e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

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PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF BBC’S WEBWISE CAMPAIGN, MAY/JUNE 1999Interested Action Progression728,560Hits towebsite578,560105,00094,72143%Plans toconnectTelephonecalls150,00050%Enrolledonto ITtraining coursesIndividualsshowing interestAttendees at Internet tastersessions with Web Wisepartner organisations*Planning toconnect/on acourse*including DTI’s IT for All centres Figure 8.2Source: DTIISI MARKETING ACTIVITIESAwarenessraising activityOutputSMEactionISIimplementationadvertising• press• radio• direct mailPR• national, regional,trade, press and radioMay to July 9930,000 responses1998–99450+ articlesISI infoline0345 15 2000– 450000+ calls98–99ISILocalSupportCentrenetworkE-CommerceAwards• annual regional andnational SMEcompetitionmedia coverageand case studies fordisseminationISI ‘howto’ guides,CD-Rom andother inforesourcesISI websitewww.isi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>recently updated –acts as signpostcontact ICTsupplieror otherSource: ISI, DTI Figure 8.38.9 The media is consistently cited by allsizes of business (and by micro, small andmedium sized businesses in particular) asthe principle source of information one-commerce technologies (see figure 8.1).Moreover, the success of the Sun’scurrantbun.com free ISP service in reachinga wide cross-section of the populationdemonstrates the power of the media toinfluence behaviour in the consumer sector.So too does the BBC’s current WebWisecampaign, which is achieving dramaticE-<strong>commerce@its</strong>.<strong>best</strong>.<strong>uk</strong>45

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