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GreeN Growth - Asia-Pacific Business and Technology Report

GreeN Growth - Asia-Pacific Business and Technology Report

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travelwww.biztechreport.comJeju Isl<strong>and</strong>:Halla Mountain<strong>and</strong> Olle Hikingby Jin-Suk YangJeju Isl<strong>and</strong>, the largestisl<strong>and</strong> in South Korea,lies to the south of theKorean peninsula. It isa volcanic isl<strong>and</strong> but it iscurrently dormant.This volcanic isl<strong>and</strong> is dominated by HallaMountain, the tallest mountain in SouthKorea, which rises 1,950 meters above sealevel. Jeju Isl<strong>and</strong>’s unique geographical locationwith its subtropical climate, whichis much warmer than rest of the Koreanpeninsula, has made it a favorable touristdestination, appealing to many couples asa popular locale for honeymoon trips <strong>and</strong>to many tourists as a popular sightseeingdestination. Traditionally the major touristattractions in Jeju Isl<strong>and</strong> were its beaches,colorful natural scenery, historical relics<strong>and</strong> national parks, but recently hiking hassurfaced as one of the most popular tourismthemes among Jeju Isl<strong>and</strong> visitors.Halla Mountain HikingHalla Mountain (1950 m), a dormant volcanocharacterized for its gentle slopes, issituated at the center of Jeju Isl<strong>and</strong>. Baeknokdam,its summit crater, is where thelegendary story has it that an ancient mysticwho traveled on a white deer came forrefreshment. Halla Mountain also features asteep cliff <strong>and</strong> rocks in a variety of shapes,along with the surrounding 40 oreums (parasiticvolcanos, or small volcanoes formedaround a major volcano), <strong>and</strong> the mountainboasts distinguished <strong>and</strong> outst<strong>and</strong>ing scenicviews throughout the four seasons. HallaMountain is also called a living ecologicalpark because it acts as a natural habitat forapproximately 2000 of the 4000 species ofplants that are found in Korea. It also hasthe largest ecology of Korean fir trees at thesummit. For its outst<strong>and</strong>ing scenic appeal, aswell as geological <strong>and</strong> biological value, HallaMoutain was designated as a World NaturalHeritage by UNESCO in the year 2007.There are six major trails for Halla Mountainhiking, namely, Eorimok, Yeonsil,Songpanak, Gwaneumsa, Donnaeko, <strong>and</strong>Eoseungsaengak Trails. The Eorimok, Yeonsil,<strong>and</strong> Songpanak Trails are the most popular<strong>and</strong> recommendable.Eorimk Trail is a 6.8 kilometer long traillaid on the northwest side of Halla Mountain<strong>and</strong> begins at the Eorimok Square onthe 1100 Road. It is the most popular trailbecause the views of Jeju oreums can beseen right away. The Eorimik trail runsacross Witseoreum at 1,700 meters abovesea level. It stops at the junction of themountain’s southern cliff due to the RestyearSabbatical System around the top area.For a return course, trackers could take eitherthe Yeongsil or Donnaeko Trails.The Yeongsil Trail is southwest of HallaMountain which is a 5.8 kilometer course.The path to the trail is on the 1100 Road.Although it is the shortest course, the outst<strong>and</strong>ingscenery along the trail is one ofa kind. It also offers the best autumn foliage.Because of the steep angle of the stonestairways from 1,400 meters above sea level,trackers may have to rest more frequently.The Rest-year Sabbatical System is currentlyapplied around the top of Halla Mountain.For this reason, trackers are only allowedto the junction of the mountain’s southerncliff after passing through Witseoreum atContinued from Page 33including foreign ownership ceilings in keyservices, <strong>and</strong> liberalizing product marketregulations.” Besides, it added, it’s “importantto foster a foreign investment-friendlyclimate by enhancing the transparency oftax <strong>and</strong> regulatory policies <strong>and</strong> reformingthe labor market.”The issue of social spending lay at the1,700 meters above sea level.Seongpanak Trail is a 9.6 kilometer longcourse that is located on the east side of HallaMountain. The trail begins at the 750 meterspoint above sea level on the 516 Roadthat runs across the mountain <strong>and</strong> the trailcontinues to the summit. It is a good coursefor trackers for all ages <strong>and</strong> genders due tothe trait’s gentle slope. The SeongpanakTrail boasts the spectacular beauty of springwith the field covered by azalea blossoms<strong>and</strong> greenery of the Korean fir trees. As areturn course trackers could take GwaneumsaTrail.Olle hiking“Olle” [Ole] is the Jeju dialect for a narrowpathway that is connected from thestreet to the front gate of a house. Hence,Olle is a path that comes out from a secretroom to an open space <strong>and</strong> a gateway tothe world. In a sense, if the road is connected,it is linked to the whole isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> therest of the world as well. In short, Olle is atrail route path along the pristine coastalperimeter of Jeju Isl<strong>and</strong> that has been purposefullymarked by volunteers to enablewalkers of all ages to enjoy the unspoiledbeauty of the environment. When pronouncingthe word Olle, it sounds like saying“Would you come” in Korean, so Jeju’sOlle sounds like saying “Would you cometo Jeju?” Since the year 2007, when the firstOlle trail was opened, there have been effortsto develop <strong>and</strong> open more Olle trails.There are currently a total of twelve trailheart of the problem of overweening inequities.“Social spending – at 7.5 percent ofGDP – remains well below the OECD averageof 20 percent,” said the report, whileKorea’s “tax <strong>and</strong> transfer systems have thesmallest impact on inequality of any countryin the OECD area” <strong>and</strong> “well-targeted tax<strong>and</strong> benefit programs are needed to mitigateincreasing inequality trends.” That wasroutes equaling 200 kilometers of walkingtrails. It is said that trackers who explorethe Jeju Olle could experience peace, happiness<strong>and</strong> healing on the road.On average, each Olle trail is about tento eighteen kilometers long, <strong>and</strong> each offersa distinct opportunity to soak in thebeauty of the Jeju coastline that varies fromlowl<strong>and</strong>s to highl<strong>and</strong>s. Among the twelvemajor routes, route 7 which connects OedolgaeRock to Wolpyeong is known to be themost popular among visitors. This route is aseaside hiking trail beginning at OedolgaeRock <strong>and</strong> passing through Beophwan port<strong>and</strong> the Poonglim Resort until it reachesWolpyeong port. Some of the most lovedpoints on the route involve coming acrossabundant pampas grass <strong>and</strong> wildflowers.Moreover, visitors should never miss outon Soobong pathway <strong>and</strong> Soobong Bridge,which are named after Kim Soobong. Hebuilt the pathway <strong>and</strong> bridge himself usingshovel <strong>and</strong> pick to clear the road <strong>and</strong> movingbig stones to make the bridge.Hiking in Jeju Isl<strong>and</strong> is a unique experiencein a way that visitors can directly experiencethe natural environment. It offersvisitors the opportunity to fully enjoy JejuIsl<strong>and</strong> itself, Halla Mountain, beaches, <strong>and</strong>oreums which have not been artificially manipulatedto fit a tourist’s needs. Hiking canbe done alone, with families, or even withfriends. To fully experience hiking in JejuIsl<strong>and</strong>, participants need just three things:appropriate clothing, comfortable shoes,<strong>and</strong> some pocket money. A-Pan area in which Kim Dong-soo of the FairTrade Commission did not care to venturewhile calling for “open competition” on a“level playing field.” A-PDonald Kirk is the author of numerous books <strong>and</strong>articles on Korean business <strong>and</strong> economic issues,including “Korean Dynasty: Hyundai <strong>and</strong> ChungJu Yung” <strong>and</strong> “Korean Crisis: Unraveling of theMiracle in the IMF Era.”38 | A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT A-P BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY REPORT | 39

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