Scope & Sequence - Cambridge Education - Cambridge University ...

Scope & Sequence - Cambridge Education - Cambridge University ...

Scope & Sequence - Cambridge Education - Cambridge University ...


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genitive of description astrologus, quī in vīllā Barbillī<br />

habitābat, erat vir ingeniī prāvī.<br />

is, ea, id note Petrō, postquam dē vulnere Barbillī<br />

audīvit, statim ad vīllam eius<br />

festīnāvit.<br />

increased complexity of<br />

sentence structure:<br />

iii) "stringing" of two parallel<br />

subordinate clauses<br />

servī, quī Barbillum portābant, ubi<br />

cubiculum intrāvērunt, in lectum eum<br />

lēniter posuērunt.<br />

Stage 20 present active participle note ancillae prope lectum stabant,<br />

lacrimantes.<br />

fīō + predicate nominative aqua līmōsior fiēbat, harundinēsque<br />

dēnsiōrēs.<br />

vocative singular and plural note marīte! ēmovē hōs iuvenes!<br />

imperatives including negative<br />

note<br />

iuvenes! cedite! nolite nobis obstare!<br />

Stage 19 hic, ille note haec fēmina est Galatēa.<br />

ille vir est Aristo.<br />

increased complexity of<br />

sentence structure:<br />

i) "branching" of one<br />

subordinate clause out of<br />

another<br />

ii) "nesting" of one subordinate<br />

clause inside another<br />

ubi ā templō, in quō cēnāverat, domum<br />

redībat, amīcum cōnspexit<br />

accurrentem.<br />

dīligenter labōrābant, quod aderat<br />

vīlicus, quī virgam vibrābat.

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