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Index 461entrepreneurialism 61–3, 81hacker culture 82immigration 81–2informationalism 50innovation milieu 56–60Internet 55IT 55, 174–5military 81multiethnicity 59–60network society 49new economy model 62productivity growth 60–61start-up activity 63unemployment 174, 178–9, 189universities 56, 57, 58, 60, 64, 81venture capital 57–8, 64–5Simon, H. A. 160simulation modeling 161–2Sisnett, Ana 331Sitra 72Slater, D. 138small and medium businesses 28Smith, A. 387SMS (short messaging system) 11, 115sociabilityCatalonia 236–8, 239, 241education 264employment 264income 264Internet 237–8inter-racial 261, 262–3social actors 23, 40, 84, 233–4social capital 165, 219, 228, 249, 267n6Social Capital Benchmark Survey 261social cohesion 247–8social connectedness 191, 192social movementsCastells 341, 438cultural 15, 18–19, 21network society 49–50, 353–4networks 35–6new 22, 349struggles within 352transactional 341social networkscomputer-supported 347economic opportunity 164–5financial markets 211n4intermediaries 191Internet user surveys 223recruiters 148trading pit 200–2, 203social relationshipscomputer-mediated communication224–5e-mail 132, 331face-to-face 237Internet 217, 222, 225locality 225social structures 3economic opportunity 165informationalism 41labor market 191–2networks 4, 5Society for Technical Communication186–7sociology 432–4software development 10, 11open source 10, 49, 50, 342Solectron 59, 182–3Solow, Robert 41, 146Sony Entertainment 403Soros Foundation 90South America 388Soviet Union 17, 84, 87–8see also RussiaspaceICT 133, 264online trading 204–5time 198, 218trading pit 200–202virtual community 219–20space of flows 11–12, 36, 107–8, 118,398Spain 391, 392–3, 395see also CataloniaSputnik 57staffing services firms 183Stanford Industrial Park 54Stanford University 56, 57, 58, 60, 64Star Plus 407Star TV 403, 414, 415start-up activity 63, 79–80State Council Informatization SteeringGroup 106, 110State Secrecy Bureau 110, 111statespower 25, 32social expenditure 16support 49, 67, 69, 72–3, 79–80see also nation-state; welfare state

462 Indexstatism 15, 17–18, 22, 84, 85Stone, Antonia 324strategic alliances 28Street, R. L. Jr. 298Street-Level Youth Media 326–7Strogatz, S. H. 166Suarez-Almazor, M. E. 298subcultures 95–6, 106Sun Microsystems 55, 57, 59, 61, 63,424Sun Yat-sen 100–101Surgerydoor.com 297surveillance technologies 131–2Sutton, R. I. 165Suzik, Holly Ann 183Swann, G. M. P. 131switchers 32, 33–4Sykes, Richard 139Syntopia Project 220, 229System Administrators’ Guid 187Taiwan 108Taylorism 28technological determinism 126–7, 135,433technology xvi, 5–6, 8Castells 445computerization 21emergent properties 10and history 439–43history of 433, 434–5, 436, 447n3information processing 9military funding 20miniaturization 7, 20network society 14presentism 437–8products into brands 58–9progress 442–3and science 445social construction 210n2, 434see also innovationtechnology transfer 158TechSoup.org 332Tekes 72–3telecommunications 84see also mobile telecommunicationstelevisionIndia 403–5languages 395–6, 409–10Spain 391, 392–3, 395TeliaSonera 66, 67, 77Telugu language movement 410temporary agencies 184–6Terman, David 54terrorism 25, 35, 445Thatcher, Margaret 16, 17Thompson, J. B. 389, 397, 403Thrift, Nigel 36Tian, Edward 109Tianenman Square 106Till, J. E. 298, 303time 37creativity 427–8history 432Internet 221IT 427online trading 205–7space 198, 218timeless 36, 37, 198trading pit 202–3Weber 427Tokyo financial markets 210n1Torvalds, Linus 71–2, 74, 76–7Touraine, Alain 39traders 198, 203–4, 207–9, 211n12trading, online 204–7trading pit 198–9, 200–203see also Chicago Board of Tradetraining 187–8, 273, 278–82, 328transistors 21, 54, 56transnationality 342transport 5, 21, 437Trinidad 138Trippi, Joe 373Truman-Davis, B. 285Turgot, A. R. J. 439–40UCLA Internet Report 223unemployment 174, 178–9, 189UNESCO 389United Nations Technology AchievementIndex 49, 51United States of AmericaAmericanization 386, 389–90, 396Defense Department 14, 57Federal Communication Commission35Federal Reserve Board 31, 60–61,201Internet user surveys 220

462 Indexstatism 15, 17–18, 22, 84, 85Stone, Antonia 324strategic alliances 28Street, R. L. Jr. 298Street-Level Youth Media 326–7Strogatz, S. H. 166Suarez-Almazor, M. E. 298subcultures 95–6, 106Sun Microsystems 55, 57, 59, 61, 63,424Sun Yat-sen 100–101Sur<strong>ge</strong>rydoor.com 297surveillance technologies 131–2Sutton, R. I. 165Suzik, Holly Ann 183Swann, G. M. P. 131switchers 32, 33–4Sykes, Richard 139Syntopia Project 220, 229System Administrators’ Guid 187Taiwan 108Taylorism 28technological determinism 126–7, 135,433technology xvi, 5–6, 8Castells 445computerization 21emer<strong>ge</strong>nt properties 10and history 439–43history of 433, 434–5, 436, 447n3information processing 9military funding 20miniaturization 7, 20network society 14presentism 437–8products into brands 58–9progress 442–3and science 445social construction 210n2, 434see also innovationtechnology transfer 158TechSoup.org 332Tekes 72–3telecommunications 84see also mobile telecommunicationstelevisionIndia 403–5langua<strong>ge</strong>s 395–6, 409–10Spain 391, 392–3, 395TeliaSonera 66, 67, 77Telugu langua<strong>ge</strong> movement 410temporary a<strong>ge</strong>ncies 184–6Terman, David 54terrorism 25, 35, 445Thatcher, Margaret 16, 17Thompson, J. B. 389, 397, 403Thrift, Ni<strong>ge</strong>l 36Tian, Edward 109Tianenman Square 106Till, J. E. 298, 303time 37creativity 427–8history 432Internet 221IT 427online trading 205–7space 198, 218timeless 36, 37, 198trading pit 202–3Weber 427Tokyo financial markets 210n1Torvalds, Linus 71–2, 74, 76–7Touraine, Alain 39traders 198, 203–4, 207–9, 211n12trading, online 204–7trading pit 198–9, 200–203see also Chicago Board of Tradetraining 187–8, 273, 278–82, 328transistors 21, 54, 56transnationality 342transport 5, 21, 437Trinidad 138Trippi, Joe 373Truman-Davis, B. 285Turgot, A. R. J. 439–40UCLA Internet Report 223unemployment 174, 178–9, 189UNESCO 389United Nations Technology AchievementIndex 49, 51United States of AmericaAmericanization 386, 389–90, 396Defense Department 14, 57Federal Communication Commission35Federal Reserve Board 31, 60–61,201Internet user surveys 220

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