Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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• Organising and Delivering of Services – Directors andService Area Directors to monitor the implementation ofarrangements made to deliver the Council's services inWelsh, and their effectiveness; monitoring how well theorganisation is encouraging and facilitating the use of Welshby other parties.• Dealing With The Welsh Speaking Public – Directors andService Area Directors to monitor times for responding toWelsh correspondence, the quality of translation servicesand the arrangements for meetings.• The Council’s Public Face – Directors and Service AreaDirectors to monitor the implementation of theintroduction of bilingual forms, signs, notices and otherprinted materials.• Staffing – Directors and Service Area Directors to monitorthe implementation of staffing and training measuresincluded in the Scheme.• Agencies and Contractors – Directors and Service AreaDirectors to monitor the provision and administration ofservices by the Council's agents and contractors to ensurecompliance with the Welsh language terms of theiragreements or arrangements.• Complaints – Directors and Service Area Directors tomonitor the incidence and nature of complaints in respectof Welsh Language Scheme compliance and also beresponsible for dealing with complaints from the public asthey relate to their Division's services, in accordance withthe Council's complaints procedure. Service AreaDirectors should ensure that complaints in relation to theWelsh language service are part of the Council’s officialcomplaints procedure. Formal complaints will be dealt with,in accordance with Council’s Corporate Feedback Scheme.The Council's Compliance Officer (the Chief Executive) willhave responsibility for ensuring the overall management of thisScheme. The Council will also welcome and recordsuggestions for improvements and advise the public how andto whom they should make their views known on the servicesprovided in Welsh, and how they will be dealt with.The Compliance Officer's identity will be made knownto other staff, to contractors and agents employed bythe Council and to the public.The Council's Compliance Officer is:Mr Keith GriffithsChief Executive<strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> County Borough CouncilClydach ValeTonypandyCF40 2XXThe Council will provide the Welsh Language Boardwith an annual report, in a form approved by theBoard, which describes progress in implementingthe measures in the Scheme and which analysesthe number and nature of any complaints, togetherwith suggestions for improvements received fromthe public. A copy of this report will be madeavailable also for members of the public toinspect at main Council Offices and the Council’sWebsite.

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