Chithranjali Hills, Thiruvallom, Tvpm-695 027 Phone ... - C-Dit

Chithranjali Hills, Thiruvallom, Tvpm-695 027 Phone ... - C-Dit

Chithranjali Hills, Thiruvallom, Tvpm-695 027 Phone ... - C-Dit


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Centre for Development of Imaging Technology (C-DIT)<strong>Chithranjali</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>, <strong>Thiruvallom</strong>, <strong>Tvpm</strong>-<strong>695</strong> <strong>027</strong><strong>Phone</strong>: 2380910/ 912/ 895 Fax: 2380681TenderExtract of Public Notice:Tender Number: No. No. C-DIT/3/GNL/12/T 312 Dated 24.02.12Centre for Development of Imaging Technology (C-DIT)<strong>Chithranjali</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>, <strong>Thiruvallom</strong>, <strong>Tvpm</strong>-<strong>695</strong> <strong>027</strong>www.cdit.org <strong>Phone</strong>: 2380910/ 912/ 895 Fax: 2380681TENDER NOTICENo. C-DIT/3/GNL/12/T 312 Dated 24.02.12C-DIT invites sealed competitive bids for bulk printing and supply of HighSecurity Tax Receipts, Supply of 20,000 Nos of High Quality Executivelaptop bags, licensed Software’s and for an IP Camera. Full details aregiven in our Website: www.cdit.org. Last date for receipt of sealedtenders along with EMD is 06.03.12 at 11 AM. The tenders will beopened at 11.30AM, same day.Terms & Conditions and detailed specifications:1. Scope of work: Printing & supply of High Security taxreceiptsTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSd/ REGISTRAR

DetailsHigh Security Tax ReceiptsSecurity features: Single side printing, Multi colour printing,Nano/Micro line incorporated, logo printed, invisible printing (U/V),Void pantograph, back side gum coating with release paper of size4”x2” (on right end of the slip), Document type- single part continuousstationary format along with 4” horizontal perforation and threevertical perforation on each slip, serial numbering with penetratingink(three numbering on each slip), paper substrate-100-120GSM,paper size: 10”12”x1(three slip of size 10”x4” in a fold form)Requirement: 25 lakhsEMD will be Rs.25,000/- to be submitted in the form of DD/BG favouringRegistrar, C-DIT payable at Thiruvananthapuram.(price should be inclusive of VAT, Freight up to C-DIT office,<strong>Thiruvallom</strong>, Trivandrum)For further details contact: Mr.Sajan Ambadiyil at mobile No.94478278522. Specification for BagsSL.NO.ITEMDESCRIPTIONSize: 16x12.5”, 2 Main Compartment, 1decorated front pocket, water bottle pocket,Rexin-6x6 satin, inner compartment HQ Mat,Inner piping covering, No.8 zip & runner(Supply at C-DIT Office @ Vanchiyoor)Sample bag should be submitted along withprice offerPrice should be inclusive of VAT, delivery/supplyat siteEMD will be Rs. 25,000/- to be submitted in theQUANTITY20,000 Nos

form of DD/BG/BC favouring Registrar, C-DITpayable at Thiruvananthapuram.3. Specification for Licensed Software’sSL.NO.Item Description1. Windows 7 Professional Edn- 3 licenses2 Microsoft Office 2010 Professional- 1 license3 Fontlab Studio 5.0.4- 1 license4 Microsoft Visual studio 2010 Professional edn-1 license5 Kaspersky Antivirus Package-10 Pcs6 MSSQL Professional Edition- 1 licensePrice should be inclusive of VAT, delivery at site (C-DIT Campusat <strong>Thiruvallom</strong>)No EMD4. Specification of IP CameraHigh end IP Camera , for local viewing through intranet(For details contact Mr. Renjith K.S. @ Mobile No.9895889892)EMD @ 2% of the quoted value to be submitted in the form ofDD/BG/BC favouring Registrar, C-DIT payable atThiruvananthapuram.The price should be inclusive of VAT, Delivery &installation at Site. Participants should have todemonstrate their quoted Cameras before a Committee.AMC rate applicable, after the warranty period also tobe mentioned. Warranty of IP Camera should beminimum 1 year from the date of supply & installation.

The Supplier should provide on site warranty andmaintenance support. Tenderer should be Mfr/authorized dealer/ reseller of branded products. TheSupplier should deliver the item within 7 days from thedate of receipt of confirmed purchase order. Theinstallation should be completed within 3-5 daysthereafter. Payment will be made only after successfulinstallation at site.* (There is no tender form. Tenderer should submit the offeron their own letter head along with + EMD (in the form ofDD/BG/BC favouring Registrar, C-DIT payable atThiruvananthapuram). If the tenderer is eligible for exemptionfrom submission of EMD, he shall produce exemptioncertificate from relevant authorities at the time of bidopening. (Those having valid SSI Registration in the field ofMfr/ service and if quoted for that service/ item, thatEnterprise will be exempted from submission of EMD).General Conditions:1. The EMD of unsuccessful tenderer’s will be returned as soonas the formalities are completed after award, and the EMD ofthe successful tenderer will be released when the successfultenderer has executed an agreement (as in Annexure-iii).The EMD/BG submitted by all tenderers are liable to beforfeited in case the tenderer withdraws his tender orenhances the prices during the validity period.2. Delivery time required has to be specified clearly in thequotation.

3. The price quoted by the Supplier should be inclusive of alltaxes, freight & delivery at site, and installation( in case ofIP Camera). The appropriate rates should be shownclearly in the invoice.4. Non compliance with any of the contractual provision bythe Supplier shall result in the termination of the contract.5. Deviation in Delivery Schedule: Any deviation in agreeddelivery schedule will attract penalty as per C-DIT’sProcurement Policy.6. Authority: The authority for the acceptance of the tenderswrest exclusively with C-DIT. The C-DIT does not undertake toaccept the lowest or any particular tender or assign anyreason whatsoever for the rejection of any tender.7. Payment terms: The following terms of payment shall beapplicable for the contract –100 % payment within 15-20days time after successful supply & or installation/completion of work and on certification from competentauthority from C-DIT.9. Default in execution schedule: In case the Contractor failsto complete the supply/ work within the time provided for, orthe contractor commits any breach of the contract, it shallbe lawful for the society to cancel the contract at the riskand cost of the contractor.10. Other conditions: a) The contractor shall undertake tosupply/ use materials according to the relevant national/international standards/specifications. No representation ofenhancement of rates once accepted will be considered.The rates should be valid for at least 3 months from the dateof release of first confirmed order b) Any deviation in the

specifications in comparison with the requirement should beclearly brought to the notice of C-DITSd/ Regi V.MathewSenior Manager (Purchase)C-DITFor REGISTRAR, C-DITDated 24.02.12Annexures:ANNEXURE IPROFORMA FOR BANK GUARANTEE IN LIEU OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)Bank Guarantee No. ………………………..Date : ………………….Ref :-ToCentre for Development of Imaging TechnologyChitranjali <strong>Hills</strong><strong>Thiruvallom</strong>, Thiruvananthapuram – <strong>695</strong> <strong>027</strong> (India)Dear Sirs,WHEREAS in response to your Tender Notification No.……………………………………………………. due on ……*………………… M/s………………………………………………………………………. ………….. havingits registered office at ……………………………………… (hereinafter called“Tenderer”) wish to participate in said tender for…………………………………………….. as specified ANDWHEREAS an irrevocable bank guarantee in lieu of cash deposit for anamount of ………………………... valid for …………***……………….. days

from ……………………….. is required to be submitted by the Tenderer as acondition precedent for participation in the said tender, which amount isliable to be forfeited on the happening of any contingencies mentionedin the Tender documents.We, the …………………………………. at …………………………………. havingour Head Office at ………………………………………… (hereinafter referredto as “the Bank”) do hereby undertake to pay immediately on demand tothe Centre for Development of Imaging Technology, Chitranjali <strong>Hills</strong>,<strong>Thiruvallom</strong>, Thiruvananthapuram - 27 (hereinafter called C-DIT) anamount of Rs. ………………………………… (on words and figures) withoutany reservation, protest, demur and recourse. Any such demand madeby C-DIT shall be binding on us irrespective any dispute or differenceraised by the Tenderer.This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid upto……***…………………………….. If any further extension is remitted thesame shall be extended to such required period (not exceeding oneyear) on receiving instructions from M/s. ………………………………. Onwhose behalf this guarantee is issued.In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorised Officer, has set its handand stamp on this ………………………. Day of ………………………. Month200 ……. at …………………………..WITNESS……………………………….(Signature)(Name)(Signature)………………………………..Designation withBank stamp(Name)No :………………………………….Power of AttorneyDate(Official Address)Notes :-The stamp paper is to be purchased in the name ofExecuting Bank

* This date shall be due date of tender opening** The amount shall be 2% of the bid price*** The validity date shall be 210 days from the due date of bidopeningANNEXURE – IIPROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)Bank Guarantee No. …………………………..Date : ……………………………Ref ………………….ToCentre for Development of Imaging TechnologyChitranjali <strong>Hills</strong><strong>Thiruvallom</strong>, Trivandrum <strong>695</strong> <strong>027</strong>Dear Sirs,In consideration of Cetnre for Development of Imaging Technology(herein after referred to as C-DIT, which expression shall unless repugnantto the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administratorsand assigns) having awarded to M/s.………………………………………………………… with its Registered / HeadOffice at ………………………………………… (herein after referred to as the“Contractor”/which expression shall unless repugnant to the context ormeaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and

assigns), a contract by issue of C-DIT’s letter of intent/Purchase Order No.……………………………………………………. dated …………………………….and the same having been unequivocally accepted by the Contractorresulting in a contract, bearing ref. No. ……………………………………….dated ………………….. Valued at.. for………………………………………………………………….. and the contractorhaving agreed to provide a contract performance Guarantee for thefaithful performance of the entire contract in lieu of Cash/Security Depositequivalent to 5% (five percent) of the said value of the Contract to C-DIT.We the Bank (Name & Address) …………………………………………………having our Head Office at………………………………………………………………. (hereinafter referred toas the “Bank”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context ormeaning thereof, include its s, administrators, executors and assigns) dohereby guarantee and undertake to pay the C-DIT, on demand any andall moneys payable by the Contractor to the extent of………………………………………………….. as aforesaid at any time upto…………..**……………………………….. (days/month/year) without anydemur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and/or without anyreference to the contractor. Any such demand made by the C-DIT on theBank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any differencebetween the C-DIT and the Contractor or any dispute pending beforeany Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. The Bank undertakesnot to revoke this guarantee during its currency without previous consentof the C-DIT and further agrees that the guarantee herein contained shallcontinue to be enforceable till the C-DIT discharges this guarantee.The C-DIT shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way theliability of the Bank under this guarantee, from time to time, to extend thetime for performance on the contract by the contractor. The C-DIT shallhave the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to postpone fromtime to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any rightwhich they might have against the Contractor and to exercise the same

at any time in any-manner, and either to enforce or forbear to enforceany covenants, contained or implied, in the contract between the C-DITand the Contractor or any other course or remedy or security available tothe owner. The bank shall not be released of its obligations under thesepresents by any exercise by the C-DIT of its liberty with reference to thematters aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any other act orforbearance or other acts of omission or commission on the part of the C-DIT or any other matter or thing whatsoever which under law would, butfor this provision have the effect of relieving the Bank.The Bank also agrees that the C-DIT at its option shall be entitled toenforce this guarantee against the Bank as a Principal debtor in the firstinstance without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstandingany security or other guarantee that the C-DIT may have in relation to thecontractor’s liabilities.Notwithstanding anything contained herein above our liability under thisguarantee is restricted to ………………………………………………… and itshall remain in force up to and including.. and shall be extended fromtime to time for such period (not exceeding one year) as may be desiredby M/s. ………………………………………………………………………….. onwhose behalf this guarantee has been given :Dated this ………………………………… day of ……………………….. 200 -………………………….. at ………………………………………..WITNESS(Signature).(Name).(Signature) …………………………(Banker’s Rubber Stamp)(Name)(Designation with Bank stamp)(Official Address)Attorney as per power of…………………………. Attorney No.……………………………….Date …………………………………Notes:

The Stamp papers of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name ofGuarantee issuing Bank.**The date will be the expiry date of the guarantee period as specified inthe Contract.ANNEXURE IIIPROFORMA OF “AGREEMENT”(To be executed on non-Judicial Stamp Paper)This Agreement made this. day of ………………………… Two thousandand ……………………………………. Between Centre for Development ofImaging Technology, a Society, registered under the Travancore-CochinLiterary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act XII of 1955,having its registered Office at Chitranjali <strong>Hills</strong>, <strong>Thiruvallom</strong>, Trivandrum <strong>695</strong><strong>027</strong> (hereinafter referred to as “C-DIT” which expression shall include itsadministrators, successors, executors and assigns) of the one part and…………………………… a company/firm incorporated under the.. havingits registered Office at ………………………………………… (hereinafterreferred to as the “Contractor” or ………………………. “X”…………………………. (brief name of contracting Co.)………………………………… (which expression shall include itsadministrators, successors, executors and permitted assigns) of the otherpart.WHEREAS C-DIT has invited bids for …………………………………………(briefly describe scope of …………………………. the………………………………………….. (work) as per its specification Ref. No.……………………………………………………

AND WHEREAS..…………………….. “X” ……………………………………………had participated in the above referred bidding vide their proposal No.……………………………………….. dated …………………………….. and C-DITaccepted their aforesaid proposal and awarded the dated……………………………… and C-DIT accepted their aforesaid proposaland awarded the contract to. “X” ……………………………. on terms andconditions contained in its letter of Indent/Purchase Order No.……………………………………….. dated ………………………. And thedocuments referred to therein, which have been accepted by………………….”X” ………………………... resulting into a “Contract”NOW THEREFORE THIS DEED WITNESSETH AS UNDER :-Article 1.0AWARD OF CONTRACTC-DIT has awarded the contract to ……………………………. “X”……………………….. for the work of ……………………………………. on theterms and conditions contained in its letter of Indent/Purchase Order No.……………………………………….. dated ………………………………….. andthe documents referred to therein. The award has taken effect from.………………………i.e. ……………….. the date of issue of the aforesaidLetter. The terms & expressions used in this Agreement shall have thesame meaning as are assigned to them in the “Contract Documents”referred to in the succeeding Article.Article 2.0CONTRACT DOCUMENTSThe Contract shall be performed strictly as per the terms and conditionsstipulated herein and in the following documents attached herewith(hereinafter referred to as “Contract Documents”).Article 3.0CONDITIONS & CONVENANTSThe scope of Contract, Consideration, Terms of payment, priceAdjustment, Taxes wherever applicable, Insurance, liquidated Damages,performance, Guarantee and all other terms and conditions arecontained in C-DIT’s Purchase Order No. …………………………. dated…………………… read in conjunction with other aforesaid Contractdocuments. The Contract shall be only performed by the Contractorstrictly and faithfully in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.The scope of work shall also include supply and installation of all suchitems which are not specifically mentioned in the contract Documents,

ut which are needed for successful, efficient, safe & reliable operation ofthe equipment unless otherwise specifically excluded in the specificationsunder "“exclusions” or Purchase Order.TIME SCHEDULE: Time is the essence of the contract and schedules shallbe strictly adhered to. “X” shall perform the work in accordance with theagreed schedule as given in letter of Indent/Purchase Order.The Contractor guarantees that the equipment package under thecontract shall meet the ratings and performance parameters, asstipulated in the Technical Specifications (Volume II) and in the event ofany deficiencies found in the requisite performance figures, the C-DIT mayat its option reject the equipment package or alternatively accept it onthe terms and conditions and subject to levy of the liquidated damages interms of Contract Documents. The amount of liquidated damages soleviable shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents andwithout any limitation.It is further agreed by the Contractor that the Contract performanceGuarantee shall in no way be construed to limit or restrict the C-DIT’s rightto recover the damages/compensation due to short-fall in the equipmentperformance figures as stated in para 3.4 above or under any otherclause of the Agreement. The amount of damages/Compensation shallbe recoverable either by way of deduction from the contract price,contract performance guarantee and/or otherwise.The Contract performance Guarantee furnished by the Contractor isirrevocable and un-conditional and the C-DIT shall have the powers toinvoke it notwithstanding any dispute or difference between the C-DITand the contractor pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrator or anyother authority.This Agreement constitutes full and complete understanding between theparties and terms of the presents. It shall supersede all priorcorrespondence to the extent of inconsistency of repugnancy to theterms and conditions contained in the Agreement. Any modification ofthe Agreement shall be effected only by a written instrument signed bythe authorised representatives of both the parties.Article 4.0 SETTLEMENTS OF DISPUTESIt is specifically agreed by and between the parties that all the differencesor disputes arising out of the Agreement or touching the subject matter ofthe Agreement shall be decided by process of settlement & Arbitration as

specified in clause.. and ……………………. of the conditions of thecontract and the provisions of the Indian Arbitration Act, 1940 shall applyand Kerala Courts alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the same.NOTICE OF DEFAULTNotice of default given by either party to the other party under theAgreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been dulyand properly served upon the parties here to if delivered againstacknowledgement or by telex or by registered mail withacknowledgement due addressed to the signatories at the addressesmentioned hereinabove.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties through their duly authorisedrepresentatives have executed these presents (execution where of hasbeen approved by the competent authorities of both the parties) on theday, month and year first above mentioned at Trivandrum.WITNESSC-DIT1. …………………………… (Signature)(Name)2. …………………………… (Designation)(Seal)1. …………………………… (Contractors signature)(Designation)(Seal)2. ……………………………

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