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318 James E. Katz, Ronald E. Rice, and Sophia K. Acord(retrieved March 29, 2004 from http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,35516,00.html).Schmidt, K., White, A., and Ernst, E. (2003) “Reflexologists’ Responses to a Patientwith Abdominal Pain: A Survey on Internet Advice,” Complementary Therapies inMedicine 11 (2): 98–102.Schwitzer, G. (2002) “A Review of Features in Internet Consumer Health DecisionsupportTools,” Journal of Medical Internet Research 4 (2): e11 (retrieved onAugust 13, 2003 from http://www.jmir.org/2002/2/e11/).Sharf, B. F. (1997) “Communicating Breast Cancer On-line: Support andEmpowerment on the Internet,” Women and Health 26 (1): 65–84.Sigouin, C. and Jadad, A. R. (2002) “Awareness of Sources of Peer-reviewed ResearchEvidence on the Internet,” Journal of the American Medical Association 287 (21):2867–9.Spielberg, A. R. (1998) “On Call and Online: Sociohistorical, Legal, and EthicalImplications of E-mail for the Patient–Physician Relationship,” Journal of theAmerican Medical Association 280 (15): 1353–9.Street, Jr, R. L. and Rimal, R. (1997) “Health Promotion and Interactive Technology:A Conceptual Foundation,” in R. L. Street, Jr, W. Gold, and T. Manning (eds),Health Promotion and Interactive Technology: Theoretical Applications and FutureDirections, pp. 1–18. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Suarez-Almazor, M. E., Kendall, C. J., and Dorgan, M. (2001) “Surfing the Net:Information on the World Wide Web for Persons with Arthritis: PatientEmpowerment or Patient Deceit?,” Journal of Rheumatology 28 (1): 1–2.Till, J. E. (2003) “Evaluation of Support Groups for Women with Breast Cancer:Importance of the Navigator Role,” Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1 (1): 16.Tu, H. T. and Hargraves, J. L. (2003) “Seeking Health Care Information: MostConsumers Still on the Sidelines,” Issue Brief Center for Studying Health SystemChan<strong>ge</strong> 61: 1–4.Veronin, M. A. (2002) “Where Are They Now? A Case Study of Health-related WebSite Attrition,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, 4 (2): e10 (retrieved August13, 2003 from www.jmir.org).Wellman, B. (1995) “Lay Referral Networks: Using Conventional Medicine andAlternative Therapies for Low Back Pain,” in J. J. Kronenfield (ed.), Research inthe Sociology of Health Care 12. Greenwich: JAI Press (retrieved July 25, 2003from www.utoronto.ca).Wikgren, M. (2001) “Health Discussions on the Internet: A Study of Knowled<strong>ge</strong>Communication through Citations,” Library and Information Research 23: 305–17.Williams, P., Nicholas, D., Huntington, P., and McLean, F. (2002) “Surfing for Health:User Evaluation of a Health Information Website. Part two: Fieldwork,” HealthInformation and Libraries Journal, 19 (4): 214–25.Winzelberg, A. J., Classen, C., Alpers, G. W., Roberts, H., Koopman, C., Adams, R. E.,Ernst, H., Dev, P., and Taylor, C. B. (2003) “Evaluation of an Internet SupportGroup for Women with Primary Breast Cancer,” Cancer 97 (5): 1164–73.Wynn, E. and Katz, J. E. (1997) “Hyperbole over Cyberspace: Self-presentation andSocial Boundaries in Internet Home Pa<strong>ge</strong>s and Discourse,” The Information Society13 (4): 297–328.

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