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The Internet and the political process 379California Internet Voting Task Force (2000) A Report on the Feasibility of InternetVoting. Sacramento: Office of California Secretary of State, January.Castells, Manuel (2004) The Power of Identity, 2nd edn. Oxford: Blackwell.CBS News (2003) “Dean Raises $1m via Internet,” May 23 (available atwww.cbsnews.com).Chadwick, A. and May, C. (2003) “Interaction between States and Citizens in the Ageof the Internet: “E-government” in the United States, Britain, and the EuropeanUnion,” Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration andInstitutions 16 (2): 271–300 (available at www.rhul.ac.uk).Clough, M. (2003) “New Way to Win, or Cyber-hype?,” Los Angeles Times, October26: M2.CNN (2003) “Web Changing Presidential Politics,” August 18 (retrieved October 5,2003 from www.cnn.com).Coleman, S. (1999) “Westminster in the Information Age,” Parliamentary Affairs 52:371–87.—— (2001) “The 2001 Election Online and the Future of E-politics,” in S. Coleman(ed.), 2001: Cyber Space Odyssey. The Internet in the UK Election (retrievedOctober 31, 2003 from www.hansardsociety.org.uk).—— and Hall, N. (2001) “Spinning on the Web: E-campaigning and Beyond,” in S.Coleman (ed.), 2001: Cyber Space Odyssey. The Internet in the UK Election(retrieved October 31, 2003 from www.hansardsociety.org.uk).Dahlgren, Peter and Sparks, Colin (1997) Communication and Citizenship. London:Routledge.Dautrich, Kenneth and Hartley, Thomas (1999) How the News Media Fail AmericanVoters: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies. New York: Columbia UniversityPress.Davis, Richard and Owen, Diane (1998) New Media and American Politics. New York:Oxford University Press.Dean, H. (2003) “A Message from Governor Howard Dean to his Supporters onNovember 5, 2003 (available at www.deanforamerica.com).Drinkard, J. and Lawrence, J. (2003) “Online, Off and Running: Web a New CampaignFront,” USA Today, July 15 (retrieved October 5, 2003 from www.usatoday.com).The Economist (2003) “Power to the People (Political Effects of the Internet)” (January25) 366: 8303.Fallows, James (1996) Breaking the News: How the Media Undermine AmericanDemocracy. New York: Pantheon.Foot, K. A. and Schneider, S. M. (2002) “Online Action in Campaign 2000: AnExploratory Analysis of the US Political Websphere,” Journal of Broadcasting andElectronic Media 46 (2): 222 (electronic version).Franke-Ruta, G. (2003) “Fan Friction,” Prospect, September 25 (retrieved October 1,2003 from www.prospect.org).Getlin, J. (2003) “Web-savvy Staff Helps Dean Weave his Way Up,” Los AngelesTimes, September 24 (retrieved October 5, 2003 from www.latimes.com).Gibson, R. K. and Ward, S. J. (2003) “Participation, Political Organisations and theImpact of the Internet,” ESRC end of award report L215252036. Salford: ESRI(available at www.ipop.org.uk).——, ——, and Lusoli, W. (2003) “The Internet and Political Campaigning: The NewMedium Comes of Age?,” Representation 39 (3): 166–80 (retrieved October 31,2003 from www.esri.salford.ac.uk).Giegerich, S. (2003) “Dean Uses Internet and Word-of-mouth to Expand Base among

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380 Araba Sey and Manuel CastellsColle<strong>ge</strong> Students,” San Francisco Chronicle, October 1 (retrieved October 5, fromwww.sfgate.com).Hague, Barry and Loader, Brian (eds) (1999) Digital Democracy: Discourse andDecision Making in the Information A<strong>ge</strong>. London: Routled<strong>ge</strong>.Internet Policy Institute (2001) “Report of the National Workshop on Internet Voting:Issues and Research A<strong>ge</strong>nda” (avaliable at www.netvoting.org).Ishikawa, Y. (2002) “Calls for Deliberative Democracy in Japan,” Rhetoric and Politics5 (2): 331–45.Johnson, Deborah G. (2003) “Reflections on Campaign Politics, the Internet andEthics,” in D. M. Anderson and M. Cornfield (eds), The Civic Web: Online Politicsand Democratic Values, pp. 9–18. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.Justice, Glen (2003) “Mix of Donors Adds to Dean Coffers,” The New York Times,October 2 (retrieved October 2, 2003 from www.nytimes.com).Kamarck, E. C. (2002) “Political Campaigning on the Internet: Business as Usual?,” inE. C. Kamarck and J. S. Nye, Jr (eds), Governance.com: Democracy in theInformation A<strong>ge</strong>, pp. 81–103. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.Katz, J. E. and Rice, R. E. (2002) Social Consequences of Internet Use: Access,Involvement, and Interaction. Cambrid<strong>ge</strong>, MA: MIT Press.Kessler, E. J. (2003a) “Joe Pulls in Cash, but Howard Dean Hits the Jackpot,” Forward,July 4 (retrieved October 5, 2003 from www.forward.com).—— (2003b) “Internet Invitation,” Forward, August 8 (retrieved October 5, 2003 fromwww.forward.com).Lessig, L. (2003) “The New Road to the White House: How Grassroots Blogs areTransforming Presidential Politics,” Wired Magazine 11: 11 (retrieved October 22,2003 from www.wired.com).Levin, Y. (2002) “Politics after the Internet,” Public Interest (Fall): 80 (available fromwww.web6.infotrac.gale.com).Levine, Peter (2003) “Online Campaigning and the Public Interest,” in D. M. Andersonand M. Cornfield (eds), The Civic Web: Online Politics and Democratic Values, pp.47–62. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.Malone, J. (2003) “Dean Shows How to Catch Cash with Net: New Trend in PoliticsMay be Clicking,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 4: A12.Mosquera, M. (2000) “Gore, Bush Scramble for Undecided Voters,” Techweb News,November 3 (retrieved October 5, 2003 from www.techweb.com).Neuman, W. Russell (1991) The Future of the Mass Audience. Cambrid<strong>ge</strong>: Cambrid<strong>ge</strong>University Press.Norris, Pippa (2000) A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in PostindustrialSocieties. Cambrid<strong>ge</strong>: Cambrid<strong>ge</strong> University Press.—— (2001) Digital Divide: Civic Enga<strong>ge</strong>ment, Information Poverty, and the InternetWorldwide. Cambrid<strong>ge</strong>: Cambrid<strong>ge</strong> University Press.—— (2002) “Revolution, What Revolution? The Internet and US Elections,1992–2000,” in E. C. Kamarck and J. S. Nye, Jr (eds), Governance.com: Democracyin the Information A<strong>ge</strong>, pp. 59–80. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.NPR (2003) “Howard Dean Campaign’s Successful Internet Exploitation (InterviewTranscript),” July 28 (retrieved from www.npr.org).Pew Internet and American Life Project and Institute for Politics, Democracy, and theInternet (2003) “Untuned Keyboards: Online Campaigners, Citizens, and Portals inthe 2002 Elections” (available at www.pewinternet.org).Pioneer Press (2003) “Web Site Reels in Political Newbies,” September 29 (retrievedOctober 1, 2003 (available at www.twincities.com).

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