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Scope & Sequence - Cambridge Education - Cambridge University ...

Scope & Sequence - Cambridge Education - Cambridge University ...


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Stage 48 historical infinitives iuvenēs latrōnēs oppugnāre, praedam dīvidere,<br />

iocōs celebrāre.<br />

use of the poetic plural for a<br />

singular meaning<br />

conerīque haec mittite nostrō/mūnera.<br />

Stage 47 ablative without a preposition<br />

to express the idea of “in” or<br />

“from” in poetry<br />

immānīs columnās rūpibus excīdunt.<br />

genitive of characteristic omnia sunt alia nōn crīmina sed maledicta, iurgī<br />

petulantis magis quam pūblicae quaestiōnis.<br />

Stage 46 more about ellipsis (omission of<br />

esse)<br />

nec enim muliebrīs umquam inimīcitiās mihi<br />

gerendās putāvī.<br />

ablative of cause tuā operā, meae puellae rubent ocellī.<br />

quod in apposition to who<br />

preceding sentence<br />

dulce rīdentem, miserō quod omnēs/ēripit sēnsūs<br />

mihi.<br />

quod mulier dīcit amantī, in ventō scrībere<br />

oportet aquā.<br />

relative clauses with antecedent<br />

deferred or omitted<br />

quī auxilium mihi prōmīsērunt, eī mē iam<br />

dēserunt.<br />

deliberative subjunctive quā tē regiōne requīram? relative clause preceding<br />

the main clause<br />

sed mulier cupidō quod dīcit<br />

amantī in ventō et rapidā<br />

scrībere oportet aquā.

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