The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

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Meeting Minutes of the HMRRC General Meeting - April 13, 2011Attendance: Jon Rocco, JohnParisella, Cathy Sliwinski, MarkWarner, Ginny Pezzula, Rikka Murray,Cynthia Southard, Barb Light,Chuck Terry, Tom & Marcia Adams,Ray Lee, Jim Bowles, Steve Montanaro,Nancy Briskie, Rob Briskie,Joan Celantano, Louis Tobias, DougBowden, Mary Collins Finn, RobMoore, Roxanne & Ed Gillen, JudyLynch, Wade & Anny Stockman,Diane Fisher, Pete Newkirk, PamZentko, Sharon Fellner, Vince Juliano,Ken Skinner, Chuck Batcher,Debbie Batcher, Tom Tift, SteveSweeney, Al Maikels, Frank Meyer.Call to Order (J. Rocco): meetingcalled to order at 7:30PMReading and approval of March9, 2011 minutes (B. Light)-motion toapprove minutes made by MarciaAdams seconded by Mark Warner.Motion approved.Reports of Officers2.1 President (J. Rocco):<strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong> Content EditorOpening-posted on website and inMay <strong>Pace</strong>setter. If interested pleasecontact Robin Nagencast. Positioninvolves soliciting and reviewing articlesfor local races and club racesto <strong>Pace</strong>setter. 8-10 hrs per month.Recycling Events-Jon planningon having a recycling event at theCDPHP Workforce Team Challengerace, Rob Moore will be helpingout. <strong>The</strong> club also received a thankyou letter from Cairo Durham ElementarySchool for the grant theyreceived.Recognized people who havebeen voted on Distinguished Serviceaward: Pete Newkirk, DougBowden, Ken Skinner, Vince Juliano,Nancy Briskie, Tom & MarciaAdams, Al Maikels.Executive Vice President (J. Parisella):Shrader Scholarship Updateallapplications received, packetsto be distributed to committee-5girls 7 boys applied for scholarship.Announcement will be madeby May 1, applications were downthis year. Applications were sent toall Section 2 Athletic Directors andthey forwarded them to GuidanceCounselor.Distinguished Service AwardNominator Presentations and VoteNominees: Cathy Sliwinski andEd Gillen – Marcia Adams presentedCathy Sliwinski and VinceJuliano presented Ed Gillen. Bothnominees are excellent choices andhave done much for the club and28 – <strong>The</strong> <strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong>we are deeply indebted for theirservice. After the voting the DistinguishedService winner for 2011 isCathy Sliwinski.2.3 Executive Vice President –Finance (C. Terry): Chuck presentedsummary of the assets of the cluband the income and expenses for2010. Discussion followed. Chuckwill now put information togetherto get to accountant to file taxes.It was noted that membership incomedown but membership is upbut some of the memberships canbe part of race entries and not labeledcorrectly. Jon thanked Chuckfor putting together the report.2.4 Secretary (B. Light): No Report2.5 Treasurer (P. Zentko): closedall key accounts into one account.Reports of Committees3.1Membership (D. Fisher): Currentmembership is at 2465 up 67from last month and 250 from thistime last year.Volunteers (M. Adams): needvolunteers for Masters race andend of April. Contact Jim Tierney orMarcia Adams. We also need volunteersfor Mothers Day race andFathers Day Race and DistinguishedService Race. Clean Sweep this Saturdayat 1PM and Lions Park.Public Relations (R. Moore):Press releases out for Masters andMothers’ Day Race. Last Saturdaythe club was at Eastern MountainSports for club day, John Parisellahelped out. This Saturday and Sundayis Adirondack sports communityexpo from 10-6 Saturday and10-5 Sunday. All shifts have beencovered. Will be volunteering atthe recycling booth at Friehofer Runfor Women race. Accepting shirts/shoes.Race Committee (M. Warner):Delmar Dash this past Sunday-finishersup from last year. Spotlightwill be doing coverage on the race.Woman’s record this year-5:38 milepace. Ed Gillen gave report on Runningof the Green race-a lot of preracechallenges this year but Ed hada lot of guidance and support whichhelped put the race together. Specialthanks to Marcia Adams and RandyGoldberg. This year there wasno day of race registration whichworked very well. Used chip tagsystem and finishers seemed to likeit. New shirt design and the coursewas re-measured for this year. Didhave 730 registered runners and 3day of but was prepared if peoplefrom out of town weren’t aware ofno day of race registration. We had500 register online with Apricot systemwhich worked well. 640 finisherswhich was a record and EmilyBryants tied the course record set10years prior. Justin Wood overallwinner and Ken Skinner got to runthe race for the first time. Hats offto the Village of Green Island officialswho really helped to make therace happen. <strong>The</strong>y are concernedabout how big the race is gettingand asked if it could be capped fornext year. St. Patrick’s Day is on aSaturday next year and it may beraced on that day next year. TomAdams noted that Ed did a wonderfuljob at the race and thanked himfor all his hard work. Mark Warnernoted that he never saw a race thathad so many issues a week beforethe race and it came off great. Edalso thanked Vince for writing an articlefor the race for the Adirondackpaper. Masters Race April 30, May8th is Mother’s Day Race. CDPHPWorkforce Team Challenge is wellunder way, race is May 19th, thingsare looking good. Enrollment hasn’treally started yet, but is sure thatthey will start coming in. Tent salesare going strong for corporate sponsors.Frank Myers able to get Colonietrack again for this year.Race Committee Treasurer (N.Briskie): no outstanding reports-seeattached report.<strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong> (R. Nagengast/K.Gathen): No report.Conflicts Committee (C. Terry):no reportSafety Committee (V. Juliano)no reportGrants Committee (R. Newkirk)no reportLong Range Planning Committee(E. Neiles) no report.Just Run Program (K. Skinner)-currently have 500-550 kids participatingin program; track meet June9th at Union College. Getting publicityin collaboration with FriehoferRun for Women and the youth runat that race. Press conference onApril 28th at 11AM at New ScotlandElementary School and 5 ofour Just Run Program will be part ofthat conference. Press conferenceshould get some coverage becauseBenita Johnson will be coming, sheis a previous winner of the FriehoferRun for Women race, and she willbe visiting local schools before thepress conference. Union collegegave Ken a contract to rent thetrack for 4 hours, will review withJon. Marcia Adams and MaureenCox will help out with the foodand refreshments. Tom Tift askedif volunteers will be needed at thetrack meet, Ken will look into andsee what is needed and will let theclub know.Unfinished Business:Race Archives – Ed Neiles workingon that 1986-1996 all keyed andready to post to the website.Volunteer Insurance – MarciaAdams tabled until next month.Jon looked at policy and there is apart of our policy that will cover formedical expenses. Will get more informationtogether and discuss nextmonth.Vote on proposed Captain JPVolunteer Cruise (M. Adams) – Motionmade to bring the followingmotion to the table made by MarciaAdams seconded by John Parisella:Motion: Since HMRRC, an all volunteerorganization, survives becauseour members volunteer theirtime and effort to its many racesand functions, I am making a motionthat we budget $3700 towarda social/networking and thank youparty on the Captain JP on August5, 2011. Vince Juliano asked if weneeded to have a certain numberfor one floor would we have to paythe difference. <strong>The</strong> floor holds 125people. We can go over 125 up to150. This is for club members andtheir guest. We will not advertiseto the general public. Voting tookplace and the motion passed.New Business:Announcements: Friday afternoonmeeting in Schenectady totake wrap off pavilion. Need volunteersfor finish line up at MastersRace. Adirondack Track & Field seriesof track meets-check scheduleat Empirelibertytour.com.May refreshments- Cathy SliwinskiAdjourn: Motion to adjournmade by Marcia Adams secondedby Pete Newkirk; meeting adjournedat 8:50PM. r

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