Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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4.7 Official Notices, Public Notices and Staff Recruitment AdvertisingOfficial notices, statutory notices, public notices and staffrecruitment advertisements which appear in the press, onnotice boards or otherwise will be bilingual and will be equal interms of format, size, quality, legibility and prominence.Where a statutory notice includes extensive technical detailand is of little concern to the general public, it will be producedin English only. However, when such a statutory notice affects alarge section of the population or is likely to be of majorconcern to local people it will be published bilingually.Recruitment advertisements for posts for which Welshis an essential requirement will be advertised in Welshonly, with a footnote in English explaining the purposeof the advertisement and that it is a requirement ofthe post to be able to speak Welsh.Guidance on the implementation of these measureshas been issued to staff involved in the preparation,design and production of official public notices andrecruitment advertisements.5. IMPLEMENTING THE SCHEME5.1 StaffingIn order to provide quality and efficient service to the Welshspeaking public, the Council will endeavour to ensure asufficient supply of Welsh speaking staff. Such staff must havesuitable skills and appropriate responsibility to ensure that theCouncil provides a comprehensive Welsh medium service.To achieve this goal, the Council will implement its StaffRecruitment and Training and Development plan as part of itLinguistic Skills Strategy to ensure that wherever there areinsufficient Welsh speaking staff, managers will need to either• recruit bilingual staff and /or• train and develop staffto ensure there are sufficient staff with bilingual skillsthroughout the Council to provide services in Welsh.The Council is responsible for a wide range of services, manyof which require specialised professional and technical skills fortheir operation. It will not be practicable for every aspect ofeach service to be provided through the medium of Welsh,but the aim will be to have sufficient staff to provide the Welshspeaking public with an integrated service.The Council will carry out a Linguistic Skills Survey during2009 – 2010 to establish the number of staff who are bilingualor who are learning Welsh and their location within theorganisation.A list of Welsh Speaking staff is available via the Council’sintranet search facility. Staff are welcome and encouraged touse Welsh in the workplace.Language ability is sought when new staff are appointed andwill be stored on the e-recruitment system. The intention is topopulate the HR computer staff database system accordinglyto obviate the need for future staff language surveys.Information on Welsh Language qualifications and training mayalso be stored.The Council will examine its services and theirrelationship with the public and the ability of theunit / office / team / department to provide faceto-faceservices through the medium of Welsh.When assessing language requirements for poststhe Council will consider the nature of the postand the frequency of contact with the public.When drawing up it’s Linguistic Skills Strategythe Council will:• denote posts / a percentage of postswhere the ability to speak Welsh isadvertised as an essential requirementin order to ensure that the Council canmeet its commitment to provide abilingual service• job descriptions will be formulatedto state that Welsh is a desirable ornecessary ability, whenever a jobbecomes vacant or changes• staff will not be pressurised tomove post or undertake trainingagainst their will

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