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Untitled - socium.ge Untitled - socium.ge


The Russian network society 97action. Russian politicians and business elites have not demonstrated a willingnessto move from authoritarian paternalistic structures to innovative andhorizontal types of social and economic relations. The distribution of intellectualresources and social communication in Russia still follows old hierarchicalpatterns, and only a limited section of Russian society could be said to fallwithin the concept of a network society.REFERENCESBell, D. (1960) The End of Ideology. New York: Free Press.Castells, M. (1996–8) The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, 3 vols.Oxford: Blackwell.—— and Kiselyova, E. (2000) “Rossija i setevoye obshestvo” (Russia and the NetworkSociety), Mir Rossiji 1 (available at: http://NetHistory.Ru/biblio/1043176006.html).—— and — (2001) “Rossija v informatsionnuyu epokhu” (Russia in the InformationAge), Mir Rossiji 1 (available at: http://NetHistory.Ru/biblio/1043176006.html).Delyagin, M. (2001) “Puti Rossiji v odnopolyarnom mire” (Russian Ways in a OnecenteredWorld), in M. Il’in and V. Inozemtsev (eds), Megatrendy sovremennogorazvitija (Mega Trends of Modern Development), pp. 94–103. Moscow:Ekonomika.Doctorov, B. (1999) “Rossijiskiji Internet: novoye russkoye tchudo” (The Internet inRussia: New Russian Miracle), Peterburgskiji Zhurnal sotsiologii 2: 5–7.Drucker, P. (1993) Post-capitalist Society. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.Giddens, A. (1993) The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.Graham, G. (1999) The Internet: A Philosophical Inquiry. New York: Routledge.Inozemtsev, V. (1999) “Perspectivy postindustrial’noi teorii v menyayushemcya mir”(Perspectives of the Post-industrial Theory in the Changing World), in V.Inozemtzev (ed.), Novaya postindustrial’naya volna na Zapade (New Post-industrialWave in the West), pp. 3–64. Moscow: Academia.—— (2000) Sovremennoye postindustrial’noye obshestvo: priroda, protivirachija,perspectivy (Modern Post-industrial Society: Nature, Contradictions, Perspectives).Moscow: Logos.Issledovanije ID “Komp’juterra” (2003) Tendentsii razvitija IKY i ikh primenenije vsotsial’no-ekonomicheskoi spfere (Trends of ICT Development and their Uses in theSocial and Economic Sphere) (available at http://www.region2003.ru/tendency/).Kara-Mourza, S. (2001) Manipuljatzija soznaniem (Manipulation of Conciseness).Moscow: EKSMO Press.Ledeneva, A. (2000) “How Russia Really Works,” OpenDemocracy (available at:http://www.opendemocracy.net/themes/article-6-253.jsp).Lievrouw, L. and Livingstone, S. (eds) (2002) Handbook of the New Media: SocialShaping and Consequences of ICTs. London: Sage.Mezhdunarodnyi otraslevoi almanakh (2002), no. 9. Moscow.Neklessa, A. (1999) “Konetz tsivilizatsii, ili zigzag istorii” (The End of Civilization, orZigzag of History), in Postindustrial’nyi mir: tsentr, periferija, Rissija (Post-industrialWorld: Center, Periphery, Russia), pp. 31–74. Moscow.—— (2001) “Ordo quadro: prishetvije postsovremennogo mira” (Ordo Quadro: TheComing of the Post-modern World), in M. Il’in and V. Inozemtsev (eds),

98 Elena VartanovaMegatrendy sovremennogo razvitija (Mega Trends of Modern Development), pp.127–51. Moscow: Ekonomika.Nosik, A. (2003) “Samizdat, Internet and professional’nyi chitatel” (Samizdat, theInternet and the Professional Reader), Otechestvennuje zapiski 4 (13): 155–61.Ovchinnikov, B. (2002) “Virtual’nuye nadezhdu: sostoyaniye I perspectivu politicheskogoRuneta” (Virtual Expectations: The State and the Prospects for PoliticalRunet), Polis. Politicheskiye issledovanija (available at: http://www.politstudies.ru/fulltext/2002/1/5.htm).Perfiliev, Y. (2002a) “Internet v regionakh Rossii” (The Internet in the RussianRegions), Regiony Rossii v 1999 godu (available at: http://pubs.carnegie.ru/books/2001/01np/25yp.asp).—— (2002b) “Territorial’naya organizatsija rossiiskogo internet-prostranstva” (TheTerritorial Organization of Russian Internet Space), in I. Semenov (ed.), Internet irossiiskoye obshestvo (The Internet and Russian Society), pp. 21–46. Moscow:Gendalf.Petrov, N. (2000) “Federalism po-russki” (Federalism Russian Style), Pro et Contra 1(5): 7–33.Pokrovsky, N. (2001) “Transit rossiyiskikh tsennostei: nerealisovannaya alternativa,anomiya, globalizatsija” (Transition of Russian Values: Unrealized Alternative,Anomie, Globalization), in A. Sogomonov and S. Kukhterin (eds), Globalizatsija Ipostsovetskoye obshestvo (Globalization and Post-Soviet Society), pp. 39–59.Moscow: Stovi.Rantanen, T. (2002) The Global and the National: Media and Communications in PostcommunistRussia. Lanham, MA: Rowman and Littlefield.Robin, K. and Webster, F. (1999) Times of the Technoculture: From Information Societyto the Virtual Life. New York: Routledge.Rumetrica (2002) available at: http://www.rambler.ru/db/rumetrica.Segbers, K. (1999) “Shivaya loskutnoye odeyalo” (Sewing Together the PatchworkQuilt), Pro et Contra 4 (4): 65–83.Semenov, I. (ed.) (2002) Internet i rossiiskoye obshestvo (The Internet and RussianSociety). Moscow: Gendalf.Sparks, C., with Reading, A. (1998) Communism, Capitalism and the Mass Media.London: Sage.Stiglitz, J. (2002) Globalization and its Discontents. London. Penguin.Toffler, A. (1980) The Third Wave. New York: Bantam Books.Vartanova, E. (2001) “Media Structures: Changed and Unchanged,” in K.Nordenstreng, E. Vartanova and Y. Zassoursky (eds), Russian Media Challenge, pp.21–72. Helsinki: Kikimora.—— (2002) “Digital Divide and the Changing Political/Media Environment of PostsocialistEurope,” Gazette 64 (5): 449–65.Verner, D. (2003) “ ‘Anekdotu iz Rossiji’ I folklore internetovskoji epokhi” (‘Jokesfrom Russia’ and the Folklore of the Internet Epoch), Russkji Zhurnal/Net-kultura(available at: www.russ.ru/netcult/20030617_verner.html).Webster, F. (1995) Theories of the Information Society. New York: Routledge.Williams, R. (1974) Television, Technology and Cultural Form. London: Fontana.Winston, B. (1998) Media Technology and Society: A History from the Telegraph to theInternet. London: Routledge.

The Russian network society 97action. Russian politicians and business elites have not demonstrated a willingnessto move from authoritarian paternalistic structures to innovative andhorizontal types of social and economic relations. The distribution of intellectualresources and social communication in Russia still follows old hierarchicalpatterns, and only a limited section of Russian society could be said to fallwithin the concept of a network society.REFERENCESBell, D. (1960) The End of Ideology. New York: Free Press.Castells, M. (1996–8) The Information A<strong>ge</strong>: Economy, Society and Culture, 3 vols.Oxford: Blackwell.—— and Kiselyova, E. (2000) “Rossija i setevoye obshestvo” (Russia and the NetworkSociety), Mir Rossiji 1 (available at: http://NetHistory.Ru/biblio/1043176006.html).—— and — (2001) “Rossija v informatsionnuyu epokhu” (Russia in the InformationA<strong>ge</strong>), Mir Rossiji 1 (available at: http://NetHistory.Ru/biblio/1043176006.html).Delyagin, M. (2001) “Puti Rossiji v odnopolyarnom mire” (Russian Ways in a OnecenteredWorld), in M. Il’in and V. Inozemtsev (eds), Megatrendy sovremennogorazvitija (Mega Trends of Modern Development), pp. 94–103. Moscow:Ekonomika.Doctorov, B. (1999) “Rossijiskiji Internet: novoye russkoye tchudo” (The Internet inRussia: New Russian Miracle), Peterburgskiji Zhurnal sotsiologii 2: 5–7.Drucker, P. (1993) Post-capitalist Society. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.Giddens, A. (1993) The Consequences of Modernity. Cambrid<strong>ge</strong>: Polity Press.Graham, G. (1999) The Internet: A Philosophical Inquiry. New York: Routled<strong>ge</strong>.Inozemtsev, V. (1999) “Perspectivy postindustrial’noi teorii v menyayushemcya mir”(Perspectives of the Post-industrial Theory in the Changing World), in V.Inozemtzev (ed.), Novaya postindustrial’naya volna na Zapade (New Post-industrialWave in the West), pp. 3–64. Moscow: Academia.—— (2000) Sovremennoye postindustrial’noye obshestvo: priroda, protivirachija,perspectivy (Modern Post-industrial Society: Nature, Contradictions, Perspectives).Moscow: Logos.Issledovanije ID “Komp’juterra” (2003) Tendentsii razvitija IKY i ikh primenenije vsotsial’no-ekonomicheskoi spfere (Trends of ICT Development and their Uses in theSocial and Economic Sphere) (available at http://www.region2003.ru/tendency/).Kara-Mourza, S. (2001) Manipuljatzija soznaniem (Manipulation of Conciseness).Moscow: EKSMO Press.Ledeneva, A. (2000) “How Russia Really Works,” OpenDemocracy (available at:http://www.opendemocracy.net/themes/article-6-253.jsp).Lievrouw, L. and Livingstone, S. (eds) (2002) Handbook of the New Media: SocialShaping and Consequences of ICTs. London: Sa<strong>ge</strong>.Mezhdunarodnyi otraslevoi almanakh (2002), no. 9. Moscow.Neklessa, A. (1999) “Konetz tsivilizatsii, ili zigzag istorii” (The End of Civilization, orZigzag of History), in Postindustrial’nyi mir: tsentr, periferija, Rissija (Post-industrialWorld: Center, Periphery, Russia), pp. 31–74. Moscow.—— (2001) “Ordo quadro: prishetvije postsovremennogo mira” (Ordo Quadro: TheComing of the Post-modern World), in M. Il’in and V. Inozemtsev (eds),

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