A Sadomasochistic Transference - Beth J. Seelig, MD

A Sadomasochistic Transference - Beth J. Seelig, MD

A Sadomasochistic Transference - Beth J. Seelig, MD


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unabated, fueled by their ability to perform well academically with ease and to<br />

chart "appropriate" career goals.<br />

Miss T.'s union with E., which had seemed to be evidence of her ability to<br />

form a mature heterosexual bond, was later shown to be essentially asexual, what<br />

we would call pseudoheterosexual, and beset with anger and mutual<br />

recriminations. In contrast, she had developed a different way of relating to people<br />

with whom she was only moderately close: with such friends, she was always<br />

"good." She had the feeling, however, that the<br />

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way she was in relation to these friends was somehow not really authentic.<br />

Initially, her protestations of being "really" a nasty person despite being a good<br />

friend were incompletely understood as the expression of an overly severe<br />

superego in a neurotic patient. Later, we came to understand them as part of a<br />

masochistic and narcissistic defensive structure.<br />

Treatment<br />

Although we are not reporting material from sessions in which the<br />

transference rage was in abeyance, Miss T., the little girl who "when she was good<br />

… was very, very good and when she was bad … was horrid," had many calm<br />

sessions in which she was able to behave as a "very good" patient.<br />

In her first dream, reported during the second couch session, Miss T. arrived<br />

for a session at the wrong time. Finding her analyst with another patient, she was<br />

about to leave, when a male analyst offered to "make it up" with her. She was on<br />

the verge of accepting the offer when it occurred to her that this would be<br />

"ridiculous," and she left. She then found herself in an elevator with a woman who<br />

was laughing at her for being stupid, and she became furious. When asked to<br />

associate to the idea of having a male analyst offer to "make it up," she said she<br />

had felt disappointed that she had been referred to a female analyst, because she<br />

felt that women really could not do work as good as that of men. She thought,<br />

however, that having a woman analyst might help her overcome feelings of<br />

inferiority associated with her femaleness.<br />

In retrospect, Miss T.'s initial dream presaged the trajectory of the<br />

transference. She wished to be able to turn to a third person (the male analyst of<br />

the dream, or her father) to help her to extricate herself from her hostile-dependent<br />

tie to her mother and to feel better (be less burdened by the image of herself as the<br />

bad little girl), but in the dream, as later in the transference, she could not allow<br />

herself to accept what was offered. The offer was "ridiculous." Feeling derision<br />

toward<br />

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