assessment and self-assessment of corporate social ... - Mihajlo Pupin

assessment and self-assessment of corporate social ... - Mihajlo Pupin

assessment and self-assessment of corporate social ... - Mihajlo Pupin


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JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS (JEMC)Vol. 3, No. 1, 2013, 11-16ASSESSMENT AND SELF-ASSESSMENT OF CORPORATE SOCIALRESPONSIBILITY: PROBLEMS AND DECISIONSLarisa NIKITINAVoronezh State University, Universitetskaya pl., 1, Voronezh, Russia, 394006. E-mail: lanikitina@y<strong>and</strong>ex.ruAccepted 20 November, 2012Currently, the requirements for the <strong>social</strong> side <strong>of</strong> the enterprise are increasingly growing. It appliesto businesses <strong>of</strong> all types <strong>of</strong> ownership, size, organizational <strong>and</strong> legal forms, regardless <strong>of</strong> theirgeographical location, type <strong>of</strong> activity, cultural <strong>and</strong> national traditions. In Russia, after extensivediscussion <strong>of</strong> CSR essence in the last decade, the situation has been stabilized. Further extension <strong>of</strong>CSR is largely hindered by the lack <strong>of</strong> clear <strong>and</strong> accessible teaching approaches to organizing <strong>and</strong>implementing <strong>social</strong> activities in the enterprises <strong>of</strong> the region, based on certain rules <strong>and</strong>requirements. One <strong>of</strong> the attributes <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong>ly responsible behavior <strong>of</strong> companies is to followcertain st<strong>and</strong>ards, since they are the main tool to assess the stakeholders <strong>and</strong> also allows thecompany to objectively present their own level to achieve <strong>social</strong>ly important parameters <strong>of</strong>development. In 2011, the author participated in the development <strong>of</strong> the "St<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>of</strong> CorporateSocial Responsibility <strong>of</strong> Enterprises <strong>of</strong> Voronezh Region", which laid the evaluation indicators <strong>of</strong>the regional specificity. In this paper, the technique <strong>of</strong> <strong>self</strong>-<strong>assessment</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>corporate</strong> <strong>social</strong>responsibility based on the construction <strong>of</strong> the results matrix in the spheres <strong>of</strong> responsibility <strong>and</strong>stakeholder engagement is represented.Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Indicator, Social Accountability, Results Matrix, St<strong>and</strong>ard.INTRODUCTIONIn Russia, for the moment the number <strong>of</strong> companiesthat systematically carries out activities in all areas<strong>of</strong> CSR is very small. Even fewer companies areable to formalize the management <strong>of</strong> CSR <strong>and</strong> <strong>social</strong>reporting which are provided on a regular basis. Webelieve that this is a manifestation <strong>of</strong> suchinstitutional feature <strong>of</strong> Russian society as dominance<strong>of</strong> the informal part organization, which in turn hasled to some skepticism <strong>of</strong> Russian businessmen onthe need for formal documents, regulating the <strong>social</strong><strong>and</strong> economic activities. Therefore, one <strong>of</strong> the majorproblems faced by researchers <strong>and</strong> practitioners isthe measurement <strong>of</strong> <strong>corporate</strong> <strong>social</strong> performance<strong>and</strong> interpretation <strong>of</strong> results obtained in accordanceto the values <strong>of</strong> society <strong>and</strong> companies.Large Russian companies which actively cooperatewith foreign companies commonly use internationalst<strong>and</strong>ards. However, for the evaluation <strong>of</strong> most small<strong>and</strong> medium-sized enterprises these st<strong>and</strong>ards arenot suitable enough precisely because <strong>of</strong> theorientation <strong>of</strong> the transnational <strong>and</strong> large nationalbusinesses. In addition, the appreciation <strong>of</strong> thesest<strong>and</strong>ards is very limited: the results <strong>of</strong> the regionalempirical studies showed that only a few <strong>of</strong> therespondents are familiar in general terms withinternational accounting st<strong>and</strong>ards in the field <strong>of</strong>CSR, knowing the details <strong>of</strong> these st<strong>and</strong>ards was notamong the respondents (Nikitina, 2009). Tables1,2,3 present data on the use <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong> reporting inthe formation <strong>of</strong> CSR.As one can see, <strong>social</strong> reports are compiled by only6-10% <strong>of</strong> Voronezh enterprises. In the period <strong>of</strong>favourable business conditions, 23.3% <strong>of</strong> managersplanned to start the process, but during theworsening economic situation only 2% <strong>of</strong>respondents kept the desire. In other words, Russianmanagers do not consider the CSR reports asimportant statements <strong>of</strong> their economic well-being.It should be noted that the surveyed managers didnot make separate <strong>social</strong> reports. In 2007, 100% <strong>of</strong>the respondents indicated the appendix to the annualreport as a form <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong> reporting, in 2009 a third<strong>of</strong> managers made statements in the media.ISSN 2217-8147©2013 University <strong>of</strong> Novi Sad, Technical faculty “<strong>Mihajlo</strong> <strong>Pupin</strong>” in Zrenjanin, Republic <strong>of</strong> SerbiaAvailable online at http://www.tfzr.uns.ac.rs/jemc

12 NikitinaTable 1: The annual <strong>social</strong> reports preparation (% оf respondents)Compilation <strong>of</strong> reports <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong>Years2007 2009Yes 10,0 6,0No, but plan 23.3 2,0No 66,7 92,0Table 2: Forms <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong> reporting (% оf companies that make up <strong>social</strong> reports)The form <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong> reportingYears2007 2009A separate report in accordance with international non-st<strong>and</strong>ard 0,0 0,0Appendix to the Annual Report 100,0 66.7Report to the board 0,0 0,0Speech in the Media 0,0 33.3Other 0,0 0,0Table 3: Reasons for not making <strong>social</strong> reports (% оf companies that do not make up <strong>social</strong> reports)ReasonsYears2007 2009Other tasks 48.1 29.8The company is not ready for dialogue with the public 14.8 4.3Lack <strong>of</strong> financial resources 11.1 10.6Necessity absence 26.0 46.8Other 0,0 2.1Do not call the cause <strong>of</strong> 0,0 6.4In 2007 “other tasks” <strong>and</strong> “the absence <strong>of</strong> thenecessity” were named as the most importantreasons for not drawing on the CSR reports. In 2009the same reasons were named, but their rankings arereversed. It is noteworthy that only 26.0% <strong>of</strong>managers saw no need for <strong>social</strong> reporting in 2007<strong>and</strong> in 2009 there were 46.8%. We can assume thatthe worsening economic situation in the countryaffected the views <strong>of</strong> managers. But in general, thissituation is because the level <strong>of</strong> businessesmanagement relationship to <strong>corporate</strong> <strong>social</strong>responsibility is very unstable. Socially responsiblebehavior is seen as an attribute <strong>of</strong> a good life, whichcan be neglected for the deterioration <strong>of</strong> thesituation. That indicates that the level <strong>of</strong>underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> CSR as a strategy is not achieved.In this regard Russian federal <strong>and</strong> regionalgovernment authorities are taking steps to enhance<strong>social</strong>ly responsible behavior <strong>of</strong> Russian enterprises.METHOD OF "STANDARD OF CORPORATESOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OFENTERPRISES OF VORONEZH REGION"It should be noted that at the present time in Russiathe unified <strong>social</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard does not exist. Socompanies could not make up st<strong>and</strong>ardized <strong>and</strong>comparable reporting. All national st<strong>and</strong>ards for<strong>corporate</strong> <strong>social</strong> responsibility are developed basedon the documents <strong>of</strong> authoritative internationalorganizations: OECD Guidelines for MultinationalEnterprises (OECD, 2000); UN Human RightsNorms for Business; Global Compact; ILOConventions; Global Sullivan Principles. At theirbase the separate documents, which are advisory innature, <strong>and</strong> the fulfillment <strong>of</strong> their dem<strong>and</strong>s isvoluntary were formed: St<strong>and</strong>ard "Socialresponsibility <strong>of</strong> the organization. Requirements"-CSR/2008 developed by Russian Organization forQuality (ROQ, 2007); St<strong>and</strong>ard "Social reporting byenterprises <strong>and</strong> organizations registered in theRussian Federation. Guidelines", proposed byRussian Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce; "Basicperformance indicators. Recommendations for use inthe practice <strong>of</strong> management <strong>and</strong> <strong>corporate</strong> nonfinancialreporting", prepared by Russian Union <strong>of</strong>Industrialists <strong>and</strong> Entrepreneurs in order to promotethe ideas <strong>of</strong> the Social Charter <strong>of</strong> Russian Business(2005).The lack <strong>of</strong> clear quantitative indicators <strong>of</strong> CSR <strong>and</strong>methodological basis for the interpretation <strong>of</strong> theresults are the main problems <strong>of</strong> the majority <strong>of</strong>st<strong>and</strong>ards. The use <strong>of</strong> the st<strong>and</strong>ards GRI <strong>and</strong> "Basicperformance indicators. Recommendations for use inthe practice <strong>of</strong> management <strong>and</strong> <strong>corporate</strong> nonfinancialreporting" (Russian adaptation <strong>of</strong> the GRI)can help to overcome these problems (Prokopov <strong>and</strong>Feoktistova, 2008). But first <strong>of</strong> all they do not allow

JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS (JEMC) 13evaluation <strong>of</strong> results <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong> activity without theinvolvement <strong>of</strong> experts, as they do not have specificguidelines for the indicators. Secondly, thecomposition <strong>of</strong> the proposed indicators <strong>of</strong> activityfits only to a large industrial enterprise. And thirdly,they give rise to only a formalization <strong>of</strong> the reportingprocess in the management <strong>of</strong> CSR. Also, thegeneral purpose <strong>of</strong> each st<strong>and</strong>ard is not reduced tothe common goal: one can assess the quality <strong>of</strong> thepreparation <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong> reports, while others aredesigned to improve the quality <strong>of</strong> reporting onsustainable development, the third are made forstakeholders.In the last 2-3 years in the Russian regions somesteps to enhance <strong>social</strong>ly responsible behavior <strong>of</strong>regional companies have been taken. This processwas developed by such tools as organization <strong>of</strong> thevarious competitions, building a rating <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong>lyresponsible businesses, <strong>and</strong> developing their ownCSR st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> codes. In the Voronezh regionthe initiative in the introduction <strong>and</strong> development <strong>of</strong>CSR has also been taken. We have developed"St<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>of</strong> <strong>corporate</strong> <strong>social</strong> responsibility <strong>of</strong>enterprises <strong>of</strong> Voronezh Region". It covers thegeneral theoretical position associated with theterminology, goals, principles <strong>of</strong> <strong>corporate</strong> <strong>social</strong>responsibility, <strong>and</strong> includes minimum requiredindicators to assess the level <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong> responsibility.The st<strong>and</strong>ard can be used by organizations <strong>of</strong> allsizes <strong>and</strong> types, regardless <strong>of</strong> affiliation to aparticular industry, the level <strong>of</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> therequirements <strong>of</strong> international st<strong>and</strong>ards for <strong>self</strong><strong>assessment</strong><strong>and</strong> provided information to keystakeholders (public authorities <strong>and</strong> managementbodies <strong>of</strong> local <strong>self</strong>-government, communityorganizations, made available to the public throughmedia, etc.).The St<strong>and</strong>ard provides the use <strong>of</strong> both quantitative<strong>and</strong> qualitative indicators. The use <strong>of</strong> quantitativevariables ensures comparability <strong>of</strong> data. Theprincipal feature <strong>of</strong> this st<strong>and</strong>ard is that the CSRindicators are grouped in three spheres <strong>of</strong>responsibility - technical-technological,organizational-economic <strong>and</strong> non-productive. Thisallows description <strong>of</strong> three areas <strong>of</strong> socio-economicrelations:− State <strong>of</strong> the productive forces, from which allother components <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong>ly responsiblebehavior <strong>of</strong> the enterprise depend on;− The degree <strong>of</strong> organizational <strong>and</strong> economicrelations, which mediate the productive forces;− The nature <strong>and</strong> intensity <strong>of</strong> interaction <strong>of</strong>companies with governments, local governments,civil society organizations in decision <strong>of</strong> a widerange <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong>ly significant issues <strong>of</strong> nonproductiveactivities.For example, composition <strong>of</strong> the indicators in theorganizational-economic sphere is presented inTable 4.The structure <strong>of</strong> the indicators in the St<strong>and</strong>ard showsnot only content elements <strong>of</strong> the specific areas <strong>of</strong>CSR, but also evaluates the level <strong>of</strong> achievement inthis area.INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS OFCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYFOR THE COMPANY AND ITSSTAKEHOLDERSSt<strong>and</strong>ard’s indicators rank the activities <strong>of</strong> thecompany's <strong>corporate</strong> <strong>social</strong> responsibility at threelevels. Ranking done on the basis <strong>of</strong> theimplementation obligations <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong>ly responsibleactivities: m<strong>and</strong>atory <strong>and</strong> voluntary. The minimumvalue <strong>of</strong> the indicator sets a limit <strong>of</strong> m<strong>and</strong>atory level.Failure to comply with m<strong>and</strong>atory actionsautomatically precludes the company from a number<strong>of</strong> responsible, no matter what voluntary <strong>social</strong>lyimportant transactions it may produce. In thepresence <strong>of</strong> at least one indicator with a value <strong>of</strong>"zero", the enterprise cannot be considered <strong>social</strong>lyresponsible. This is due to the fact that in prescribingregulations the values that society considersunconditional are reflected. The company may notshare this value system, but has no right (either legalor moral) to consider their own values moresignificant than that prescribed by society. This doesnot exclude the possibility to initiate the introduction<strong>of</strong> changes to regulations aimed at improving the<strong>social</strong> responsibility <strong>of</strong> all society that can beconsidered as an element <strong>of</strong> <strong>social</strong>ly responsiblebehavior on a higher - voluntary level.The St<strong>and</strong>ard takes into account that the conditionsin which businesses operate are specific to eachregion. Achievement <strong>of</strong> at least average levelindicates that the enterprise-specific parameter <strong>of</strong> itsactivities is working "better than others." Therefore,the averages over sphere <strong>of</strong> activity in Voronezhregion were taken as the first level <strong>of</strong> CSR.The first level is primary. It represents thecompany's activities aimed at the assimilation <strong>of</strong> theCSR provisions which are already developed,obtaining a sufficiently common for companies inthe region results <strong>and</strong> the adaptation to the generatedrules. So it can be treated as a voluntary adaptive.

14 NikitinaTable 4: Indicators <strong>of</strong> <strong>corporate</strong> <strong>social</strong> responsibility in the organizational-economic sphereThe minimum value <strong>of</strong> The minimum value <strong>of</strong>the indicator not the indicatorreached (0 points)(1 point)(2 points)№ Name <strong>of</strong> indicator1 Collective agreement2345678Average monthly wage(rubles per 1 employee)The minimum wage in theorganization (rubles permonth)The coefficient <strong>of</strong> wagedifferentiation in theorganization (the ratio <strong>of</strong>average wages 10% <strong>of</strong> thehighest paid <strong>and</strong> the averagewage <strong>of</strong> 10% <strong>of</strong> the lowest paidemployees (how many times))Payment <strong>and</strong> adjustment <strong>of</strong>wagesThe coefficient <strong>of</strong> staffturnover (%)Number <strong>of</strong> employees, passedvocational training, retraining<strong>and</strong> advanced training at theexpense <strong>of</strong> the employer duringthe year (% <strong>of</strong> average number<strong>of</strong> employees)Saving workplaces (% <strong>of</strong>workplaces at the beginning<strong>of</strong> the year)9 Violations <strong>of</strong> tax laws1011Violations <strong>of</strong> Charter <strong>and</strong>contractual obligations tosuppliers <strong>of</strong> material <strong>and</strong>financial resources (includingowners)Cases <strong>of</strong> unreasonableoverpricingThe collectiveagreement is notconcludedBelow the averagevalue in the region byactivityBelow the living-wageestablished in theregionThe collectiveagreement is concludedAverage value in theregion by activity <strong>and</strong>higherThe living-wageestablished in theregion <strong>and</strong> higherThe recommendedvalue <strong>of</strong> the indicatorThe collective agreementis tailored to a tripartiteagreement between theGovernment <strong>of</strong> theVoronezh region, tradeunions <strong>and</strong> employers'associationsAverage value inRussia by activity <strong>and</strong>higherDouble living-wageestablished in theregion <strong>and</strong> higher>10 5 – 10 < 5With arrears <strong>of</strong> wageduring the yearReduction(more than 5%)Without arrears <strong>of</strong>wagesIndexation <strong>of</strong> wages inaccordance with theconsumer price index inthe region> 20 10–20 < 10< 10 10- 20 > 20Tax penalties have beenappliedViolations were notresolved or resolved inthe courtsCases <strong>of</strong> unreasonableoverpricing were<strong>of</strong>ficially registeredOn last year's level (+ /- 5%)Tax payments are paid infull value at the request <strong>of</strong>the tax authority withinthe period when the dutyon the application <strong>of</strong>penalties by the taxauthority has not yetbegunViolations resolved out<strong>of</strong> courtNo violationsIncrease(more than 5%)Tax payments madepromptly <strong>and</strong> in fullvalueNo violationsSocially orientedpricing policy(discounts, benefits fordisadvantaged groups,etc.)The second level <strong>of</strong> CSR in the st<strong>and</strong>ard isrecognized not only voluntary, but the initiative inits distribution. Therefore, companies’ owninitiatives <strong>and</strong> results in the field <strong>of</strong> CSR, whichmark out a particular company <strong>of</strong> their totalpopulation, are especially highlighted. The excess <strong>of</strong>

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