Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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2.7 The Standard of Service in WelshThe Council welcomes dealings in Welsh or English and aimsto provide an equally effective standard of service in bothlanguages as a matter of equality, good practice and goodcustomer service.The principle of delivering an equally high service in bothlanguages will be stated in key Council documents, such asservice plans and policy documents.The aim will be to provide a consistently high standard ofservice in every aspect of the Council's public work, writtenand orally, in accordance with the commitments of thisScheme. The standard of this service will be subject to annualreview, with the aim of continually improving the standard.To work further towards the quality standard the Councilcommits to the following translation standards: ensuring acommitment to further develop translators’ skills.• ensuring consistency of terminology and text formulation toavoid duplicating work and drafting e.g. by using informationtechnology translation memory and terminology data banks• using Cymraeg Clir, language registers (cf. Plain EnglishCampaign)• providing software, reference books and trainingopportunities for bilingual staff• considering how the Council’s translation unit can influenceand support staff for the benefit of Welsh language servicesWith regard to information technologythe Council will:• work towards the Welsh Language Board’s e-Government Standards• use the Welsh Language Board’s guidelines fordevelopment and maintenance of the Council’swebsite to ensure linguistic equality• promote bilingualism amongst contributors tothe site, such as Community Information Authors.In terms of verbal communication servicesthe Council commits to:• Offering a bilingual service, for visitors ortelephone callers where ever possible• establishing a mechanism for ensuring apositive and welcoming image in publicreception areas using corporate branding thatis designed bilingually.• corporate human resources developing anddriving the bilingual skills strategy to beimplemented throughout the directorateswhich will include designating languagecompetencies for frontline posts andtraining the workforce

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