GreeN Growth - Asia-Pacific Business and Technology Report

GreeN Growth - Asia-Pacific Business and Technology Report

GreeN Growth - Asia-Pacific Business and Technology Report

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coverstorycoverstoryGreen <strong>Growth</strong>:Emerging ParadigmShift in Development<strong>and</strong> Economic <strong>Growth</strong>Global Green <strong>Growth</strong> Institute Leads the WayNotable figures attending from abroadincluded Lykke Friis, the Danish Ministerfor Climate <strong>and</strong> Energy; UNESCAP ExecutiveSecretary Noeleen Heyzer; <strong>and</strong> AngelGurria, the Secretary-General of the OECD.Korean President Lee Myung-bak also spokein the opening ceremony, <strong>and</strong> in attendanceby recorded video was Ban Ki-moon,Secretary-General of the United Nations.The date itself was also quite significant,as this year is the 50th anniversary of theOECD, the 15th anniversary of Korea joiningit, <strong>and</strong> the one year anniversary of theGlobal Green <strong>Growth</strong> Institute, launched inKorea.The point of the summit was to try topush a more responsible civilization whichwould change policies <strong>and</strong> influence public<strong>and</strong> private sectors to use more sustainabletechnologies in order to try to avoid theproblems that the industrial revolution hascaused the planet. President Lee said at theopening ceremony, “We can make changesif we concentrate all our efforts on harmonybetween man <strong>and</strong> the earth. The key to agreen economy with low carbon emissionsis technology.” The President’s office saidthat he hoped the forum would become thepremier forum in which to discuss globalgreen growth issues.The two days of the summit had differentfocuses. The first day was designed toreinforce cooperation between countries inthe development of green growth, <strong>and</strong> forsharing development strategies. The secondday focused on new partnerships <strong>and</strong>leadership in green growth. Because it wasalso an OECD meeting, some of the topicsdiscussed on the second day veered awayfrom green technology <strong>and</strong> into discussionsabout Korea’s economy.Notable statements during the summitThe point of the summit was to try topush a more responsible civilizationwhich would change policies <strong>and</strong> influencepublic <strong>and</strong> private sectors to usemore sustainable technologies in order totry to avoid the problems that the industrialrevolution has caused the planet.Han Seung-soo | Global Green <strong>Growth</strong> Institute ChairmanBy Matthew Weig<strong>and</strong>If you were in the vicinity of the Lotte Hotel in downtownSeoul on June 20 to 21 of this year, you mighthave noticed an increased security presence <strong>and</strong> an unusuallylarge number of nondescript black cars. Thatwas due to the Global Green <strong>Growth</strong> Summit, in which91 foreign dignitaries from 25 different countries gatheredto discuss the issues of climate change <strong>and</strong> thetechnological response to these unfortunate realities.Qa &Korea Taking theLead in PushingGreen <strong>Growth</strong>The <strong>Asia</strong>-<strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Technology</strong><strong>Report</strong> interviewed Dr. Han Seungsoo,former Prime Minister of Korea, inhis new position as the Chairman of theGlobal Green <strong>Growth</strong> Institute, whichis an organization dedicated to promotinggreen growth around the world. Wespoke with him about green growth,governmental support, <strong>and</strong> the future ofa post-Industrial Revolution globe.8 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 9

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