e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

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UK ICT CONNECTIVITY INDEX AND PERCEIVED IMPORTANCE OF ICTs, BY SELECTED SECTORS (%)AdvertisingUK ICT connectively index, by sector%UK companies who think ICTs will have a keyor important impact on competitivenesswithin the next 2 years, by sector%82 Advertising85Chemicals81Chemicals82VehiclecomponentsDefence75Vehiclecomponents7473 Defence72Insurance72Insurance85ClothingRetailingRoad haulage54 Clothing674543RetailingRoad haulage5954Source: Spectrum International Benchmarking Study, 1999 Figure 8.4this area. Assessments should be co-ordinatedwith the regulatory reviews suggested inrecommendation 7.16 and build upon theexcellent work of the DTI/OST ‘TechnologyForesight’ teams.8.17 The e-envoy (chapter fourteen), shouldmonitor the overall programme and facilitateexchange of <strong>best</strong> practice between thedifferent sectoral approaches. Lessons fromthese assessments can then be disseminatedthrough the PR campaign described inrecommendation 8.1.UK ATTITUDES TO E-COMMERCEGeneral UK business attitude is positive......but there seems to be a problem among senior managementCompanies that believe ICTs will have akey or important impact on their businessin the next two years%Germany72Quotations from UK business“It’s a communicationsmedium”“We understandthis trend, but ourbusiness is notaffected”UKJapan6866“We are experimenting,and the results aredue back at the endof the year”“This is US bubbletype”Canada65USItalyFrance505765“Only 2% of UK Board directorsbelieve that Internet poses a seriouscompetitive threat, compared with 23%in Norway, 17% in Germany and 14%in the US”IoD, 1999Source: Spectrum International Benchmarking Study, 1999, IoD; Richard Sharp, Goldman Sachs International (City conference Figure 8.5organised by Worshipful Company Information Technologists, June 1999)E-<strong>commerce@its</strong>.<strong>best</strong>.<strong>uk</strong>47

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