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Index 459Britain 278Catalonia 278, 394Operation Blue Star 413Opium War 100Oracle Corporation survey 226organizational theory 150Orlikowski, W. J. 156outsourcing 181, 190ownership, concentrated 35, 375Oyston, J. 309Packard, David 54Paterniti, D. A. 303patients 304–6, 307–10patriarchy 19, 27peace movement 18, 19Pearl River Delta 107, 108People’s Bank of China 106People’s Global Action (PGA) 343, 346,348, 350–52, 358n6People’s Liberation Army 110Per Scholas 326perestroika 17Perez, Carlota 8performance-related pay 180personal computers 14, 55Peters, O. 272, 283Pew Internet and American Life Project223, 229Phoenix Online University 277, 279physiciansInternet 306–11patients 304–6, 307–10websites 310–11PISA 70Playing2Win organization 324Pointcastnetwork.com 296PolicyLink 333–4political campaigns, online 367–8, 371–5politicsdecision-making 31–2hypertext 30ICT 363Internet 93–4, 95, 239, 241, 363–6,368–70media 30, 31–2, 33–4networked 375–6, 378of protest 366–7Runet 92–6of survival 106Poole, G. 274–5, 280–81, 282Powell, Michael 325Powell, W. W. 165powercapitalism 32network society 34–5networks 31–4switchers 33presentism 435–6, 437–8privacy/health information 299productivity growth 145–6, 148–50consumers 149information 153–7innovation 29, 422–3IT 145, 146–7, 166–7living standards 145modular designs 160–61Silicon Valley 60–61simulation modeling 161–2Solow 41USA 51–2professional employer organizations185–6profitability 180, 210programmers 32, 34Project Compute 329–30Project Internet Catalonia 394, 398Protestant ethic 420–21, 428public space 30, 334, 403PubMed 296Punjab 407, 409–10, 411–13, 414Punjab Kesari 413Punjabi film industry 411–12, 413Punjabi television 413–14Putin, V. 25Putnam, Robert 219, 229al-Qaeda 35Qian Tianbai 99Qianguo Luntan 116raceDetroit 250–51digital divide 249health information 295, 311–12ICT 264Internet 253, 258, 259, 260, 261, 265,330sociability 261, 262–3USA 252Rama Rao, N. T. 408

460 IndexRambler 95Raymond, Eric 355–6, 423RCADE (Citizens Network to Abolishthe External Debt) 354–5Reagan, Ronald 16, 17Reclaim the Streets 346, 359n14recruiterse-mail 157, 165–6evaluating candidates 150–51information searching 163information sharing 157–8social networks 148Redwood, Carl 327–8religion 242religious programs 404–5, 406Reminiscent TV 414Renan, E. 387research and development 57–8, 64,70–71, 73, 125–6resistance 19, 34, 35–6, 356, 435rheumatoid arthritis information 298Rhodes, Lodis 329Rice, Ronald E. 223, 293, 303Rimal, R. 298risk 153, 154–5, 189, 192Robert Wood Johnson Foundation survey307–8, 309Robin, K. 94Rock, Arthur 54, 55Rogers, E. M. 336n4Romans 436, 438Rose, S. 300Rostelecom 91Runethumor 95–6politics/leisure 92–6Russian language 87subcultures 95–6users 88–90RussiaConcept of Building the InformationSociety in Russia 94Concept of State Information Policy94economic restructuring 86elites 86, 94, 95employment 87high-technology industry 86home networks 91–2informal networks 85intelligentsia 87, 90, 93Internet 86–96, 256, 260, 261, 265,330IT 90–91, 94–5language 90, 95, 96living standards 87, 91media 88Ministry of Telecommunications andInformatization 94mobile telecommunications 92network society 84–5, 96–7nomenklatura 85statism 85Sahitya Akademy 411Salinsky, E. M. 298Salora 74Sanchez, P. M. 310Santa Fe Institute 13Sartre, Jean-Paul 446Sassen, Saskia 209Saxenian, Anna Lee 59, 60, 165scale economies 158Scardamalia, M. 281Schlesinger, P. 396Schneider, S. M. 368Science and Technology Policy Council67, 69, 70scientific management 28scope economies 158Scotland 306Seaman, J. 276Seattle meetings of WTO 342–3security networks 35self-employment 180, 181semiconductors 55, 57, 59, 61, 146Sennett, Richard 30service jobs 190SET 406Shanghai 108Sharf, B. F. 303sharing 21, 40, 43, 76–7Shiromani Gurudwara PrabjandCommittee 413–14Shockley, William 54, 56Sigouin, C. 297Silicon Valley xvii, 23biotechnology companies 56development model 53–6employment 178, 180–81, 182

460 IndexRambler 95Raymond, Eric 355–6, 423RCADE (Citizens Network to Abolishthe External Debt) 354–5Reagan, Ronald 16, 17Reclaim the Streets 346, 359n14recruiterse-mail 157, 165–6evaluating candidates 150–51information searching 163information sharing 157–8social networks 148Redwood, Carl 327–8religion 242religious programs 404–5, 406Reminiscent TV 414Renan, E. 387research and development 57–8, 64,70–71, 73, 125–6resistance 19, 34, 35–6, 356, 435rheumatoid arthritis information 298Rhodes, Lodis 329Rice, Ronald E. 223, 293, 303Rimal, R. 298risk 153, 154–5, 189, 192Robert Wood Johnson Foundation survey307–8, 309Robin, K. 94Rock, Arthur 54, 55Ro<strong>ge</strong>rs, E. M. 336n4Romans 436, 438Rose, S. 300Rostelecom 91Runethumor 95–6politics/leisure 92–6Russian langua<strong>ge</strong> 87subcultures 95–6users 88–90RussiaConcept of Building the InformationSociety in Russia 94Concept of State Information Policy94economic restructuring 86elites 86, 94, 95employment 87high-technology industry 86home networks 91–2informal networks 85intelli<strong>ge</strong>ntsia 87, 90, 93Internet 86–96, 256, 260, 261, 265,330IT 90–91, 94–5langua<strong>ge</strong> 90, 95, 96living standards 87, 91media 88Ministry of Telecommunications andInformatization 94mobile telecommunications 92network society 84–5, 96–7nomenklatura 85statism 85Sahitya Akademy 411Salinsky, E. M. 298Salora 74Sanchez, P. M. 310Santa Fe Institute 13Sartre, Jean-Paul 446Sassen, Saskia 209Saxenian, Anna Lee 59, 60, 165scale economies 158Scardamalia, M. 281Schlesin<strong>ge</strong>r, P. 396Schneider, S. M. 368Science and Technology Policy Council67, 69, 70scientific mana<strong>ge</strong>ment 28scope economies 158Scotland 306Seaman, J. 276Seattle meetings of WTO 342–3security networks 35self-employment 180, 181semiconductors 55, 57, 59, 61, 146Sennett, Richard 30service jobs 190SET 406Shanghai 108Sharf, B. F. 303sharing 21, 40, 43, 76–7Shiromani Gurudwara PrabjandCommittee 413–14Shockley, William 54, 56Sigouin, C. 297Silicon Valley xvii, 23biotechnology companies 56development model 53–6employment 178, 180–81, 182

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