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Untitled - socium.ge

Untitled - socium.ge


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e-learning in post-secondary education 287to be completely re-designed, then project mana<strong>ge</strong>ment becomes essential. Itis more difficult to determine whether mixed-mode courses, which combine areduced face-to-face teaching load with substantive online learning, require aproject mana<strong>ge</strong>ment approach, but they would certainly benefit from collegialmaterials development. In <strong>ge</strong>neral, though, the more important the role of e-learning becomes in a course, the more important it becomes to use a fullproject mana<strong>ge</strong>ment approach.Lastly, successful boutique, project mana<strong>ge</strong>ment, and collegial materialsdevelopment require access to resources, such as instructional designers,graphics designers, web programmers and, above all, someone who understandsand is experienced in project mana<strong>ge</strong>ment. Project mana<strong>ge</strong>ment andcollegial materials development therefore require a significant shift inmana<strong>ge</strong>ment strategies and approaches to teaching, as well as resources dedicatedto funding staff other than teachers. However, even a Lone Ran<strong>ge</strong>r canuse many of the principles of project mana<strong>ge</strong>ment when developing coursesusing e-learning.LEARNER SUPPORTSupport for e-learners is perhaps the most important and least understoodaspect of e-learning. Noble’s fear of the automation of teaching has not proveda reality in most cases because, without adequate support for learners,programs collapse. Learner support covers a wide ran<strong>ge</strong> of topics, but the mostimportant are:• marketing/course information;• registration and tuition-fee payment;• course admission/passwords/technical help;• ordering and delivery of materials;• online moderating;• student counselling;• student assessment and feedback.With the possible exception of online moderating, these issues are not anydifferent from those of regular campus-based learners where e-learning ismerely used as a classroom aid. However, as the proportion of time devoted toe-learning compared with regular classroom teaching increases, then so doesthe importance of equivalent online learner support services. The more timestudents spend on e-learning, the more they need and expect other services,such as online admission and registration, online counselling, online paymentof tuition fees, and online ordering of materials to be available. For students

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