Horel & Cornejo-Garrido 1986 - Departamento de Geofísica ...

Horel & Cornejo-Garrido 1986 - Departamento de Geofísica ...

Horel & Cornejo-Garrido 1986 - Departamento de Geofísica ...


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Centro Internacional para la Investigación <strong>de</strong>l Fenómeno <strong>de</strong> El NiñoI FORO DE PERSPECTIVAS CLIMÁTICAS PARA SUDAMÉRICAGuayaquil - Ecuador, 01 al 04 <strong>de</strong> Octubre 2012Seminario - Taller Clima <strong>de</strong> Sud AméricaVariabilidad Climática II: Imapactos regionales <strong>de</strong> ENSORelator: Dr. René D. Garreaudwww.dgf.uchile.cl/rene<strong>Departamento</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Geofísica</strong>Universidad <strong>de</strong> Chile

ENSO impacts on South America

Full references in Garreaud et al. 2009

ENSO-related regional impacts• Northern South America• Coastal Ecuador and Perú• Central An<strong>de</strong>s• Subtropical SA

ClimoENSODavid B. Enfield , Sang-Ki Lee , Chunzai WangProgress In Oceanography Volume 70, Issues 2?4 2006 346 - 365

<strong>Horel</strong> & <strong>Cornejo</strong>-<strong>Garrido</strong> <strong>1986</strong>Summer-Fall Precip:Average ∼ 0EN ∼ 1000 – 4000 mm!Where? How come?

<strong>Horel</strong> & <strong>Cornejo</strong>-<strong>Garrido</strong> <strong>1986</strong>

SYNOPTIC AND SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF THE RAINFALL ALONG THE NORTHERN PERUVIAN COASTDURING THE 1997-8 EL NIñO EVENTMichael W. Douglas 1 , Malaquias Peña 2 , Norma Ordinola 3 , Luis Flores 3 , Joshua Boustead 4 , and Jose Luis Santos 5 .“the influx of lower-tropospheric air from the Pacific Ocean is critical in producing theheavy rains during the El Niño period. This is in contrast to a relatively wi<strong>de</strong>ly-heldbelief in the region that the moisture source is from the Amazon Basin”

Central An<strong>de</strong>s Rainfall* Closely tied to moisture availability* Wind aloft controls the transport of moisture towards the Altiplano

Central An<strong>de</strong>s (Altiplano Region)Interannual Variability

Interannual Variability

ClimoChoco JetEN-LN

Rutllant and Fuenzalida 1991: Synoptic explanation of increased CCh precipitationduring EN years: blocking anticyclone shifts northward storm track and embed<strong>de</strong>d frontalsystemsBackground

Every EN/LN is different and it is superimposed on a slightlydifferent background state. That produce changes in theteleconnection patterns even in current climate…

ENSO-PDO interference

Non-ENSO-related regional impacts• AAO impacts on southern SA•Amazon basin• NE Brazil

Annual mean Precip/SAT regressed uponin<strong>de</strong>x of large-scale mo<strong>de</strong>s (50 years of data)

Relationship between the southern annular mo<strong>de</strong> and southernhemisphere atmospheric systemsMichelle Simões Reboita; Tércio Ambrizzi; Rosmeri Porfírio da Rocha

Silvestri and Vera 2005

Quintana & Aceituno 20120,400,200,00-0,2025 30 35 40 45 50 55SOIAAOSEP-AAO-0,40-0,60-0,80Rojas et al. 2013

Rainfall anomaliesSST anomalies+−++SEB+−−−WAT+++−−−

Rainfall NE Brazil related totropical Atlantic dipole

Un caso que trajo atención internacional:La sequia Amazónica <strong>de</strong>l 2005

Condiciones <strong>de</strong> gran escala durante 4 sequias en AmazoníaSSTZ850

Intraseasonal variability in SouthAmerica and MJO impacts

The Mad<strong>de</strong>n Julian Oscillation: Leading mo<strong>de</strong> in the westerntropical Pacific at intraseasonal timescales (30-60 days)

Observación y predicción <strong>de</strong> la OMJÍndices diarios <strong>de</strong> la OMJ <strong>de</strong>l Centro <strong>de</strong>Predicción Climática (CPC) <strong>de</strong>l Servicio MeteorológicoNacional (NWS) <strong>de</strong> la NOAA (EE.UU.)Predicciones experimentales <strong>de</strong> OMJ <strong>de</strong>l Laboratorio <strong>de</strong>Investigación <strong>de</strong>l Sistema Terrestre (Earth SystemResearch Laboratory) <strong>de</strong> la NOAAhttp://www.cpc.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/MJO/mjo.shtmlhttp://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/MJO/in<strong>de</strong>x.primjo.htmlhttp://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/mjo/Pronósticos <strong>de</strong> variabilidad tropical(OMJ y ondas ecuatoriales)<strong>de</strong> la Oficina Australiana <strong>de</strong> Meteorología(Australian Bureau of Meteorology)http://cawcr.gov.au/staff/mwheeler/maproom/RMM/http://cawcr.gov.au/staff/mwheeler/maproom/OLR_mo<strong>de</strong>s/Pronósticos <strong>de</strong> la OMJ <strong>de</strong> Paul Roundy,Universidad Estatal <strong>de</strong> Nueva York en Albany(State University of New York, SUNY, Albany)http://www.atmos.albany.edu/facstaff/ roundy/waves/Pronósticos <strong>de</strong> la OMJ <strong>de</strong> Barney Lovey Adrian Matthews, Universidad <strong>de</strong> East Angliahttp://envam1.env.uea.ac.uk/ mjo_forecast.html

The SESA dipole

Vertically integrated water vapor flux& precipitation for + and - phase

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