Our uSPs - Singapore Polytechnic

Our uSPs - Singapore Polytechnic

Our uSPs - Singapore Polytechnic


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SCHOLARSHIPS @ SP✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚SP12

SPOT @ SP✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚



SPACESArchitecture (S66)Civil Engineering with Business (S68)Environmental Management & Water Technology (S52)Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management (S95)Integrated Events & Project Management (S50) Landscape Architecture (S94)Creating A Sustainable Future✚SP16

DIPLOMA IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGWITH BUSINESS (DCEB – S68) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“SP provides a platform for individuals to explore anddiscover their own interests. The course has not onlyoffered me an excellent learning environment, but alsoequipped me with a variety of hands-on skills. Furthermore,DCEB lecturers and lab technicians are both friendly andapproachable. With the learning experience gained at SP,graduates can easily adapt to a new working environment.There is no doubt that the course has given me a solidengineering foundation that further prepared me in pursuingmy engineering dream at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology.” ✚SP18

DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT AND WATERTECHNOLOGY (DEWT – S52) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“The DEWT course is not just about attending lectures andcompleting tutorials day after day. It’s filled with site visits and overseasstudy trips that provided me with a better understanding and an appreciationfor what I’m learning. There were many opportunities available for me to excelbeyond my academics. One such example is the Overseas Service Learning Projectin Indonesia, where I was able to apply what I learned into practice. I represented<strong>Singapore</strong> with this project in an international social entrepreneurship competition inBerlin.”

DIPLOMA IN HOTELS & LEISUREFACILITIES MANAGEMENT(DHLFM – S95) I BELIEVE"The friends I've made and the knowledge I'vegained of the hotel industry has been an eye-opener.Having travelled a lot last year for competitions, Inow see a different and more complex side to how ahotel operates and I am eagerly looking forward toexperiencing a different path that has been opened upto me, apart from my sport." BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIES✚SP20

DIPLOMA IN INTEGRATED EVENTS& PROJECT MANAGEMENT(DEPM – S50) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE"My most memorable challenge was to take on the role of TeamLeader for Halloween Horrors 2011 at Night Safari as my FinalYear Project. It allowed me to put all my learned theoretical andpractical skills to the test. I also had to build on my leadershipand interpersonal skills along the way. My course of study as aDEPM student has equipped me with the vital skills and eventsexposure required to be innovative, adaptable and resourcefulto make a mark in the dynamic events industry."- Yang Shuzhen, Class of 2012.

DIPLOMA IN LANDSCAPEARCHITECTURE (DLA – S94) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“I dreaded my first few weeks of work becauseof the differences in environment betweenschool life and the real world - CAD, deadlines(overtime), meetings, and all - but now I canconfidently say that the training given by SP hasprepared me for this challenging and rewardingcareer. I get to design million-dollar projects, andbe responsible for the redevelopment of hectaresof land in overseas projects.” “The Diploma in Landscape Architecturecourse develops my appreciation for naturalsurroundings. We learned how to design andcreate living spaces for human and wildlife.Knowing the importance of respecting everyliving thing, we always emphasise a balance toall things in our designs. My three years in DLA isa journey towards a brighter future. Diploma inLandscape Architecture to me was an interesting,dynamic and unforgettable course.” ✚SP22

VENTURE Accountancy (S75) Banking & Finance (S76) Business Administration (S71) Business Innovation & Design (S34) Financial Informatics (S46) Human Resource Managementwith Psychology (S48) International Business (S36) Tourism & Resort Management (S55)Designing Business. Defining TomorrowWhy SP Business School? ✚SP24

DIPLOMA INACCOUNTANCY(DAC – S75)BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“The highlight of my course was the internshipprogramme. I was posted to Deloitte and Touche, oneof the big four auditing firms in the world. It was an eyeopening experience to be able to check on the financialsof different companies. I was under the SP OutstandingTalent programme which brought me to Dubai for aninternational conference. SP was a really awesomeexperience for me!”

DIPLOMA IN BANKING ANDFINANCE (DBKF – S76) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“The hands-on approach of learning in SP has taught me team workand leadership building. It also helped to build up my confidenceto speak up and present myself well. Interacting with lecturersand peers has helped to shape me into a more mature person.” ✚SP26

DIPLOMA IN BUSINESSADMINISTRATION (DBA – S71)BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“With its rigorous yet flexible and practicalacademic programme, the Diploma in BusinessAdministration (DBA) course has preparedme for many challenges that life poses. Be itsatisfying the desire for academic knowledge,seeking enrichment for personal development throughnumerous student activities, or even just wanting to have afun, experiential and unique student life, DBA has it all! Youthis precious, and there are no better places to seek a more holisticbusiness education than here!”

DIPLOMA IN BUSINESSINNOVATION ANDDESIGN (DBID – S34)BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“Once again, <strong>Singapore</strong> is leading the way globally in makingBusiness Design a core thrust of its economic policy. I havenothing but the greatest respect for the country, our partner <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong>, and the new Diploma inBusiness Innovation and Design.” ✚SP28

DIPLOMA IN FINANCIALINFORMATICS (DFI-S46) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“What I like most about DFI is the strong sense of belongingamong the DFI community – our peers, seniors and juniors,lecturers and alumni. Together, we support each other andhave lots of fun and fond memories. The course’s unique natureof multiple disciplines has broadened my perspectives andhelped navigate the finding of my interests and career goals.”

DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCEMANAGEMENT WITHPSYCHOLOGY (DHRMP - S48) ✚SP30BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“D is for the dedicated lecturers I have met and the deepfriendships I have forged with them. H is for the happy andhomely feelings of being in this course. R is for the richknowledge that I gained. M is for the memories that I’llremember for life. P is for the possibilities that the school hasopened up for me. There’s nothing more I could ask for in mythree years of DHRMP in SP Business School.”

DIPLOMA ININTERNATIONALBUSINESS (DIB – S36) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“As a university professor, the question I ask myself about the programmesthat I evaluate is ‘Would I want my kids to enrol in this programme?’ If my children want to learninternational business, I would be very satisfied if they chose the Diploma in InternationalBusiness from <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong>.”

DIPLOMA IN TOURISM AND RESORTMANAGEMENT (DTRM – S55)BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“My time in SP pursuing the DTRM course had been ajourney that brought me much joy, invaluable learningexperiences and self discovery. The excellent learningenvironment had enabled me to excel and map myfuture after SP. I was able to secure a SPRING <strong>Singapore</strong>Scholarship to pursue my studies at the NanyangTechnological University. With SP’s DTRM, the impossible ispossible!” ✚SP32

DISCOVERY Applied Chemistry with PharmaceuticalScience (S64) Biomedical Science (S98) Biotechnology (S72) Chemical Engineering (S70) Food Science & Technology (S47) Materials Science (S37) Nutrition, Health & Wellness (S44) Optometry (S67) Perfumery and Cosmetic Science (S38)Sciences for Better LivingWhy CLS?✚SP34

DIPLOMA IN APPLIED CHEMISTRY WITHPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE(DACP – S64) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“This diploma course provides students with acomprehensive coverage of fundamental chemistryas the main course and a basket of appliedchemistry modules as electives. Students areequipped with a strong foundation in chemistryand a good appreciation of its applicationparticularly in the pharmaceutical field, whichbetter prepare them for university education.”

DIPLOMA IN BIOMEDICALSCIENCE (DBS – S98) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE"My learning experience in SP DBS is one of itskind! It is not just about learning the theories butalso putting them into application and learninghow to inject fun in the learning process. Theholistic education from SP DBS has developed andprepared me well to take on future challenges aheadas I further my studies in Yong Loo Lin, School ofMedicine to realise my dream of becoming a doctor."✚SP36

DIPLOMA IN BIOTECHNOLOGY (DBT-S72) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESBiomedical Science and Biotechnologystudents in SP, like Yap Junliang here, havethe opportunity to do research-relatedinternships at top-notched universities likeHarvard, Imperial College, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Stanford and Yale.I BELIEVE“The DBT course was very well structured, with excellent studymaterials provided. It inspired me to pursue further studies in thesame field. The ‘open’ lecture-tutorial system with emphasis on selfinitiativeto learn is very similar to the universities, which I find to be agreat advantage. SP prepared me well for University studies.”

DIPLOMA IN CHEMICALENGINEERING (DCHE – S70) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE"At SP, aside from academic excellence, I wasgroomed to take on various leadership roles. Lifeas a DCHE student was never mundane. I was givenmany chances to learn beyond the classroom suchas participating in an overseas attachment in UKas well as serving the community in China. I amtruly grateful that all these unique experienceshave won me the Model Student Award as well asthe Nanyang Scholarship." ✚SP38

DIPLOMA IN FOOD SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGY (DFST – S47) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE"The Food Science and Technology diplomaby <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> equipped me withthe interdisciplinary concepts of food scienceand technology that are essential and useful formy undergraduate studies in NUS. The handsonapproach via laboratory sessions during mypolytechnic days had also provided me withthe confidence to carry out my undergraduatehonours year research project independently. Inaddition, exposing students to industrial attachmentin the diploma programme had allowed us to be moreprepared and equipped to work in the food industry."

DIPLOMA IN MATERIALSSCIENCE (DMLS – S37) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE"My experience in DMLS has been more than positive. Not only wasadequate knowledge provided to us, we were also empowered with relevantskills in our field of studies. In the process, we are more than just students,we are people ready to contribute back to the society." ✚SP40

DIPLOMA IN NUTRITION, HEALTHAND WELLNESS (DNHW – S44) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“I chose this course over JCs because it is theonly course of this nature that is available in<strong>Singapore</strong> and more importantly, I have interestin both the nutrition and dietetics areas. Thiscourse has been the right choice for me as itcontains many interesting modules. I am proudto be in the pioneer batch and I really enjoyedevery aspect of the course!””

DIPLOMA IN OPTOMETRY (DOPT – S67) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“The Diploma in Optometry (DOPT) course in<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> equipped me with up-to-dateknowledge and skills in Optometry. The stimulatingenvironment and enthusiastic lecturers made learningengaging and fun. Their passion for Optometrywas infectious and ignited in me a desire to knowmore, which is why I am currently pursuing a PhD inNeuroscience at the University of Manchester, UK”✚SP42

DIPLOMA IN PERFUMERY ANDCOSMETIC SCIENCE (DPCS – S38) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“Choosing to come to SP to do this course was adaunting decision as it meant forsaking the welltroddenJC path. But it was one of the best decisionsI’ve made in life. I chose to do DPCS because it is a loveI’ve harboured since young and I know it’s somethingI’d like to spend the rest of my life doing.”

STORIES Applied Drama a and Psychology (S43) Creative Writing for TV and New Media (S41) Media and Communication (S86)Take Your Story To A Higher LevelDiploma Plus Programmes✚SP44

DIPLOMA IN APPLIED DRAMA ANDPSYCHOLOGY (DADP – S43) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“You will never leave DADP without impacting the communityaround you, giving yourself a voice, putting your heart into thingsthat truly matter and most importantly, enriching the soul of ourfast-paced society.”

DIPLOMA IN CREATIVE WRITINGFOR TV AND NEW MEDIA(DTVM – S41)BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“Just a couple of years ago, I was an average studentwho had little to be proud of, but now I have sucha beautiful future ahead of me. Although this maysound clichéd, I really have to thank my polytechniceducation in DTVM because I truly would not bewhere I am today without it.” ✚SP46

DIPLOMA IN MEDIA ANDCOMMUNICATION (DMC – S86) BRIGHT FUTURE FURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“At DMC, we are taught to excel. I was given lots of opportunities toexplore. The modules were very relevant and they reflect the latesttrends and changes that impact the industr

EXPERIMENTATION Experience & ProductDesign (S51) Games Design andDevelopment (S56) Interior Design (S89) Visual Communication andMedia Design (S93)Design = Explore + Experiment+ Experience✚SP48

DIPLOMA IN EXPERIENCE ANDPRODUCT DESIGN (DXPD – S51) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE"I went on an overseas immersion programme in Dalian,China, and was also a member of the exhibition team inSalone Satellite, Milan, Italy. These trips have exposedme to the international design industry. The three-yearjourney has been very intense yet fruitful in my designeducation. My lecturers have been instrumental in mylearning and growth. Now, I look forward to my nextdesign education journey in NUS (Industrial DesignProgramme)."

DIPLOMA IN GAMES DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT (DGDD – S56) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“The SP interns repeatedly demonstrated the abilityto adapt very well with enthusiastic and curiousminds while coping with the creative demands of ourprojects. This gives us the confidence to accept newintakes knowing that they will be able to producegood work with our teams.” ✚SP50

DIPLOMA IN INTERIORDESIGN (DID – S89) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVEEvery design project always starts outseemingly impossible, until it is done.Nonetheless the struggle itself is thelearning process; this is what developsmy strengths and drives me to workharder. The course has given me not onlythe knowledge that I would need in theindustry but also other opportunities such as travelling to Chiang Mai, Thailand, to builda home for the needy, attending international workshops by the Architectural Association(School of Architecture, London), and participating in design competitions.”

DIPLOMA IN VISUALCOMMUNICATION ANDMEDIA DESIGN (DVMD – S93) I BELIEVE“In DCMD, I ate, lived and breathed design! I’ve gained alot from the training and support during the three years,both in the field of design, in my own life, and through thework I’ve done in The Student Agency. I’ve also gained alot of real-world experience. I really appreciate my timeat DCMD, without which I would not have clinched theDesign<strong>Singapore</strong> scholarship for my university studies inAustralia!” BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIES✚SP52

DREAMS Business Information Technology (S82) Digital Animation (S35) Infocomm Security Management (S54) Information Technology (S69) Music and Audio Technology (S97) Visual Effects and Motion Graphics (S39)Authoring Digital PossibilitiesInnovative Teaching ApproachInspiring Learning SpacesImmersive DMIT Experience✚SP54

DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY (DBIT – S82) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“DBIT has equipped me with wide ranging skills andknowledge. This in turn gave me the flexibility to choose from avariety of degree courses in universities, as well as a spectrumof career options.”

DIPLOMA IN DIGITAL ANIMATION(DDA – S35) BRIGHT FUTURE✚SP56FURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“All that I have learned in this course has helped a lot ingetting me this far - from creative thinking to modelingto animation.”

DIPLOMA IN INFOCOMM SECURITYMANAGEMENT (DISM – S54) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“I am very excited to join The RoyalHolloway, a prestigious school that iswell-known for its information securityprogrammes. My training in SP has helped lay agood foundation and given me exposure to honemy skillsin information security; I am now ableto appreciateeven the more advanced topics at theMasters level.”

DIPLOMA IN INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY (DIT – S69)✚SP58FURTHER STUDIES BRIGHT FUTUREI BELIEVE“SP’s DIT changed my life by empowering me to strive forexcellence. I’ve met so many inspiring, helpful and encouraginglecturers that have ensured the highest quality of my three-year learningjourney in SP. Opportunities to work with infocomm leaders such asMicrosoft, Oracle, SCS and SiTF opened my eyes to what goes on in the ITindustry. DIT gave me an understanding of how IT can improve people'slives, and the courage to stand up to rigorous panels of judges, and topresent to large audiences. Above the awards and prizes, the brightestsmiles with care and concern from my lecturers are the things that haveleft an indelible mark in my life.”

DIPLOMA IN MUSIC AND AUDIOTECHNOLOGY (DMAT – S97) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“DMAT is a great course. Its curriculum contains a balancedmixture of music and music technology. It has opened my eyesto the endless possibilities and versatility of my creative mind.This course has also set a standard for me to climb upon andpush beyond for a breakthrough into the music industry.”

DIPLOMA IN VISUAL EFFECTS ANDMOTION GRAPHICS (DVEMG – S39) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“We learnt a lot more in this truly engagingstudy trip. Before the trip we were strugglingwith filming time lapse videos. After the trip, wetotally understood how it is done with just a weekof tutelage and practice. This trip is awesome; weshould do it every year.” ✚SP60

CURIOSITY Aeronautical Engineering (S88) Aerospace Electronics (S90) Bioengineering (S58) Clean Energy (S45) Common Engineering Programme (S40) Computer Engineering (S53) Electrical & Electronic Engineering (S99) Engineering with Business (S42) Engineering Systems (S33) Mechanical Engineering (S91) Mechatronics and Robotics (S73)Inventing the Future✚SP62

DIPLOMA IN AERONAUTICALENGINEERING(DARE – S88) I BELIEVE“I am proud of my decision to take the polytechnic routetowards a degree. The DARE course has laid the necessarygroundwork in transforming me into a self-learner focusedon academic performance. The modules have sufficientdepth, providing an edge over my peers at university.I am able to comprehend engineering concepts fasterafter exposure to the rigours of the DARE course. Whenengineering becomes intuitive, excellence naturallyfollows.” - N. Satheesh Kumar, Class of 2006 obtained a1st Class Honours in Aerospace Engineering at NTU andwas awarded a PhD Scholarship to do research in airconditioningand thermodynamics.BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIES

DIPLOMA IN AEROSPACEELECTRONICS (DASE – S90) I BELIEVE“With experienced lecturers and a comprehensiveacademic programme, DASE has not only preparedme well to tackle engineering issues in the skybut also build a strong foundation for the attitudebeyond.” - BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIES✚SP64

DIPLOMA IN BIOENGINEERING (DBEN – S58) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“SP gave me an education like no other. It provided me with opportunities toexcel in more than just academics. As the captain of the Canoe Polo Team, Iam grateful to SP for giving us their full support when we flew to Taiwan forcompetitions. The SP Scholar and SPOT programmes were also extremelyenriching and broadened my perspectives of the world around me. Thelecturers are always ready to lend a hand whenever we need help. I couldalways go up to the lecturers for help without any fear of rejection. This reallymade me feel at home and helped me cope with my various commitments.”

DIPLOMA IN CLEAN ENERGY (DCEG – S45) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“I believe I have made the right decision choosing Clean Energy. The course hasequipped me with knowledge and skills to undertake challenges. DCEG has the bestteaching team which gave me a solid foundation that open the pathway for me to furthermy studies in the university.” ✚SP66

DIPLOMA INCOMMON ENGINEERINGPROGRAMME (DCEP – S40)BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIES I BELIEVE“I have great interests in mathand physics so I decided to takeup Engineering as a course formy studies. However, it was adifficult decision to pick theexact engineering course thatI wanted. CEP offered me agood opportunity to explorethe world of engineering. Afterthe first semester, I was able tomake up my mind to pursue anengineering field that I liked -Aeronautical Engineering. Makingthe right choice is important asit will determine my future.”

DIPLOMA IN COMPUTERENGINEERING(DCPE – S53) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“DCPE has equipped me with technical and inter-personal skills thatwill prepare me well for my further studies and career. The Diploma-Plus programme that I took gave me a Red Hat Certified TechnicianStatus which is recognised worldwide. My involvement in RoboCup2010 gave me the chance to interact with people of similar interestfrom all around the world.” ✚SP68

DIPLOMA IN ELECTRICAL ANDELECTRONIC ENGINEERING(DEEE – S99) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“Impossible is nothing for those who want. Impossible, whenbroken up, means I'm Possible. With SP, I'm So Possible!"

DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING WITHBUSINESS (DEB – S42) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“DEB gave me the opportunity to explore and learna wide range of subjects. The teaching of bothengineering and business modules in this courseallows me to integrate the technical aspects ofengineering with essential business concepts. Thisapproach provided me with an insight on how these concepts are appliedto engineering products and services in the world of business.” ✚SP70

DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERINGSYSTEMS (DES – S33) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“The new Diploma in Engineering Systems will play animportant role in helping to train future engineers in growingtheir capabilities in the area of urban transportation andindustrial automation. There is a shortage of personnel in thisarea and we foresee this area will grow substantially in the nextdecade, not only in <strong>Singapore</strong> but also regionally.”

DIPLOMA IN MECHANICALENGINEERING (DME – S91) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“I have always been fascinated by how things aroundme work. From home appliances, such as refrigerators toheavy industrial machines and our intricate smartphones,I see one thing in common – Mechanical Engineering. Thisis the most fundamental and versatile form of engineering.At SP, I was taught the concepts of engineering mechanicsand given the opportunity to do real hands-on work.” ✚SP72

DIPLOMA IN MECHATRONICS ANDROBOTICS (DMRO – S73) BRIGHT FUTURE FURTHER STUDIES I BELIEVE“I dreamt of being an engineer since I was young. It was adream come true when I was accepted to study Mechatronicsat <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong>. I could relate how mathematicsand physics were applied to real industrial and consumerapplications. In my final-year, I designed and put together amoving robot. Besides studies, I had time for recreation. I played table tennis, basketball andwent to the gym. MAE has prepared me well for university study. I know my Diploma in SP is highlyrecognised as I had received multiple offers from local and overseas universities.”

ADVENTURE Marine Engineering (S63) Maritime Business (S74) Nautical Studies (DAE)Ride The Waves✚SP74

DIPLOMA IN MARINEENGINEERING (DMR – S63) BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“I’ve always wanted to maximise my potential to be anengineer with skills and be capable of logical and creativethinking. The DMR course is training me to be one. My dreamis to be an engineer onboard a foreign-going ship.”

DIPLOMA IN MARITIMEBUSINESS (DMB – S74)BRIGHT FUTUREFURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“The lecturers at SMA are really inspirational. They bringto the classroom many sea-going experiences from all overthe world. Their experiences and stories are priceless andopened my eyes to look beyond my horizon.” ✚SP76

DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL STUDIES (DNS) BRIGHT FUTURE FURTHER STUDIESI BELIEVE“To know that the job I’m doing is vital to world tradebrings me a lot of satisfaction. As a ship officer, I cantravel the world and gain new perspectives on differentcountries, cultures and people.”

*A strong desire to achieve something.Make the right choice at SP to achieveyour aspiration.SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENTArchitectureCivil Engineering with BusinessEnvironmental Management & Water TechnologyHotel & Leisure Facilities ManagementIntegrated Events& Project ManagementLandscape ArchitectureSP BUSINESS SCHOOLAccountancyBanking & FinanceBusiness AdministrationBusiness Innovation & DesignFinancial InformaticsHuman Resource Management with PsychologyInternational BusinessTourism T & Resort ManagementSCHOOL OF CHEMICAL & LIFE SCIENCESApplied Chemistry with Pharmaceutical ScienceBiomedical ScienceBiotechnologyChemical EngineeringFood F Science & TechnologyMaterials ScienceNutrition, Health & WellnessOptometryPerfumery & Cosmetic ScienceSCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION, ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCESApplied Drama and PsychologyCreative Writing for TV & New MediaMedia and CommunicationSP DESIGN SCHOOLExperience & Product DesignGames Design & DevelopmentInterior DesignVisual Communication & Media DesignSCHOOL OF DIGITAL MEDIA & INFOCOMM TECHNOLOGYBusiness Information TechnologyDigital AnimationInfocomm Security ManagementInformation TechnologyMusic & Audio TechnologyVisual Effects & Motion GraphicsSCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGSCHOOL OF MECHANICAL & AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERINGAeronautical EngineeringAerospace ElectronicsBioengineeringClean EnergyCommon Engineering ProgrammeComputer EngineeringEngineering with BusinessElectrical & Electronic EngineeringEngineering SystemsMechanical EngineeringMechatronics & RoboticsSINGAPORE MARITIMEACADEMYMarine EngineeringMaritime BusinessNautical StudiesVisit SP Open House on 5th, 7th and 8th January 2013 to find out more.Download the QR Tag Reader onyour smartphone and scan this tagfor details on SP diploma courses.www.sp.edu.sg

For the latestSP happeningsFacebook.com/singaporepolytechnicTwitter.com/singaporepolyYoutube.com/singaporepolytechnicDANIEL CHAN3rd YearDiploma in Mechanical EngineeringSP Track and Field Team Captain

ENGINEERINGSYSTEMSBrand New Coursefor 20138REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD STUDYENGINEERING SYSTEMS1 ONE AND ONLYA unique combination of ENGINEERING,MANAGEMENT and SOCIAL SCIENCES –the key ingredients for the future.2 A SYSTEM POINT OF VIEWRev you up to think and see issuesfrom a system point of view.3 STUDIO-BASED LEARNINGLearning is conducted through activeengagement of students in a specialisedstudio setting. Studio learning willenable you to:through sharing and inquiringanalytical thinkingapplicationscollaboration with Olin College ofEngineering, USA.4 CONCEIVE-DESIGN-IMPLEMENT-OPERATE (CDIO)the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT) and adopted byIvy League institutions worldwide,is applied to this course.5 INDUSTRY ENDORSEMENTRenowned companies such as IBM,Siemens, SMRT and ST Kinetics havegiven their strong support for thiscourse. You’ll get opportunities to beattached to these companies eitherlocally or overseas during the6 SCHOLARSHIPSOutstanding ‘O’ level graduatesenrolled in this new course canapply for scholarships offered bySP or external organisations.7 UNIVERSITYYou can pursue a degreeprogramme me (engineering orother disciplines) after thiscourse in local and overseasuniversities. es. If you do verywell, you could earn auniversity scholarship too!8 WORLD-READYWhen you graduate, you willsystems in their social, ethicaland environmental contexts andproblems using technical andmanagement ment skills.Scan this QR codefor more informationFollow SP on:facebook.com/singaporepolytechnictwitter.com/singaporepolyyoutube.com/singaporepolytechnicSCHOOL OFELECTRICAL &ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGSCHOOL OFMECHANICAL &AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING

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