Top award equality - Prince Henrys Grammar School

Top award equality - Prince Henrys Grammar School

Top award equality - Prince Henrys Grammar School

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Drama studentsraise the roofIN Drama, this year’s A2 devised plays, DivineIntervention and Bird’s Eye View, were performed in frontof appreciative audiences in the Lower Hall in November.Divine Intervention featured a game show, in whichcontestants fought for a place in heaven. Bird’s EyeView was about a community who existed only in themind of a mental patient. Both plays were developed bythe students in a highly professional manner and theproductions were intelligent, creative and very funny.Meanwhile, former student Mark Speight, who leftGuildhall this year, has won a part in Game of Thrones,an HBO series scheduled for May 2011 on Sky1.Acting the part: The cast of Divine Intervention and Bird’s Eye View.Music rocks!YEAR 9 students recently tookpart in an African drummingworkshop, led by tutorAlison Lyon (who also runsan evening class at <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s). Louis Tucker said:“It was good fun. We playedconstantly and learned lots ofnew techniques.”The Music Department alsohosted free classes providedby the <strong>School</strong> of Rock andPop, in which students weregiven the opportunity to playdifferent instruments andperform vocals.Then, in November, <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s singers joined withsingers from Otley andIlkley Choral Society foran afternoon workshop.In this first collaborationwith the community choir,the students worked on amovement from Handel’sMessiah (part of the GCSEMusic specification) as wellas some traditional carols.Currently, after the successof the Autumn Concert inOctober, our musical groupsare busy rehearsing for theChristmas Concert whenmembers of the audiencewill be invited to join in withcommunal carols.Drum majors: Tutor Alison Lyon with Louis Tucker and Selina Stoves, Year 9.Curtain up on creativitySubjects such as Drama, Art and Music give students at <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’sthe opportunity to build their confidence and excel creativelyArtistsofmeritTHE Art Departmentrecently celebrated theachievements of ninestudents in the SixthForm, whose work wasexhibited alongside thatof professional artistsfrom across Yorkshire.Abigail Hilditch,Emily Maun, Ben Freer,Helia Atyabi, RobbieCook, Daisy Conway,Sophie Kirk, HannahBirkett and MariamGulamhussein wereall selected to havetheir work displayed aspart of the nationallyacclaimed Leeds ArtShow. Year 13 studentRobbie Cook said:“It was surprisingto see how well ourartwork fitted in withthe work of so manyestablished artists.”Mariam and Daisy’sartwork was thenchosen to representthe United Kingdom ina joint youth cultureexhibition in Germany.In the frame: Abigail Hilditch, Ben Freer, Daisy Conway, Helia Atyabi,Robbie Cook, Hannah Birkett and Emily Maun.4 5

At work in the communityTHE Young Citizens Panel at <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s is made up of a group ofYear 11 students who have beenworking with the West YorkshirePolice to enhance links betweenschool and the wider community.This year, seven Year 11 studentsproduced a film, which wasdesigned to address some ofthe concerns or misconceptionsthat older people can have aboutteenagers. Their findings werepresented to the police, LocalCouncillors, our local MP, parents,staff and the High Sheriff of WestYorkshire. The team eventuallywent on to win first prize acrossthe county.Students at <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s arealso given the opportunity tomake a difference through the newSenior Student Leadership Team.Head Boy Kieron Mirchandani-Cooper and Head Girl AbigailHewitt were elected by the wholeschool following a rigorouscampaign. They lead the wholeschool Student Council, whichis made up of elected studentleaders from each year group.The Student Leadership Teamalso comprises Deputy Head BoysMatthew Trees and Jason Jones,and Deputy Head Girls CaseyTHE author Michael Scott, who wrote thepopular series The Secrets of the ImmortalNicholas Flamel, visited the Library recentlyto give an inspirational talk about his loveof writing to students from Years 7, 8and 9. Afterwards, the students took partin a question-and-answer session, andwere able to buy copies of his books fromrepresentatives of Waterstone’s.Our love of literature has also manifestedHead Boy and Head Girl: KieronMirchandani-Cooper and Abigail Hewitt, Year 13.Brownbill and Manpreet Ryatt.Together, they lead the fourdifferent Student Leadership FocusGroups: Learning & Teaching,Student Health & Well-being,Environment and Citizenship/Student Voice.Meanwhile, Year 10 studentsfollowing the new BTEC CCLD(Children’s Care, Learning andDevelopment) course have madean enthusiastic start, which hasincluded work experience onTuesday mornings at three localprimary schools and a nursery.Sophie Jones-Tinsley said:“I really enjoy working withthe children and can’t waitto go back.”A few of our favourite booksMichael Scott fans: Douglas Ellis andJoe Gilbody, Year 9.itself in our ‘Get Caught Reading!’ campaign.This term, posters of staff caught readingtheir favourite books have appeared incorridors around the school. These rangefrom our caretaker, Shane Ratcliffe, readinghis favourite book on a stepladder to theHeadteacher Janet Sheriff reading whilewalking around the school grounds.In addition, students are being <strong>award</strong>edstamps by their English teachers for booksPrize-winning film: RebeccaSurr, Hayley James, MarisaBalance, Nathan Coope,Rhiannon Hughes, Laura Fosterand Olivia Hudson, Year 11.they have read. The initiative is beingadvertised with amazing designs by NicolaO’Shea’s Year 11 English group and SallyCox’s Year 10 Media Studies students.Curriculum Leader for English Annie Cunniffehas also taken part in the campaign, andsaid: “We’re very proud of our readingculture here at <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s.”Look out for more posters coming soon.What will you get caught reading?Lifesavershowcases her skillsYEAR 12 student Alice Fisher recently took partin an international lifesaving competition.Alice flew to Egypt with the Leeds Phoenix LifeSaving Swimming Squad to compete in the 2010Interclub Lifesaving World Championships.Alice and her team took part in a varietyof events, including board rescues and a 4 x50 metre obstacle race, at the Olympic-sizeswimming pool in Alexandria and in the sea offMamoura beach.Buoyed by her success:Alice Fisher, Year 12.Focus on healthand well-beingYEAR 12 Health and Social Care students havebeen busy learning about inequalities as partof their AS course.Robert Mann, a lead nurse from LeedsPartnership Trust, came in to talk aboutproblems encountered by people withdisabilities. Student Josh Matthews said: “Ididn’t realise the difficulties people face withdisabilities.” Molly McCaffrey added: “If I werea care practitioner, I would try to help breakdown barriers.”Meanwhile, Year 13 Health and Social Carestudents made an invaluable contribution tothe recent Sixth Form Open Evening when theystaged a mini-health promotion event, enablingparents and prospective students to tasteexotic fruit and assess their ‘five-a-day’ intake.Fun and gamesGame designers: Jordan Fearnley and Joe Gadd, Year 9.YEAR 9 students Joe Gadd andJordan Fearnley have entered theBAFTA Young Game Designerscompetition. They showcasedtheir work at the recent OpenEvening, and we will find out soonif they have been shortlisted. Bothstudents are members of our afterschoolGaming Club, which is runby the ICT Department.Meanwhile, a group of tenstudents, led by Oliver Dawson andRoss Walkinshaw, are competingagain at the First Lego Leaguecompetition at the Universityof Manchester. Their task isto program a robot so that itcompletes a series of missions, andto give a presentation on this year’stheme – ‘Body Forward’.Students promote FairtradeAFTER another successful trip to Harewood House, where students havecontinued to strengthen local community links, Product Design students in Year10 have teamed up with the Print Technology Department at Leeds City Collegein the hope of winning a prestigious national competition.PrintIT!, which is mapped to the national curriculum, aims to make studentsaware of job opportunities in the printing industry by encouraging them topromote Fairtrade products within a supermarket environment.Supermarket sweep: RachelBrockbank, Year 10.Hot topic: Chemistryteacher Phil Pope readsJeremy Clarkson.6 7

WE ARE A LEEDS INCLUSIVESports Prefectslead the fieldTHIS year, the Sports PrefectCouncil has grown to givestudents in Years 9, 11 and12 the opportunity to developtheir leadership skills and raiseawareness of PE and sportingopportunities and achievementsthroughout the school.One of the projects beingmanaged by our Sports Prefectsis the programme of inter-formcompetitions. These include aYear 7 rounders competition anda Year 8 dodgeball competition.Sports prefects: Tom Bailey,Erin Bentley, HannahBurnham, Tom Clarkson, SamHargreaves, Holly Hawkeand Owain Hughes, Year 9.New kit: ‘Modelled’ by Girls Captain Jessica Georgallis, Year 8, and BoysVice Captain Benjamin Palmer, Year 9, with sponsor Jeanette Romani andPE teacher Dean Hyam.Soccer sensationsTHE U13 girls’ football team and the U14 boys’ footballteam are at the top of their respective leagues. Afterreceiving sponsorship for new kit from ‘Kidz Only Travel’and ‘Ladies Only Travel’, both teams are going fromstrength to strength.Dean Hyam said: “It is a tremendous achievement forboth teams. With continued hard work and dedication,hopefully both teams will end up champions of theirrespective leagues by the end of the season.”Three cheersfor Olivia!YEAR 11 student Olivia Coylebegan cheerleading 18 monthsago with the ‘Aviator Allstars’ fromLeeds. Forget the idea of pom-pomwaving – this form of cheerleadingis a combination of dance,tumbling and stunts.This year, Olivia’s 26-strong,mixed cheerleading team wonboth the National Championshipsand European CheerleadingChampionships, which were heldin Bottrop, Germany, in May.If you fancy having a go, find outmore at www.aviatorallstars.comAviator Allstar: Olivia Coyle, Year 11.Sports in briefl YEAR 9 student Ellie King has been selected forthe Yorkshire Netball Academy.l Zoe Kitching and Oliver Daffern, in Year 7,represented <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s at the InternationalSimultaneous Marathon at the John Charles Centreof Sport in Leeds.l Year 10 student Oliver Procter has been selectedas the new Junior Captain at Cookridge Golf Club.l In Rugby, Year 13 student Dominic Barrow wasEngland U18 captain and played for Leeds Tykes1 st XV this season; Arnie Ellison, in Year 13, hasbeen selected for the England squad; Year 13students Jack Bergmanas, Sam Kerry and ChrisGemmell, and Year 12 student John Matthewshave been selected for the North of England U18training squad; Luke Cowdell and Tobias Gill, inYear 11, have been selected for the Yorkshire U16rugby squad.l Henry Tyrrell, in Year 11, represented the NorthEast in an Army Cadet Force national Swimmingcompetition at Sandhurst recently. He competed inthe individual medley, the butterfly and front crawl.l Evie Pedley, Year 9, won a silver medal in theBritish Gas Scottish Synchronised SwimmingChampionships in the 13/14 team event.chartered development centreSCHOOL<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>SPECIALIST LANGUAGE COLLEGEFarnley Lane,Otley, West YorkshireLS21 2BBHeadteacher: Janet SheriffTel: (01943) 463524Fax: (01943) 850978Email: info@princehenrys.leeds.sch.ukWebsite: www.princehenrys.co.ukINVIEWEditorial Co-ordinator:Alison Kilmartin.inview is producedby Words&Pictures.Tel: 01943 854800.

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