The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

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31 st Bill RobinsonMaster’sChampionship10Kby Joan Celentano<strong>The</strong> morning of April 31, 2011 was the annualrunning of the Masters 10k – an event thatbrings runners that are age 40 and over togetherfor a test of stamina and strength! <strong>The</strong> weatherwas about as perfect as you’re going to get- sun/cloud mix, slight breeze and 50 degrees.104 runners toed the line that morning. <strong>The</strong>first to cross finish line was Ben Greenberg,running a fine 35:36. Ben led the race for theentire course. He was followed in second placeby the amazing Derrick Staley in 36:17. Thirdplace went to my Team Utopia teammate JonRocco, who continues the tradition of HMRRCpresidents that are great runners!!On the women’s side we had Anne Bensonas the first female coming in at 40:28. Sheis also the first woman to have won the racefour times! Congrats on that, Anne! <strong>The</strong> everfastJudy Guzzo took second place in 41:53.Nancy Nicholson came in third with a strongshowing at 42:08. <strong>The</strong> women’s course recordholder, Emily Bryans, was unable to run due toa hamstring injury.<strong>The</strong> masters’ course takes you over a challengingset of hills – none of which are harderthan the hill you encounter after the 5k turnaround.This hill brings you uphill past a cemetery.My lungs and legs are usually burningso bad at this point that I just have to makemyself put one foot in front of the other andmove forward to that fourth mile mark! At theend of this race you always feel like you haveaccomplished a great feat!Race Director Jim Tierney once again rana smooth event, making it look effortless ashe always does! Jim would like to SINCERELYTHANK all the volunteers that day, with specialthanks to Tom Adams, who marked the coursethe day before. Ed Gillen also handled a bunchof tasks that day including driving the <strong>Club</strong> van.Other volunteers were Marcia Adams, KatherineAmbrosio, Emily Bryans, Jim Bowles, MikeCaccuitto, Karen Dott, Rich Eckhardt, RalphFeinstein, Pat Glover, Willie Janeway, VinceJuliano, Bob Knouse, Betty and Armand Langevin,Barb Light, Judy Lynch, Charlie Matlock,Rob Moore, Joan and Lowell Montgomery, EdNeiles, Ginny Pezzula, George Regan andBruce Vandewater. A heartfelt thanks goes outto all of you!I always feel a family type of atmosphere atthis race- masters runners coming together fora challenging event and making it through ittogether! <strong>The</strong>re were great refreshments afterwardsas always! And this year we got USATFhand towels as part of the awards, which werea different and nice touch! Looking forward tothe 32nd running of this event in 2012!! rSubmissions for theAugust Issue of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong>Articles:Deadline is June. 25. Submit to: Editor, pscontenteditor@gmail.comAdvertisements:Deadline is July 1st. Contact Jim Tierney (Advertising Director) toreserve space, at 869-5597 or e-mail: runnerjmt@aol.comAds should be sent to:C Allen, 179 Hollywood Ave., Albany, NY 12209 or e-mail ad to:callen@gscallen.comHigh resolution black & white files required (pdf preferred, no compression). No filesfrom MS Word, MS Publisher or Word Perfect. Full page ad size MUST be 7-5/8”wide by 10” high. Contact Cyndy Allen at callen@gscallen.com for further info.HMRRC Nominations and ElectionsElections for the HMRRC officers for the coming year will be held in September. A nominatingcommittee has been formed to select candidates. Vacancies exist for the position of President,Executive Vice-President, Vice-President for Finance and Secretary. Additional nominationscan be made by petition. Any <strong>Club</strong> member can be placed on the ballot if nominated by onepercent (1%) of the total membership of the <strong>Club</strong> as reported at a <strong>Club</strong> meeting no later thanJune 30 or at least ten (10) members, whichever number is greater. Signatures must be ofmembers in good standing as of June 30th of that year. Nominating petitions will be acceptedand verified by the Election Committee at a <strong>Club</strong> meeting no later than July 31st. Send petitionsto HMRRC, P.O. Box 12304, Albany, NY 12212.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong> – 13

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