7 0 0.0 121 202.6 141 534.4 0 0.0 72 106.62013 April 756 1,513.6 211 256.2 219 659.7 0 0.0 96 152.6 182 399.9 0 0.0 48 45.3| 59

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTabela 17.5. Other financial intermediaries loans – household new loans (1)(Flow statistics, in thousands of euro)TotalDescriptionInvesting loansNoninvesting loans≤ 1 year > 1 year ≤ 5 years > 5 years ≤ 1 year > 1 year ≤ 5 years> 5 yearsNr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. SumJanuary 1,414 2,370.7 269 260.3 286 774.7 * * 390 366.9 467 911.8 2 57.0February 1,440 2,437.8 294 290.5 249 707.9 * * 473 456.0 423 954.8 1 28.5March 2,043 3,929.4 348 361.4 404 1,150.8 * * 725 663.1 563 1,592.6 3 161.5April 1,637 3,264.5 256 367.4 362 1,054.3 * * 547 502.5 470 1,231.2 2 109.0May 1,686 3,396.9 280 322.1 378 1,193.9 * * 518 513.9 503 1,059.1 7 308.0June 1,722 3,323.3 327 385.1 343 933.9 * * 485 450.1 567 1,554.3 * *July 1,485 3,076.0 310 371.3 388 1,087.7 * * 322 302.6 465 1,314.4 * *Auugust 1,426 2,914.8 288 343.9 346 1,006.0 * * 324 334.7 467 1,178.5 1 51.8September 1,623 3,308.6 259 345.7 373 1,078.5 * * 423 368.2 562 1,264.9 6 251.3October 1,847 3,712.1 251 314.9 384 1,081.5 * * 518 463.2 692 1,740.1 2 112.5November 1,784 3,503.9 284 355.2 407 1,130.1 * * 449 421.3 643 1,532.4 1 64.92012 December 2,066 3,886.3 422 395.9 442 1,095.2 * * 518 516.9 683 1,838.3 1 40.0January 1,669 3,125.6 371 396.8 407 1,155.4 0 0.0 457 423.1 434 1,150.3 0 0.02013 February 1,702 3,226.0 424 487.9 363 948.5 0 0.0 494 463.4 419 1,199.6 2 126.7March 2,302 4,035.8 432 479.8 448 1,120.6 0 0.0 788 623.2 632 1,716.5 2 95.72013 April 1,966 3,784.7 329 380.3 386 1,029.1 0 0.0 626 574.0 623 1,734.3 2 67.0Tabela 17.6. Other financial intermediaries loans - household new loans (2)(Flow statistics, in thousands of euro)TotalDescriptionConsumer loans≤ 1 year > 1 year ≤ 5 years > 5 yearsM ort gage loansOther loansNr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. Sum Nr. SumJanuary 357 559.2 123 88.7 107 240.7 * * 17 75.2 110 154.6February 295 555.9 84 73.3 73 193.0 * * 19 151.5 119 138.1March 365 731.4 84 56.8 114 263.9 1 27.0 38 227.3 128 156.4April 300 582.7 75 60.5 110 247.5 * * 29 147.2 86 127.4May 342 741.3 82 56.5 118 233.5 * * 43 286.8 99 164.6June 359 923.7 97 89.9 133 281.3 * * 56 466.0 73 86.6July 326 755.2 108 86.6 110 216.5 * * 40 346.6 68 105.5Auugust 401 817.5 102 72.8 154 312.0 * * 58 301.2 87 131.4September 357 658.9 95 63.7 116 220.6 * * 53 246.2 93 128.3October 659 1,123.6 208 170.6 331 611.1 * * 40 234.9 80 107.1November 631 1,465.4 194 163.7 297 576.2 * * 31 569.6 109 156.02012 December 644 1,241.1 195 147.8 310 603.9 * * 26 169.2 113 320.2January 409 657.6 125 98.8 184 358.4 0 0.0 17 80.3 83 120.22013 February 421 734.3 151 118.9 175 359.3 0 0.0 25 145.5 70 110.6March 541 719.4 241 158.8 190 311.2 0 0.0 23 138.6 87 110.82013 April 464 1,020.8 183 133.6 194 343.9 0 0.0 34 456.1 53 87.260 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 18.1. Other financial intermediaries effective interest rates – loan interestrates(New contracts, unless otherwise specified)DescriptionInterestrates onloans≤ 1 yearInvesting loans> 1 year ≤ 5years≤ 1 yearNonfinancial corporations> 1 year ≤ 5years≤ 1 yearInvesting loans> 1 year ≤ 5years≤ 1 year> 1 year ≤ 5years≤ 1 yearHouseholdsMortgageloans> 1 year ≤ 5yearsNonfinancial loansand householdsJanuary 24.44 26.59 22.48 22.67 20.44 25.49 25.42 27.54 28.57 26.98 25.95 22.68 24.82February 24.58 * 25.89 20.97 23.47 25.88 24.59 27.23 24.36 26.90 21.66 9.65 24.84March 23.85 * 24.19 27.50 23.82 25.49 23.81 27.24 21.72 27.24 22.55 * 24.71April 23.83 19.00 20.88 23.02 22.98 24.45 24.51 27.77 24.44 27.82 22.38 * 20.67May 22.82 19.70 22.42 25.02 20.09 25.38 21.79 25.60 25.49 28.14 24.05 * 16.97June 22.36 * 20.51 20.13 21.31 24.72 24.49 27.62 20.48 28.34 23.32 * *July 21.73 19.15 19.47 23.65 18.23 25.30 25.03 27.05 20.84 28.94 22.66 8.89 20.58Auugust 23.26 19.45 22.03 18.51 22.19 24.76 25.51 25.91 21.79 * 25.81 * 17.30September 24.13 16.93 20.40 22.62 24.53 24.83 24.50 28.18 24.70 * 24.71 * 20.45October 24.00 * 21.18 23.67 19.45 24.48 25.03 25.39 23.41 29.34 28.00 * 24.58November 24.14 18.89 18.83 22.96 22.63 25.12 25.22 25.85 25.22 28.82 26.03 * *2012 December 22.48 * 17.31 20.46 16.60 25.06 25.30 25.63 21.20 28.19 27.54 * 19.13January 24.19 18.37 16.13 28.01 23.28 26.00 24.77 27.23 23.22 28.54 25.10 * 10.382013 February 22.86 17.55 26.50 20.64 13.80 25.29 25.16 27.35 20.65 28.66 24.65 * *March 23.54 18.77 17.71 23.77 19.88 25.78 24.59 27.72 22.25 28.64 27.21 * 14.972013 April 22.40 * 20.96 22.34 25.35 25.13 24.03 26.07 20.89 28.46 26.69 12.14 23.47Table 19.1. Other financial intermediate income statement – income andexpenditures(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)DescriptionIncomeInterestincomeNoninterest incomeIncomefromservicesIncomeadministrationOtheroperatingincomeExpendit uresInterestexpendituresNoninterest expendituresProvision Personnelfor <strong>no</strong>n expendit ucredit res andlosses administ rat ionOther operating expendituresExpendituresdepreciationOt herexpendituresNetoperatingincomeIncome and other expendituresIncome of Ext raordigrants naryitemsIncometaxOther taxNetprofitaftertaxesJanuary 2.0 1.7 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 2.5 0.5 1.7 0.7 1.0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.5February 3.6 3.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.3 4.4 0.9 3.0 1.2 1.8 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.5 -0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.8M arch 5.3 4.7 0.7 0.0 0.2 0.4 6.6 1.3 4.5 1.6 2.9 0.9 0.2 0.6 0.9 -1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.3April 6.8 6.0 0.8 0.0 0.3 0.5 8.7 1.7 5.9 2.0 3.8 1.1 0.3 0.8 1.1 -1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.9M ay 8.5 7.5 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.7 10.6 2.0 7.2 2.4 4.8 1.4 0.4 1.0 1.4 -2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2.1June 10.2 8.9 1.3 0.1 0.4 0.8 12.8 2.4 8.8 2.9 5.9 1.6 0.4 1.2 1.6 -2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2.7July 11.9 10.3 1.6 0.1 0.4 1.0 14.8 2.8 10.1 3.3 6.8 1.9 0.5 1.4 1.9 -2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2.9Auugust 13.5 11.7 1.8 0.1 0.5 1.2 16.8 3.2 11.5 3.7 7.8 2.1 0.6 1.5 2.1 -3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.2September 15.1 13.0 2.1 0.1 0.6 1.4 19.0 3.6 13.1 4.3 8.8 2.3 0.6 1.7 2.3 -3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.9October 16.8 14.4 2.4 0.1 0.6 1.6 20.7 3.9 14.3 4.5 9.8 2.5 0.7 1.8 2.5 -3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.9November 18.4 15.8 2.6 0.2 0.8 1.7 23.0 4.3 16.1 5.0 11.1 2.6 0.7 1.9 2.6 -4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4.52012 December 20.8 17.2 3.6 0.2 0.8 2.6 25.3 4.7 17.5 5.1 12.5 3.0 1.0 2.1 3.0 -4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4.5January 1.8 1.5 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.7 0.4 1.1 0.1 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.12013 February 3.6 2.7 0.9 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.7 3.4 2.3 0.3 2.0 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1March 5.3 4.1 1.2 0.1 0.2 0.9 5.8 1.0 4.0 1.1 2.9 0.8 0.2 0.6 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.52013 April 6.6 5.4 1.3 0.1 0.3 0.9 7.2 1.3 4.9 1.1 3.8 1.0 0.3 0.8 -0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.6| 61

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 20.1. Other financial intermediaries balance sheet – assets and liabilities(Outstanding, end of period, in millions of euro)Total assetsTotal libilitiesDescriptionCash andbalancewithcommercial banksCashBalancewithcommercial banksFixedassetsOtherassetsDebt toclientsOtherpayableaccountsOwn resourcesIn euro currencyShareholder capitalGeneralreservesand otherreservesProfit/lossof the yearRet ainedprofit/lossJanuary 7.5 0.8 0.1 0.7 1.5 5.2 7.5 0.3 1.7 5.6 5.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 5.0February 7.6 0.8 0.2 0.6 1.5 5.3 7.6 0.2 1.7 5.7 5.7 0.3 0.2 0.5 4.8M arch 8.3 1.0 0.2 0.7 1.5 5.8 8.3 0.3 1.9 6.2 6.2 0.3 0.2 0.8 4.9April 8.7 1.1 0.4 0.7 1.5 6.1 8.8 0.4 2.0 6.4 6.4 0.3 0.2 1.0 4.9M ay 8.8 1.4 0.5 0.9 1.5 5.9 8.8 0.3 1.8 6.7 6.7 0.3 0.2 1.3 4.9June 8.1 1.3 0.4 0.9 1.5 5.2 8.1 0.4 3.8 3.9 3.9 0.3 0.2 1.5 1.9July 7.9 1.3 0.5 0.9 1.5 5.0 7.9 0.2 3.5 4.1 4.1 0.3 0.2 1.8 1.9Auugust 7.2 1.4 0.5 0.9 1.5 4.2 7.2 0.2 2.5 4.4 4.4 0.3 0.2 2.1 1.9September 7.5 1.9 0.7 0.9 0.5 5.1 7.6 0.3 2.6 4.7 4.7 0.3 0.1 2.3 1.9October 8.5 1.8 0.8 1.2 0.5 6.2 8.5 0.3 3.3 5.0 5.0 0.3 0.1 2.6 1.9November 7.8 1.9 0.8 1.1 0.5 5.5 7.9 0.2 2.5 5.2 5.2 0.3 0.1 2.9 1.92012 December 8.2 2.1 1.1 1.1 0.5 5.6 8.2 0.4 2.5 5.2 5.2 0.3 0.2 3.0 1.8January 7.4 2.0 1.0 0.9 0.5 5.0 7.4 0.5 1.7 5.3 5.3 0.4 0.0 0.3 4.62013 February 8.0 2.1 1.1 1.0 0.5 5.3 8.0 0.5 2.0 5.5 5.5 0.3 0.0 0.5 4.6M arch 8.3 2.1 1.1 1.1 0.5 5.7 8.3 0.4 2.2 5.8 5.8 0.3 0.0 0.8 4.62013 April 9.7 2.6 1.2 1.4 0.5 6.5 9.7 0.5 3.1 6.0 6.0 0.3 0.0 1.1 4.6Table 21.1. Financial auxiliaries balance sheet – income and expenditures(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Net icomeIncomeExpensesDescriptionIncome fromtransfersIncome frominterestOther incomeExpensesfromtransfersExpensesfrom interestOt herexpensesJanuary 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 - 0.1 0.2February 0.8 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 - 0.2 0.5March 1.2 1.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.1 - 0.3 0.8April 1.6 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.1 - 0.5 1.0May 2.1 1.8 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.2 - 0.6 1.3June 2.5 2.2 0.0 0.3 1.0 0.2 0.0 0.8 1.5July 2.9 2.5 0.0 0.3 1.1 0.2 0.0 0.9 1.8Auugust 3.2 2.8 0.0 0.4 1.2 0.3 0.0 1.0 2.0September 3.8 3.3 0.0 0.5 1.4 0.3 0.1 1.0 2.3October 4.3 3.8 0.0 0.5 1.7 0.4 - 1.3 2.6November 4.8 4.2 0.0 0.6 1.8 0.4 - 1.4 2.92012 December 5.2 4.6 0.0 0.6 2.2 0.5 - 1.7 3.0January 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 - 0.1 0.32013 February 0.8 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 - 0.2 0.5March 1.3 1.1 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.1 - 0.4 0.82013 April 1.6 1.2 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.1 - 0.3 1.162 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 22.1. Financial auxiliaries international transfers – incoming and outgoingtransfers(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro, excluding the number of transfers)DescriptionIncomingtransfersOutgoingtransfersThe number ofincomingtransfersThe number ofoutgoingtransfersJanuary 16.5 1.5 50,577 2,854February 32.7 2.7 103,141 5,326M arch 37.1 4.4 155,740 8,175April 66.0 5.6 198,616 12,648May 83.1 6.9 252,408 13,658June 97.2 8.1 296,595 16,973July 106.9 9.6 330,200 19,522Auugust 123.4 10.8 372,415 24,449September 137.9 14.3 418,851 25,871October 162.7 13.5 482,039 28,463November 171.7 17.2 525,222 31,1582012 December 189.1 18.1 579,445 34,447| 63

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 23.1. Payment system - selected indicators(Flow statistics, in millions of euro, unless otherwise indicated)DescriptionInterbank clearingsystemBank client swithdrawing throughATMAbroad bank client swit hdrawing t hroughATMBank client s payment st hrough POSAbroad bank client spayments through POSE-banking payment s2001 December 80 _ _ _ _ _2002 December 841 _ _ _ _ _2003 December 1,416 _ _ _ _ _2004 Dhjetor 1,716 _ _ _ _ _2005 Dhjetor 1,919 _ _ _ _ _2006 December 2,325 _ _ _ _ _2007 December 2,460 _ _ _ _2008 December 1,090 102 26 11 2 1322009 December 1,330 120 29 19 3 171March 829 121 24 17 3 144June 1,113 120 27 19 4 175September 1,228 126 63 19 5 2212 0 10 Decemb er 1,4 9 0 <strong>140</strong> 17 24 4 242March 920.1 121 29 21 4 195June 1,233 158 33 29 5 270September 1,386 159 84 32 6 3632 0 11 Decemb er 1,54 7 169 36 39 6 365M arch 1,071.7 <strong>140</strong> 33 30 5 210June 1,412 168 38 36 6 299September 1,568 190 90 46 9 5062 0 12 Decemb er 1,6 3 0 175 39 38 7 4842013 March 1,330 153 37 34 6 47264 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Tabele 24.1. ODC network and number of employees – main regionsTotal network unitsNumber ofemployeesDescriptionPrishtinaPrizrenPejaGjilaniM itrovica2005 December 237 68 39 35 39 32 2,3412006 December 220 68 37 37 41 26 2,4162007 December 236 70 39 40 45 31 2,7152008 December 287 97 44 51 59 35 3,6072009 December 295 97 46 52 64 35 3,4592010 December 311 100 49 57 66 39 3,610March 309 99 49 56 66 39 3,629April 309 98 49 56 67 39 3,602May 308 98 48 55 67 40 3,638June 309 99 48 55 67 40 3,654July 305 101 49 55 65 35 3,654August 309 102 50 57 65 35 3,680September 309 102 50 57 65 35 3,683Oct o b er 3 14 10 3 52 59 6 5 3 5 3 ,6 9 9November 309 102 50 58 64 35 3,7202011 December 310 102 50 59 64 35 3,728January 309 101 50 59 64 35 3,747February 309 101 50 59 64 35 3,778M arch 3 11 10 1 50 59 6 5 3 5 3 ,8 2 6A p ril 3 11 10 1 50 59 6 6 3 5 3 ,8 18M ay 3 11 10 2 50 59 6 6 3 4 3 ,76 1June 311 102 50 59 66 34 3,713July 311 102 50 59 66 34 3,731August 309 101 50 60 65 33 3,774September 309 101 50 60 65 33 3,739October 309 99 50 60 67 33 3,727November 309 99 50 60 67 33 3,7312012 December 310 101 50 59 67 33 3,722January 307 101 50 58 65 33 3,725February 307 101 50 58 65 33 3,726March 309 103 50 58 65 33 3,7492013 April 304 103 48 57 64 32 3,625Prishtina region: Prishtina, Gllogovc, Fushë Kosovë, Lipjan, Obiliq, Podujevë, Shtime;Prizren region: Prizren, Dragash, Rahovec, Suharekë, Malishevë, Mamushë;Peja region: Pejë, Klinë, Gjakovë, Istog, Deqan, Junik;Gjilani region: Gjilan, Kaçanik, Kamenicë, Novo Berd, Shtërpc, Ferizaj, Viti;Mitrovica region: Mitrovicë, Skenderaj, Vushtri, Zubin Potok, Zveqan, Leposaviq.| 65

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable25.1. IC activity - income premiums and paid claims(Outstanding amounts, within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Amount of premiums received Number of policies sold (in thousand) Amount of claims paidDescriptionTPLBorderpoliciesOther (NonTPL)TPLBorderpoliciesOther (NonTPL)TPLBorderpoliciesOther (<strong>no</strong>nTPL)2001 December 31.2 31.2 . . 180 180 . . 2.66 2.66 . .2002 December 31.0 27.2 3.7 0.1 247 175 72.4 … 3.54 3.54 . .2003 December 37.1 29.2 6.6 1.3 265 199 62 4 5.6 5.3 0.3 …2004 December 39.1 28.7 8.6 1.7 371 242 120.6 8 6.74 5.75 0.58 0.422005 December 47.2 33.3 7.1 6.8 373 224 135 15 9.2 7.9 0.3 0.92006 December 48.7 34.7 9.4 4.6 406 252 136.2 18 10.93 9.82 0.48 0.632007 December 50.8 34.9 10.2 5.7 406 233 144 30 12.8 10.9 0.7 1.32008 December 56.4 35.6 10.9 9.9 476 252 153 72 17.7 14.7 1.0 2.02009 December 67.8 36.4 12.7 18.7 511.8 253.4 181.3 77.0 18.8 13.7 1.2 3.9November 66.1 37.6 9.8 18.7 495.7 237.9 174.8 82.9 23.7 17.3 1.0 5.32010 December 71.2 40.6 10.6 20.0 540.7 258.0 192.8 89.9 26.5 19.2 1.1 6.3January 5.2 3.1 0.3 1.9 33.1 20.1 5.6 7.4 2.0 1.4 0.0 0.6February 11.1 6.3 0.6 4.1 63.7 38.9 10.5 14.4 4.3 3.0 0.0 1.2March 17.6 10.4 1.0 6.1 104.0 63.0 17.1 23.8 6.6 4.6 0.1 1.9April 24.5 14.5 1.7 8.3 152.8 87.3 33.7 31.8 8.5 5.8 0.2 2.5May 31.0 18.7 2.1 10.2 190.6 112.3 37.9 40.4 11.0 7.4 0.4 3.2June 38.1 23.3 2.8 11.9 243.7 139.9 53.9 49.9 13.4 9.2 0.4 3.9July 45.9 26.9 5.7 13.2 351.1 163.9 130.0 57.1 15.3 10.4 0.5 4.4August 52.8 31.0 7.2 14.6 421.3 190.3 166.1 65.0 17.5 11.9 0.5 5.1September 58.7 34.9 7.6 16.2 465.0 214.9 176.5 73.7 19.7 13.3 0.7 5.7October 65.8 38.6 8.2 19.0 508.1 238.6 187.8 81.8 21.8 14.7 0.8 6.4November 71.7 42.2 8.5 21.0 546.2 261.4 195.3 89.5 23.9 16.1 0.9 7.02011 December 78.1 45.8 9.6 22.7 605.2 285.9 220.5 98.9 26.8 18.0 1.0 7.9January 6.0 3.2 0.6 2.2 43.0 20.2 10.8 12.0 2.0 1.1 0.0 1.0February 11.3 5.6 1.1 4.6 77.7 36.1 19.0 22.7 3.9 2.5 0.1 1.4March 18.0 9.8 2.0 6.2 130.2 60.7 34.8 34.8 6.5 4.4 0.2 1.9April 25.0 13.9 3.1 8.0 186.8 84.6 56.8 45.3 8.9 6.2 0.2 2.5May 32.6 18.2 4.1 10.2 240.7 110.4 74.0 56.3 11.3 7.6 0.3 3.3June 39.6 22.5 5.3 11.8 304.1 137.4 99.4 67.3 13.9 9.0 0.5 4.4July 49.8 26.6 8.6 14.6 426.3 163.4 184.6 78.3 16.4 10.7 0.5 5.2August 57.5 30.7 10.7 16.1 517.8 190.3 241.1 86.4 19.0 12.4 0.6 6.0September 63.3 34.1 11.7 17.5 578.1 212.0 271.6 94.6 21.6 13.6 0.7 7.3October 69.7 37.8 12.7 19.2 642.2 235.9 301.7 104.6 24.2 15.1 0.9 8.2November 75.4 41.1 13.4 20.8 692.6 257.6 320.5 114.6 27.4 16.8 1.0 9.62012 December 81.5 44.2 14.7 22.6 757.2 278.2 355.4 123.5 30.6 18.9 1.1 10.566 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 26.1. Kosovo budget – structure of revenues(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)DecriptionTotal incomeTaxrevenuesBordertaxesBorderreturnsLocalTaxesKTAreturnsNon taxrevenues -cent rallevelOwnincomeCent ralelvelLocalgovernmentConcessional t axTant iemsDividendPrivatizationrevenuesReturns ofborrowingsby publicent erprisesBorrowings fromIFIReceiptsfromsecurityissuesJanuary 89.50 76.74 44.19 -0.20 33.85 -1.09 2.58 8.27 4.78 3.49 0.50 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.17February 74.67 62.76 45.87 -0.43 19.84 -2.52 2.55 6.82 3.23 3.58 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.60 0.01March 109.83 73.73 57.12 -0.16 19.22 -2.45 5.58 9.41 4.47 4.94 0.00 0.45 20.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.172013 April 147.24 103.53 71.13 -0.60 37.76 -4.76 4.36 8.36 3.66 4.70 0.50 0.42 10.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 19.56Source: Ministry of FinanceTable 26.2. Kosovo budget – structure of expenditures(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)Total expendit uresDescriptionCentral levelWagesandsalariesGoodsandservicesLocalexpendit uresSubsidiesandtransfersCapitalexpendit uresLocal levelWagesandsalariesGoodsandservicesLocalexpendit uresSubsidiesandtransfersCapitalexpendituresOt her f inancingExternaldebtJanuary 38.88 30.35 0.15 6.75 1.30 19.40 2.76 8.19 0.00 2.09 0.66 0.04 5.41 0.34 0.34February 137.91 113.57 18.40 10.66 1.46 33.43 49.62 24.07 16.17 3.11 0.91 0.56 3.32 0.27 0.27March 115.83 80.92 18.47 12.64 1.24 25.56 23.00 24.40 16.36 2.57 0.66 1.00 3.81 10.51 10.512013 April 110.42 83.51 18.15 12.66 1.39 27.78 23.52 26.86 16.34 3.29 0.80 0.97 5.46 0.05 0.05Source: Ministry of Finance| 67

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 27.1. Gross domestic product - expenditure approach(By current prices, in millions of euro)GDP by expenditures approachFinal consumption expendituresGross capital formationNet exportDescriptionFinalconsumptionexpendit ures ofhouseholdGovernment finalconsumptionexpendit uresKosovoGovernmentDo<strong>no</strong>rs(wages)Finalconsumptionexpenditures NPISHGross Changesfixed oncapital inventoriesformationExport of goods and servicesGoods and services import2006 3,105.1 3,429.5 2,746.5 658.6 333.6 324.9 24.5 753.2 621.1 132.1 -1,077.6 420.7 103.8 317.0 1,498.4 1,214.7 283.72007 3,379.4 3,718.8 3,048.1 648.0 338.3 309.7 22.7 830.8 692.8 137.9 -1,170.1 509.4 155.4 354.0 1,679.6 1,425.5 254.12008 3,710.7 4,087.1 3,416.7 647.3 350.0 297.3 23.1 1,028.9 885.1 143.8 -1,405.2 548.0 189.1 358.8 1,953.2 1,720.1 233.12009 4,077.0 4,382.0 3,722.3 635.2 378.2 257.0 24.5 1,211.1 1,065.5 145.6 -1,516.1 682.5 190.9 491.6 2,198.6 1,914.1 284.42010 4.136.5 4,381.6 3,715.9 640.5 421.6 218.9 25.1 1,307.5 1,156 .8 150.8 -1,552.6 742.3 230.2 512.2 2,295.0 1,9 15.0 380.02011 4,486.0 4,645.8 3,936.7 680.2 460.8 219.3 29.0 1,494.3 1,336.4 157.9 -1,654.1 919.3 306.7 612.6 2,573.4 2,240.6 332.8GoodsexportServicesexportGoodsimportServicesimportSource: Statistical Office of KosovoTable 27.2. Gross domestic product - eco<strong>no</strong>mic activity(In percentage)GDp by expenditureDescriptionFinal consumptionFinalconsumption ofhousholdsGovernment final expendituresKosovoGovernmentDo<strong>no</strong>rs (wages)ForeignemployeesFinalconsumptionexpendit uDomesticresemployeeNPISHsGroscapitalformationGrossfixedcapitalformationChangesoninventoriesNet exportExport of goods and servicesExport ofgoodsExport ofservicesImport of goods and servicesImport ofgoodsImport ofservices2004 100.0 110.3 85.4 24.1 12.2 11.9 8.5 3.4 0.8 24.1 20.0 4.0 -34.4 10.6 2.2 8.5 45.1 36.0 9.12005 100.0 112.1 87.9 23.5 11.0 12.5 8.6 3.9 0.8 24.1 19.7 4.3 -36.2 11.1 2.3 8.8 47.3 38.2 9.12006 100.0 111.1 88.8 21.5 10.9 10.6 6.8 3.7 0.8 25.6 21.1 4.5 -36.7 14.1 3.9 10.2 50.8 41.5 9.32007 100.0 110.1 90.9 18.5 9.5 9.1 5.7 3.4 0.7 25.8 21.5 4.3 -35.9 15.8 5.1 10.7 51.7 44.2 7.52008 100.0 110.3 92.5 17.1 9.5 7.7 5.0 2.7 0.6 27.8 23.8 4.0 -38.0 15.5 5.5 10.0 53.5 47.4 6.12009 100.0 107.3 90.0 16.7 10.2 6.5 4.5 2.0 0.6 29.0 25.6 3.4 -36.4 16.4 4.4 12.0 52.8 45.6 7.12010 100.0 106.2 89.1 16.5 11.2 5.3 3.7 1.6 0.6 31.3 27.8 3.5 -37.5 19.5 7.1 12.4 56.9 47.9 9.02011 100.0 105.2 88.4 16.2 11.4 4.8 3.3 1.4 0.7 32.1 28.8 3.3 -37.2 20.1 6.8 13.3 57.3 49.9 7.4Source: Statistical Office of Kosovo68 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 28.1. Prices – main components(May 2002=100)CodeDescriptionWeight April 2013 /April 2002M onthlychange (inpercent )Annualchange (inpercent)Total - Consumer Price Index 1,000.0 126.9 -0.8% 2.4%0.1 Food and <strong>no</strong>n-alcoholic beverages 378.1 136.4 0.0% 3.0%0.2 Alcoholic bevarages and tobacco 51.7 170.6 -0.1% 8.0%0.3 Clot hing and footwear 71.9 88.9 0.1% 2.5%0.4 Housing, wat er, electricity, gas and other f uels 71.1 12 1.6 -11.8 % 1.9 %0.5 Furnishing, household equipment s, and routine 99.9 108.7 0.1% 1.5%0.6 Healt h 32.5 113.4 0.0% 0.9%0.7 Transport 133.7 147.1 -0.4% -2.8%0.8 Communicat ion 34.2 95.0 0.0% 0.0%0.9 Recreat ion and cult ure 44.6 107.5 0.1% 7.1%10 Education 11.3 109.5 0.0% 0.0%11 Restorant s and hot els 41.3 116.9 0.0% 2.2%12 M iscella<strong>no</strong>us and services 29.7 118.6 2.5% 10.9%Source: Kosovo Agency of Statistics| 69

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 28.2. Import and producer pricesDescriptionImport price indexProducer price index2008=100 2007=1002006 89.0 -Q1 90.4 -Q2 93.2 -Q3 92.2 -2007 Q4 92.7 -Q1 9 6 .1 10 1.2Q2 102.1 101.4Q3 103.7 102.32008 Q4 98.1 100.3Q1 9 4 .9 10 1.3Q2 95.5 106.4Q3 95.1 106.42009 Q4 95.5 106.5Q1 96.9 106.7Q2 99.2 108.0Q3 10 2 .6 111.32 0 10 Q4 10 5.1 114 .5Q1 109.1 117.9Q2 10 9 .6 116 .0Q3 111.2 115.92 0 11 Q4 112 .3 115.8Q1 115.2 116.0Q2 116.2 117.62 0 12 Q3 116 .8 119 .0Source: Kosovo Agency of Statistics70 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 29.1. Balance of payments - main components(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)DescriptionCurrent accountGoods and servicesGoodsServicesIncomeCurrenttransfersCapit al and f inanical accountCapitalAccountFinancialAccountNet errors andomissions2004 -208.3 -1,001.5 -983.1 -18.4 138.3 654.9 79.4 21.9 57.6 128.82005 -247.6 -1,087.0 -1,078.5 -8.5 139.1 700.3 72.7 18.9 53.8 174.82006 -226.1 -1,144.1 -1,173.1 29.0 158.8 759.2 -14.9 20.8 -35.7 240.92007 -214.0 -1,242.3 -1,352.9 110.5 186.3 842.0 10.7 16.5 -5.8 203.32008 -460.9 -1,498.2 -1,649.7 151.6 164.0 873.2 298.9 10.5 288.5 162.02009 -374.2 -1,419.4 -1,651.7 232.3 61.8 983.4 209.3 100.3 109.0 164.62010 -515.7 -1,565.2 -1,752.1 186.9 67.0 982.5 297.2 21.3 275.9 217.62011 -658.4 -1,793.3 -2,059.0 265.7 113.8 1,021.1 418.9 42.0 376.8 239.62012 -380.2 -1,726.6 -2,072.8 346.2 154.1 1,192.3 143.3 13.0 130.3 236.9Q1 -52.6 -260.7 -319.5 58.8 20.9 187.2 -18.3 -0.5 -17.8 70.9Q2 -135.4 -362.0 -420.0 58.0 26.4 200.2 134.1 4.0 130.1 1.2Q3 -110.5 -378.4 -448.2 69.8 3.0 265.0 -35.2 5.0 -40.2 145.62009 Q4 -75.8 -418.3 -464.0 45.7 11.5 331.0 128.8 91.9 36.9 -53.1Q1 -57.9 -276.9 -313.7 36.8 23.7 195.3 14.7 4.7 10.0 43.1Q2 -137.5 -390.4 -443.1 52.7 24.3 228.6 146.0 3.7 142.3 -8.7Q3 -191.7 -450.4 -514.6 64.2 -1.5 260.2 6.5 6.9 -0.5 185.12010 Q4 -128.5 -447.5 -480.7 33.2 20.6 298.4 130.0 6.0 124.0 -2.0Q1 -38.5 -308.3 -382.0 73.8 41.9 227.9 9.2 13.3 -4.0 28.9Q2 -164.5 -446.2 -514.1 67.9 30.0 251.7 216.5 6.0 210.5 -51.4Q3 -196.7 -494.3 -557.4 63.1 21.2 276.4 -17.7 6.3 -24.0 214.12011 Q4 -258.7 -544.5 -605.5 61.0 20.6 265.1 210.8 16.4 194.4 47.9Q1 -20.9 -325.5 -372.9 47.4 37.4 267.2 12.9 -0.9 13.8 8.02012 Q2 -120.9 -467.4 -548.8 81.4 44.4 302.1 78.3 2.5 75.8 42.6Q3 -143.5 -482.7 -612.0 129.3 20.3 318.9 -27.7 -1.7 -26.0 171.22012 Q4 -94.9 -451.0 -539.1 88.1 52.0 304.1 79.8 13.0 66.7 15.12013 Q1 -13.4 -330.2 -389.7 59.5 42.4 274.3 2.2 10.6 -8.4 11.2| 71

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 29.2. Balance of payments – current account(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)Balance Credit DebiDescriptionGoods andservicesIncomecurrentaccount sGoods andservicesIncomeCurrentaccountsGoods andservicesIncomeCurrentaccount s2004 -208.3 -1,001.5 138.3 654.9 1,289.9 310.6 155.5 823.8 -1,498.2 -1,312.1 -17.2 -168.82005 -247.6 -1,087.0 139.1 700.3 1,356.5 332.8 164.7 859.0 -1,604.1 -1,419.8 -25.6 -158.72006 -226.1 -1,144.1 158.8 759.2 1,514.3 441.4 187.7 885.1 -1,740.4 -1,585.5 -28.9 -125.92007 -214.0 -1,242.3 186.3 842.0 1,717.9 547.1 235.7 935.2 -1,932.0 -1,789.5 -49.4 -93.12008 -460.9 -1,498.2 164.0 873.2 1,814.5 608.9 233.3 972.3 -2,275.5 -2,107.1 -69.3 -99.12009 -374.2 -1,419.4 61.8 983.4 1,984.2 694.9 182.5 1,106.8 -2,358.4 -2,114.2 -120.7 -123.42010 -515.7 -1,565.2 67.0 982.5 2,142.3 878.0 176.9 1,087.4 -2,657.9 -2,443.1 -109.8 -105.02011 -658.5 -1,793.3 113.8 1,021.1 2,318.2 943.4 241.3 1,133.6 -2,976.7 -2,736.7 -127.5 -112.52012 -380.2 -1,726.6 154.1 1,192.3 2,448.9 922.0 230.5 1,296.4 -2,832.9 -2,652.4 -76.4 -104.1Q1 -52.6 -260.7 20.9 187.2 399.6 142.0 43.1 214.4 -452.1 -402.7 -22.2 -27.2Q2 -135.4 -362.0 26.4 200.2 452.2 168.1 52.3 231.9 -587.6 -530.1 -25.9 -31.6Q3 -110.5 -378.4 3.0 265.0 550.7 207.9 45.8 297.0 -661.2 -586.4 -42.8 -32.02009 Q4 -75.8 -418.3 11.5 331.0 581.6 176.8 41.3 363.5 -657.4 -595.1 -29.8 -32.5Q1 -57.9 -276.9 23.7 195.3 425.6 158.6 46.1 221.0 -483.6 -435.5 -22.4 -25.7Q2 -137.5 -390.4 24.3 228.6 522.8 228.0 41.5 253.3 -660.3 -618.4 -17.2 -24.7Q3 -191.7 -450.4 -1.5 260.2 598.2 269.0 42.7 286.5 -789.9 -719.3 -44.2 -26.32010 Q4 -128.5 -447.5 20.6 298.4 595.7 222.4 46.6 326.7 -724.2 -669.9 -26.0 -28.3Q1 -38.5 -308.3 41.9 227.9 525.4 213.6 56.7 255.1 -563.8 -521.9 -14.7 -27.2Q2 -164.5 -446.2 30.0 251.7 584.5 238.9 64.8 280.8 -749.0 -685.2 -34.7 -29.1Q3 -196.7 -494.3 21.2 276.4 645.2 278.2 62.4 304.6 -841.9 -772.5 -41.2 -28.22011 Q4 -258.8 -544.5 20.6 265.1 563.1 212.7 57.4 293.0 -821.9 -757.2 -36.8 -27.9Q1 -20.9 -325.5 37.4 267.2 521.0 168.0 59.4 293.5 -541.8 -493.6 -21.9 -26.32012 Q2 -120.9 -467.4 44.4 302.1 612.3 225.8 58.3 328.2 -733.2 -693.2 -13.9 -26.0Q3 -143.5 -482.7 20.3 318.9 700.9 299.3 56.4 345.2 -844.4 -782.0 -36.1 -26.42012 Q4 -94.9 -451.0 52.0 304.1 614.8 228.8 56.5 329.5 -709.6 -679.8 -4.5 -25.42013 Q1 -13.4 -330.2 42.4 274.3 527.5 175.8 57.3 294.4 -540.9 -506.0 -14.9 -20.072 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 29.3. Goods(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)Total goodsDescriptionGeneral merchandise Adjust ment s Repairs ofgoodsGoods inportsNonmonet arygoldExports FOB Imports FOB ProcessingabroadProcessing inKosovo2007 December -1,352.9 -1,357.3 152.0 -1,509.4 3.6 0.0 3.6 -2.1 2.9 0.02008 December -1,574.8 -1,573.9 193.2 -1,767.1 1.6 0.0 1.6 -6.5 4.1 0.02009 December -1,651.7 -1,651.2 160.6 -1,811.8 3.7 0.0 3.7 -9.1 4.9 0.02010 December -1,752.1 -1,745.0 288.2 -2,033.2 2.9 0.0 2.9 -13.4 3.4 0.0Januar y - 10 3 .5 -10 2 .9 2 2 .4 -12 5.3 0 .4 0 .0 0 .4 - 1.2 0 .2 0 .0February -219.8 -219.0 47.3 -266.3 1.0 0.0 1.0 -2.2 0.4 0.0M arch -382.0 -380.6 72.5 -453.1 1.4 0.0 1.4 -3.5 0.6 0.0April -540.7 -539.0 100.7 -639.7 2.1 0.0 2.1 -4.7 0.9 0.0May -717.9 -714.9 129.5 -844.4 2.2 0.0 2.2 -6.4 1.2 0.0June -896.1 -892.8 159.5 -1,052.4 2.8 0.0 2.8 -7.6 1.5 0.0July -1,081.0 -1,077.6 188.0 -1,265.6 3.5 0.0 3.5 -8.8 1.9 0.0August -1,274.9 -1,270.6 211.4 -1,482.0 3.8 0.0 3.8 -10.4 2.3 0.0September -1,453.5 -1,448.3 235.1 -1,683.4 4.1 0.0 4.1 -12.0 2.6 0.0October -1,657.7 -1,651.1 261.8 -1,912.9 4.5 0.0 4.5 -14.1 2.9 0.0November -1,846.3 -1,838.7 283.2 -2,122.0 4.8 0.0 4.8 -15.6 3.2 0.02011 December -2,059.0 -2,050.7 304.1 -2,354.8 5.2 0.0 5.2 -17.1 3.5 0.0January -106.9 -104.8 18.7 -123.6 0.2 0.0 0.2 -1.9 -0.3 0.0February -212.2 -209.2 34.4 -243.6 0.3 0.0 0.3 -2.7 -0.7 0.0M arch -382.2 -377.4 58.0 -435.4 0.7 0.0 0.7 -4.3 -1.3 0.0April -567.0 -559.7 78.4 -638.1 0.6 0.0 0.6 -6.6 -1.3 0.0M ay -763.3 -755.2 102.6 -857.8 1.1 0.0 1.1 -8.4 -0.8 0.0June -936.9 -926.9 131.8 -1,058.8 1.6 0.0 1.6 -10.9 -0.6 0.0July -1,130.9 -1,119.7 156.8 -1,276.5 2.1 0.0 2.1 -13.1 -0.2 0.0August -1,333.2 -1,319.5 176.7 -1,496.2 2.3 0.0 2.3 -16.1 0.1 0.0September -1,548.9 -1,533.4 198.7 -1,732.2 2.0 0.0 2.0 -17.9 0.4 0.0October -1,731.8 -1,713.2 224.4 -1,937.6 0.5 0.0 0.5 -19.8 0.7 0.0November -1,906.8 -1,885.6 248.7 -2,134.3 1.0 0.0 1.0 -22.9 0.7 0.02012 December -2,088.2 -2,062.6 268.8 -2,331.4 -0.4 0.0 -0.4 -25.7 0.4 0.02013 March -390.5 -385.2 66.7 -451.9 0.7 0.0 0.7 -6.1 0.2 0.0| 73

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 29.4. Services - net(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)DescriptionBalanceTransportTravelCommunicationsservicesConstructionsservicesInsuranceservicesFinancialservicesComputerandinformationservicesRoyaltiesand licencefeesOtherbusinessservicesPersonal,cult ural,andrecreationalservicesGovernment services,n.i.e.2004 -18.3 -28.1 27.0 12.0 1.0 -7.2 -1.6 -2.9 -1.7 -99.0 -0.3 82.42005 -8.3 -29.4 36.9 7.4 0.6 -7.4 -1.8 -4.1 -1.3 -91.1 -1.1 83.12006 29.0 -26.8 56.7 28.9 -0.8 -5.6 -2.4 0.2 0.2 -103.7 -0.2 82.42007 110.5 -19.2 96.6 42.1 -17.3 -8.7 -4.4 -2.8 -1.7 -55.2 -0.1 81.22008 151.6 -40.0 125.0 42.1 3.2 -12.1 0.1 -5.2 -3.2 -46.1 0.1 87.62009 232.3 -39.1 195.5 58.3 10.7 -9.6 3.5 -1.5 -3.0 -62.9 0.7 79.72010 186.9 -44.1 222.1 49.0 -20.2 -12.8 3.2 -3.7 -2.1 -60.6 -0.2 56.42011 265.7 -53.4 235.7 77.0 -5.3 -17.1 -0.8 -0.3 -0.4 -22.0 0.7 51.62012 346.2 -50.9 309.3 48.3 11.0 -4.0 -1.4 -0.9 -0.2 3.8 0.3 30.9Q1 58.8 -8.1 46.7 12.6 0.8 -3.5 4.2 -0.3 0.4 -15.0 0.2 20.9Q2 58.0 -10.6 49.6 12.1 3.7 -1.8 … -0.6 -2.6 -12.8 -0.1 21.0Q3 69.8 -8.5 47.4 19.0 4.0 0.1 -0.5 -0.7 -0.3 -10.7 0.3 19.72009 Q4 45.7 -11.9 51.9 14.6 2.3 -4.4 -0.2 … -0.5 -24.4 0.3 18.1Q1 36.8 -8.1 41.2 11.9 -1.9 -3.3 0.2 -0.2 -1.7 -14.7 -2.1 15.4Q2 52.7 -9.4 49.3 12.5 … -3.8 0.0 0.2 -0.6 -10.7 -1.5 16.6Q3 64.2 -13.1 75.4 13.2 -10.2 -0.4 2.2 -1.9 0.2 -15.0 0.8 13.12010 Q4 33.2 -13.4 56.2 11.4 -8.0 -5.3 0.8 -1.9 … -20.3 2.6 11.2Q1 73.8 -9.4 53.2 22.8 -3.1 -3.8 -0.3 … -0.1 0.9 0.1 13.4Q2 67.9 -14.7 65.5 17.7 -3.8 -5.9 … 0.2 -0.1 -4.9 0.6 13.1Q3 63.1 -15.1 58.0 19.0 2.7 -2.5 … -0.4 -0.1 -10.9 … 12.62011 Q4 61.0 -14.3 59.0 17.5 -1.2 -5.0 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -7.2 … 12.5Q1 47.4 -8.7 40.8 11.8 -2.8 -5.1 -0.1 -0.4 -0.2 3.8 … 8.22012 Q2 81.4 -15.1 68.7 11.7 3.6 -4.1 -0.2 -0.4 0.0 8.4 … 8.9Q3 129.3 -16.9 126.9 13.5 6.4 -2.4 -0.5 … … -5.0 0.1 7.32012 Q4 88.1 -10.2 72.9 11.3 3.8 7.6 -0.5 … … -3.4 0.2 6.42013 Q1 59.5 -7.5 47.7 12.0 0.1 -1.9 -0.2 0.9 -0.9 1.4 0.2 7.974 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 29.5. Services - credit(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)DescriptionCreditTransportTravelCommunicationsservicesConstructionsservicesInsuranceservicesFinancialservicesComputerandinformationservicesRoyaltiesand licencefeesOtherbusinessservicesPersonal,cult ural,andrecreationalservicesGovernment services,n.i.e.2004 246.8 22.4 73.4 27.3 10.1 7.6 1.9 1.4 … 16.7 0.7 85.22005 265.0 22.3 88.2 31.5 14.6 7.6 1.8 2.0 … 10.5 0.6 86.02006 319.0 22.8 109.3 48.9 14.0 10.2 2.1 2.8 0.3 22.2 0.9 85.42007 369.9 31.6 146.4 56.6 2.9 11.5 1.5 1.8 0.1 32.4 0.6 84.72008 392.4 29.0 177.6 55.9 8.9 12.1 2.7 1.4 0.5 13.6 0.8 90.02009 517.6 30.1 277.3 70.5 15.7 14.8 5.3 2.0 1.2 18.6 0.8 81.42010 573.0 31.2 326.8 77.0 6.4 15.5 3.7 2.6 0.6 41.8 4.5 62.72011 618.5 28.6 337.3 94.6 13.7 13.9 0.3 2.3 0.0 74.6 1.7 51.62012 635.1 29.1 382.4 70.3 22.4 25.3 0.6 0.1 0.1 61.6 0.3 42.9Q1 113.9 6.6 55.5 15.9 3.4 2.5 4.6 0.3 0.9 2.6 0.3 21.5Q2 126.3 6.7 67.2 16.7 4.9 2.9 0.7 0.3 0.1 5.8 … 21.0Q3 157.5 9.6 89.6 20.5 4.7 7.0 … 0.2 0.2 5.7 0.4 19.82009 Q4 119.9 7.2 65.0 17.5 2.7 2.5 0.1 1.2 … 4.5 0.2 19.1Q1 103.7 6.9 53.6 16.2 0.8 2.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 6.8 0.2 16.0Q2 136.2 9.8 73.0 17.6 1.1 3.1 0.1 0.9 … 12.9 0.4 17.3Q3 192.9 7.3 128.4 20.6 2.5 7.2 2.3 0.2 0.3 7.9 1.0 15.22010 Q4 <strong>140</strong>.2 7.2 71.8 22.6 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.1 0.1 14.3 2.9 14.2Q1 136.4 7.6 63.7 26.3 1.0 2.5 0.2 0.7 … 20.2 0.8 13.4Q2 146.4 4.9 80.9 25.4 0.7 2.3 … 0.8 … 17.3 0.9 13.1Q3 19 7.0 8 .5 12 1.1 2 2 .1 8 .3 5.5 0 .1 0 .2 … 18 .7 … 12 .62011 Q4 138.7 7.6 71.6 20.8 3.6 3.6 0.1 0.5 … 18.3 … 12.5Q1 106.6 6.6 49.6 16.0 1.2 2.6 … 0.1 … 18.6 … 11.92012 Q2 147.0 5.8 83.2 16.4 4.0 4.4 … 0.1 0.1 21.6 … 11.3Q3 227.3 5.6 166.7 18.7 10.0 7.2 0.1 … … 9.3 0.1 9.62012 Q4 154.2 11.1 82.9 19.1 7.2 11.1 0.5 … … 12.0 0.2 10.12013 Q1 105.3 6.9 53.7 16.0 0.4 4.8 0.1 1.7 0.1 11.0 0.2 10.4| 75

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 29.6. Services - debit(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)DescriptionDebitTransport Travel CommunicationsservicesConstructionsservicesInsuranceservicesFinancialservicesComputerandinformationservicesRoyaltiesand licencefeesOtherbusinessservicesPersonal,cult ural,andrecreationalservices2004 -265.1 -50.5 -46.4 -15.3 -9.1 -14.8 -3.5 -4.3 -1.7 -115.7 -1.0 -2.8Government services,n.i.e.2005 -273.3 -51.7 -51.3 -24.1 -14.0 -14.9 -3.6 -6.1 -1.3 -101.6 -1.7 -2.92006 -289.9 -49.6 -52.5 -20.0 -14.8 -15.8 -4.5 -2.5 -0.1 -125.9 -1.1 -3.02007 -259.4 -50.9 -49.8 -14.5 -20.2 -20.2 -5.9 -4.5 -1.8 -87.5 -0.7 -3.52008 -240.8 -69.0 -52.6 -13.8 -5.7 -24.2 -2.5 -6.5 -3.7 -59.6 -0.7 -2.42009 -285.3 -69.2 -81.8 -12.2 -5.0 -24.4 -1.8 -3.5 -4.1 -81.5 -0.1 -1.72010 -386.1 -75.3 -104.7 -28.0 -26.6 -28.4 -0.4 -6.3 -2.7 -102.5 -4.7 -6.42011 -352.8 -82.0 -101.6 -17.5 -19.0 -31.0 -1.1 -2.6 -0.4 -96.6 -1.0 0.02012 -288.8 -80.0 -73.0 -22.0 -11.4 -29.2 -2.0 -1.0 -0.3 -57.8 0.0 -12.0Q1 -55.1 -14.7 -8.8 -3.3 -2.7 -6.0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.5 -17.6 -0.1 -0.6Q2 -68.3 -17.3 -17.6 -4.6 -1.2 -4.7 -0.7 -0.9 -2.7 -18.7 -0.1 …Q3 -87.7 -18.1 -42.2 -1.5 -0.7 -6.9 -0.5 -0.9 -0.5 -16.4 -0.1 -0.12009 Q4 -74.2 -19.2 -13.1 -2.8 -0.5 -6.9 -0.3 -1.2 -0.5 -28.9 0.1 -1.0Q1 -66.9 -15.0 -12.4 -4.3 -2.7 -5.6 0.0 -0.6 -1.9 -21.5 -2.2 -0.6Q2 -83.6 -19.2 -23.7 -5.1 -1.1 -6.9 -0.1 -0.6 -0.6 -23.6 -1.9 -0.7Q3 -128.6 -20.5 -53.0 -7.4 -12.7 -7.6 -0.1 -2.1 -0.2 -22.8 -0.2 -2.02010 Q4 -106.9 -20.7 -15.6 -11.3 -10.0 -8.3 -0.2 -3.0 0.0 -34.5 -0.3 -3.1Q1 -62.6 -16.9 -10.5 -3.5 -4.1 -6.3 -0.5 -0.7 -0.1 -19.3 -0.7 …Q2 -78.5 -19.6 -15.3 -7.7 -4.5 -8.2 … -0.6 -0.1 -22.2 -0.3 …Q3 -134.0 -23.6 -63.1 -3.1 -5.6 -7.9 -0.3 -0.7 -0.1 -29.6 … …2011 Q4 -77.7 -21.8 -12.6 -3.3 -4.8 -8.6 -0.3 -0.6 -0.1 -25.5 … …Q1 -59.2 -15.3 -8.8 -4.2 -4.0 -7.7 -0.1 -0.5 -0.2 -14.9 … -3.72012 Q2 -65.5 -20.9 -14.5 -4.8 -0.4 -8.5 -0.2 -0.5 -0.1 -13.2 … -2.4Q3 -98.0 -22.6 -39.8 -5.2 -3.6 -9.6 -0.6 … … -14.3 … -2.32012 Q4 -66.1 -21.4 -9.9 -7.8 -3.4 -3.5 -1.1 … … -15.4 … -3.72013 Q1 -45.8 -14.4 -5.9 -4.0 -0.3 -6.8 -0.4 -0.8 -1.1 -9.6 … -2.576 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 29.7. Income(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)DescriptionBalance Credit DebitCompensation ofemployeesInvestment incomeCompensation ofemployeesInvestment income2004 138.3 158.4 143.0 15.4 -20.1 -0.7 -19.42005 139.1 170.5 145.9 24.5 -31.4 -0.7 -30.72006 158.8 187.8 147.3 40.5 -29.0 -0.7 -28.32007 186.3 235.7 155.6 80.1 -49.4 -0.8 -48.72008 164.0 233.3 176.2 57.1 -69.3 -0.8 -68.52009 61.8 182.5 169.7 12.9 -120.7 -1.0 -119.82010 67.0 176.9 176.1 0.8 -109.8 -4.5 -105.32011 113.8 241.3 221.2 20.1 -127.5 -13.1 -114.42012 154.1 230.5 219.9 10.6 -76.4 -5.6 -70.8Q1 20.9 43.1 38.7 4.4 -22.2 -0.2 -22.0Q2 26.4 52.3 47.1 5.2 -25.9 -0.2 -25.7Q3 3.0 45.8 44.1 1.7 -42.8 -0.3 -42.52009 Q4 11.5 41.3 39.7 1.6 -29.8 -0.3 -29.5Q1 23.7 46.1 46.5 -0.4 -22.4 -0.9 -21.5Q2 24.3 41.5 42.7 -1.2 -17.2 -0.9 -16.3Q3 -1.5 42.7 41.8 0.9 -44.2 -1.5 -42.72010 Q4 20.6 46.6 45.1 1.5 -26.0 -1.2 -24.8Q1 41.9 56.7 52.6 4.1 -14.7 -2.4 -12.3Q2 30.0 64.8 58.8 5.9 -34.7 -3.0 -31.7Q3 21.2 62.4 57.5 5.0 -41.2 -3.3 -37.92011 Q4 20.6 57.4 52.3 5.2 -36.8 -4.3 -32.6Q1 37.4 59.4 55.6 3.8 -21.9 -2.5 -19.42012 Q2 44.4 58.3 55.2 3.2 -13.9 -1.6 -12.4Q3 20.3 56.4 53.7 2.7 -36.1 -0.7 -35.42012 Q4 52.0 56.5 55.4 1.1 -4.5 -0.9 -3.52013 Q1 42.9 58.2 56.2 2.0 -15.3 -0.6 -14.6| 77

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 29.8. Current transfers(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)Balance Credit DebitDescriptionCentral government Other transfers Central government Other transfers2004 654.9 823.8 379.5 444.2 -168.8 -7.6 -161.22005 700.3 859.0 354.1 504.8 -158.7 -6.2 -152.42006 759.2 885.1 327.4 557.7 -125.9 -7.5 -118.42007 842.0 935.2 251.4 683.8 -93.1 -6.3 -86.82008 873.2 972.3 223.5 748.8 -99.1 ... -99.12009 983.4 1,106.8 322.9 783.9 -123.4 ... -123.42010 982.5 1,087.4 319.5 767.9 -105.0 ... -105.02011 1,021.1 1,133.6 322.2 811.4 -112.5 ... -112.52012 1,192.3 1,296.4 401.6 894.9 -104.1 ... -104.1Q1 187.2 214.4 56.9 157.5 -27.2 ... -27.2Q2 200.2 231.9 59.7 172.2 -31.6 ... -31.6Q3 265.0 297.0 76.7 220.3 -32.0 ... -32.02009 Q4 331.0 363.5 129.6 233.9 -32.5 ... -32.5Q1 195.3 221.0 65.2 155.8 -25.7 ... -25.7Q2 228.6 253.3 72.3 181.0 -24.7 ... -24.7Q3 260.2 286.5 65.7 220.8 -26.3 ... -26.32010 Q4 298.4 326.7 116.4 210.3 -28.3 ... -28.3Q1 227.9 255.1 79.4 175.7 -27.2 ... -27.2Q2 251.7 280.8 86.6 194.2 -29.1 ... -29.1Q3 276.4 304.6 81.7 222.9 -28.2 ... -28.22011 Q4 265.1 293.0 74.5 218.5 -27.9 ... -27.9Q1 267.2 293.5 102.1 191.5 -26.3 ... -26.32012 Q2 302.1 328.2 118.7 209.5 -26.0 ... -26.0Q3 318.9 345.2 93.3 251.9 -26.4 ... -26.42012 Q4 304.1 329.5 87.5 242.0 -25.4 … -25.42013 Q1 275.4 293.3 82.2 211.1 -17.9 … -17.978 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 29.8.1 Remittances – by channels(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)TotalDescriptionBanks M TC Other2004 357.0 . . .2005 418.0 . . .2006 467.1 135.1 184.7 147.32007 515.6 137.1 198.7 179.82008 608.7 126.3 213.1 269.32009 585.7 148.8 213.1 223.82010 584.3 141.3 213.1 229.92011 584.8 139.7 225.3 219.82012 605.6 126.5 218.5 260.6Q1 121.8 32.4 46.3 43.1Q2 142.2 30.9 53.3 58.0Q3 174.7 58.0 53.0 63.72009 Q4 146.9 27.5 60.5 58.9Q1 120.7 34.1 46.3 44.1Q2 145.0 33.4 53.3 56.2Q3 165.0 43.8 53.0 65.62010 Q4 153.6 30.1 60.5 64.0Q1 125.1 30.3 50.1 44.7Q2 138.2 25.2 55.1 57.9Q3 164.9 48.9 55.7 60.32011 Q4 156.6 35.2 64.5 56.9Q1 119.1 23.3 47.1 48.72012 Q2 142.4 21.8 55.0 65.6Q3 175.2 56.3 52.0 66.92012 Q4 168.9 25.1 64.5 79.32013 Q1 127.8 33.1 45.6 49.1Table 29.8.2 Remittances – by countries(In percent)Description Germany Switzerland Italy Austria Belgium USA Sweden France Norway Canada England Danmark Finland Holand Slovenia Other2008 37.7% 15.9% 13.1% 6.2% 2.8% 2.8% 3.7% 3.9% 1.9% 2.2% 1.5% 1.9% 1.1% 1.2% 1.4% 2.6%Q1 34.9% 21.4% 10.5% 5.3% 3.7% 3.5% 3.3% 3.4% 2.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.0% 1.1% 1.1% 1.0% 4.2%Q2 39.4% 19.7% 11.3% 6.1% 2.9% 2.6% 2.9% 4.0% 2.4% 1.8% 1.3% 0.9% 0.9% 1.2% 1.4% 1.5%Q3 37.4% 21.2% 9.8% 6.0% 2.8% 2.6% 3.5% 3.8% 2.8% 2.1% 1.3% 0.9% 1.1% 1.0% 1.5% 2.2%2009 Q4 38.1% 22.0% 9.8% 5.5% 2.8% 2.3% 3.2% 3.9% 3.2% 1.9% 1.3% 0.8% 1.1% 1.2% 1.3% 1.7%Q1 34.8% 21.0% 8.8% 5.7% 2.6% 3.9% 3.1% 3.5% 2.8% 1.3% 1.5% 0.9% 1.1% 1.1% 3.4% 4.4%Q2 34.7% 20.7% 7.9% 3.9% 2.9% 4.7% 3.1% 3.6% 3.1% 2.0% 1.7% 0.6% 0.7% 1.0% 3.7% 5.9%Q3 33.2% 21.4% 7.0% 6.5% 2.5% 4.8% 3.4% 4.0% 2.5% 2.3% 1.6% 0.6% 0.9% 1.0% 5.6% 2.7%2010 Q4 34.1% 21.6% 7.2% 5.5% 2.9% 3.1% 3.7% 4.1% 2.6% 1.9% 1.3% 0.6% 0.7% 1.0% 4.5% 5.3%Q1 32.7% 23.7% 7.5% 5.6% 2.8% 4.6% 3.8% 3.8% 2.8% 1.5% 1.5% 0.7% 0.8% 1.2% 3.9% 3.0%Q2 32.8% 23.0% 7.0% 5.5% 2.0% 4.0% 3.1% 3.7% 2.8% 2.1% 1.3% 0.9% 1.0% 1.0% 3.9% 6.1%Q3 33.8% 23.4% 6.2% 5.5% 2.9% 2.3% 3.6% 4.2% 2.6% 2.0% 1.2% 0.6% 0.8% 1.0% 3.3% 6.7%2011 Q4 33.7% 22.1% 7.4% 5.5% 2.7% 3.9% 3.4% 3.8% 2.7% 1.9% 1.4% 0.7% 0.8% 1.0% 4.0% 4.9%Q1 30.9% 23.7% 4.8% 6.0% 1.1% 6.3% 3.6% 2.8% 4.9% 0.7% 3.2% 0.8% 0.7% 0.4% 5.0% 5.0%2012 Q2 37.4% 26.3% 8.4% 6.4% 6.6% 3.9% 0.8% 0.4% 1.3% 0.1% 1.9% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 5.4% 0.8%Q3 34.6% 22.6% 7.9% 5.9% 3.2% 3.9% 3.1% 3.2% 2.8% 1.5% 1.7% 0.7% 0.8% 0.8% 3.6% 3.7%2012 Q4 34.5% 21.0% 8.5% 6.2% 2.6% 3.8% 3.3% 3.3% 2.3% 1.9% 1.8% 0.5% 0.7% 0.0% 3.7% 5.9%2013 Q1 33.6% 22.5% 7.5% 5.8% 2.7% 4.2% 3.4% 3.5% 3.0% 1.6% 1.8% 0.7% 0.9% 1.0% 3.7% 4.2%| 79

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 29.9. Financial account - neto(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)DescriptionDirect investmentsEquitycapitalReinvestedearningsOthercapitalt ransactionsPortfolioinvetmentsBalanceTradecreditOther invest mentsLoansCurrencyanddepositsOtherassetsFinancialderivativesReserveassets2004 57.6 42.9 30.4 9.1 3.5 -32.1 -66.0 63.4 3.7 -133.1 ... - 112.72005 53.8 107.6 65.6 16.8 25.2 -17.5 -68.7 64.1 24.1 -156.9 ... - 32.42006 -35.7 289.2 185.6 24.8 78.8 -65.4 -181.6 31.5 7.7 -220.8 ... - -77.92007 -5.8 431.0 276.4 41.6 113.0 -34.5 -108.0 50.8 9.4 -168.2 ... - -294.32008 288.5 341.5 197.4 56.2 88.0 -109.9 75.2 66.4 47.1 -38.3 ... - -18.22009 109.0 276.9 196.5 57.2 23.2 -124.4 -138.3 38.6 -64.8 -171.5 59.5 - 94.82010 275.9 331.1 223.1 73.3 34.7 -49.2 47.4 167.1 82.3 -202.0 ... - -53.42011 377.5 378.9 271.6 58.0 49.4 -57.0 -5.7 93.3 -40.4 -58.6 ... - 61.22012 130.3 213.3 141.3 45.6 26.4 -184.9 369.2 100.3 -5.7 276.8 -2.2 - -267.2Q1 -17.8 55.1 32.6 14.9 7.7 -65.5 35.8 -31.5 17.8 49.5 ... - -43.2Q2 130.1 62.1 42.5 14.1 5.5 -15.1 55.2 37.0 20.1 -1.9 ... - 27.9Q3 -40.2 81.2 63.1 16.4 1.7 -33.8 -7.4 20.6 16.7 -104.2 59.5 - -80.12009 Q4 36.9 78.5 58.4 11.8 8.3 -9.9 -221.9 12.4 -119.4 -114.9 ... - 190.2Q1 10.0 61.0 33.2 15.3 12.5 -18.4 -24.1 -8.9 -5.8 -9.4 ... - -8.5Q2 142.3 42.9 41.2 14.0 -12.3 -6.6 147.5 89.4 15.6 42.5 ... - -41.5Q3 -0.5 111.4 73.2 20.6 17.5 1.7 29.1 76.2 40.7 -87.8 ... - -142.62010 Q4 124.0 115.8 75.5 23.3 17.0 -25.9 -105.1 10.4 31.8 -147.3 ... - 139.2Q1 -4.0 81.4 65.0 5.8 10.7 -52.9 28.4 -9.3 2.1 35.6 ... - -60.9Q2 210.5 98.4 67.0 11.4 20.0 -49.5 133.3 46.5 -22.3 109.1 ... - 28.2Q3 -24.0 105.5 91.7 12.6 1.2 -8.6 -118.3 25.8 -37.3 -106.8 ... - -2.62011 Q4 194.4 92.9 47.2 28.2 17.5 54.0 -49.1 30.4 17.0 -96.5 ... - 96.5Q1 13.8 55.0 29.7 10.6 14.7 -80.8 47.6 -45.9 -45.5 139.1 ... - -8.02012 Q2 75.8 23.5 12.2 6.4 4.9 37.0 32.2 63.2 -3.2 -27.8 ... - -16.9Q3 -26.0 88.5 32.3 28.7 27.4 -163.2 254.8 69.5 17.2 168.1 ... - -206.22012 Q4 66.7 46.3 67.1 -0.1 -20.6 22.1 34.6 13.5 25.9 -2.6 -2.2 - -36.22013 Q1 -8.4 57.1 37.3 8.2 11.6 -53.5 -18.3 -59.1 -22.0 62.6 0.2 - 6.380 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 29.10. Financial account –investments in reporting eco<strong>no</strong>my(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)Investments in KosovoDescriptionDirect investmentsEquit y capitalReinvestedearningsOt her capitaltransactionsPortfolioinvestmentsin KosovoTrade creditOt her invest mentsLoansCurrency anddepositsOther liabilities2004 105.0 42.9 30.4 9.1 3.5 - 62.0 49.1 15.3 -2.4 .2005 180.2 107.6 65.6 16.8 25.2 - 72.6 51.9 17.2 3.6 .2006 331.8 294.8 191.2 24.8 78.8 - 37.0 26.3 10.7 0.0 .2007 502.7 440.7 286.1 41.6 113.0 0.0 61.9 51.7 13.9 -3.6 .2008 516.3 366.5 222.3 56.2 88.0 0.0 149.8 77.2 48.5 24.2 .2009 339.7 287.4 207.1 57.2 23.2 0.5 51.8 41.5 -72.7 23.5 59.52010 678.7 365.8 257.8 73.3 34.7 -0.7 313.6 171.8 101.5 40.2 .2011 471.4 394.6 287.2 58.0 49.4 0.8 76.0 93.1 -15.8 -1.3 .2012 452.7 229.1 157.1 45.6 26.4 0.7 222.9 100.3 25.6 97.0 .Q1 50.5 58.5 36.0 14.9 7.7 0.1 -8.1 -30.3 26.7 -4.5 .Q2 131.0 64.6 44.9 14.1 5.5 0.1 66.3 38.3 8.6 19.5 .Q3 175.0 83.4 65.3 16.4 1.7 0.1 91.6 20.1 11.0 0.9 59.52009 Q4 -16.9 80.9 60.9 11.8 8.3 0.1 -97.9 13.4 -119.0 7.6 .Q1 100.7 69.5 41.7 15.3 12.5 -0.2 31.3 -5.0 9.4 27.0 .Q2 155.6 47.5 45.8 14.0 -12.3 -0.2 108.3 90.7 16.5 1.1 .Q3 233.8 118.2 80.1 20.6 17.5 -0.2 115.7 76.9 43.2 -4.3 .2010 Q4 188.7 130.6 90.3 23.3 17.0 -0.2 58.2 9.3 32.4 16.5 .Q1 68.3 83.2 66.8 5.8 10.7 0.2 -15.1 -10.7 3.4 -7.8 .Q2 174.0 101.8 70.4 11.4 20.0 0.2 72.0 47.6 -1.0 25.4 .Q3 104.2 111.1 97.2 12.6 1.2 0.2 -7.1 25.8 -35.0 2.1 .2011 Q4 124.3 97.8 52.2 28.2 17.5 0.2 26.2 30.4 16.9 -21.1 .Q1 -8.3 56.3 31.4 10.6 14.7 0.2 -65.2 -45.9 -38.7 19.5 .2012 Q2 89.5 29.9 18.6 6.4 4.9 . 59.6 63.2 -3.7 0.1 .Q3 239.4 92.3 36.1 28.7 27.4 . 147.1 69.5 38.1 39.5 .2012 Q4 132.0 50.2 71.0 -0.1 -20.6 0.5 81.3 13.5 29.9 37.9 .2013 Q1 2.2 60.1 40.4 8.2 11.6 - -58.0 -59.1 -8.9 10.9 -1.0| 81

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletin29.11. Financial account – investments abroad(In millions of euro)DescriptionInvest ment s abroadDirect investmentsEquitycapitalReinvested earningsOt hercapitalt ransact ionsPortfolioinvetments2004 -47.4 … … . . -32.1 -128.0 14.2 -11.7 -130.6 . - 112.72005 -126.5 … … . . -17.5 -141.3 12.2 6.9 -160.5 . - 32.42006 -367.5 -5.6 -5.6 . . -65.4 -218.7 5.2 -2.9 -220.9 . - -77.92007 -508.5 -9.7 -9.7 . . -34.5 -170.0 -0.9 -4.5 -164.6 . - -294.32008 -227.8 -25.0 -25.0 . . -109.9 -74.7 -10.8 -1.4 -62.5 . - -18.22009 -230.6 -10.5 -10.5 - - -124.8 -190.1 -3.0 7.9 -195.0 . - 94.82010 -402.9 -34.7 -34.7 - - -48.6 -266.2 -4.7 -19.2 -242.2 . - -53.42011 -93.9 -15.7 -15.7 - - -57.8 -81.7 0.3 -24.6 -57.3 . - 61.22012 -322.3 -15.8 -15.8 - - -185.7 146.3 0.0 -31.3 179.8 -2.2 - -267.2Q1 -68.3 -3.4 -3.4 - - -65.6 44.0 -1.2 -8.9 54.1 . - -43.2Q2 -0.9 -2.5 -2.5 - - -15.3 -11.1 -1.3 11.6 -21.4 . - 27.9Q3 -215.2 -2.2 -2.2 - - -34.0 -98.9 0.5 5.7 -105.2 . - -80.12009 Q4 53.8 -2.5 -2.5 - - -10.0 -124.0 -1.0 -0.5 -122.5 . - 190.2Q1 -90.7 -8.5 -8.5 - - -18.3 -55.4 -3.8 -15.2 -36.4 . - -8.5Q2 -13.4 -4.6 -4.6 - - -6.5 39.2 -1.3 -0.9 41.4 . - -41.5Q3 -234.2 -6.9 -6.9 - - 1.9 -86.6 -0.7 -2.5 -83.5 . - -142.62010 Q4 -64.6 -14.8 -14.8 - - -25.7 -163.3 1.1 -0.6 -163.8 . - 139.2Q1 - 72 .3 - 1.8 - 1.8 - - - 53 .1 4 3 .5 1.4 - 1.3 4 3 .4 . - - 6 0 .9Q2 36.5 -3.4 -3.4 - - -49.7 61.3 -1.1 -21.3 83.7 . - 28.2Q3 -128.2 -5.5 -5.5 - - -8.8 -111.2 0.0 -2.2 -109.0 . - -2.62011 Q4 70.1 -5.0 -5.0 - - 53.8 -75.3 0.0 0.2 -75.4 . - 96.5Q1 2 2 .1 - 1.7 - 1.7 - - - 8 1.0 112 .8 0 .0 - 6 .8 119 .6 . - - 8 .02012 Q2 -13.7 -6.4 -6.4 - - 37.0 -27.4 0.0 0.4 -27.9 . - -16.9Q3 -265.4 -3.7 -3.7 - - -163.2 107.7 0.0 -20.9 128.6 . - -206.22012 Q4 -65.3 -3.9 -3.9 - - 21.5 -46.7 0.0 -4.0 -40.5 -2.2 - -36.2Ot herasset s2013 Q1 -10.6 -3.1 -3.1 - - -53.5 39.7 - -13.1 51.6 1.2 - 6.3TradecreditOt her invest ment sLoansCurrencyanddepositsFinancialderivativesReserveasset s82 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 30.1. International Investments Position – main components (1)(Cumulative, in millions of euro)Net AssetsPortofolio investmentsOther investmentsDescriptionInvestmentsabroadEquitysecuritiesDebtsecuritiesCent ral Bankof theRepublic ofKosovoGeneralGovernmentBanksOther sectorsReserveasset s2007 1,278.9 2,397.6 15.2 444.7 158.9 285.8 1,285.6 317.7 … 289.6 678.3 652.02008 941.2 2,536.0 40.4 466.3 112.5 353.8 1,359.1 225.8 … 360.8 772.5 670.32009 524.4 2,812.1 51.6 624.6 <strong>140</strong>.1 484.5 1,559.5 290.4 … 486.9 782.1 576.52010 444.6 3,249.4 86.4 696.5 194.2 502.3 1,832.0 460.2 … 536.4 835.5 634.52011 133.9 3,325.1 102.0 740.2 296.0 444.3 1,908.2 592.8 … 473.5 841.9 574.7Q1 230.4 3,344.0 103.8 860.6 348.4 512.3 1,798.8 537.5 … 414.1 847.1 580.9Q2 173.1 3,352.7 110.2 814.5 397.7 416.8 1,827.1 580.3 … 394.9 852.0 600.9Q3 236.6 3,634.0 113.9 998.7 324.7 674.0 1,715.6 417.8 … 436.9 860.9 805.82012 Q4 248.8 3,705.1 117.8 986.6 354.1 632.5 1,760.6 453.4 … 436.8 870.4 840.02013 Q1 405.9 3,847.4 120.9 1,073.1 396.6 676.5 1,820.0 457.2 … 400.4 962.3 833.4Table 30.2. International Investments Position – main components (2)(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Net LiabilitiesPortfolio investmentsOther investmentsDescriptionInvestmentsin reportingeco<strong>no</strong>mySecuritiesand capitalCent ral Bankof t heRepublic ofKosovoGovernment Banks Ot her sect ors2007 1,278.9 1,118.6 924.5 1.2 1.2 193.0 … … 48.6 144.42008 941.2 1,594.9 1,290.9 1.5 1.5 302.5 … … 83.2 219.32009 524.4 2,287.8 1,582.4 1.9 1.9 703.5 60.3 249.0 156.7 237.52010 444.6 2,804.8 1,960.9 1.3 1.3 842.6 65.9 260.0 222.3 294.42011 133.9 3,191.2 2,326.1 2.1 2.1 863.0 66.4 253.6 196.4 346.6Q1 230.4 3,113.6 2,368.3 1.3 1.3 744.1 65.3 247.4 162.1 269.2Q2 173.1 3,179.6 2,385.3 0.7 0.7 793.7 67.5 253.4 151.0 321.8Q3 236.6 3,397.3 2,472.5 0.7 0.7 924.1 66.9 294.2 184.1 378.92012 Q4 248.8 3,456.3 2,524.3 0.5 0.5 931.4 65.0 336.5 175.6 354.42013 Q1 405.9 3,441.4 2,582.2 1.8 1.8 857.4 65.1 332.8 185.8 273.7| 83

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 30.3. International Investments Position – by sectors(Cumulative, in millions of euro)International Investment P osition NETDescriptionTotalCentral Bank of the Republic of Kosovo BanksGeneral Government Other sectorsAssets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities2007 1,278.9 1,057.6 1,057.6 … 189.8 368.5 178.7 … … … 31.5 971.4 939.92008 941.2 1,110.7 1,110.7 … 150.8 401.3 250.5 … … … -320.3 1,024.0 1,344.32009 524.4 1,089.3 1,149.6 60.3 250.5 583.9 333.4 -249.0 … 249.0 -566.4 1,078.6 1,645.02010 444.6 1,129.0 1,194.8 65.9 283.8 709.8 426.0 -260.0 … 260.0 -708.2 1,344.8 2,052.92011 133.9 1,114.8 1,181.3 66.4 478.4 675.5 197.1 -253.6 … 253.6 -1,205.7 1,468.4 2,674.1Q1 230.4 1,136.0 1,201.4 65.3 444.5 607.8 163.3 -247.4 … 247.4 -1,102.7 1,534.8 2,637.5Q2 173.1 1,<strong>140</strong>.6 1,208.1 67.5 429.1 580.7 151.6 -253.4 … 253.4 -1,143.1 1,564.0 2,707.1Q3 236.6 1,337.7 1,404.6 66.9 447.9 632.6 184.7 -294.2 … 294.2 -1,254.6 1,596.8 2,851.52012 Q4 248.8 1,351.9 1,416.8 65.0 457.4 633.6 176.1 -336.5 … 336.5 -1,224.0 1,654.7 2,878.72013 Q1 405.9 1,362.6 1,427.7 65.1 415.7 602.0 186.3 -332.8 … 332.8 -1,039.5 1,817.6 2,857.2Table 30.4. International Investments Position – assets(Cumulative, in millions of euro)Net IIP Kosovo's international assetsInternational equityInternational debtDescriptionDirectinvestmentsAbroadEquitysecuritiesDirectinvestmentsAbroadDebtsecuritiesOt herinvestmentsReserveAssets2007 1,278.9 2,397.6 174.2 15.2 158.9 2,223.4 … 285.8 1,285.6 652.02008 941.2 2,536.0 152.9 40.4 112.5 2,383.2 … 353.8 1,359.1 670.32009 524.4 2,812.1 191.7 51.6 <strong>140</strong>.1 2,620.4 … 484.5 1,559.5 576.52010 444.6 3,249.4 280.6 86.4 194.2 2,968.8 … 502.3 1,832.0 634.52011 133.9 3,325.1 398.0 102.0 296.0 2,927.1 … 444.3 1,908.2 574.7Q1 230.4 3,344.0 452.1 103.8 348.4 2,891.9 … 512.3 1,798.8 580.9Q2 173.1 3,352.7 507.9 110.2 397.7 2,844.8 … 416.8 1,827.1 600.9QT3 236.6 3,634.0 438.6 113.9 324.7 3,195.3 … 674.0 1,715.6 805.82012 Q4 248.8 3,705.1 471.9 117.8 354.1 3,233.2 … 632.5 1,760.6 840.02013 Q1 405.9 3,846.2 517.5 120.9 396.6 3,329.8 … 676.5 1,820.0 833.4Table 30.5. International Investments Position – liabilities(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)IIP Net Kosovo international liabilitiesEquitiesDebtDescriptionInvestments inreportingeco<strong>no</strong>myEquitysecuritiesInvestments inreportingeco<strong>no</strong>myDebtsecuritiesOt herinvestments2007 1,278.9 1,119.6 623.3 621.2 2.1 496.3 303.2 … 193.02008 941.2 1,594.9 888.0 886.5 1.5 706.8 404.4 … 302.52009 524.4 2,287.8 1,141.3 1,139.4 1.9 1,146.4 443.0 … 703.52010 444.6 2,804.8 1,456.5 1,455.3 1.3 1,348.3 505.7 … 842.62011 133.9 3,191.2 1,762.8 1,760.7 2.1 1,428.4 565.4 … 863.0Q1 230.4 3,113.6 1,796.4 1,795.1 1.3 1,317.2 573.1 … 744.1Q2 173.1 3,179.6 1,794.6 1,794.0 0.7 1,385.0 591.3 … 793.7Q3 236.6 3,397.3 1,860.4 1,859.7 0.7 1,536.9 612.8 … 924.12012 Q4 248.8 3,456.3 1,939.0 1,938.4 0.5 1,517.3 585.9 … 931.42013 Q1 405.9 3,441.4 1,987.3 1,985.5 1.8 1,454.1 596.7 … 857.484 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 30.6. International Investments Position – reconciliation with balance ofpayments statistics(In millions of euro)Net IIPYearDescriptionInvestmentsabroadPortfolio investmentsEquitysecuritiesDebt securitiesFinancialderivativesOtherinvestmentsReserve assetsBeginning of period IIP 909.2 443.6 157.8 285.8 … 1,092.6 652.0Total 341.3 21.2 -46.7 68.0 … -35.9 18.22008Transactions in financial account 341.5 -16.8 … -16.8 … -117.2 23.1Other changes in f inancial account -0.2 38.0 -46.7 84.8 … 81.3 -4.8End of period IIP 1,250.6 464.8 111.0 353.8 … 1,056.7 670.3Beginning of the period IIP 1,250.6 464.8 111.0 353.8 … 1,056.7 670.3Total 280.2 157.8 27.1 130.7 … -200.7 -93.82009Transactions in financial account 280.9 124.4 -0.5 124.8 … 138.3 -94.8Other changes in f inancial account -0.7 33.4 27.6 5.8 … -62.4 1.0End of period IIP 1,530.7 622.6 138.2 484.5 … 856.0 576.5Beginning of the period IIP 1,530.7 622.6 138.2 484.5 … 856.0 576.5Total 343.8 72.6 54.8 17.8 … 133.4 58.02010Transactions in f inancial account 331.1 47.9 43.3 4.6 … -47.4 53.4Other changes in financial account 12.7 24.7 11.4 13.3 … 180.8 4.7End of period IIP 1,874.6 695.3 193.0 502.3 … 989.4 634.5Beginning of the period IIP 1,874.6 695.3 193.0 502.3 … 989.4 634.5To t al 3 8 3 .8 156 .0 10 1.0 55.0 … 58.4 -59.82011Transactions in f inancial account 378.9 -57.0 -95.7 38.7 … -5.7 61.2Other changes in f inancial account 4.9 213.0 196.7 16.3 … 64.1 -1.4End of period IIP 2,258.4 741.3 294.0 447.3 … 1,0 4 7.8 574 .7Beginning of the period IIP 2,258.4 741.3 294.0 447.3 … 1,046.8 574.7Total -85.9 -10.7 54.3 -64.9 … 7.9 6.2Q1Transactions in financial account 55.0 -80.8 -19.8 -61.0 … 47.6 -8.0Other changes in financial account -<strong>140</strong>.9 70.1 74.1 -3.9 … -39.7 1.9End of period IIP 2,172.4 860.5 348.3 512.3 … 1,054.7 580.9Beginning of the period IIP 2,172.4 860.5 348.3 512.3 … 1,054.7 580.9Total 14.9 145.0 49.5 95.5 … -21.2 20.0Q2Transactions in f inancial account 23.4 29.0 -30.1 59.2 … 47.0 -16.9Other changes in financial account -8.6 108.0 109.5 -1.5 … -53.4 -3.2End of period IIP 2,187.4 814.5 397.7 416.8 … 1,033.5 600.9Beginning of the period IIP 2,187.4 814.5 397.7 416.8 … 1,033.5 600.9Total 88.5 -330.9 -73.7 -257.2 … -242.0 204.9Q3Transactions in financial account 88.5 -163.2 -15.0 -148.2 … 252.3 -206.2Other changes in f inancial account … -167.7 -58.7 -109.0 … 12.8 1.3End of period IIP 2,275.4 998.1 324.1 674.0 … 791.5 805.8Beginning of the period IIP 2,275.4 998.1 324.1 674.0 … 791.5 805.8Total 52.9 -12.0 -29.5 -41.5 … 41.2 34.22012 Q4Transactions in financial account 46.3 21.4 -20.1 41.5 … 20.0 -36.2Other changes in f inancial account 6.6 -10.1 -10.0 -0.1 … 9.5 2.0End of period IIP 2,406.5 986.6 353.6 632.5 … 832.6 840.0Beginning of the period IIP 2,406.5 986.6 353.6 632.5 … 829.2 840.0Total 54.8 86.5 42.5 44.0 … 57.9 -6.62013 Q1Transactions in f inancial account 57.1 53.5 9.3 44.2 … 18 .3 6 .3Other changes in f inancial account -2.3 33.0 33.2 -0.2 … 39.6 0.3End of period IIP 2,461.3 1,073.1 396.1 676.5 … 962.5 833.4| 85

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 31.1. Direct investments(Cumulative, in millions of euro, as of 31 st March 2012)Totla incoming direct investmentsTotal outgoing direct investmentsCountrycodeCountryEquityOther capitaltransactionsEquityOther capitaltransactionsEuropean Union 873.9 681.2 192.7 44.7 44.7 0.0A T A ust r i a 118 .0 111.8 6 .2 2 .4 2 .4 …BE Belgium 6.7 3.4 3.3 1.5 1.5 …BG Bulgaria 11.5 3.4 8.1 0.6 0.6 …CY Cypros 6.1 1.9 4.1 3.9 3.9 …FR France 7.9 8.4 -0.6 1.2 1.2 …DE Germany 208.8 205.9 2.8 13.3 13.3 …GR Gr eece 10 .1 9 .5 0 .6 1.3 1.3 …IT Italy 5.6 4.9 0.7 2.8 2.8 …NL Holand 60.4 150.2 12.2 0.9 0.9 …RO Rumania 2.7 2.7 0.0 0.3 0.3 …SI Slovenia 252.3 77.3 152.7 6.9 6.9 …SE Sweden 6.4 6.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 …GB Great Britain 80.6 79.0 1.6 6.0 6.0 …Other EU countries 17.3 16.5 0.7 3.0 3.0 …Other European Countries 411.7 288.4 123.3 67.0 67.0 …A L A lb ania 59 .5 4 1.7 17.9 3 1.3 3 1.3 …HR Croatia 9.3 8.2 1.0 3.2 3.2 …MK Macedonia 15.6 12.2 3.5 9.1 9.1 …NO Norway 6.4 5.3 1.1 0.5 0.5 …RS Serbia 6.0 5.9 0.0 5.6 5.6 …CH Switzerland 130.1 112.2 17.9 8.0 8.0 …TR Turkey 182.6 101.3 81.3 2.9 2.9 …Other European Countries 2.2 1.6 0.6 6.4 6.4 …Ot her C p unt ries 9 7.3 79 .6 17.7 9 .3 9 .3 …US United States 42.3 29.5 12.9 7.0 7.0 …AE United Emirates of Arab 39.8 35.9 3.9 0.9 0.9 …Other Countries 15.2 14.2 0.9 1.3 1.3 …Other Countries (<strong>no</strong>t alocated) 1,199.4 936.3 263.0 0.0 0.0 …ZZ Not specified 1,199.4 936.3 263.0 … 0.0 …Total 2,582.2 1,985.5 596.7 120.9 120.9 …86 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 31.2. Direct investments – by eco<strong>no</strong>mic activity(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)DescriptionTtoalFinancialservicesProduction Real est at eTransportandtelecommunicationElectricityM iningContructionProcessingindustryAgricultureTradeservices,cleaning,collectionAdvising,operat ion,researchSanitarianactivit yOther2007 100.0% 23.1% 9.0% 7.0% 29.3% 0.6% 9.4% 1.2% 8.0% 1.8% 2.9% 1.0% 2.9% 3.8%2008 100.0% 34.9% 6.0% 16.8% 13.8% 4.5% 4.7% 3.7% 8.5% 2.3% 2.7% 0.6% 0.6% 0.9%2009 100.0% 25.5% 17.1% 14.9% 7.4% 2.9% 2.4% 12.0% 2.4% 4.4% 5.5% 0.9% 0.8% 3.8%Q1 100.0% 16.8% 18.4% 19.0% 10.2% 0.0% 1.0% 17.5% 10.5% 1.5% 2.6% 1.4% 0.9% 0.3%Q2 100.0% 27.1% 18.7% 9.7% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 15.9% 11.0% 0.1% 5.7% 4.8% 1.9% 4.8%Q3 100.0% 22.0% 2.7% 10.5% 5.0% 0.2% 9.6% 38.4% 5.6% 0.1% 2.4% 1.8% 0.0% 1.8%2010 Q4 100.0% 11.8% 39.3% 14.3% 0.8% 0.2% 0.3% 27.8% 0.3% 0.8% 2.5% 1.3% … 0.7%Q1 100.0% 9.4% 10.3% 17.5% 4.7% 0.0% 0.2% 32.4% 0.6% 0.1% 2.5% 1.1% 0.0% 21.1%Q2 100.0% 10.6% 17.2% 10.1% 9.0% 0.0% 2.7% 30.4% 1.2% 0.1% 3.4% 1.7% 0.0% 13.8%Q3 100.0% 14.8% 10.2% 14.7% 9.6% 0.0% -2.1% 28.7% 0.1% 0.1% 2.1% 2.5% 0.1% 19.1%2011 Q4 100.0% 12.0% 12.6% 21.5% 0.3% 0.0% 0.1% 39.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 14.0%Q1 100.0% 17.5% 6.3% 30.5% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 24.4% 0.7% 0.1% 0.5% 1.6% 0.4% 17.8%Q2 100.0% 0.0% 8.3% 43.2% 9.2% 0.0% 0.0% 28.7% 1.0% 0.0% 4.5% 3.5% 0.5% 1.1%Q3 100.0% 10.8% 18.8% 27.8% 10.8% 3.8% 0.0% 21.3% 0.0% 0.1% 4.1% 0.6% 0.2% 1.6%2012 Q4 100.0% 13.3% 15.0% 25.4% 11.7% 1.5% 18.3% 8.7% 0.0% 0.1% 5.3% 0.8% 0.2% 0.0%2013 Q1 100.0% 11.6% 5.7% 37.6% 13.6% 1.6% 2.9% 17.6% 0.0% 0.0% 8.4% 0.7% 0.1% 0.0%Table 31.3. Direct investmetns – by countries(Flow statistics, in millions of euro)Totalof which:DescriptionSlovenia Germany Austria Switzerland Grat Britain turkey Holand Albania USA France2007 440.7 35.4 48.1 56.2 116.2 9.7 5.4 41.2 3.4 8.8 8.62008 366.5 51.3 44.0 44.3 36.6 32.1 23.8 22.5 21.9 4.8 3.52009 287.4 15.5 75.2 50.8 6.2 22.7 14.5 15.1 23.3 11.8 6.02010 365.8 21.1 91.5 34.0 38.9 35.1 4.9 14.5 20.3 12.6 3.82011 394.6 19.6 66.6 16.2 80.1 30.9 34.7 14.2 11.2 14.3 0.2Q1 69.5 4.1 11.6 18.8 1.9 8.4 1.7 0.3 3.5 3.7 1.1Q2 47.5 5.6 9.9 2.1 -23.3 6.1 1.1 0.9 9.4 5.6 0.8Q3 118.2 7.0 14.3 10.3 34.0 14.0 1.2 7.8 5.0 1.2 1.12010 Q4 130.6 4.4 55.8 2.8 26.2 6.6 0.8 5.5 2.4 2.1 0.8Q1 83.4 1.6 21.5 6.3 20.3 7.1 8.5 0.2 2.2 3.3 0.7Q2 102.0 7.4 10.8 2.8 - 7.8 12.6 15.8 1.4 3.0 -Q3 111.3 8.9 25.2 5.2 30.2 5.8 16.4 -7.9 2.1 7.4 0.82011 Q4 97.8 1.7 9.1 1.9 29.6 10.2 -2.8 6.1 5.5 0.6 -1.3Q1 56.3 2.4 11.7 2.3 11.1 5.8 4.9 -0.1 0.8 2.6 0.3Q2 29.9 3.0 8.1 -10.8 9.0 4.8 16.9 -6.3 -5.0 3.1 1.8Q3 92.3 5.3 21.3 5.6 9.9 14.5 19.5 -7.1 5.8 2.3 2.22012 Q4 50.2 -1.5 8.4 3.2 13.8 12.9 24.2 -12.5 3.1 2.7 1.92013 Q1 60.1 5.0 7.5 5.1 11.3 -10.8 8.9 - 0 .3| 87

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 32.1. External debt – gross position(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Public debt and public guaranteed debtPrivate sctor <strong>no</strong>n-guaranteed debtGovernementCentral Bank of the Republic ofBanks Other sectors DirectDescriptionKosovoinvestments:Short-term Long-t erm Short -t erm Long-t erm Short-term Long-term Short-term Long-t erm creditingbet weencompaniesTotal(Externalgrossdebt)2007 - - - - - - - 496.3 48.6 48.6 - 144.4 141.1 3.3 303.2 496.32008 - - - - - - - 706.8 83.2 83.0 0.2 219.3 194.5 24.8 404.4 706.82009 309.3 249.0 - 249.0 60.3 0.8 59.5 837.1 156.7 156.7 - 237.5 221.2 16.3 443.0 1,146.42010 325.9 260.0 - 260.0 65.9 1.7 64.2 1,022.4 222.3 222.3 0.0 294.4 232.7 61.8 505.7 1,348.32011 320.0 253.6 - 253.6 66.4 0.7 65.7 1,106.7 196.4 195.2 1.1 345.0 259.8 85.1 565.4 1,426.8Q1 312.7 247.4 - 247.4 65.3 1.1 64.2 1,020.2 16 2 .1 162.1 - 277.2 191.3 85.9 581.0 1,332.92 0 12 Q2 3 2 1.1 253.6 - 253.6 67.5 0.7 66.7 1,064.1 151.0 151.0 - 321.8 240.0 81.8 591.3 1,385.1Q3 361.2 294.2 - 294.2 66.9 0.9 66.0 1,175.8 184.1 184.1 - 378.9 340.6 38.3 612.8 1,536.92012 QT4 401.4 336.5 - 336.5 65.0 0.4 64.6 1,116.2 175.6 175.6 - 350.9 317.5 33.5 589.7 1,517.62013 Q1 398.0 332.8 - 332.8 65.1 0.3 64.8 1,052.2 18 1.8 181.8 - 273.7 239.6 34.2 596.7 1,450.1Table 32.2. External debt – gross position by creditors(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Total external gross debtGross external debt excluding direct investmentsDescriptionGovernmentCentr<strong>Banka</strong><strong>Qendrore</strong> eRepublikës sëKosovësBanksOther sectorsDirect investments:crediting betweencompaniesInternational M onetary FundWorld BankIB RDSHNZHOther creditorsTotal debt178.2 113.4 64.8 - - 178.2 -219.4 219.4 - - - 219.4 -209.3 209.3 - - - 209.3 -10.1 10.1 - - - 10.1 -1,052.5 - 0.3 181.8 273.7 455.9 596.71,450.1 332.8 65.1 181.8 273.7 853.5 596.7Table 32.3. External debt – solvency plan(Cumulative, end of period, in millions of euro)2013 Q1DescriptionOne year or less (several months)Over one year up t o t wo years0 - 3 4-6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 18 19 - 24The t hirdyearThe fourth The fifthyear yearOver 5 upto 10yearsOver 10up t o 15yearsOver 15yearsExternal debt of public sector25.0 11.4 1.2 11.1 1.2 36.8 18.4 18.3 43.0 58.2 46.0 82.2 73.3 114.8Principal 15.5 6.6 0.9 7.0 0.9 28.4 14.2 14.2 35.2 51.0 39.7 57.7 59.2 111.3interest 9.5 4.8 0.3 4.1 0.3 8.5 4.3 4.2 8.0 7.3 6.4 24.5 14.1 3.8External debt of private sector guaranteed by the Government- - -- - - - - - - - - - -Principal - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Interest - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Total25.0 11.4 1.211.1 1.2 36.8 18.4 18.3 43.0 58.2 46.0 82.2 73.3 114.8Principal 15.5 6.6 0.9 7.0 0.9 28.4 14.2 14.2 35.2 51.0 39.7 57.7 59.2 111.3Interest 9.5 4.8 0.3 4.1 0.3 8.5 4.3 4.2 8.0 7.3 6.4 24.5 14.1 3.888 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 32.4. External debt – net position(Cumulative, as of September 2012, in millions of euro)End of periodDescriptionExternal Gross Debt (1) Foreign assets in debt instruments External Net debt (3)=(1)-(2)Go venrment 332.8 - 332.8Short-term - - -Instruments of money market - - -Loans - - -Deposits and currencies - - -Trade loans - - -Other debt instruments - - -Delayed debts - - -Ot her - - -Long-term 332.8 - 332.8Treasury bonds and debt certificates - - -Loans 332.8 - 332.8Deposits and currencies - - -Trade loans - - -Other debt instruments - - -Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo 65.1 1,427.7 -1,362.6Short-term 0.3 1,348.2 -1,347.8Treasury bonds and debt certificates - 311.0 -311.0Loans - - -Deposits and currencies 0.3 1,037.2 -1,036.8Trade loans - - -Other debt instruments - - -Ot her - - -Long-term 64.8 79.5 -14.8Treasury bonds and debt certificates - - -Loans - - -Deposits and currencies - - -Trade loans 64.8 79.5 -14.8Banks 18 1.8 602.0 -420.2Short-term 18 1.8 602.0 -420.2Instrumentet e tregut të parasë - 201.6 -201.6Loans 51.5 94.4 -42.9Deposits and currencies 130.2 302.9 -172.7Ot her debt inst rument s - 3.1 -3.1Delayed debts - - -Ot her - - -Long-term - - -Treasury bonds and debt certificates - - -Loans - - -Deposits and currencies - - -Ot her debt inst rument s - - -Other sectors 273.7 1,299.0 (1,025.3)Short-term 239.6 19.6 219.9M oney market inst rument s - 19.6 -19.6Loans 118 .9 - 118.9Deposits and currencies - - 0.0Trade loans 120.7 - 120.7Ot her debt inst rument s - - 0.0Delayed debts - - -Ot her - - -Long-term 34.2 1,279.3 -1,245.2Treasury bonds and debt certificates - 318.2 -318.2Loans 34.2 - 34.2Deposits and currencies - 961.2 -961.2Trade loans - - -Other debt instruments - - -Direct investments: crediting between companies 596.7 - 596.7Debt to liason companies - - -Delayed debts - - -Ot her - - -Debt to direct investors - - 0.0Delayed debts - - -Ot her 596.7 - 596.7External NET Debt (3) 1,450.1 3,328.7 -1,878.6| 89

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 33.1. Reconciliation of portfolio investments – position of portfolioinvestments – September 2012(Cumulative, end of period, in millions of euro)EquityTotal debt securitiesTotalDescriptionCountryLong-t erm debtsecuritiesShort-termdebt secusitiesAT Austria - 20.6 - 20.6 20.6BE Belgium - 226.0 - 226.0 226.0DE Germany - 20.0 - 20.0 20.0FI Finland - 10.1 - 10.1 10.1FR France - 80.5 - 80.5 80.5IE Ireland 363.3 39.1 25.5 13.6 402.4IT Italy - 35.0 - 35.0 35.0LU Luxembourg - 301.6 270.2 31.4 301.6M E M ontenegro - 0.5 - 0.5 0.5NL Netherlands - 19.5 - 19.5 19.5PL Poland - 4.9 - 4.9 4.9RS Serbia - 22.3 22.3 - 22.3SL Slovenia - 39.5 - 39.5 39.5US United States - 30.7 - 30.7 30.7ZZ Other 33.3 - - - 33.3Total velue of investments 3 9 6.6 850.4 318.0 532.4 1,247.090 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 34.1. Exports by trading partners(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Total exportsDescriptionEuropeEuropean unionEU 15 EU 10 EU 2CEFTAOt her europeancount riesNon-europeancount ries2001 December 10.6 … … … … … … … …2002 December 27.6 … … … … … … … …2003 December 35.6 35.1 14.9 13.7 1.0 0.2 18.2 2.0 0.52004 December 56.6 55.5 16.6 15.0 1.2 0.4 23.5 15.4 1.02005 December 56.3 54.2 21.8 19.2 1.5 1.2 29.9 2.6 2.02006 December 110.8 109.4 42.3 23.4 5.2 13.7 51.7 15.4 1.32007 December 165.1 156.8 69.3 53.1 5.1 11.1 65.1 22.4 8.32008 December 198.5 171.1 94.0 80.8 10.5 2.7 61.5 15.6 27.3November 149.0 130.4 64.3 57.6 4.0 2.6 48.4 17.7 18.62009 December 165.3 144.2 71.3 64.0 4.3 2.9 53.5 19.5 21.1January 15.8 12.1 7.9 6.9 0.3 0.7 3.6 0.7 3.6February 31.4 26.2 17.0 15.3 0.7 1.1 7.5 1.6 5.2March 52.6 45.7 29.7 26.3 1.5 1.9 13.1 2.9 6.8April 78.0 65.7 41.0 36.3 2.4 2.4 18.8 5.9 12.3M ay 111.0 9 2 .2 55.8 50 .4 2 .6 2 .8 2 5.1 11.3 18 .8June 141.7 117.0 68.7 62.1 3.3 3.2 34.0 14.4 24.7July 162.9 133.1 78.0 70.1 3.9 4.1 39.1 15.9 29.9August 189.2 150.5 85.8 76.6 4.4 4.9 45.8 18.8 38.7September 214.3 169.9 95.2 84.2 5.3 5.7 53.5 21.1 44.5October 242.7 190.6 106.2 93.9 6.1 6.2 59.6 24.8 52.1November 268.7 212.4 120.2 107.0 6.7 6.5 64.9 27.4 56.22010 December 294.0 233.4 131.5 116.8 7.7 7.1 70.9 31.0 60.6January 22.9 18.9 12.6 11.5 0.9 0.1 5.5 0.8 4.0February 48.5 42.6 29.3 26.5 2.1 0.8 11.2 2.0 5.9March 74.8 64.7 43.7 39.4 3.5 0.9 18.0 3.0 10.1April 104.1 89.6 56.8 51.0 4.9 1.0 24.9 7.9 14.5May 133.4 109.9 67.3 60.3 5.8 1.2 31.6 11.1 23.4June 164.2 135.4 77.5 69.6 6.6 1.3 38.2 19.7 28.8July 193.5 160.2 86.6 77.3 7.7 1.5 48.1 25.5 33.4August 217.3 177.6 93.7 83.8 8.1 1.8 56.3 27.6 39.6September 241.6 196.6 104.3 93.9 8.5 1.9 63.3 29.0 45.0October 268.8 219.4 118.9 107.8 9.0 2.1 70.0 30.5 49.4November 290.9 236.6 128.1 116.4 9.5 2.2 76.0 32.6 54.22011 December 312.5 254.1 136.4 124.0 10.2 2.2 82.4 35.3 58.42012 January 19.6 15.5 8.3 7.9 0.3 … 5.0 2.3 4.0Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations| 91

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 34.2. Export by trading partners - European Union(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)European unionDescriptionEU 15 of which: EU 10 Of which:Austria Belgium France Germany Greece Italy Net herlandsUnitedKingdomCzechRepublicSloveniaEU 2of which:Bulgaria2003 December 14.9 13.7 1.4 … … 3.8 1.8 6.2 0.2 0.1 1.0 … 0.7 0.2 0.22004 December 16.6 15.0 0.9 … 0.2 3.3 4.3 5.5 0.1 0.6 1.2 … 1.0 0.4 0.42005 December 21.8 19.2 1.0 … 0.5 3.2 5.4 5.7 0.1 … 1.5 … 1.2 1.2 1.02006 December 42.3 23.4 1.2 … 0.2 4.0 3.9 12.7 1.1 … 5.2 0.4 4.5 13.7 13.52007 December 69.3 53.1 2.0 5.6 0.1 16.2 8.4 9.7 2.3 0.2 5.1 0.2 4.3 11.1 10.02008 December 94.0 80.8 2.1 28.1 0.2 7.2 10.9 25.5 1.9 0.2 10.5 1.1 6.3 2.7 2.6November 64.3 57.6 1.8 4.6 0.5 7.1 0.2 41.3 1.4 0.2 4.0 0.5 2.6 2.6 2.42009 December 71.3 64.0 2.0 5.2 0.6 7.6 0.2 46.2 1.5 0.2 4.3 0.5 2.9 2.9 2.7January 7.9 6.9 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 … 5.6 0.1 … 0.3 … 0.2 0.7 0.5February 17.0 15.3 0.7 0.8 0.3 1.0 … 12.4 0.1 0.1 0.7 … 0.6 1.1 0.9March 29.7 26.3 1.3 1.2 0.3 2.8 … 20.3 0.2 0.2 1.5 0.1 1.4 1.9 1.6April 41.0 36.3 2.0 2.3 0.4 3.2 … 27.6 0.2 0.3 2.4 0.1 2.2 2.4 2.1M ay 55.8 50.4 2.6 4.7 0.5 4.7 … 36.6 0.4 0.4 2.6 0.1 2.4 2.8 2.6June 68.7 62.1 3.1 6.6 0.5 5.4 … 44.8 0.5 0.4 3.3 0.1 3.1 3.2 3.0July 78.0 70.1 3.6 6.6 0.7 6.3 … 51.0 0.6 0.5 3.9 0.1 3.5 4.1 3.8August 85.8 76.6 4.0 6.9 0.7 7.3 … 55.5 0.7 0.5 4.4 0.1 4.0 4.9 4.6September 95.2 84.2 4.7 7.5 0.8 8.1 0.2 60.5 0.8 0.6 5.3 0.1 4.9 5.7 5.5October 106.2 93.9 5.0 8.4 0.8 9.5 0.2 67.2 0.9 0.6 6.1 0.1 5.2 6.2 5.9November 120.2 107.0 5.4 10.6 0.9 13.3 0.2 73.8 1.0 0.6 6.7 0.2 5.6 6.5 6.22010 December 131.5 116.8 5.6 11.5 1.0 15.4 0.2 80.1 1.0 0.7 7.7 0.3 6.2 7.1 6.8January 12.6 11.5 0.4 2.6 0.1 0.9 … 7.3 0.1 … 0.9 0.1 0.7 0.1 …February 29.3 26.5 0.9 3.7 0.2 3.2 … 18.2 0.1 … 2.1 0.1 1.4 0.8 0.1March 43.7 39.4 1.6 4.2 0.3 4.6 … 28.1 0.2 … 3.5 0.1 2.5 0.9 0.2April 56.8 51.0 2.4 4.6 0.5 8.1 0.1 34.6 0.4 … 4.9 0.1 3.6 1.0 0.3M ay 67.3 60.3 3.0 4.6 0.5 10.2 0.1 40.9 0.6 0.3 5.8 0.1 4.4 1.2 0.5June 77.5 69.6 3.5 4.6 0.8 11.7 0.1 47.3 0.9 0.5 6.6 0.1 4.9 1.3 0.6July 86.6 77.3 3.8 4.7 0.8 12.7 0.1 53.2 1.2 0.5 7.7 0.8 5.2 1.5 0.8August 93.7 83.8 4.5 4.7 0.9 13.6 0.1 57.4 1.5 0.6 8.1 0.8 5.3 1.8 1.1September 104.3 93.9 4.9 4.7 1.0 14.6 0.1 64.9 2.2 1.0 8.5 0.8 5.5 1.9 1.1October 118.9 107.8 5.3 4.8 1.0 21.8 0.1 70.7 2.5 1.1 9.0 0.8 5.7 2.1 1.2November 128.1 116.4 5.5 4.9 1.1 22.7 0.2 77.6 2.7 1.1 9.5 0.8 5.8 2.2 1.22011 December 136.4 124.0 5.7 5.1 1.2 23.4 0.2 83.7 2.9 1.3 10.2 0.8 6.0 2.2 1.22012 January 8.3 7.9 0.5 … 0.1 0.8 … 6.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 … … … …Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations92 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 34.3. Exports by trading partners - CEFTA(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)CEFTADescriptionAlbaniaBosnia andHerzegovinaCroatiaMacedoniaM ontenegroSerbia2003 December 18.2 1.9 0.8 1.8 6.9 0.0 6.82004 December 23.5 1.8 1.5 0.5 9.6 0.0 10.12005 December 29.9 5.8 3.4 0.9 10.8 0.7 8.22006 December 51.7 12.6 5.1 1.1 9.7 2.2 20.92007 December 65.1 20.8 4.8 1.8 15.4 2.9 19.32008 December 61.5 21.1 5.9 0.8 20.0 3.8 9.9November 48.4 24.2 1.0 1.7 16.0 2.8 2.72009 December 53.5 26.2 1.2 2.2 17.4 3.1 3.5January 3.6 1.3 0.4 0.5 1.1 0.1 0.1February 7.5 2.9 0.7 0.7 2.6 0.3 0.4M arch 13.1 5.0 1.1 0.8 4.9 0.5 0.8April 18.8 7.3 1.4 1.0 7.3 0.8 0.9M ay 25.1 9.7 1.5 1.2 10.4 1.2 1.2June 34.0 15.7 1.6 1.3 12.4 1.5 1.4July 39.1 18.3 1.6 1.5 14.3 1.7 1.7August 45.8 21.8 1.7 1.7 16.2 2.2 2.3September 53.5 25.1 1.8 2.1 19.0 2.8 2.8October 59.6 27.5 1.8 2.3 21.7 3.2 3.2November 64.9 29.2 1.8 2.5 24.2 3.5 3.62010 December 70.9 32.3 1.9 2.7 26.3 3.9 3.8January 5.5 2.2 … 0.2 2.6 0.4 0.1February 11.2 4.4 … 0.5 5.0 0.8 0.6M arch 18.0 6.8 … 0.9 7.9 1.2 1.2April 24.9 9.7 0.2 1.2 10.4 1.6 1.9M ay 3 1.6 12 .8 0 .2 1.3 13 .1 1.9 2 .3June 38.2 15.4 0.2 1.4 16.0 2.4 2.8July 48.1 19.0 0.3 1.7 18.8 3.9 4.4August 56.3 22.5 0.3 1.9 21.5 4.5 5.6September 63.3 25.6 0.5 2.1 23.8 5.1 6.2October 70.0 28.4 0.5 2.4 25.8 6.0 6.9November 76.0 30.7 0.5 2.5 28.3 6.4 7.52011 December 82.4 33.2 0.6 2.7 30.7 6.9 8.32012 January 5.0 2.3 0.1 0.1 1.3 0.5 0.3Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations| 93

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 34.4. Exports by trading partners - other European and Non-Europeancountries(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Ot her europea<strong>no</strong>f which:Non-europeancount riescount riesDescriptionTurkeySwitzerland(EFTA)of which:China India United St at es2003 December 2.0 1.7 0.1 0.5 … … …2004 December 15.4 2.9 0.1 1.0 … … …2005 December 2.6 1.0 0.7 2.0 … … 0.22006 December 15.4 1.6 7.0 1.3 … … …2007 December 22.4 2.7 12.4 8.3 … 3.1 …2008 December 15.6 3.0 7.4 27.3 … 24.1 …November 17.7 5.9 9.5 18.6 1.6 13.1 0.32009 December 19.5 6.5 10.5 21.1 1.6 15.5 0.3January 0.7 0.5 0.1 3.6 0.0 3.6 …February 1.6 1.0 0.7 5.2 0.2 4.9 …M arch 2.9 1.6 1.2 6.8 0.2 6.3 …April 5.9 2.4 3.0 12.3 0.3 11.4 …M ay 11.3 3.4 6.6 18.8 0.7 17.3 …June 14.4 4.7 8.3 24.7 4.3 19.4 …July 15.9 5.8 8.6 29.9 7.4 21.3 0.1August 18.8 6.4 10.9 38.7 7.7 29.8 0.1September 21.1 6.9 11.7 44.5 8.3 34.9 0.1October 24.8 7.4 13.6 52.1 10.0 40.6 0.1November 27.4 8.0 15.4 56.2 12.3 42.3 0.12010 December 31.0 9.3 17.7 60.6 14.8 44.0 0.1January 0.8 0.6 0.2 4.0 0.2 1.8 …February 2.0 0.9 1.1 5.9 0.2 1.8 …M arch 3.0 1.7 1.3 10.1 0.7 3.4 …April 7.9 2.1 5.6 14.5 3.6 4.7 0.1M ay 11.1 2.8 7.4 23.4 7.3 8.2 0.2June 19.7 3.6 10.3 28.8 11.1 9.7 0.2July 25.5 4.1 15.5 33.4 13.5 11.1 0.2August 27.6 5.0 16.7 39.6 17.4 11.1 0.2September 29.0 5.8 17.3 45.0 20.2 11.1 0.2October 30.5 6.5 18.1 49.4 22.5 12.6 0.2November 32.6 7.0 19.7 54.2 26.5 12.6 0.22011 December 35.3 7.8 21.6 58.4 28.2 13.3 0.22012 January 2.3 0.5 1.8 4.0 1.0 2.9 …Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations94 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 34.5. Imports by trading partners(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Total importsEuropeDescriptionEuropean union(EU)EU 15 EU 10 EU 2CEFTAOther EuropeancountriesNon-europeancountries2001 December 684.52002 December 854.82003 December 973.1 842.2 276.2 174.0 68.5 33.7 443.6 122.4 130.92004 December 1,063.3 947.1 424.7 284.0 93.4 47.3 368.7 153.6 116.22005 December 1,157.5 1,017.5 439.7 296.3 98.5 44.9 440.4 137.5 139.92006 December 1,305.9 1,153.6 454.3 286.5 104.9 62.9 536.3 163.0 152.32007 December 1,576.2 1,350.4 572.9 382.7 118.0 72.3 579.6 197.9 225.82008 December 1,928.2 1,654.8 702.0 490.4 150.9 60.6 717.8 235.0 273.4November 1,738.7 1,493.4 676.5 501.8 125.9 48.8 625.7 191.2 245.32009 December 1,935.5 1,659.2 755.0 559.8 141.3 54.0 692.5 211.7 276.3January 103.4 84.6 32.3 22.8 6.6 2.9 38.6 13.8 18.8February 230.7 191.1 82.5 59.5 17.6 5.4 78.5 30.1 39.6March 390.0 331.1 148.2 109.3 29.5 9.4 136.5 46.5 58.9April 570.2 491.6 222.8 164.6 45.5 12.7 204.3 64.5 78.7May 750.8 649.4 295.2 219.3 59.1 16.8 270.4 83.7 101.5June 938.7 805.1 363.7 270.1 73.2 20.5 341.1 100.3 133.6July 1,154.7 995.8 453.4 335.0 88.7 29.7 420.3 122.1 159.0August 1,361.7 1,173.9 527.2 388.4 104.8 34.1 506.4 <strong>140</strong>.3 187.8September 1,553.1 1,339.3 597.9 439.3 119.9 38.6 586.3 155.2 213.7October 1,749.2 1,508.5 674.7 496.9 134.6 43.2 657.9 175.9 240.7November 1,936.1 1,668.0 742.4 546.4 148.4 47.5 730.4 195.2 268.12010 December 2,144.9 1,839.8 821.3 604.6 164.3 52.3 799.0 219.5 305.1January 132.7 110.7 44.1 32.0 9.0 3.2 49.1 17.5 22.0February 281.8 232.6 100.0 73.4 19.1 7.5 97.6 35.0 49.2March 472.3 389.9 168.3 123.8 31.1 13.3 171.3 50.3 82.4April 668.2 557.7 237.3 174.2 43.3 19.8 247.2 73.2 110.5May 880.6 740.8 312.8 230.7 56.3 25.8 330.3 97.8 139.8June 1,093.5 922.2 389.9 288.7 70.7 30.5 415.4 117.0 171.3July 1,315.6 1,107.5 477.7 356.3 85.3 36.1 494.5 135.3 208.1August 1,544.8 1,302.5 570.8 423.8 101.9 45.1 574.6 157.1 242.3September 1,760.5 1,486.2 657.1 488.2 117.3 51.7 652.5 176.5 274.3October 2,006.4 1,692.1 754.3 563.4 132.8 58.2 737.5 200.3 314.3November 2,230.4 1,882.4 840.6 628.9 148.5 63.2 817.0 224.9 348.02011 December 2,479.3 2,092.7 941.7 704.2 167.6 69.9 899.5 251.4 386.62012 January 131.5 107.6 48.2 37.9 7.8 2.5 42.7 16.6 23.9Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations| 95

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 34.6. Imports by trading partners - European Union(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)European union (EU)DescriptionEU 15 of which: EU 10 of which:EU 2Austria France Germany Greece It alyCzechRepublicPoland Hungary Slovakia Slovenia2003 December 276.2 174.0 21.5 12.5 38.5 52.2 26.3 68.5 1.5 2.1 17.7 1.3 40.7 33.72004 December 424.7 284.0 27.6 23.1 78.2 68.5 44.5 93.4 3.3 6.3 19.7 4.4 56.9 47.32005 December 439.7 296.3 20.7 20.1 123.8 44.0 49.6 98.5 8.7 14.8 16.2 2.5 55.0 44.92006 December 454.3 286.5 23.5 15.9 122.7 37.6 52.5 104.9 11.5 13.8 20.0 2.4 56.0 62.92007 December 572.9 382.7 26.8 25.0 155.0 63.7 57.7 118.0 11.4 14.1 25.5 3.7 62.4 72.32008 December 702.0 490.4 31.0 37.5 196.6 81.4 74.4 150.9 15.4 22.2 37.7 7.2 66.8 60.6November 676.5 501.8 35.1 23.6 221.2 71.5 78.9 125.9 14.9 21.7 23.4 4.8 59.5 48.82009 December 755.0 559.8 38.9 27.2 246.1 79.1 87.6 141.3 17.1 24.1 26.9 5.2 66.2 54.0January 32.3 22.8 1.1 1.5 10.3 3.1 3.8 6.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 0.2 2.7 2.9February 82.5 59.5 3.4 3.1 28.0 8.0 9.9 17.6 2.4 3.8 3.9 0.6 6.8 5.4March 148.2 109.3 5.7 5.5 47.0 20.7 16.2 29.5 4.0 6.5 6.5 1.0 11.2 9.4April 222.8 164.6 8.5 7.6 74.2 31.2 23.8 45.5 5.7 9.4 8.4 1.4 20.2 12.7May 295.2 219.3 11.2 9.2 101.5 40.7 31.1 59.1 7.4 12.3 10.4 1.8 26.7 16.8June 363.7 270.1 13.7 11.8 123.6 50.4 39.3 73.2 9.0 15.6 12.5 2.3 33.3 20.5July 453.4 335.0 16.5 14.5 156.0 62.4 47.7 88.7 10.7 20.8 14.7 2.7 39.2 29.7August 527.2 388.4 19.7 16.3 181.4 70.7 57.4 104.8 12.9 23.4 18.9 3.3 45.5 34.1September 597.9 439.3 23.2 19.2 202.0 78.5 67.8 119.9 14.1 28.3 21.7 3.8 51.1 38.6October 674.7 496.9 27.3 21.0 228.5 86.8 79.0 134.6 16.0 32.1 23.8 4.5 57.1 43.2November 742.4 546.4 29.4 23.3 249.6 94.8 90.2 148.4 17.9 35.8 26.2 5.0 62.3 47.52010 December 821.3 604.6 32.7 26.5 275.3 103.7 100.5 164.3 20.5 39.6 28.6 5.7 68.2 52.3January 44.1 32.0 2.1 1.6 12.8 5.9 5.7 9.0 1.3 2.4 2.0 0.3 2.9 3.2February 100.0 73.4 4.4 3.0 31.6 12.7 14.7 19.1 3.2 4.0 3.6 0.7 7.4 7.5March 168.3 123.8 7.4 5.4 51.3 21.2 23.8 31.1 5.0 5.7 5.6 1.0 13.6 13.3April 237.3 174.2 10.3 8.0 71.4 29.2 34.3 43.3 6.6 7.4 7.7 1.4 19.7 19.8May 312.8 230.7 12.9 10.8 95.1 37.1 46.5 56.3 8.0 9.9 10.0 1.9 25.7 25.8June 389.9 288.7 16.6 14.0 119.2 45.8 58.1 70.7 9.3 12.3 13.0 2.5 32.6 30.5July 477.7 356.3 19.2 17.5 145.5 54.6 75.5 85.3 11.7 15.6 15.4 3.1 38.4 36.1August 570.8 423.8 22.9 20.2 176.9 64.9 88.8 101.9 13.8 19.0 18.8 3.6 45.4 45.1September 657.1 488.2 25.8 22.6 204.6 75.6 103.8 117.3 15.1 21.9 23.3 4.1 51.4 51.7October 754.3 563.4 30.5 25.8 231.9 86.3 126.2 132.8 16.3 25.3 27.2 4.6 57.7 58.2November 840.6 628.9 33.6 31.0 258.5 94.7 <strong>140</strong>.9 148.5 17.4 29.2 31.1 5.1 64.0 63.22011 December 941.7 704.2 38.6 34.7 292.4 103.0 157.1 167.6 19.3 32.9 34.9 5.7 71.4 69.92012 January 48.2 37.9 1.4 1.2 15.2 5.6 10.5 7.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 0.1 3.3 2.5Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations96 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 34.7. Imports by trading partners - CEFTA(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)CEFTADescriptionAlbaniaBosnia andHerzegovinaCroatia M acedonia M ontenegro Serbia2003 December 443.6 6.1 11.5 23.0 290.9 … 112.02004 December 368.7 20.2 12.8 25.1 149.2 … 161.32005 December 440.4 18.1 18.4 25.0 220.1 6.4 152.32006 December 536.3 23.1 18.5 28.1 257.8 17.8 191.12007 December 579.6 35.3 29.8 39.0 237.9 15.1 222.52008 December 717.8 59.6 38.7 50.0 346.5 13.8 209.0November 625.7 54.4 53.1 50.1 267.0 12.0 189.02009 December 692.5 58.4 59.7 58.5 291.9 13.1 210.9January 38.6 4.6 3.8 2.7 17.1 0.2 10.2February 78.5 7.3 7.2 4.9 33.4 0.6 25.3March 136.5 11.6 14.8 9.8 54.5 1.1 44.6April 204.3 18.3 25.5 15.2 76.8 1.9 66.5May 270.4 23.9 32.6 19.7 104.3 3.1 86.9June 341.1 30.5 40.7 25.0 131.9 4.5 108.5July 420.3 38.5 46.6 31.4 167.2 5.7 130.9August 506.4 47.0 55.4 36.4 202.3 7.1 158.2September 586.3 53.2 64.9 43.2 232.2 8.3 184.5October 657.9 59.6 70.8 48.0 259.5 9.6 210.3November 730.4 65.0 78.1 55.0 287.5 10.7 234.02010 December 799.0 69.1 83.0 59.3 316.1 11.4 260.1January 49.1 3.8 6.5 2.2 20.2 0.5 16.0February 97.6 7.1 9.9 5.1 39.5 0.8 35.1March 171.3 13.6 16.4 8.5 65.6 1.3 65.6April 247.2 20.1 23.6 13.7 95.2 2.2 92.0May 330.3 28.3 30.8 18.1 127.9 3.2 121.7June 415.4 36.7 39.9 22.3 160.6 4.3 150.9July 494.5 44.7 46.1 32.2 195.7 5.5 169.7August 574.6 57.2 54.0 39.6 241.7 6.8 174.6September 652.5 66.9 61.1 45.4 279.4 8.2 190.7October 737.5 77.7 67.7 51.5 307.4 9.5 222.4November 817.0 88.5 72.7 56.7 334.6 10.9 245.92011 December 899.5 96.2 79.8 64.0 364.0 12.2 270.92012 January 42.7 5.0 2.7 1.8 19.1 0.2 13.9Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations| 97

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 34.8. Imports by trading partners - other European and Non-Europeancountries(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)DescriptionOt herEuropeancount riesof which:Russia Turkey UkraineNorway(EFTA)Swit zerland(EFTA)Noneuropeancount riesof which:Brazil China India Taiwan Indonesia JapanUnitedStates ofAmerica2003 December 122.4 2.0 66.4 6.9 0.3 10.5 130.9 5.2 12.5 0.8 1.6 0.3 2.0 10.2 95.82004 December 153.6 6.8 86.8 10.9 0.6 16.2 116.2 21.5 34.3 1.1 1.4 0.5 8.1 17.0 29.12005 December 137.5 10.8 85.4 12.0 0.6 18.4 139.9 16.8 54.9 2.5 2.2 0.5 13.5 17.7 29.52006 December 163.0 9.9 97.1 12.0 1.2 22.8 152.3 18.6 74.7 2.2 2.0 1.0 8.7 11.6 29.82007 December 197.9 4.7 101.8 16.3 4.8 23.9 225.8 30.3 105.0 3.9 2.8 9.2 10.1 14.7 43.12008 December 235.0 6.9 128.2 11.7 2.8 32.4 273.4 43.5 121.1 3.5 2.9 11.0 10.8 23.6 52.8November 191.2 3.4 129.7 5.5 1.3 19.3 245.3 32.2 115.4 3.0 3.0 3.7 14.2 23.9 43.52009 December 211.7 3.5 141.5 6.4 1.8 21.9 276.3 37.9 128.3 3.4 3.3 5.6 15.8 26.7 48.1January 13.8 0.3 6.8 0.4 0.0 0.8 18.8 2.4 7.3 0.1 0.2 1.3 0.7 2.6 3.3February 30.1 0.6 14.8 1.0 0.0 2.3 39.6 4.2 15.5 0.7 0.5 2.3 1.5 6.6 6.9M arch 46.5 0.8 25.2 1.7 1.0 3.8 58.9 5.4 25.2 1.0 0.8 3.1 2.4 8.1 10.9April 64.5 0.9 37.8 2.3 1.1 5.6 78.7 8.0 33.5 1.6 0.9 4.2 3.5 9.8 14.6May 83.7 1.2 54.7 2.6 1.1 7.2 101.5 10.0 43.7 2.2 1.1 6.9 4.3 11.5 18.6June 100.3 1.3 68.4 2.8 1.1 9.2 133.6 12.9 56.8 3.0 1.3 9.4 5.3 16.0 25.1July 122.1 1.4 81.4 3.0 1.1 11.2 159.0 14.9 69.1 3.4 1.5 10.5 6.3 17.8 31.0August <strong>140</strong>.3 1.5 94.3 3.3 1.8 12.1 187.8 18.7 81.8 4.2 1.8 12.6 7.2 20.7 35.9September 155.2 1.7 106.6 3.6 1.9 13.6 213.7 21.2 93.6 4.7 2.1 14.4 8.6 23.2 40.5October 175.9 1.8 121.8 3.8 2.0 16.2 240.7 23.3 106.9 5.1 2.4 17.0 9.3 25.6 45.4November 195.2 1.8 132.6 4.2 2.0 18.0 268.1 25.2 119.0 5.6 2.7 19.8 10.6 27.6 51.12010 December 219.5 2.3 149.4 4.8 2.1 20.5 305.1 26.9 134.8 6.1 3.1 20.5 12.6 33.8 60.2Ot herJanuary 17.5 0.2 8.7 0.3 0.8 0.8 22.0 1.5 10.4 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.6 3.0 5.3February 35.0 0.3 18.0 0.8 0.8 1.7 49.2 4.8 20.8 0.6 0.3 1.1 1.4 6.1 13.5March 50.3 0.6 31.0 2.0 1.0 4.1 82.4 8.6 32.0 1.3 0.5 1.7 2.3 8.8 26.0April 73.2 0.8 46.6 2.3 1.2 7.1 110.5 9.4 43.8 2.0 1.0 2.3 3.6 10.7 36.0M ay 97.8 1.3 66.2 2.7 1.3 10.7 139.8 12.0 57.1 2.9 1.4 2.8 5.1 14.1 41.9June 117.0 1.4 82.3 3.0 1.5 13.0 171.3 15.6 72.3 3.7 1.7 3.2 6.3 16.9 48.6July 135.3 1.6 98.2 3.2 1.6 15.0 208.1 20.2 88.6 4.8 2.2 3.6 7.3 20.7 56.6August 157.1 2.4 116.3 3.9 1.8 16.8 242.3 24.4 105.3 5.8 2.7 4.2 8.0 23.7 63.3September 176.5 3.6 129.9 4.7 2.0 20.1 274.3 28.3 119.9 6.3 2.8 4.7 9.0 26.5 70.6October 200.3 4.5 147.5 5.2 2.2 24.5 314.3 33.4 138.5 7.0 3.2 5.3 9.8 29.3 80.8November 224.9 5.4 163.2 5.6 2.2 32.1 348.0 36.5 153.2 7.5 3.6 5.6 10.6 33.3 90.12011 December 251.4 7.2 183.6 6.4 2.3 35.5 386.6 40.8 169.6 8.1 4.2 6.3 12.0 38.2 99.02012 January 16.6 1.1 9.0 1.0 0.2 5.3 23.9 1.6 8.6 0.7 0.2 0.9 0.7 2.8 8.1Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations98 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 34.9. Exports by commodity group(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Total exports of whichDescriptionI. LiveanimalsandanimalproductsII.VegetabkeproductsIII. Animalor veg.fats andoil - edib.IV.Preparedfoodstuffs, bever.and tob.V.M ineralproductsVI.Productsof t hechem. OralliedindustryVII.Plastics,rubber andarticlest hereofIX. Woodandarticlesof woodX.Cellulosicmat erial,pap. andarticlesXI.TextilesandtextilearticlesXIII.Artic. Ofstoneplastic,ceramic,glassXV. Basemet alsandarticlesofbasemet alXVI.Machinery,appliances,elect rical,et c.XVII.Transport means2001 December 10.6 … … … … … … … … … … … … … …2002 December 27.6 0.1 2.4 0.1 1.3 0.3 0.3 2.7 0.3 … 0.6 0.6 6.6 3.4 1.92003 December 35.6 … 2.4 … 4.1 0.5 0.5 2.7 0.6 0.4 1.1 0.8 12.0 3.0 1.22004 December 56.5 … 2.6 … 3.8 2.4 1.0 3.7 0.4 0.4 1.4 1.8 19.7 9.2 2.02005 December 56.3 0.5 2.9 … 4.6 3.2 1.2 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.4 24.8 6.5 2.32006 December 110.8 0.3 5.1 0.1 6.2 18.8 1.2 3.2 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 53.1 7.7 1.42007 December 165.1 0.6 9.1 … 8.4 27.3 0.9 6.5 1.7 1.0 1.2 1.2 74.1 21.3 1.52008 December 198.5 1.2 9.0 … 10.6 18.7 1.8 6.5 1.7 1.1 2.5 1.5 124.8 8.8 2.3November 148.9 1.0 8.7 0.1 8.4 23.0 1.4 6.0 0.8 1.0 4.5 1.2 79.0 6.0 1.52009 December 165.3 1.1 9.5 0.1 9.4 25.0 1.5 6.4 0.9 1.0 5.2 1.2 88.4 7.2 1.6January 15.8 … 0.6 … 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 10.6 1.2 0.3February 31.4 0.1 1.4 … 1.3 1.3 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 20.7 2.1 0.4M arch 52.6 0.1 2.4 0.1 2.1 3.2 0.2 1.2 0.2 0.2 1.5 0.2 34.3 2.8 0.5April 78.0 0.2 3.1 0.1 3.0 4.5 0.3 1.8 0.3 0.3 2.1 0.3 51.8 4.7 0.6M ay 111.0 0.2 3.9 0.1 4.0 9.9 0.5 2.6 0.4 0.4 2.6 0.5 73.7 5.6 0.8June 141.7 0.3 4.8 0.1 5.0 16.6 0.6 3.6 0.5 0.5 3.1 0.6 91.5 6.8 1.0July 162.9 0.4 5.7 0.1 6.1 18.7 0.7 4.4 0.6 0.6 4.0 0.8 104.7 7.6 1.1August 189.2 0.5 7.6 0.1 7.2 22.7 0.8 5.3 0.7 0.7 4.7 0.9 120.4 8.1 1.1September 214.3 0.6 9.1 0.1 8.3 26.8 1.0 5.9 0.9 0.8 5.3 1.0 134.8 9.1 1.2October 242.6 0.7 10.3 0.1 9.2 31.6 1.1 6.7 1.0 0.9 6.2 1.2 152.7 9.6 1.3November 268.6 0.8 11.0 0.1 10.2 35.4 1.2 7.3 1.1 1.0 6.9 1.3 169.9 10.2 1.42010 December 294.0 0.9 12.1 0.1 11.4 38.8 1.3 8.0 1.2 1.0 8.3 1.4 185.2 10.7 1.5January 22.9 0.1 1.2 … 0.6 0.6 … 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 16.7 0.3 …February 48.5 0.1 2.2 … 1.2 1.5 0.2 1.7 0.2 0.1 1.7 0.1 35.4 1.3 0.1March 74.8 0.2 3.1 … 2.2 1.9 0.5 2.8 0.3 0.2 2.8 0.3 54.3 2.1 0.1April 104.1 0.2 3.9 … 3.3 6.6 0.8 4.0 0.4 0.3 4.2 0.5 71.6 2.7 0.2M ay 133.4 0.2 4.4 … 4.3 10.2 0.9 5.0 0.6 0.4 5.2 0.6 91.8 3.3 0.3June 164.2 0.2 5.1 … 5.6 19.7 1.2 6.1 0.8 0.5 6.1 0.7 106.5 4.3 0.4July 193.5 0.3 5.8 … 6.9 28.5 1.4 7.4 0.9 0.6 6.9 0.7 120.4 5.2 0.4August 217.3 0.3 7.8 … 8.1 31.6 1.6 8.2 1.0 0.9 7.6 0.8 134.3 5.6 0.5September 241.6 0.4 9.1 … 9.2 32.7 1.8 9.4 1.1 1.0 8.5 0.9 150.0 6.9 0.6October 268.8 0.4 10.3 … 10.4 34.2 1.9 10.4 1.3 1.1 9.2 1.0 163.6 13.7 0.7November 290.9 0.4 11.4 … 11.6 36.5 2.1 11.3 1.5 1.3 10.1 1.1 177.1 14.3 0.92011 December 312.5 0.4 12.6 … 12.8 38.6 2.2 12.4 1.6 1.5 11.1 1.1 190.1 15.1 1.02012 January 19.6 … … … 0.8 2.0 … 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.7 … 12.6 0.3 0.1Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations| 99

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 34.10. Imports by commodity group(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Total imports of whichDescriptionI. Liveanimalsand animalproductsII.VegetabkeproductsIII. Animalor veg.fats andoil - edib.IV.Preparedfoodstuffs, bever.and t ob.V.M ineralproductsVI.Product sof t hechem. OralliedindustryVII.Plastics,rubber andarticlesthereofIX. Woodandarticlesof woodX.Cellulosicmat erial,pap. andart iclesXI.Textilesandtextileart iclesXIII.Artic. Ofst oneplastic,ceramic,glassXV. Basemet alsandart iclesofbasemet alXVI.M achinery,appliances,elect rical,etc.XVII.Transport means2001 December 684.52002 December 854.7 51.0 47.1 7.9 174.8 123.5 52.7 25.3 29.9 9.9 16.4 72.5 53.6 97.5 10.32003 December 973.1 50.4 66.7 8.3 203.5 138.6 70.9 32.7 33.2 16.6 28.8 60.5 58.0 105.5 27.82004 December 1,063.2 52.4 68.1 7.3 165.4 173.1 98.0 42.5 29.9 33.4 31.2 54.9 77.5 116.8 50.22005 December 1,157.5 54.0 57.2 11.0 163.3 207.3 91.1 51.0 30.5 23.5 35.9 51.5 90.3 129.2 104.22006 December 1,305.9 50.5 73.0 15.3 180.6 241.7 107.7 60.7 30.3 27.6 45.1 57.0 122.6 153.3 79.32007 December 1,576.2 61.2 83.4 17.3 222.2 295.3 119.9 72.8 35.4 31.9 53.0 63.0 144.3 203.4 95.92008 December 1,928.2 85.4 103.6 22.7 261.9 378.6 138.8 86.1 41.7 39.0 64.0 67.2 179.6 239.9 131.1November 1,738.7 73.6 81.8 16.1 210.1 299.4 128.3 87.0 41.6 41.1 62.6 67.9 146.8 248.3 146.02009 December 1,935.5 84.6 90.0 18.2 241.6 331.3 142.9 95.7 44.9 45.4 69.1 73.5 159.4 278.7 162.2January 103.4 6.3 6.6 0.6 10.7 25.7 5.6 4.4 1.7 2.5 2.9 3.4 9.4 10.6 8.2February 230.9 13.1 14.7 1.9 27.7 50.4 16.5 9.8 3.8 6.1 6.5 6.5 17.8 26.6 18.0M arch 390.1 18.9 23.1 3.2 45.0 80.2 30.2 17.2 6.6 9.8 12.0 11.6 33.8 49.3 29.6April 570.4 26.2 33.0 4.8 64.4 109.8 42.4 25.8 10.5 13.2 17.3 18.8 54.9 79.5 42.5M ay 751.0 32.4 42.9 6.3 84.4 143.6 54.4 35.5 15.6 16.8 23.3 27.4 68.8 106.0 55.1June 938.8 41.4 51.6 7.6 106.0 181.1 67.3 46.8 20.8 21.0 29.6 36.6 83.6 126.7 66.8July 1,154.8 48.4 60.7 9.3 133.8 228.1 80.0 58.3 26.1 25.6 35.0 46.0 99.9 159.9 80.1August 1,361.7 57.5 70.8 11.6 165.2 268.1 92.3 68.9 31.6 31.5 40.5 54.7 120.3 183.4 90.8September 1,553.1 66.1 78.4 13.7 191.0 304.2 105.4 78.5 36.3 35.3 48.4 63.5 138.7 208.0 101.7October 1,749.3 72.5 88.3 15.1 211.8 342.7 121.0 88.5 41.6 38.4 56.9 71.6 156.5 235.6 113.4November 1,936.2 79.4 97.0 17.0 234.8 383.4 131.7 97.8 45.6 42.0 64.2 78.8 173.7 258.2 126.52010 December 2,144.9 87.0 108.5 19.3 261.7 419.2 146.6 108.1 49.0 49.2 71.7 84.7 190.0 288.2 142.1January 132.7 7.1 8.5 1.4 16.0 30.7 9.5 5.7 2.0 2.7 4.6 3.6 13.3 11.7 9.7February 281.8 13.9 19.7 3.1 35.6 61.4 20.0 12.2 4.3 7.3 9.7 8.0 24.1 27.1 20.0M arch 472.3 20.6 33.7 4.3 57.7 100.1 36.1 21.1 7.0 16.8 16.6 13.9 40.8 45.4 32.1April 668.2 27.7 46.2 5.7 80.2 145.9 51.5 32.4 11.2 20.6 23.4 21.2 58.2 64.2 45.0M ay 880.6 37.0 59.6 7.7 104.8 190.2 66.4 45.7 16.0 25.8 31.6 31.3 76.8 84.5 57.5June 1,093.5 45.0 73.1 9.6 130.9 231.1 82.4 59.5 21.7 30.6 39.5 41.8 96.9 105.7 68.9July 1,315.6 54.1 84.4 11.6 156.4 275.4 96.3 72.4 28.4 34.6 47.1 50.9 118.3 132.6 83.3August 1,544.8 63.0 92.4 14.8 186.0 327.4 109.4 86.6 34.4 38.9 55.1 59.1 144.6 156.3 96.4September 1,760.5 70.6 101.7 16.5 214.3 379.1 123.2 100.2 38.9 43.3 62.3 67.2 165.6 178.4 109.6October 2,006.4 80.2 113.9 17.9 238.1 438.3 142.7 114.0 44.2 47.8 72.5 77.7 188.9 205.4 123.9November 2,230.4 87.1 124.0 19.6 263.6 493.9 160.5 125.6 49.2 53.2 80.7 85.3 207.3 231.7 137.32011 December 2,479.3 97.4 136.8 22.0 303.9 538.1 177.8 137.5 53.8 58.5 88.4 91.2 228.0 267.6 155.32012 January 131.5 5.6 9.3 0.7 11.5 36.6 8.8 7.1 1.3 2.4 4.3 3.0 12.7 12.9 8.8Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations100 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Tabela 34.11. Imports by trading partners and broad eco<strong>no</strong>mic categories(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)As of November 2011DescriptionTotalI. Liveanimals andanimalproductsII.VegetabkeproductsIII. Animalor veg. fatsand oil -edib.IV.PreparedV. Mineralfoodstuffs,productsbever. andtob.VI.Products ofthe chem.Or alliedindustryVII.Plastics,rubber andarticlesthereofXIII. Artic.Ofstoneplastic, ceramic,glassXVI.Machinery,appliances,elect rical,et c.XIX.Weaponsandmunit ionXX.Artikujt epërzierXXI. ArtworksTotal 131.5 5.6 9.3 0.7 11.5 36.6 8.8 7.1 4.3 3.0 12.9 8.8 2.1Europe 107.6 3.4 6.8 0.7 9.6 32.3 7.4 5.5 2.6 2.3 9.2 8.3 1.5European Union (EU) 48.2 2.4 2.6 0.3 3.7 9.8 4.3 3.2 0.5 1.1 4.5 8.4 1.0BE 15, of which: 37.9 0.8 1.9 0.1 2.2 9.3 3.2 2.1 0.3 0.9 4.2 7.9 1.0Austria 1.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0France 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.0Germany 15.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.6 0.9 1.3 0.1 0.2 1.8 6.8 0.6Greece 5.6 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.2 2.7 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0Italy 10.5 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.4 5.8 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.3 1.2 0.2 0.1Holand 0.8 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Spain 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0Sweeden 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0United Kingdom 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0BE 10, of which: 7.8 1.5 0.1 0.0 1.1 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.0Check Republic 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0Poland 1.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0Hungary 1.5 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0Sllovenia 3.3 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.5BE 2 2.5 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0Bullgaria 1.9 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0Rumania 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Other European countries 16.6 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.5 4.6 1.5 1.1 1.8 0.2 2.6 -0.1 0.5of which:Turkey 9.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.1 0.3 0.7 0.9 1.7 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.0Switzerland 5.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0CEFTA 42.7 0.9 3.1 0.4 4.4 17.8 1.6 1.2 0.3 1.0 2.1 0.1 0.0Albania 5.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0Bosnia and Herz. 2.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0Croatia 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.0Montenegro 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Macedonia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0M oldavia 19.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 1.2 13.5 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.0Serbia 13.9 0.4 2.3 0.3 2.4 3.3 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.0Other Non European countries 23.9 2.2 2.4 0.0 1.9 4.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 0.7 3.7 0.5 0.6of which:USA 2.8 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.2China 8.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.6 1.4 0.7 2.4 0.0 0.2Brasil 1.6 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Japan 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.1Other 10.3 0.6 1.9 0.0 1.1 4.2 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.1Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations| 101

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 34.12. Imports by broad eco<strong>no</strong>mic categories (BEC)(Cumulative within the calendar year, in millions of euro)Total importsCapital goodsIntermediarygoodsof which:Consumptiongoodsof which:Ommitt edgoodsCapital goodsFood and Food an IndustrialFood and Food and Consume ConsumeDescription(Except t ransportbeverage d suppliesbeverage beverage r goods r goodsequipment)s, beverage <strong>no</strong>ts, s, elsewhere <strong>no</strong>tprimary, s, elsewhereprimary, processe specified, elsewhereTransportmainly for processe specified,mainly f or d, mainly semidurablespecified,equipment ,industrialinduatry d, mainlyforprimaryhouseholdforhousehol<strong>no</strong>n-durableindustryconsumpt dit2005 December 1,157.5 91.2 74.3 16.9 397.9 11.4 25.3 11.6 382.8 44.0 165.6 41.1 94.9 285.52006 December 1,305.9 96.3 80.1 16.2 491.2 22.4 35.1 13.8 421.9 46.8 169.1 51.6 114.3 296.52007 December 1,576.2 145.4 127.6 17.8 660.6 25.0 44.0 26.8 508.1 52.4 199.7 63.6 131.5 262.02008 December 1,928.1 195.0 163.9 31.0 962.6 42.1 41.8 24.9 631.4 61.2 251.0 89.5 158.3 139.3November 1,738.7 226.8 182.9 43.9 713.9 23.6 30.6 24.0 536.1 54.9 222.6 69.4 127.0 261.82009 December 1,935.5 250.4 201.8 48.6 785.4 25.7 34.1 27.4 607.5 60.9 255.3 75.9 145.7 292.2January 103.4 10.0 8.2 1.7 44.5 2.3 1.7 2.1 29.3 4.7 13.3 4.0 4.9 19.7February 230.9 23.5 19.3 4.2 94.4 4.8 3.9 4.5 72.6 9.9 31.1 9.3 16.1 40.5March 390.1 44.0 36.4 7.6 159.6 6.9 6.2 7.3 118.6 15.3 49.2 15.8 27.7 68.0April 570.4 65.5 54.0 11.5 241.2 9.1 9.1 11.5 169.4 22.0 70.7 22.1 38.6 94.2M ay 751.0 85.1 69.9 15.2 317.9 11.4 11.0 14.9 225.7 30.0 92.9 28.8 49.4 122.3June 938.8 103.3 85.4 17.9 400.1 13.8 13.3 21.2 284.9 36.9 118.2 35.3 61.4 150.6July 1,154.8 119.8 99.3 20.5 521.0 16.4 16.4 25.6 348.8 43.3 143.3 42.8 77.8 165.1August 1,361.7 137.1 114.7 22.5 628.3 21.5 20.2 29.7 417.4 48.7 175.1 51.8 92.3 178.8September 1,553.1 155.3 131.1 24.2 726.7 25.3 23.2 33.3 480.2 52.8 201.6 62.0 107.5 191.0October 1,749.3 172.9 146.5 26.4 831.9 29.0 27.5 38.5 538.7 57.3 223.2 73.9 119.5 205.8November 1,936.2 193.3 162.2 31.2 928.9 32.4 31.2 43.3 597.0 61.8 245.6 84.1 133.3 217.02010 December 2,144.9 218.5 184.0 34.5 1,026.4 36.8 35.0 48.9 667.5 68.2 272.9 93.6 150.4 232.5January 132.7 9.9 8.1 1.8 68.6 3.1 2.3 3.9 42.7 5.2 18.1 6.0 9.9 11.5February 281.8 23.5 19.2 4.3 141.1 7.1 5.1 10.2 94.3 11.4 38.1 13.7 22.1 22.9March 472.3 40.7 33.1 7.6 239.3 12.7 7.9 19.6 151.8 18.7 59.1 23.3 36.3 40.6April 668.2 56.8 45.9 10.9 349.2 16.4 11.9 29.1 209.1 26.2 81.5 31.9 49.4 53.1May 880.6 72.1 58.7 13.4 464.4 20.6 16.3 33.4 277.2 34.3 107.9 42.6 63.8 66.9June 1,093.5 88.4 72.7 15.6 581.6 25.3 21.3 38.0 344.4 42.1 134.4 51.4 78.7 79.1July 1,315.6 110.9 93.4 17.5 696.2 29.8 26.4 42.0 411.9 48.6 160.0 61.2 94.5 96.6August 1,544.8 126.7 107.5 19.2 824.2 33.5 31.2 45.2 480.2 53.9 189.4 71.8 109.5 113.8September 1,760.5 141.8 120.3 21.5 946.8 38.7 35.2 49.9 543.6 57.9 214.2 82.1 126.6 128.3October 2,006.4 160.9 136.9 24.1 1,091.6 45.6 40.2 53.8 611.1 62.5 238.1 96.4 142.5 142.8November 2,230.4 178.7 152.1 26.6 1,217.4 49.8 44.9 58.6 676.8 67.6 260.4 107.7 161.7 157.52011 December 2,479.3 202.6 173.1 29.5 1,334.3 54.3 50.8 63.7 766.9 75.1 296.7 118.1 186.4 175.42012 January 131.5 10.3 8.9 1.4 78.1 3.2 3.1 6.3 32.2 5.0 11.9 4.6 6.8 11.0Source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo and CBK calculations102 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 35.1. Exchange rates against euro(Monthly average)DescriptionAlbanian Lek (ALL)Swiss Franc(CH)Brit ish Pound(GBP)Croatian Kuna(HRK)M acedonian Denar((M KD)Serbian Dinar(RSD)Turkish Lira(TRY)US Dollar(USD)2003 December 138.74 1.55 0.70 7.98 61.25 70.83 1.79 1.222004 December 126.74 1.54 0.69 7.55 61.44 78.47 1.87 1.332005 December 122.54 1.55 0.68 7.39 61.20 85.88 1.60 1.192006 December 123.93 1.60 0.67 7.36 61.20 79.00 1.89 1.322007 December 121.01 1.66 0.72 7.31 60.92 79.24 1.72 1.462008 December 123.07 1.54 0.90 7.19 61.40 88.60 2.08 1.342009 December 137.17 1.50 0.90 7.29 61.18 96.02 2.20 1.462010 December 138.85 1.28 0.85 7.39 61.50 106.25 2.02 1.32January 138.65 1.28 0.85 7.40 61.51 105.14 2.12 1.34February 139.58 1.30 0.85 7.41 61.51 103.52 2.17 1.37March 136.64 1.25 0.85 7.20 59.98 100.75 2.16 1.36Prill 141.47 1.30 0.88 7.36 61.52 101.44 2.20 1.44May 139.21 1.25 0.88 7.38 60.85 97.69 2.25 1.43June 139.60 1.21 0.89 7.41 60.98 99.13 2.31 1.44July 137.68 1.18 0.88 7.43 61.11 101.90 2.37 1.43August 139.89 1.12 0.88 7.46 61.51 102.29 2.51 1.43September <strong>140</strong>.50 1.20 0.87 7.49 60.81 100.52 2.47 1.38October <strong>140</strong>.80 1.23 0.87 7.48 61.06 99.90 2.51 1.37November <strong>140</strong>.97 1.23 0.86 7.49 61.05 102.08 2.46 1.362011 December 138.16 1.23 0.84 7.51 60.87 104.64 2.46 1.32January 139.38 1.21 0.83 7.55 61.10 105.04 2.38 1.29February 139.35 1.21 0.84 7.58 61.62 108.10 2.33 1.32March <strong>140</strong>.03 1.21 0.83 7.54 61.50 110.90 2.36 1.32April 139.96 1.20 0.82 7.50 61.52 111.61 2.35 1.32M ay 139.44 1.20 0.80 7.54 61.56 113.52 2.31 1.28June 137.46 1.20 0.79 7.50 61.29 116.50 2.23 1.23July 137.35 1.20 0.79 7.49 61.50 117.98 2.23 1.24August 138.89 1.21 0.80 7.43 61.50 116.37 2.32 1.29September 138.89 1.21 0.80 7.43 61.50 116.37 2.32 1.29October 139.72 1.21 0.81 7.51 61.50 113.86 2.34 1.30November 139.71 1.21 0.80 7.54 61.50 112.95 2.30 1.282012 December 139.72 1.21 0.81 7.53 61.51 113.54 2.34 1.31January 139.49 1.23 0.83 7.57 61.51 111.96 2.35 1.33February 139.75 1.23 0.86 7.59 61.51 111.39 2.37 1.34M arch 139.78 1.23 0.86 7.59 61.68 111.72 2.35 1.302013 April <strong>140</strong>.28 1.22 0.85 7.61 61.62 111.50 2.34 1.30| 103

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTabela 35.2. Nominal and real effective exchange rate(January 2007=100)DescriptionIndexNEER REER REER (CEFTA) REER (EU)2006 December 100.1 99.1 99.1 98.82007 December 100.2 105.4 103.8 105.82008 December 102.2 105.1 106.1 103.92 0 0 9 Decemb er 10 1.6 10 2 .2 10 1.3 10 2 .6January 101.4 102.4 101.9 103.4February 101.3 102.3 102.4 103.4M ar ch 10 1.2 10 1.7 10 1.9 10 2 .5April 100.9 100.0 100.6 101.0May 100.6 100.0 101.2 101.1June 100.4 99.9 101.2 101.3July 10 0 .4 10 0 .4 10 1.9 10 1.8August 100.6 103.1 104.2 104.6September 100.6 103.2 104.2 104.7October 101.0 104.3 105.2 105.7November 101.1 104.5 105.4 105.92010 December 100.8 104.8 105.8 106.4January 100.9 106.3 106.2 108.2February 101.1 108.1 107.7 110.0March 100.6 107.7 106.6 110.1April 101.3 107.0 106.6 108.1May 100.9 106.6 106.3 108.1June 10 1.0 10 5.9 10 6 .0 10 7.2July 10 1.0 10 5.9 10 6 .0 10 7.1A ug ust 10 1.1 10 5.9 10 6 .0 10 7.0September 101.1 105.2 105.5 106.2October 101.2 106.1 106.3 107.0No vemb er 10 1.2 10 5.7 10 6 .0 10 6 .82 0 11 Decemb er 10 1.1 10 5.8 10 6 .6 10 6 .9January 100.9 106.5 106.8 108.2February 101.0 107.2 107.8 108.7March 101.2 106.9 108.3 107.7April 101.1 105.6 107.1 106.5M ay 101.0 105.6 107.4 106.5June 101.0 105.4 107.2 106.4July 100.8 105.5 107.4 106.8August 100.9 105.9 107.2 107.4September 101.1 106.1 106.7 107.6October 101.1 106.3 106.5 108.2No vemb er 10 1.0 10 5.8 10 6 .1 10 8 .02 0 12 Decemb er 10 1.2 10 6 .6 10 6 .9 10 8 .6January 101.2 107.4 107.0 108.9February 101.3 107.1 106.7 109.5March 101.1 106.9 107.5 108.42013 April 101.1 105.6 106.0 107.6104 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Part III. EXPLANATORY NOTESBased on the Law No. 03/L-074 on the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, alsospecified in the Regulation on Monetary - Financial Statistics and Financial AccountsStatistics and Regulation on Balance of Payments and International Investments PositionStatistics, CBK compiles and publishes statistics and disseminates information related tostatistical methodology. CBK is also producer of official statistics based on the Law onOfficial Statistics of the Republic of Kosovo. Statistics that fall under the scope of CBKresponsibilities are monetary and financial statistics, and external sector statistics (balanceof payments statistics, international investments position, and external debt statistics). Inaddition, CBK also publishes statistics from other sources such as real and fiscal sectorstatistics.Statistics for which CBK is official producer and included in the Monthly Statistics Bulletinare compiled and published based on international statistical standards of the IMF, ECB,Eurostat, namely: Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual (IMF 2000), Monetary andFinancial Statistics Compilation Guide (IMF 2008), Balance of Payments Manual (IMF1993), Balance of Payments Compilation Guide (IMF 1995), Balance of Payments andInternational Investment Position Manual (IMF 2009) Manual on Monetary FinancialInstitutions Interest Rates (ECB 2003), System of National Accounts (SNA 2008), EuropeanSystem of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 95), etc.The detailed methodology related to compilation of monetary - financial statistics andbalance of payments statistics can be found in the CBK website (www.bqk-kos.org):Monetary and Financial Statistics Methodology;Balance of Payments Statistics Methodology.This explanatory <strong>no</strong>te is a brief description of methodology, contents, periodicity and thesource of graphs and tables presented in this publication. Explanatory <strong>no</strong>tes contain alsoinformation on methodological breaks and implications for the specific items in thisbulletin.| 105

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinPart I: GRAPHSGraph 1. Assets of financial corporationsDescription: The financial corporations sector consists of all resident corporations andquasi-corporations principally engaged in financial intermediation or in related auxiliaryfinancial activities. Data presented in this graph include CBK, other depositorycorporations (commercial banks), other financial corporations (microfinance institutions,insurance companies, pension funds, and financial auxiliaries). Published data areaggregated.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1Graph 2. Net foreign assets of financial corporationsDescription: Net foreign assets are comprised from claims on <strong>no</strong>nresidents less liabilities to<strong>no</strong>nresidents, and are calculated by deducting the liabilities to <strong>no</strong>nresidents from claims on<strong>no</strong>nresidents. In this context are included CBK net foreign assets, other depositorycorporations (commercial banks), other financial corporations (microfinance institutions,insurance companies, pension funds, and financial auxiliaries).Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1Graph 3. Growth of net foreign assets of financial corporationsDescription: Growth of financial corporations net foreign assets is calculated on annualbasis on the level of CBK, other depository corporations (commercial banks), other financialcorporations (microfinance institutions, insurance companies, pension funds, and financialauxiliaries). The growth of foreign assets of other financial corporations is calculated byconsolidating the value of assets of financial corporations and by calculating the annualgrowth rate.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1Graph 4. Sectoral breakdown of deposits at CBKDescription: Sectoral classification of deposits is based on international statisticalstandards. In Kosovo, other depository corporations are comprised of commercial bankswhile other financial corporations include insurance companies, pension funds,microfinance institutions, money transfer agencies and exchange bureaus. Deposits ofPrivatization Agency of Kosovo are presented within the deposits of central governmentaccording to the maturity.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 10.2106 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Graph 5. Sectoral and currency breakdown of deposits at other depository corporationsDescription: Other depository corporations consist of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Government depositsinclude central government deposits (e.g. ministries, etc.) and local government (e.g.municipalities). Other financial corporations include all financial institutions except thecentral bank and other depository corporations which are reported separately. Public<strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations include public corporations (e.g. PTK, KEK, etc.), whereas otherfinancial corporations comprise private <strong>no</strong>nfinancial companies. Household categorycomprises all households holding bank accounts, whereas <strong>no</strong>nresidents include all<strong>no</strong>nresidents holding bank account in Kosovo. The share of euro deposits to total deposits iscalculated by dividing deposits in euro currency with total deposits. For more regarding thesectorial breakdown and residency criteria, see Monetary and Financial StatisticsMethodology.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 12.1 and 12.5Graph 6. Maturity breakdown of deposits at other depository corporationsDescription: Other depository corporations consist of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Classification of deposits bymaturity was made based on criteria of original maturity (e.g. if in May 2012 there is adeposit of one year maturity, this deposit is reported under the item “up to one year” untilthe end of maturity). Since 2010 new breakdown of deposits is applied, namely transferabledeposits, other deposits (time deposits), and saving deposits. Nevertheless, up to 2009,saving deposits were included within time deposits.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 12.1 and 12.5Graph 7. Sectoral breakdown of other depository corporations loansDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Classification of loans bysector is based on the purpose of loans granted. If the loan was issued to a company, thenthe loan is classified as a loan to <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporation (public or private).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 13.1| 107

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinGraph 8. Sectoral breakdown of other depository corporations new loansDescription: The other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. New loans include loansextended only within the referring period and as such are classified as flow data (e.g. loansof May 2012 represent only loans issued during that month, <strong>no</strong>t including loans issuedduring previous periods, as is the case with outstanding loans).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 13.2Graph 9. Eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors breakdown of other depository corporations loansDescription: The other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. The classification of loansby eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors was based on NACE classification, which represents the classificatio<strong>no</strong>f loans by purpose. 1Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 13.3Graph 10. Maturity breakdown of other depository corporations loansDescription: The other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Classification of loans bymaturity is based on the original criteria (e.g. if in May 2012 were issued loans of one yearmaturity, these loans are reported under the item “Up to one year” until the end ofmaturity). Starting from 2010 there is a detailed breakdown of loans by maturity. Maturity“above 2 years and up to 5 years” prior to 2010 includes deposits with the original maturityof “above 2 years”.Description: MonthlySource: Table 13.1Graph 11. Growth of loans and deposits at other depository corporationsDescription: The other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Growth of loans and1 For details on NACE classification visit http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-RA-07-015/EN/KS-RA-07-015-EN.PDF108 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013deposits is performed on annual basis through annual growth formula. The ratio of loans todeposits includes all loans divided by deposits, excluding interbank deposits and loans.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 11.1 and 11.2Graph 12. Interest rates on loans and deposits at other depository corporationsDescription: The other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Interest rate on depositsand loans are calculated by using the effective interest rate formula based on arithmeticweighted average. The calculation formula of effective interest rate is as follows: 1 1where stands for annualized agreed rate, is the <strong>no</strong>minal agreed rate among theparties, and is the number of capitalization periods per year, i.e. 1 for yearly interestpayment 12/12 , 2 for semi-annual interest payment 12/6 , 4 for quarterlyinterest payments 12/3, and 12 for monthly interest payments 12/1. Since 2010,there is a detailed breakdown of the banks products in terms of sectors and maturity.Furthermore, since 2010, loans with special conditions are <strong>no</strong>t included in the calculation ofthe weighted average interest rate.These are flow data that include new contracts during the respective month. For detaileddescription on interest rate calculation refer to the Monetary and Financial StatisticsMethodology.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 14.1 and 14.2Graph 13. Other depository corporations income and expendituresDescription: The other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Revenues category includeall incomes from the banking activity, as interest income, <strong>no</strong>n-interest income, etc.,whereas within expenditures are included interest expenditures, <strong>no</strong>n-interest expenditures,administrative expenditures (including expenditures of the bank staff). The data areaggregated on the level of other depository corporations. The data are cumulative withinthe calendar year (e.g. the data of January 2012 include the data only for January 2012,whereas the data as of May 2012 include the data from January 2012 up to May 2012).Periodicity: Monthly| 109

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinSource: Table 15.1Graph 14. Growth of income at other depository corporations income and contribution tothe growthDescription: Other depository corporations consist of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. The income growth iscalculated by using cumulative amounts within the calendar year, through the growthformula. In order to identify the contribution of each component, the contribution formula isused (percentage point): ∗ 100where the variable g is part of the variable z.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 15.1Graph 15. Growth of expenditures at other depository corporations expenditures andcontributions to the growthDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. The expenditure growth iscalculated by using cumulative amounts within the calendar year, through growth formula.In order to identify the contribution of each component, the contribution formula is used(percentage point): ∗ 100where the variable g is part of the variable z.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 15.1Graph 16. Interest rates on loans of other financial intermediariesDescription: Other financial intermediaries consist of resident financial corporationsengaged in financial intermediation expect depository corporations, insurance companies,110 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013pension funds, money transfer agencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo other financialintermediaries are microfinance institutions whose main activity is loan granting. Otherfinancial intermediaries (microfinance institutions) along with other depositorycorporations (commercial banks) are licensed institutions for loan granting. Interest ratesare calculated and published based on effective annual rate. Sectors are broken down into<strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations and households, consistent with the international standards.Formula used for calculation of effective annual rate is shown below: ; where stands for annualized agreed rate, is the <strong>no</strong>minal agreed rate among theparties, and is the number of capitalization periods per year, i.e. 1 for yearly interestpayment 12/12 , 2 for semi-annual interest payment 12/6 , 4 for quarterlyinterest payments 12/3, and 12 for monthly interest payments 12/1. The interestrate reporting to CBK will <strong>no</strong>t include any fee, tax <strong>no</strong>r any other cost related to the thirdparties, like taxes to state, which bank pays for the client. However, costs manifested as adisagio in case of a loan must be considered as an interest payment. Disagio, defined as thedifference between the <strong>no</strong>minal amount of the loan and the amount received by customer,shall be considered as an interest payment at the start of the contract (time ) and shall bereflected in the annualized agreed rate. The disagio is related directly with the loanprocessing and it is an interest cost for specific loan agreement or new contract. Interestrates on loans are flow statistics that includes only new contracts during the month.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 18.1Graph 17. Sectoral breakdown of other financial intermediaries new loansDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. New loans include loans extended onlywithin the referring period and as such are classified as flow data (e.g. loans of May 2012represent only loans issued during that month, <strong>no</strong>t including loans issued during previousperiods, as is the case with outstanding loans).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 17.3Graph 18. Maturity breakdown of other financial intermediaries loansDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. Other financial intermediaries loans by| 111

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletinmaturity are presented as outstanding amounts. This means that amounts shownrepresents active loans i.e. other financial intermediaries claims on respective institutionaland eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors. Classification in time buckets is based on international statisticalstandards.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 17.1Graph 19. Sectoral breakdown of other depository corporations loansDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. Other financial intermediaries loans bysectoral breakdown are presented as outstanding amounts. This means that amountsshown represents active loans i.e. other financial intermediaries claims on respectiveinstitutional sectors. Classification of loans by sector is based on the purpose of loansgranted while sectorization is based on international statistical standards of IMF, etc.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 17.1Graph 20. Eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors breakdown of other financial intermediaries loansDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. Other financial intermediaries loans byeco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors are presented as outstanding amounts. This means that amounts shownrepresents active loans i.e. other financial intermediaries claims on respective institutionalsectors. The classification of loans by eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors was based on NACE classification,which represents the classification of loans by purpose. 2Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 17.2Graph 21. International transfers through money transfer agenciesDescription: Based on international statistical standards, money transfer agencies aretreated as financial auxiliaries, whose primary role is to support financial intermediation.In Kosovo, financial auxiliaries are money transfer agencies and exchange bureaus.International transfers shown in the graph represent those transfers carried out throughmoney transfer agencies on behalf of their clients. The data are cumulative within thecalendar year (e.g. the data of January 2012 include the data only for January 2012,whereas the data as of May 2012 include the data from January 2012 up to May 2012).2 For details on NACE classification visit http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-RA-07-015/EN/KS-RA-07-015-EN.PDF112 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 22.1Graph 22. Kosovo budgetDescription: General government exercises legislative, judicial, or executive authority overother institutional units within a specified area and is comprised from the centralgovernment, federal government, local government and social security funds. In case ofKosovo, there are two levels, central government and local government. Budget statisticsinclude budget revenues and expenditures. The data are presented as flow statistics. CBKis <strong>no</strong>t official producer of government statistics.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 26.1 and 26.2Graph 23. PricesDescription: Statistics on prices are represented based on the annual change. Annualdifference is based on the annual growth formula, using consumer price index. CBK is <strong>no</strong>tofficial producer of price statistics. The formula for calculating the annual change and theannual average is shown below: , 1 ∗ 100,where , represents Consumer Price Index for the current month of the currentyear , whereas ,represents prices index of the current month of the previousyear ( .Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 28.1Graph 24. Prices main categoriesDescription: Main categories of prices are based on the price index structure. The calculatedpercentages were calculated using annual change. The classification in categories as foodand beverages, alcoholic drinks, etc., is based on the COICOP (Classification of IndividualConsumption by Purpose). 3Periodicity: MonthlyThe source of the data: Table 28.13 For details on COICOP visit http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/regcst.asp?Cl=5| 113

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinGraph 25. Import and producer pricesDescription: Prices of imports comprise the import prices of goods imported based onspecific weights, whereas, producer prices comprise prices of domestically produced goods,using specific weights.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 28.2Graph 26. Exchange rate against euroDescription: The exchange rate is compiled based on monthly average exchange rate andincludes Albanian lek, Swiss franc, British pound, Croatian kuna, Macedonian denar,Serbian dinar, Turkish lira and American dollar.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 35.1Graph 27. Real effective exchange rateDescription: Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) is calculated by using Consumer PriceIndex (CPI) and Harmonized Consumer Price Index (HICP). Prior to REER calculation,calculate Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) is calculated. The formula forcalculating NEER is as follows:NEER 100 E wE where represents the individual country currencies, E represents the <strong>no</strong>minal exchangerate of euro currency against other currencies on monthly basis t defined as the number ofcurrency units of the country i for one unit of the domestic currency. E represents<strong>no</strong>minal exchange rate of euro currency against currencies of respective country in the baseperiod, and w is the weight of the domestic currency .REER is calculated based on the formula below:REER w P NEER P where P represents the index for foreign prices on monthly basis t for each countriesseparately comparing with the base period, whereas P represents CPI of Kosovo onmonthly basis t comparing with the base period.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: 35.2114 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Graph 28. Trade balanceDescription: Trade balance covers regular imports and exports of goods with all countries.Trade balance is calculated by deducting imports from export of goods. Data on imports andexports are cumulative within the calendar year (e.g. the data for January 2012 include thedata for January 2012 only, whereas the data as of May 2012 include the data fromJanuary 2012 to June 2012).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 34.1 and 34.5Graph 29. Export of goodsDescription: Exports to EU include all EU countries. CEFTA include countries as Bosniaand Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Albania. The category ofother European countries includes countries as Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, etc.Whereas, the category of <strong>no</strong>n-European countries include all the countries which are <strong>no</strong>t inEuropean Continent as USA, China, Japan, India, Egypt, etc.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 34.1Graph 30. Import of goodsDescription: Imports from EU include all EU countries. CEFTA includes countries asBosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Albania. Thecategory of other European countries includes countries as Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine,Turkey, etc. Whereas, the category of Non-European countries include all the countrieswhich are <strong>no</strong>t in European Continent as USA, China, Japan, India, Egypt, etc.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Table 34.5Graph 31. Balance of payments of KosovoDescription: Balance of payments represents key eco<strong>no</strong>mic information that systematicallysummarizes the eco<strong>no</strong>mic transactions of residents of Kosovo with the outside world(<strong>no</strong>nresidents) for a specified period of time. In graph are presented main balance ofpayments categories, such as: current account, capital account, financial account, anderrors and omissions. Until 2008 data are presented on annual basis, and since 2009 on aquarterly basis, and are flow data on net basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 29.1| 115

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinGraph 32. Current accountDescription: The current account is one of the main categories of the balance of payments ofKosovo. The current account represents the difference between the net exports of goods,services, income inflows and incoming transfers on the one hand, compared with imports ofgoods, services, income inflows and outgoing transfers, on the other hand. Calculation ofthe current account does <strong>no</strong>t include financial transactions. In the graph is shown theimpact of the categories such as of goods, services, income and transfers account of Kosovo.Until 2008 data are presented on annual basis, and since 2009 on a quarterly basis, and areflow data on net basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 29.2Graph 33. Financial accountDescription: The financial account shows the assets and liabilities of Kosovo's eco<strong>no</strong>my to<strong>no</strong>nresidents for a certain period of time. In graph are presented main categories offinancial account that are: direct investments, portfolio investments, other investments(other than portfolio), and reserve assets. Until 2008 data are presented on annual basis,and since 2009 on a quarterly basis, and are flow data on net basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 29.9Graph 34. International investments positionDescription: International investments position represents the balance sheet of assets andliabilities of Kosovo residents with <strong>no</strong>nresidents at the end of a certain period. Graph showsthe relationship between the assets (Kosovo investments abroad) and liabilities(<strong>no</strong>nresident investments in Kosovo) and are presented as outstanding amounts. Until 2011data are presented on annual basis, and since 2012 on a quarterly basis, on net basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 30.3Graph 35. International investments position by sectorsDescription: International investments position represents the balance sheet of assets andliabilities of Kosovo residents with <strong>no</strong>nresidents at the end of a certain period. Graph showsthe relationship between the assets (Kosovo investments abroad) and liabilities(<strong>no</strong>nresident investments in Kosovo) by sectors such as: central government, central bank,commercial banks, and other sectors (including the private sector). Sectoral classification isbased on international statistical standards. Until 2011 data are presented on annual basis,and since 2012 on a quarterly basis, on net basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 31.2116 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Graph 36. Direct investments by main investing countriesDescription: Foreign direct investment statistics presented in this graph shows therelationship between <strong>no</strong>nresident investments in Kosovo versus Kosovo residents toinvestment abroad. Graph shows the geographical distribution of foreign direct investmentsin Kosovo and vice versa by main investing countries. Moreover, in the graph are <strong>no</strong>t shownall the countries that have invested in Kosovo, but only the larger ones, due to the technicalaspects of the presentation. The data are presented as outstanding on net basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 31.1Graph 37. Reserve assetsDescription: Reserve assets are comprised of international assets classified according tointernational statistical standards. Data are presented as outstanding amounts.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 30.4Graph 38. Gross external debtDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liabilities of Kosovo residents to<strong>no</strong>nresidents in a given period of time. Gross external debt is divided into public andprivate external debt. Private sector debt includes private debt that in the case of Kosovohas the largest share to total external debt of Kosovo. Until 2011 data are presented on anannual basis, and since 2012 on a quarterly basis. The data are presented as outstandingamounts on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 32.1Graph 39. Gross external debt by creditorsDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liability of Kosovo residents to <strong>no</strong>nresidentsin a given period of time. External debt is classified according to Kosovo creditors. The dataare presented as outstanding amounts on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 32.2| 117

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinPART II: TABLES 4Table 1. Financial corporations surveyDescription: Financial corporations sector consists of all resident corporations and quasicorporationsengaged in financial intermediation or in related financial activities and arecomprised from depository corporations and other financial corporations. Financialcorporations survey represents the consolidated financial position of the financialcorporations with the external sector, fiscal sector and real sector and is compiled fromdepository corporations survey (CBK and commercial banks) and other financialcorporations survey (insurance companies, pension funds, microfinance institutions, andassets managers). In terms of presentation, the survey differs from the balance sheetbecause in the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument, whereas surveys arepresented based on the sectoral approach.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, other financial corporations.Table 2. Depository corporations surveyDescription: Depository corporations comprise the central bank and other depositorycorporations (commercial banks). Depository corporations survey represents theconsolidated financial position of depository corporations with other financial corporations,external sector, fiscal sector and real sector and is compiled from CBK and other depositorycorporations survey. At this level, the consolidation is performed among CBK and otherdepository corporations. In terms of presentation, the survey differs from the balance sheetbecause in the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument, whereas the surveysare presented based on the sectoral approach. The concept on broad money includes onlydeposits which are part of broad money excluding currency in circulation. Broad moneycomprises deposits of other financial corporations (insurance companies, pension funds,etc.), deposits of <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, households, and NPISH. This definition isconsistent with European Central Bank definition.Periodicity: MonthlySource: CBK, other depository corporations.Table 3. CBK surveyDescription: CBK survey is compiled from CBK balance sheet and includes the CBKfinancial position with other depository corporations, other financial corporations, externalsector, fiscal and real sector. In terms of presentation, the survey differs from the balancesheet because in the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument, whereas surveysare presented based on the sectoral approach.Periodicity: Monthly4 Explanatory <strong>no</strong>tes refer to group of tables which have been presented separately in the Monthly Statistics Bulletin (e.g. explanatory <strong>no</strong>tes will be presented onthe level of financial corporations survey including table 1.1. Net Foreign Assets and Domestic Claims, and table 1.2. Liabilities).118 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Source: CBKTable 4. Other depository corporations surveyDescription: Other depository corporations consist of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Other depositorycorporations survey represents the consolidated financial position of other depositorycorporations with CBK, other financial corporations, external sector, fiscal sector and realsector. Other depository corporation survey is compiled from the other depositorycorporations balance sheet. In terms of presentation, the survey differs from the balancesheet because in the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument, whereas surveysare presented based on the sectoral approach. There are some methodological changeswithin the liabilities of other depository corporations being presented within theexplanatory <strong>no</strong>tes of Table 12.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 5. Other financial corporations surveyDescription: Other financial corporations survey is compiled based on the balance sheetinformation from insurance corporations, pension funds, microfinance institutions, andassets managers. Other financial corporations survey represents the consolidated financialposition of other financial corporations with depository corporations (central bank andcommercial banks), external sector, fiscal and real sector. Other financial corporationssurvey is calculated based on insurance companies survey, pension funds survey,microfinance institutions, and assets managers. In terms of presentation, the survey differsfrom the balance sheet because in the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument,whereas surveys are presented based on the sectoral approach. Up to end-2011, some of theother financial corporations statistics are compiled on quarterly basis, while starting fromJanuary 2012 on monthly basis. This consists with the implementation of the statisticalprojects, namely, Statistical Report on Microfinance Institutions, Interest Rates Report onMicrofinance Institutions, and Statistical Report on Money Transfer Agencies.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Other financial intermediaries, insurance companies, pension funds, financialauxiliaries.Table 6. Other financial intermediaries surveyDescription: Other financial intermediaries survey is compiled based on the balance sheetinformation from microfinance institutions. Other financial intermediaries surveyrepresents the consolidated financial position of other financial intermediaries withdepository corporations (central bank and commercial banks), insurance companies,pension funds, financial auxiliaries, external sector, fiscal and real sector. In terms ofpresentation, the survey differs from the balance sheet because in the balance sheet the| 119

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletinpriority is given to the instrument, whereas surveys are presented based on the sectoralapproach. Up to end-2011, other financial intermediaries statistics are compiled onquarterly basis, while starting from January 2012 on monthly basis. This consists with theimplementation of the statistical projects, namely, Statistical Report on MicrofinanceInstitutions, and Interest Rates Report on Microfinance Institutions.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Microfinance institutions.Table 7. Insurance companies surveyDescription: Insurance companies survey is compiled based on the balance sheetinformation from insurance companies. Insurance companies survey represents theconsolidated financial position of insurance companies with depository corporations (centralbank and commercial banks), other financial intermediaries, pension funds, financialauxiliaries, external sector, fiscal and real sector. In terms of presentation, the surveydiffers from the balance sheet because in the balance sheet the priority is given to theinstrument, whereas surveys are presented based on the sectoral approach.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Insurance companies.Table 8. Pension funds surveyDescription: Pension funds survey is compiled based on the balance sheet information frompension funds. Pension funds survey represents the consolidated financial position ofpension funds with depository corporations (central bank and commercial banks), otherfinancial intermediaries, insurance companies, financial auxiliaries, external sector, fiscaland real sector. In terms of presentation, the survey differs from the balance sheet becausein the balance sheet the priority is given to the instrument, whereas surveys are presentedbased on the sectoral approach.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Pension funds.Table 9. Financial auxiliaries surveyDescription: Financial auxiliaries survey is compiled based on the balance sheetinformation from money transfer agencies. Financial auxiliaries survey represents theconsolidated financial position of money transfer agencies with depository corporations(central bank and commercial banks), other financial intermediaries, insurance companies,pension funds, external sector, fiscal and real sector. In terms of presentation, the surveydiffers from the balance sheet because in the balance sheet the priority is given to theinstrument, whereas surveys are presented based on the sectoral approach. Up to end-2011,financial auxiliaries statistics are compiled on quarterly basis, while starting from January2012 on monthly basis. This consists with the implementation of the statistical projectcalled Statistical Report on Money Transfer Agencies.120 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Money transfer agencies.Table 10. CBK balance sheetDescription: CBK balance sheet represents the financial position of CBK. Within otherfinancial corporations being presented on CBK liabilities side are included deposits ofinsurance companies and pension funds. Government deposits include also deposits ofPrivatization Agency of Kosovo, being presented separately. Within the governmentdeposits at CBK, is included also IMF quota subscription.Periodicity: MonthlySource: CBKTable 11. Other depository corporations balance sheetDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. In Kosovo,other depository corporations are commercial banks. The balance sheet of other depositorycorporations represents the aggregated statement of this sub-sector. Since June 2004 thereis a methodological change in the balance sheet of other depository corporations. Thisconsists with the implementation of statistical project, namely, Statistical Bank Report andInterest Rate Report. For more regarding the statistical projects are stated above, pleasefollow links:Statistical Bank Report;Interest Rate Report.For detailed description on methodological changes, refer to explanation <strong>no</strong>tes given inTable 12. Other depository corporations deposits.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 12. Other depository corporations depositsDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. In Kosovo,other depository corporations are commercial banks. Deposits at other depositorycorporations are classified by sectors, sub-sectors and currencies.Until May 2004, the structure of deposits was composed only from households and legalentities. Within deposits of legal entities are included deposits of all institutions exceptcommercial banks and households. Moreover, within households deposits, until May 2004,were included also the deposits of NPISH. Since June 2004 until December 2007, depositsof insurance companies include also deposits of pension funds.| 121

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinMaturity breakdown deposits was made based on the criteria of original maturity (e.g. if inJanuary 2009 there is a deposit of one year maturity, then this maturity is reported underthe item “up to one year” until the end of maturity). Since 2010, saving deposits arereported as separated, previously included in the item ”other deposits” by maturities. Also,there is a detailed breakdown in terms of deposits by maturity. Item “above 2 years and upto 5 years” up to 2009 includes all deposits with the maturity of “above 2 years”.Periodicity: MonthlyThe source data: Commercial banks.Table 13. Other depository corporations loansDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Other depositorycorporations loans are represented as (1) outstanding amounts and as (2) new loansextended during the month.Outstanding loans include commercial banks claims towards the respective sectors, such aspublic <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, other <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, households, classified bymaturities. In this context is <strong>no</strong>t included interbank activity. Besides sectors and subsectorsinstitutional classification, loans are classified also by purpose. This breakdown isbased on NACE classification. 5 Table on loans by maturity includes loans in euro and <strong>no</strong>neurocurrency, while table on loans by industry includes loans to resident sector, excludinghouseholds and NPISH.New loans include new loans extended only during a certain period and as such they areflow data (e.g. loans of May 2012 represent only loans issued during that month, <strong>no</strong>tincluding loans issued prior to that period, as is the case with outstanding loans).Periodicity: MonthlySource of the data: Commercial banks.Table 14. Other depository corporations interest ratesDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. In Kosovo,other depository corporations are commercial banks. Interest rates are compiled based onannual agreed rate. Sectors are classified as <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations and households,complying with international statistical standards.Since January 2008, there is a methodological change, where interest rates on loans includealso administrative fees applied by commercial banks for loans extended, paid byborrowers. Furthermore, since January 2008 statistics on overdrafts are presented asoutstanding and as such are <strong>no</strong>t included in calculation of weighted average. Since 2010,5 For details on NACE classification visit http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-RA-07-015/EN/KS-RA-07-015-EN.PDF122 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013calculation of weighted interest rate excludes loans with favorable conditions. Also sincethis period new breakdown of loans by purpose is applied, consistent with the NACE<strong>no</strong>menclature.While calculating and publishing interest rates statistics, is used the arithmetic weightedaverage and criteria such as standard deviation and minimum observations. Annual agreedrate is calculated as follows: where stands for annualized agreed rate, is the contracted <strong>no</strong>minal rate agreedamong the parties, and is the number of capitalization periods per year, i.e. 1 foryearly interest payments 12/12, 2 for semi-annual interest payments 12/6, 4 forquarterly interest payments 12/3, and 12 for monthly interest payments 12/1.These are flow data, representing new contracts during the month. For detailed descriptio<strong>no</strong>n interest rate calculation refer to the Interest Rates Report.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 15. Other depository corporations income statementDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and whose liabilities are included in the definition of broad money. InKosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Other depository corporationsincome statement represents aggregated position of banks income and expenditures.Income structure is broken down into interest income and <strong>no</strong>n-interest income. The samecriterion is used in expenditure classification. Income statement data are flow data, beingpresented as cumulative within the calendar year, (e.g. the data of January 2012 includethe data only for January 2012, whereas the data as of May 2012 include the data fromJanuary 2012 up to May 2012).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.Table 16. Other financial intermediaries balance sheetDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. Balance sheet of other financialintermediaries is presented as aggregated. Since June 2004 and up to December 2011statistics on other financial intermediaries are published on quarterly basis, while starting| 123

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletinfrom January 2012 on monthly basis. This consists with the implementation of thestatistical project named Statistical Report on Microfinance Institutions.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Microfinance institutions.Table 17. Other financial intermediaries loansDescription: Other financial intermediaries consists of all resident financial corporationsexcept depository corporations, insurance companies, pension funds, money transferagencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, other financial intermediaries are microfinanceinstitutions whose main activity is loan granting. Other financial intermediaries loans arerepresented as (1) outstanding amounts and as (2) new loans extended during the month.Outstanding loans include other financial intermediaries claims towards the respectivesectors, such as public <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, other <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations,households, classified by maturities.New loans include new loans extended only during a certain period and as such they areflow data (e.g. loans of May 2012 represent only loans issued during that month, <strong>no</strong>tincluding loans issued prior to that period, as is the case with outstanding loans). Besidessectors and sub-sectors institutional classification, loans are classified also by purpose. Thisbreakdown is based on NACE classification. 6Periodicity: MonthlySource: Microfinance institutions.Table 18. Other financial intermediaries effective interest ratesDescription: Other financial intermediaries consist of resident financial corporationsengaged in financial intermediation expect depository corporations, insurance companies,pension funds, money transfer agencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo other financialintermediaries are microfinance institutions whose main activity is loan granting. Otherfinancial intermediaries (microfinance institutions) along with other depositorycorporations (commercial banks) are licensed institutions for loan granting.Interest rates are calculated and published based on effective annual rate. Sectors arebroken down into <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations and households, consistent with theinternational standards. Formula used for calculation of effective annual rate is shownbelow: ; where stands for annualized agreed rate, is the <strong>no</strong>minal agreed rate among theparties, and is the number of capitalization periods per year, i.e. 1 for yearly interestpayment 12/12 , 2 for semi-annual interest payment 12/6 , 4 for quarterly6 For details on NACE classification visit http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-RA-07-015/EN/KS-RA-07-015-EN.PDF124 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013interest payments 12/3, and 12 for monthly interest payments 12/1. The interestrate reporting to CBK will <strong>no</strong>t include any fee, tax <strong>no</strong>r any other cost related to the thirdparties, like taxes to state, which bank pays for the client. However, costs manifested as adisagio in case of a loan must be considered as an interest payment. Disagio, defined as thedifference between the <strong>no</strong>minal amount of the loan and the amount received by customer,shall be considered as an interest payment at the start of the contract (time ) and shall bereflected in the annualized agreed rate. The disagio is related directly with the loanprocessing and it is an interest cost for specific loan agreement or new contract. Interestrates on loans are flow statistics that includes only new contracts during the month.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Microfinance institutions.Table 19. Other financial intermediaries income statementDescription: Other financial intermediaries consist of resident financial corporationsengaged in financial intermediation expect depository corporations, insurance companies,pension funds, money transfer agencies and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo other financialintermediaries are microfinance institutions whose main activity is loan granting. Otherfinancial intermediaries income statement represents aggregated position of income andexpenditures. Income structure is broken down into interest income and <strong>no</strong>n-interestincome. The same criterion is used in expenditure classification. Income statement data areflow data, being presented as cumulative within the calendar year, (e.g. the data of January2012 include the data only for January 2012, whereas the data as of May 2012 include thedata from January 2012 up to May 2012).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Microfinance institutions.Table 20. Financial auxiliaries balance sheetDescription: Based on international statistical standards, money transfer agencies aretreated as financial auxiliaries, whose primary role is to support financial intermediation.In Kosovo, financial auxiliaries are money transfer agencies. Balance sheet of financialauxiliaries is presented as aggregated. Up to December 2011 statistics on financialauxiliaries are published on quarterly basis, while starting from January 2012 on monthlybasis. This consists with the implementation of the statistical project named StatisticalReport on Money Transfer Agencies.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Money transfer agencies.Table 21. Financial auxiliaries income statementDescription: Financial auxiliaries consist of resident financial corporations engaged insupporting financial intermediation expect depository corporations, insurance companies,pension funds, and exchange bureaus. In Kosovo, financial auxiliaries are money transferagencies. Financial auxiliaries income statement represents aggregated position of income| 125

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletinand expenditures. Income structure is broken down into interest income and <strong>no</strong>n-interestincome. The same criterion is used in expenditure classification. Income statement data areflow data, being presented as cumulative within the calendar year, (e.g. the data of January2012 include the data only for January 2012, whereas the data as of May 2012 include thedata from January 2012 up to May 2012).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Money transfer agencies.Table 22. International transfers through financial auxiliariesDescription: International transfers include incoming and outgoing transfers carried outthrough money transfer agencies. International transfers statistics are flow data, beingpresented as cumulative within the calendar year, (e.g. the data of January 2012 includethe data only for January 2012, whereas the data as of May 2012 include the data fromJanuary 2012 up to May 2012). International transfers include only transfers carried out onbehalf of its clients.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Money transfer agencies.Table 23. Payments systemDescription: Interbank payments include statistics referring to the value of overdraftsthrough Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), Point of Sales (POSs), e-Banking, etc.Payments system statistics are presented as cumulative within the calendar year, (e.g. thedata of January 2012 include the data only for January 2012, whereas the data as of May2012 include the data from January 2012 up to May 2012). However, statistics on numberof ATMs, POSs, bank accounts, and e-banking accounts are presented as outstandingamounts.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK.Table 24. Other depository corporations network and staffDescription: Other depository corporations consists of all resident financial corporations(except the central bank) and quasi-corporations that are mainly engaged in financialintermediation and that issue liabilities included in the national definition of broad money.In Kosovo, other depository corporations are commercial banks. Data on other depositorycorporations (commercial banks) network are presented on the level of Kosovo regions.Within the banking units are included head offices, branches, sub-branches, and all otherbanking units. The data on banking network and its staff are outstanding.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Commercial banks.126 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Table 25. Insurance corporations activityDescription: This subsector includes resident insurance corporations and quasi-corporationswhose principal function is to provide life and <strong>no</strong>n-life insurance. In terms of insurancecompanies activity are represented the income from domestic insurance of vehicles (thirdparty liabilities), and other insurances (property insurance, insurance against fire, andother misfortune insurances). In compliance to this classification are presented the numberof sold insurance policies and insurance companies’ expenditures.Periodicity: MonthlySource: CBKTable 26. Kosovo budgetDescription: The table on Kosovo budget presents the actual revenues and expenditures.The income is classified as border and domestic revenues further detailed according to theMinistry of Finance. Budget expenditures are presented based on the purpose broken downby holders (government levels).Periodicity: MonthlySource: Ministry of Finance.Table 27. Gross domestic productDescription: The data on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are presented according to theKosovo Agency of Statistics. Net export comprises export and import of goods (includingtransport and insurance expenditures) and export and import of services. GDP statisticsare presented on the basis of expenditures and by eco<strong>no</strong>mic sectors approach.Periodicity: AnnuallySource: Kosovo Agency of Statistics.Table 28. PricesDescription: Prices statistics are compiled based on COICOP (Classification of IndividualConsumption by Purpose) using specific weights by components and sub-components. 7Statistics on prices are retrieved from respective regional offices as Ferizaj, Gjakova,Gjilan, Mitrovica, Peja, Prizren and Prishtina. Statistics on prices are presented based onannual change, based on annual growth formula. The annual change formula is as follows: , 1 ∗ 100,7 For details on COICOP visit http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/regcst.asp?Cl=5| 127

April 2013Monthly Statistics Bulletinwhere , represents Consumer Price Index for the current month of the currentyear , whereas ,represents prices index of the current month of the previousyear ( .Periodicity: MonthlySource: Kosovo Agency of Statistics.Table 29. Balance of paymentsDescription: Balance of payments statistics are flow data. Balance of payments statisticsare compiled and published in compliance with international standards, presenting creditand debit side on the level of each component. Goods category also includes freight andinsurance cost. Within current transfers, is included also UNMIK budget which as aninstitution, for statistics purposes is treated as <strong>no</strong>nresident to Kosovo, whereas its staff, istreated based on the residential criteria (one year period). This treatment is also valid forEULEX. KFOR is part of balance of payments of Kosovo. For further details on UNMIK,EULEX, KFOR refer to Balance of Payments Statistics Methodology.One of the main components within the current account is remittances. Statistics onremittances are presented by receiving channels and countries of origin. The classificatio<strong>no</strong>f remittances by receiving channels is broken down based on institutional channels(commercial banks and money transfer agencies) and <strong>no</strong>n-institutional channels (cash).These statistics are flow.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, governmentinstitutions, etc.Table 30. International investments positionDescription: International Investment Position Statistics (IIP) are presented as outstandingamounts, which are compiled and published in international statistical standards. IIPrepresents the balance sheet of external financial assets and liabilities of a particularcountry with other countries at the end of a certain period. Balance at the end of the periodis a result of all transactions and adjustments arising from exchange rate movements orchanges in market prices. IIP consists of (i) net investments in equity (share capitalinvestments abroad minus foreign investment in domestic companies) and (ii) a country'snet external debt (lending to <strong>no</strong>nresidents less borrowing from <strong>no</strong>nresidents). Over theyears, Kosovo's eco<strong>no</strong>my has consistently been net creditor to the other countries of theworld. A net creditor means that the net international assets are higher than internationalliabilities.Table of harmonization between the BOP and IIP represents a close link between IIP andBOP. Financial account of the BOP represents transactions related to external financialassets and liabilities of Kosovo, that affects the outstanding amounts on the externalfinancial assets and liabilities presented in the IIP. Financial transactions can occurbecause of the increase / decrease in assets / liabilities and profit / loss on assets / liabilities(e.g. interest from investments or dividend distribution). IIP statistics since 2007 arepublished on an annual basis and since 2012 on a quarterly basis.128 |

Monthly Statistics BulletinApril 2013Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, governmentinstitution, etc.Table 31. Direct investmentsDescription: Foreign direct investments are composed of <strong>no</strong>nresidents investments inKosovo and investments of Kosovo residents abroad. These statistics are presented bysectors and countries. The classification of foreign direct investments by eco<strong>no</strong>miccategories is based on purpose and includes investments from privatization process andnew investments. These statistics are flow data. Foreign investments include alsointercompany loans between resident and <strong>no</strong>nresident companies.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Other depository corporations, <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, etc.Table 32. External debtDescription: Kosovo's external debt represents liabilities of Kosovo residents to<strong>no</strong>nresidents in a given period of time. Gross external debt include public and privateexternal debt, while net external debt shows net external position of Kosovo, representingthe difference between <strong>no</strong>nresidents investments in Kosovo (liability) and investment ofKosovo residents abroad (assets). Private sector debt includes private debt that in the caseof Kosovo has the largest share to total external debt of Kosovo.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: Table 25.1Table 33. Coordinated portfolio investments surveyDescription: Coordinated portfolio investments survey represents investments in equityand debt securities further divided into short and long term. Portfolio investments areclassified also by country, on gross basis.Periodicity: QuarterlySource: CBK, other depository corporations, <strong>no</strong>nfinancial corporations, etc.Table 34. Trade balanceDescription: Statistics on trade balance are presented by countries and main components.Countries are grouped in European Union countries, CEFTA, other European countries andNon-European countries. Exports are presented by destination country, whereas the importof goods was classified by the country origin. Trade balance is also presented based ongoods imported by chapters and by countries.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Kosovo Agency of Statistics.| 129

April 2013Monthly Statistics BulletinTable 35. Exchange rateDescription: Exchange rate is compiled based on monthly average currencies against eurocurrency. The currencies presented belong to countries which represent the main tradepartners of Kosovo and other regional countries. For information purposes, was includedalso US dollar against euro. Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) is calculated usingConsumer Price Index (CPI) and Harmonized Consumer Price Index (HCPI). Prior tocalculating REER Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) is calculated. NEERcalculating formula is as follows:NEER 100 E wE where represents the individual country currencies, E represents the <strong>no</strong>minal exchangerate of euro currency against other foreign currencies on monthly basis t defined as thenumber of currency units of the country i for one unit of the domestic currency. E represents <strong>no</strong>minal exchange rate of euro currency against currencies of respective countryin the base period, and w is the weight of the domestic currency .After that REER is calculated based on the following formula:REER w P NEER P where P represents the index for foreign prices on monthly basis t for each of thecountries separately comparing with the base period, whereas P represents CPI of Kosovoon monthly basis t comparing with the base period.Periodicity: MonthlySource: Kosovo Agency of Statistics, respective agencies for statistics of neighboringcountries.130 |

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33 Gribaldi Street, Prishtina, Republic of KosovoTel: +381 38 222 055; Fax: +381 38 243 763Web:www.bqk-kos.org

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