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The US community technology movement 337Lenhart, Amanda, Horrigan, John, Rainie, Lee, Allen, Katherine, Boyce, Angie,Madden, Mary, and O’Grady, Erin (2003) The Ever-shifting Internet Population: ANew Look at Internet Access and the Digital Divide. Washington, DC: Pew Internetand American Life Project.Mark, June and Briscoe, Kimberly (1995) The PTW Network: History, Change, andOpportunities. Newton, MA: Education Development Center.Markusen, Ann (1999) “Sticky Places in Slippery Spaces: A Typology of IndustrialDistricts,” in T. Barnes and M. Gertler (eds), The New Industrial Geography, pp.98–123. London: Routledge.Pinkett, R. D. (2001) “The Camfield Estates–MIT Creating Community ConnectionsProject: Strategies for Active Participation in a Low- to Moderate-incomeCommunity,” paper presented at the Second Kyoto Meeting on Digital Cities,Kyoto, Japan, October 18–20 (http://www.media.mit.edu/~rpinkett/papers/).—— and O’Bryant, R. L. (2001) “Building Community, Empowerment and Self-sufficiency:Early Results from the Camfield Estates–MIT Creating CommunityConnections Project,” paper presented at Digital Communities 2002: Cities in theInformation Society, Chicago, IL, November 4–6 (http://www.media.mit.edu/~rpinkett/papers/).Rogers, E. M. (1983) Diffusion of Innovations, 3rd edn. New York: The Free Press.Sandor, Laurel and Scheuerer, Karen (2000) Surely Someone Knows How To Do This:Organizing Information Flows of Community Technology Centers. Ann Arbor, MI:School of Information, University of Michigan (available at http://www.si.umich.edu/community/connections/findingsreport.html).Sanyal, Bish (2000) “From Dirt Road to Information Superhighway: AdvancedInformation Technology and the Future of the Urban Poor,” in James O. Wheeler,Yuko Aoyama, and Barney Warf (eds), Cities in the Telecommunications Age: TheFracturing of Geographies. New York: Routledge.Seedco (2002) The Evolving Role of Information Technology in CommunityDevelopment Organizations. New York: Seedco.Servon, Lisa J. (2002) Bridging the Digital Divide: Technology, Community, andPublic Policy. Oxford: Blackwell.Shapiro, Andrew L. (1999) “The Net that Binds: Using Cyberspace to Create RealCommunities,” The Nation (June 21).Stanley, L. (2002) Beyond Access: Qualifying the Digital Divide. San Diego, CA:UCSD Civic Collaborative (available at http://www.mediamanage.net/Beyond_Access.pdf).Stone, A. (1996) “CTCNet: History, Organization, and Future,” CommunityTechnology Center Review (Fall/Winter) (available at http://www.ctcnet.org/new6toni.html).United Nations Development Programme (2001) Human Development Report 2001:Making New Technologies Work for Human Development. New York: UnitedNations Development Programme.US Department of Commerce (1995) Falling Through the Net: A Survey of the “HaveNots” in Rural and Urban America (Full Report, July, available athttp://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/digitaldivide/).—— (1998) Falling Through the Net II: New Data on the Digital Divide (Full Report,July, available at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/digitaldivide/).—— (1999) Falling Through the Net III: Defining the Digital Divide (Full Report,July, available at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/digitaldivide/).—— (2000) Falling Through the Net IV: Toward Digital Inclusion (Full Report,October, available at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/digitaldivide/).

338 Lisa J. Servon and Randal D. Pinkett—— (2002) A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding their Use of the Internet(Full Report, February, available at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/index.html).The White House (1999) Remarks by the President on Bridging the Digital Divide.Washington, DC: Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, December 9(available at http://clinton4.nara.gov/WH/New/html/19991209.html).—— (2000) From Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity. Washington, DC: The WhiteHouse.

338 Lisa J. Servon and Randal D. Pinkett—— (2002) A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding their Use of the Internet(Full Report, February, available at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/index.html).The White House (1999) Remarks by the President on Bridging the Digital Divide.Washington, DC: Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, December 9(available at http://clinton4.nara.gov/WH/New/html/19991209.html).—— (2000) From Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity. Washington, DC: The WhiteHouse.

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