The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

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Meeting Minutes of the HMRRC General Meeting - May 11, 2011Attendance: Jon Rocco, ChuckTerry, Barb Light, Tom & MarciaAdams, Cathy Sliwinski, Wade &Anny Stockman, Ed Gillen, DianeFisher, Rob Moore, Tom Ryan, JohnParisella, Maureen Cox, Ray Lee, BillMeehanCall to Order (J. Rocco):Reading and approval of April13, 2011 minutes (B. Light). Motionmade by Marcia Adams to approveminutes as submitted seconded byRob Moore. Motion approved.Reports of OfficersPresident (J. Rocco): <strong>The</strong> openingfor the Content editor for the<strong>Pace</strong>setter has been filled by KristinZielinski replacing Kari Gathen. <strong>The</strong><strong>Club</strong> wishes to thank Kari Gathenfor her years of service. To send articlesto the <strong>Pace</strong>setter, you can sendthem to PScontenteditor@gmail.com to reach Kristin. We will beupdating the webpage with this information.Jon will be holding off onrecycling at the CDPHP WorkforceTeam challenge, but will be movingforward with the Friehofer Run ForWomen recycling on Friday and Saturdayat the HMRRC Booth. Will putreminder on the webpage for this.ARE <strong>Road</strong> & Trail Magazine had anannouncement about the recycling,too. Also mentioned on the FriehoferRun for Women website. Jon made afew appearances for the club for theSchrader scholarship and on April28 invited by Ken Skinner to NewScotland Elementary School to discussthe Just Run program. Kids fromthe program were there and asked alot of questions and are very excitedabout the program. May 4 madean appearance to the kickoff eventat Fleet Feet for the HMRRC marathontraining-71 individuals werethere and excited and eager to getstarted. Jim Thomas does a great jobencouraging & supporting them andhelping them get ready for the races.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> thanks Fleet Feet & Adidasfor sponsoring this event. May 8thstarted the Sunday’s runs.Election Committee: Will have topick a slate of candidates by the endof June and present to Marcia Adams,Ray Newkirk & Dana Peterson.Jon appointed these people to serveon the committee.Executive Vice President (J. Parisella):Schrader Scholarship Winnersfor the scholarship have been announced.John Parisella met with thecommittee to vote on the candidatesfor the scholarship. 13 applicants,the winners are: Brianna Freestonefrom Saratoga Springs High School,Christopher Herbs from CatholicCentral High School, Samuel Placefrom Saratoga Springs High School,and Jolie Siegel from VoorheesvilleHigh School. Candidates run trackand field and participate in extracurricularactivities. John Parisellawill be getting plaques for the winnersand will make arrangements forthe presentations. Diane will placeon website and Rob Moore will sendout press release and John Parisellawill do an article for the <strong>Pace</strong>setter.Congratulations and good luck to allthe winners.2.3 Executive Vice President –Finance (C. Terry): Chuck spoke tothe Alexander Kruden accountingfirm and he will file an extension forForm 990. <strong>The</strong> form will be completedin the next couple of weeks.Chuck passed out report on 2010Financials.2.4 Secretary (B. Light): No report.2.5 Treasurer (P. Zentko): No reportReports of Committees3.1 Membership (D. Fisher): currentmembership is at 2453- down12 from last month but up by 59new members from last month. Renewalshave been slow, a lot of newmembers from the training group.Volunteers (M. Adams): Met regardingthe River Cruise-decided onmenu, buffet style dinner, workingon DJ. Vegetable lasagna, salmon,prime rib. Hopefully will have volunteerpoints updated by May 15th. We have corporate challenge comingup if not volunteering, pleasevolunteer right now we are at about9000 runners so we will need morevolunteers. Mr. Adams would like abreak from the van for July & Augustifanyone is interested in taking thisover please let them know. Wouldhave to follow the race schedule butTom will go over all the informationfor this. John Parisella said he was interestedand Ed Gillen said he wouldalso help. Tom will talk with themabout this. Marcia will send informationto Ed Gillen about the JP Morgancruise to put on Facebook andWild Apricot.Public Relations (R. Moore): PastApril had the expo at the AdirondackSports & Fitness, well attended. Thispast week Women’s Health expo puton by St. Peters and Times Union. Itwas well attended but only problemwas it was during the work day soRob could not do it but maybe fornext year we could do it. WorkforceTeam Challenge Rob will be at thebooth from 3:30PM on.Race Committee (M. Warner):April 30 Masters 10K Jim Tierneydid an excellent job. 104 finishers,drop off from last year due to movingrace week later. Also 3 or 4 racesthat weekend. <strong>The</strong> plan is to returnthe race earlier next year. May 8thMother’s Day race directed by DaveWilliams, 120 finishers and thecourse was a little short. <strong>The</strong> racewas changed this year to a 5K from3.5 miler. Great job by everyone.Upcoming races, May 19th CDPHPWorkforce Team Challenge-lookingat 9000+ runners, June 12 DistinguishService 8 mile race, June14th and every Tuesday is track series,June 19th is Fathers Day race,June 25th Valley Cat 5K. Volunteersneeded for all races, contact MarciaAdams. Race Directors neededfor Winter Series Race #3 – to replaceEd Gillen & Will Dixon. It isexpected we may need more RaceDirectors. Also investigating gettingWinter Marathon course certified.Ed Gillen noted that the person takingover the Race Director positionfor Winter Series #3, he does have areport to follow so that the next personcan take over.Race Committee Treasurer (N.Briskie): See attached.<strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong> (R. Nagengast/K. Gathen):No report.Conflicts Committee (C. Terry):No report.Safety Committee (V. Juliano)No report.Grants Committee (R. Newkirk)Second round of general purposegrants due July 1st. Ed noted thatthe application has the wrong dateon it.Long Range Planning Committee(E. Neilles)- No report.Just Run Program (K. Skinner)working on final arrangements fortrack meet on June 9th at UnionCollege, June 10th is the rain date.Expecting 250 kids. Volunteers areneeded for this event. If interested,please let Marcia Adams know. Itstarts at 3:30PM to 7:30PM. If youcan only volunteer for part of thetime that will be OK, please letMarcia know what your availabilitywould be. Bill Meehan reported thathe received photos from the Mother’sDay race for the kids race andthere were a lot of photos with kidswith Just Run on the shirt.Unfinished Business:Volunteer Accident Insurancediscussedlast few meetings. Wedo have $5000 medical expensefor volunteers on liability policy. Itis under General Purpose Liability.Marcia will type it up and send toMark Warner to go over with theRace Directors so that if a volunteerdoes get hurt the process that theyhave to follow. <strong>The</strong>y have to fill outincident report, contact insurancecompany and copies of bills and theRace Director will have to documenteverything. We should follow incidentreport and documentation forUSATF and that should be OK. Allvolunteers have to sign the volunteerwaiver.New Business: Talked to BillMeehan about proposal for videocamera since we do not have avideo source-Ken Skinner inquiredabout filming for the Just Run eventand also some other events andpost on website. Motion authorizeto spend up to $900 for acquisitionfor video camera, memory card andtripod. Second by Ed Gillen. Tomasked if we are looking for playbackfor races, Bill will look into that. Marcianoted that we have money in thePR for a monitor so that we coulduse the card to show the video. Allin favor, motion was passed. Thiscould be a great enhancement forthe races and Just Run program. Billwill look into what type of display isrecommended so that Rob Moorewould know what to purchase. EdGillen also noted that this could alsobe used as a backup for the timing ofthe race, too.Announcements: Rob noted thatpublic relations get various phonecalls about races, and medical advice,we are not doctors and referpeople to talk to their doctor or runners.Use the discussion board forthese questions. Really would liketo see more people using the discussionboard especially more club officers.It is starting to get more use andinformation about it can be found onthe website. <strong>The</strong>re have been somegood discussions going on.June refreshments- Pam ZentkoAdjourn: Motion made to adjournmeeting by Marcia Adams,seconded by Ed Gillen. Meeting adjournedat 8:20PM. r<strong>The</strong> <strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong> – 29

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