e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

e-commerce@its.best.uk - Fatal System Error

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How was the projectcarried out?2.9 A multi-disciplinary Team, from both thepublic and private sectors, was drawn togetherto carry out the project. 4 Central to the Team’sapproach was openness and the need toinvolve industry practitioners in its work.Approaching its task in seven stages, the Team:defined a ‘vision’ for the future of UKe-commerce;developed a framework within which toanalyse barriers to the achievement of thisvision;explored and tested this framework inroundtable seminars with keyrepresentatives of government, industry,consumer bodies, trade associations andthe voluntary sector; 5proposed immediate action to theChancellor of the Exchequer for his 1999Budget and to the Secretary of State forTrade & Industry for inclusion in hispending Electronic Communicationslegislation;sought specific regional requirements ordifferences, through open consultationmeetings in Scotland, Wales and NorthernIreland;developed preliminary recommendations;andproduced this detailed final report andrecommendations.2.10 The study has been informed by theTrade and Industry Select Committee’senquiry into e-commerce, which wasconducted in parallel with the work ofthe PIU Team. The Team found evidencesubmitted to the Committee invaluable,and reviewed its own analysis andrecommendations in the light of theCommittee’s report before finalisingthis study.2.11 In producing its recommendations,the PIU Team has been mindful of theGovernment’s existing broadercommitments. These include those onpublic expenditure, the need to refrain fromunnecessarily burdensome regulation(particularly for small firms) and theimportance of understanding thedisproportionate impact policies can haveon some sectors of society, including women,ethnic minorities and the elderly.2.12 More details on the Team and on theapproach and methodologies used arecontained in Appendix two.Note: Appendices are not attachedto the printed version of this report.Copies may be obtained on-line atwww.cabinet-office.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/innovations.Appendices are included with theCD-ROM version of this report.4See Appendix Two for more details5Detailed reports available on the PIU website http://www.cabinet-office.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/Innovation and in Appendix ThreeE-<strong>commerce@its</strong>.<strong>best</strong>.<strong>uk</strong>9

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