e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

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VISION FOR UK E-COMMERCEUnderstandingIndividuals…• are aware of the benefits that they can gain frome-commerce and feel confident that they have theskills to exploit them.• are able to routinely use electronic means forGovernment transactions (driving licence, passport,company registration, pensions, access to benefits,training, …) with only limited fallback to manualsystems.Business and Government…• use e-commerce as an integral part of strategicthinking in UK industry (and Government), at allmanagement levels, in all sectors and all regions.Business and Government have used the tools ofe-commerce to both reduce cost and create newon-line industries.• have embraced the tools of e-commerce todevelop skills. ‘Continuous education anddevelopment’ is routinely delivered to all employeeselectronically at work or at home by personal choice.A Competitive and Innovative EnvironmentActive competition and many successful new e-business start-upsThe UK is the leading centrefor E-Commerce activity within the SingleEuropean Market, based on openness and innovation by suppliersand customers, light touch regulation, and Government-Industry partnership.AccessIndividuals...• have ubiquitous, low cost, high bandwidth, fixedand mobile, access, with a widespread ‘alwayson’ capability, tariff structures geared to meet thefull range of users’ needs, and fierce competitionbetween suppliers using a range of accesstechnologies.• are not e-excluded. Almost all, including thedisadvantaged, have affordable access to e-government, e-commerce and payment systemseither from home or a multiplicity of local accesscentres.• are no longer barred by limited literacy. Throughthe creative use of pictogram and voice guidancesystems, we have managed to broaden inclusion.Business and Government…• have access through broadband networks whichare nearly ubiquitous throughout the UK. These areenhanced by strong competition and co-ordinatedregulation.Co-ordination and Focus across GovernmentA single Minister, backed by a strong team, is driving forward the e-commerce messageTrustIndividuals...• can use networks for e-commerce transactionswith minimal risk of being defrauded.• are able to use their personal data in making e-commerce transactions with minimal risk of being‘hacked’ or ‘spammed’.• have a means of redress in the event of disputesabout e-commerce transactions.• have the capability to limit, on a personal basis,the extent to which they are exposed to unwelcomecontent.Business and Government…• are able to use e-commerce transactions withthe same degree of confidence associated withphysical transactions.• have systems which intrinsically minimise therisk of successful hacking or malicious damage.• rely on simple and appropriate means for disputeresolution regarding transaction.• can use e-commerce with minimal risk that theirIntellectual Property Rights will be infringed.Internationally agreed fiscal and regulatory frameworksUK played leading role in balancing Government and self-regulationto ensure existing taxes efficiently and equitably collectedMonitoring and evaluationGovernment has a comprehensive understanding of the impact of e-commerceFigure 6.1For business: a higher percentage of businessto business and business to consumerFor Government: a higher percentage oftotal government services may be transactedthrough e-commerce networks than in anyother G7 country.a higher percentage of the population willuse multi-function smartcards,incorporating ‘E-Cash’, than in any otherG7 country.transactions are carried out on e-commercenetworks than in any other G7 country.29E-<strong>commerce@its</strong>.<strong>best</strong>.<strong>uk</strong>

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