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Index 457English 90, 272–3India 402–3, 405–6, 411–14, 417IT 323Russia 90, 95, 96television 395–6, 409–10Lash, Scott 36, 37, 179Latin America 386Latour, Bruno 32, 358n1Lazarus, Wendy 330LDF study 199, 206learner support 287–8learning 274, 282see also e-learninglearning institutions 277learning resource management system 276learning-by-doing 159–60Lefebvre, Henri 30Lenin, V. I. 28Lieberman, Joe 371Life-Web Journalist Project 329Linux 49, 71, 72, 74, 76, 423China 108, 115literacy 323, 328living standards 87, 91, 145locality 37–8, 225localization 391, 402, 414–16Ma, Lawrence 108McBride Commission 389McKay, H. G. 303McKenna, Regis 55McKenna Group 55, 59MacKnight, C. 281McNealy, Scott 59McNeil, J. R. 444McQuail, Dennis 415–16Malayali Asianet 408Manpower Temporary Services 190Mao Zedong 99, 114–15Maoism 18Maran, Kalanidhi 408Marvin, Simon 36Marx, Leo 437Marxism 388Mason, D. 131–2Mattelart, A. 396mediaAmericanization 389–90Catalonia 243–4China 115, 396community institutions 410–11,416–17cultural dominance 416–17Internet 218localization 402, 414–16nationalism 403politics 30, 31–2, 33–4public space 30, 403Russia 88transformation of minds 24transnational 414, 416media politics 375–6medical information: see healthinformationMedicineOnline.com 298–9Medline 296, 297, 303Meek, Ronald L. 440MeetUp.com 373Meister, J. 278Melucci, Alberto 356Mendelson, D. N. 298Michigan University 333microbial infections example 281–2microchip producers 108microprocessors 55Microsoft 21migrant labor 235, 237Milgram, Stanley 217–18military sector 20, 24, 31, 58, 81, 426Miller, D. 138Millington, Linda 309–10Ministry of Public Security 110–11,120n31Ministry of Telecommunications andInformatization 94MIT studies 332Mitchell, William 6, 11Mitterrand, François 390Miyazaki, Hirokazu 210n1mobile telecommunications 67, 69,74–5, 92, 219, 238Modern Times (Chaplin) 28modular designs 160–61money 428–9Monge, Peter R. 3, 4Moore, Gordon 55Mora, Francisco 330Morison, Elting 447n3Movement for Global Resistance (MRG)343, 349–50, 352, 359n9

458 IndexMTV 403, 415MTV India 406Mulgan, Geoff 23Multilateral Investment Agreements 343,348multimedia systems 30multitasking 151Muruyama, M. 390NAFTA (North America Free TradeAgreement) 343, 389Naidu, Chandrababu 408nanotechnology 6, 12Narain, Lala Jagat 413National Computing and NetworkingFacility of China (NCFC) 99, 100National Library of Medicine 296–8National Science Foundation 324National Telecommunications andInformation Administration(NTIA) 249, 324, 330National Urban League 324nationalism 117, 242, 403nationality 235, 242, 243, 387–8nationhood concept 387–8nation-states 23, 25, 39, 388NATO (North Atlantic TreatyOrganization) 116NEC 108Nelson, Diane 351Nelson, Ted 10neoclassical economics 147, 150netizens 102, 114, 118Netscape web browser 55, 61, 77Nettleton, S. 134Netville case 226–9network economy 176–7network enterprises 27, 422network society xvi–xvii, 3, 24–6, 38–9Britain 136–7Castells 14, 84, 165, 302, 436Catalonia 233–4communication 29–30, 385–6context 434culture 32–3, 38–40global 22–4globalization 39–40ICT 3, 6, 7individual 218informationalism 8–9, 13power 34–5Russia 84–5, 96–7sharing 43Silicon Valley 49social movements 49–50switchers 32, 33–4technology 14networks 3, 4, 5–6Castells 385efficiency 165–6e-mail 164global 80–81, 198–9, 208–9hierarchies 5, 341Internet 10–11, 320–21power 31–4self-generating 353–4social movements 35–6, 353–4software development 10Virtual Society? program 133–4see also social networksNeuwirth, Esther 183, 191New Beginnings Learning Center 331New Delhi Television 415new social movements 22, 349The New York Times 113, 373News Corporation 406newspapers, India 412–13NextEd 278Nie, Norman 221–2Nieminen, Jorma 74NK Cables 66NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone) 74, 75Noble, D. 272, 280, 287nodes 3, 4Nokia 66–7, 70–73, 74, 76Nokia Research Center 75–6nomenklatura 85Norris, Pippa 376NOVA Workforce Investment Board 179Noyce, Bob 55occupational health and safety 190OECD 70, 274–5, 289, 319Ogburn, William 437Oikarinen, Jarkko 71–2oil price shock 15Ollila, Jorma 75Ong, Aihwa 342open source software 10, 49, 50, 342Open University

458 IndexMTV 403, 415MTV India 406Mulgan, Geoff 23Multilateral Investment Agreements 343,348multimedia systems 30multitasking 151Muruyama, M. 390NAFTA (North America Free TradeAgreement) 343, 389Naidu, Chandrababu 408nanotechnology 6, 12Narain, Lala Jagat 413National Computing and NetworkingFacility of China (NCFC) 99, 100National Library of Medicine 296–8National Science Foundation 324National Telecommunications andInformation Administration(NTIA) 249, 324, 330National Urban League 324nationalism 117, 242, 403nationality 235, 242, 243, 387–8nationhood concept 387–8nation-states 23, 25, 39, 388NATO (North Atlantic TreatyOrganization) 116NEC 108Nelson, Diane 351Nelson, Ted 10neoclassical economics 147, 150netizens 102, 114, 118Netscape web browser 55, 61, 77Nettleton, S. 134Netville case 226–9network economy 176–7network enterprises 27, 422network society xvi–xvii, 3, 24–6, 38–9Britain 136–7Castells 14, 84, 165, 302, 436Catalonia 233–4communication 29–30, 385–6context 434culture 32–3, 38–40global 22–4globalization 39–40ICT 3, 6, 7individual 218informationalism 8–9, 13power 34–5Russia 84–5, 96–7sharing 43Silicon Valley 49social movements 49–50switchers 32, 33–4technology 14networks 3, 4, 5–6Castells 385efficiency 165–6e-mail 164global 80–81, 198–9, 208–9hierarchies 5, 341Internet 10–11, 320–21power 31–4self-<strong>ge</strong>nerating 353–4social movements 35–6, 353–4software development 10Virtual Society? program 133–4see also social networksNeuwirth, Esther 183, 191New Beginnings Learning Center 331New Delhi Television 415new social movements 22, 349The New York Times 113, 373News Corporation 406newspapers, India 412–13NextEd 278Nie, Norman 221–2Nieminen, Jorma 74NK Cables 66NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone) 74, 75Noble, D. 272, 280, 287nodes 3, 4Nokia 66–7, 70–73, 74, 76Nokia Research Center 75–6nomenklatura 85Norris, Pippa 376NOVA Workforce Investment Board 179Noyce, Bob 55occupational health and safety 190OECD 70, 274–5, 289, 319Ogburn, William 437Oikarinen, Jarkko 71–2oil price shock 15Ollila, Jorma 75Ong, Aihwa 342open source software 10, 49, 50, 342Open University

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