Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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6 MONITORING PROGRESS6.1 Monitoring and Target SettingA Task Force of Senior Officers and councillors meets twice ayear to drive implementation of the Scheme within their ownand to monitor the effective implementation of the Scheme.The Welsh Language Development and Training Officer willliaise with service area personnel in respect of Schemeimplementation.Group Directors and Service Directors will be responsible forarrangements to secure specific reports regularly onperformance from each of their service areas and agents andwhich will be included in the Council’s Annual MonitoringReport to the Welsh Language Board.The Council's Annual Monitoring Report to the WelshLanguage Board will be approved by the Cabinet Member andWelsh Language Member Champion and the Officer WelshLanguage Champion and submitted to the CorporateManagement Team and Overview and Scrutiny Panel. This isthe reporting procedure for compliance with the Scheme forthe next three years:The Annual Monitoring Report to the Board will seek toachieve the following aims:-(i) to assess whether the Council is conforming to theScheme in performing against the set timetable(ii) to measure the quality of frontline services through themedium ofWelsh• data; (WLI 2 & 6)• assessment by the Board on face-to-face service(ii) to measure whether the management / administration ofthe Scheme is adequate• evaluation by the Board• focus report on services provided on behalf of the Councilby third parties (PI 1)(iii) to measure the adequacy of its language skills bycomparing need and resource• language skills data – personnel (WLI 4 & 5)(iv) to include a chapter on mainstreaming providing provenexamples of mainstreaming in action including:• corporate steps or measures taken by services• to promote Welsh medium services• use of Welsh in the community• increase in the number of Welsh speakers(v) analysis of the Council’s performance according to priority/ target together with the role of scrutinyThe Council will summarise its findings in the form ofa brief narrative (with evidence) to be submitted tothe Board and will identify any fundamentalweaknesses / risks, and draw up an action plan ofcorrective measures, together with a timetable. TheCouncil will also draw attention to progress, goodpractice and compliance levels.Where there are weaknesses, an action /development plan shall be agreed with the Board.The Council will comply with thematic inspectionseither by the Board and / or jointly with inspectionbodies. The Council will implementrecommendations where relevant.Investigations under Section 17 of the ActIf the Board is required to carry out anInvestigation under Section 17 of the Act, theCouncil will be prepared to fully cooperate byproviding information – reports, documents orclarification, to the Welsh Language Board.The Council will be prepared to do this inboth written and verbal forms and the Boardwill be able to have discussions with:• Elected members• Local authority employees• Contracted service providers and theiremployees• Any individual that assists the Councilin the delivery of its servicesAs part of the reports, appropriateAction Plans will be devised atDivisional level which will providegreater accountability, responsibility,focus, and awareness of languagechoice in service delivery. Forexample:• Future Planning andProcurement – Directors andService Area Directors toensure that any new policiesand procedures, publicationsand computer programmesacquired are consistentwith providing a bilingualservice on the basis ofequality.

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