Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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7. PUBLICITYUnder Section 12 (2) (b) of the Welsh Language Act 1993,The Council will pursue an ongoing publicity campaign toensure that its employees, agents and the public are aware ofthe Scheme and its contents.The following methods of publicity will be used:• notices in public offices, reception areas etc• leaflets detailing the Council's Welsh language commitmentand services• press releases• internet / intranet sites• items in Council publications• guidance distributed to staff• copies of the Scheme to be distributed to the Council'sagents / contractors as well as to other interestedorganisations or individualsAdvice on publicising the Scheme and the Council'sWelsh language services has been issued to staffinvolved in publicity / communications and in liaisonwith contractors, agents and other organisations withwhom the Council deals.The Council will implement a structured marketingand promotional campaign jointly with the WelshLanguage Board and will target specific services overa period of time. The aim will be to ensure thatprogress is made in relation to an increase in thenumber of Welsh language service users and anincrease in services promoted.7.1 Timetable and ImplementationThe Council’s initial Scheme became operational in June 1997,and progress in terms of implementation in relation to allservices and commitments detailed in this Scheme has beenmade since that time.The Scheme will be implemented over a three year periodfrom April 2009 to March 2012, and this will allow the Councilto consider the resource implications of these measures,which may require additional funding. Partnerships, franchisearrangements and / or service level agreements will beconsidered as a means of achieving best value andimplementing this Scheme in the most cost effective way.Should the Scheme require review in the light of changingfinancial circumstances, the Welsh Language Board will beconsulted prior to making any changes.Guidance on Scheme implementation hasbeen prepared and issued previously to allservice areas of the Council. Appended isthe Council’s implementation timetable forthe Scheme. In developing the timetable,account has been taken of the existingfinancial and human resources available tothe Council and is reflected in the targetdates for these measures.

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