Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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2. SERVICE PLANNING AND DELIVERY2.1 New Policies and/or InitiativesWhen the Council plans and formulates new policies orinitiatives, it will assess the linguistic consequences, to ensurethat they meet the commitments given in this Scheme. TheCouncil will use new policies and initiatives to mainstreamand facilitate the use of Welsh wherever possible and tomove the organisation closer to implementing the principle ofequality at every opportunity. The Council will ensure that themeasures contained in this Scheme are applied to newpolicies and initiatives when they are implemented.The Welsh Language Board will be consulted about any newpolicies or initiatives proposed which could affect theCouncil's Welsh Language Scheme, or the Scheme of anotherorganisation. The Scheme will not be altered without theBoard's agreement.The Council aims to promote the use of Welsh in newpolicies and initiatives, at every opportunity. However, it isrecognised that in some circumstances this may not bepossible immediately. In such instances, the Council willendeavour to expedite matters as soon as practicable.Officers involved in formulating and implementing newpolicies and initiatives have been made aware of therequirements of the Welsh Language Act 1993 and the WelshLanguage Scheme. Guidance has also been issued to officerson how to assess the likely impact of new proposals on theScheme and the steps required to ensure that thesemeasures are complied with.As per the Welsh Assembly Government’s guidance, <strong>Rhondda</strong><strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> County Borough Council commits to:Considering the Welsh language in all aspects of itswork, with the aim of ensuring that every opportunityis taken to:• promote the Welsh language• contribute to the Assembly Government’s vision ofa truly bilingual Wales• plan, provide and evaluate services in Welsh andEnglish.Policy developers in <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> will bemindful of the fact that it contributes to the WelshAssembly Government’s action plan for a bilingualWales by increasing the number of Welsh speakersto 25.8% nationally by 2011 or to 29,400 from28,000 in <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> primarily via thestatutory education system.The Council commits to providing opportunitiesfor Welsh speakers to use the language, and dulypromoting and facilitating such opportunities.In order to help realise the Welsh AssemblyGovernment’s vision and in terms of equalopportunities, <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> Council willstrive to commit to delivering more servicesthrough the medium of Welsh, whether as aLead Body or when influencing servicesprovided by the private or voluntary services.The Council commits to monitoringservices in terms of language as anequalities issue to ensure that equalemphasis is placed on both languages.2.2 Delivery of ServicesThe services provided by the Council for the public are verywide ranging and are under the management of the ChiefExecutive and the Group Directors and Director ofEducation and Life Long Learning - each responsible foreither a range of direct services to the public or indirectsupport services.Not all services are provided directly by the Council'sDivisions; some are provided on behalf of the Council byagencies or bodies contracted to the Council or controlledthrough regulatory functions or provided via a third party andrelevant aspects of the Scheme will need to be incorporatedinto appropriate contracts.As the Local Education Authority, the Council hasresponsibility for providing schools and ensuring sufficientschool places and, through regulation of the curriculum andthe character of schools, for thestrategic direction of the Welshlanguage and Welsh mediumeducation. The delivery of educationis otherwise substantially throughGoverning Bodies of schools, whodecide their arrangements and theapplication of resources in staffing,supplies and administration. TheCouncil provides supportservices for schools anddelivers some services, such asstudent awards, directly

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