Untitled - socium.ge

Untitled - socium.ge Untitled - socium.ge


Notes on contributorsxveconomics. She is the author of three monographs, co-editor of the RussianMedia Challenge (2001, 2002), and author of seventy articles in Russian andforeign academic journals.Barry Wellman is a sociologist who directs NetLab at the University ofToronto’s Center for Urban and Community Studies. He founded theInternational Network for Social Network Analysis in 1976. In addition tomore than two hundred articles, he has co-edited Social Structures: A NetworkApproach (1988), Networks in the Global Village (1999), and The Internet inEveryday Life (2002).Rosalind Williams is Metcalfe Professor of Writing and Director of theProgram in Science, Technology, and Society at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. In 2005 she will be President of the Society for the History ofTechnology. A cultural historian of technology, her most recent work isRetooling: A Historian Confronts Technological Change (2002).Steve Woolgar is a sociologist who holds the Chair of Marketing and isDirector of Research at the Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford.He is also a member of the Management Board of the Oxford InternetInstitute. From 1997 to 2002 he was Director of the ESRC Programme VirtualSociety? The Social Science of Electronic Technologies, comprising twentytworesearch projects throughout the United Kingdom. He was formerlyProfessor of Sociology and Director of CRICT at Brunel University. He haspublished widely in social studies of science and technology, social problems,and social theory. He is the editor of Virtual Society? Technology, Cyberbole,Reality (2002).Caitlin Zaloom is Assistant Professor and Faculty Fellow in the MetropolitanStudies Program at New York University. Her work on technologies of financeand risk-taking has appeared in American Ethnologist and CulturalAnthropology. Her book The Discipline of Speculators: Trading andTechnology from Chicago to London is forthcoming from the University ofChicago Press.

AcknowledgmentsThis book is the result of a networked project of cooperation undertaken by 26researchers from Universities around the world. Therefore, it would not existwithout the efficient management of this network by the coordinator of thebook project: Ms. Anna Sanchez-Juarez, from the Internet InterdisciplinaryInstitute of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).As with all academic endeavors, this project is endebted to the material andintellectual support of the research institutions that constitute the daily workingenvironment of the authors. We wish to express our gratitude to our universitiesand research centers for this support. The editor wishes also toacknowledge specially the support received from the Annenberg School ofCommunication, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and from theInternet Interdisciplinary Institute, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona.More specifically, the work leading to this book has benefited fom the researchenvironments established around the Annenberg Research Network onInternational Communication at USC, and around the Project InternetCatalonia (PIC) at the Open University of Catalonia.A special word deserves our publishing editor, Ms. Francine O’Sullivan,from Edward Elgar, who initiated the project of this book and supported itthroughout its evolution. The copy editor of this book, Ms. Sue Ashton, is,once again, as in several projects led by the book’s editor, the indispensablecommunicating links between our analysis and you the reader. Specificacknowledgements to colleagues who have commented and helped thesubstance of the book are included by the authors in each chapter.xvi

AcknowledgmentsThis book is the result of a networked project of cooperation undertaken by 26researchers from Universities around the world. Therefore, it would not existwithout the efficient mana<strong>ge</strong>ment of this network by the coordinator of thebook project: Ms. Anna Sanchez-Juarez, from the Internet InterdisciplinaryInstitute of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).As with all academic endeavors, this project is endebted to the material andintellectual support of the research institutions that constitute the daily workin<strong>ge</strong>nvironment of the authors. We wish to express our gratitude to our universitiesand research centers for this support. The editor wishes also toacknowled<strong>ge</strong> specially the support received from the Annenberg School ofCommunication, University of Southern California, Los An<strong>ge</strong>les, and from theInternet Interdisciplinary Institute, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona.More specifically, the work leading to this book has benefited fom the researchenvironments established around the Annenberg Research Network onInternational Communication at USC, and around the Project InternetCatalonia (PIC) at the Open University of Catalonia.A special word deserves our publishing editor, Ms. Francine O’Sullivan,from Edward Elgar, who initiated the project of this book and supported itthroughout its evolution. The copy editor of this book, Ms. Sue Ashton, is,once again, as in several projects led by the book’s editor, the indispensablecommunicating links between our analysis and you the reader. Specificacknowled<strong>ge</strong>ments to colleagues who have commented and helped thesubstance of the book are included by the authors in each chapter.xvi

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