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In the event there are changes from conditions existing at the time theFire Safety Plan for the building was approved, and the changes are such soas to require amending the Fire Safety Plan, within 30 days after suchchanges, an amended Fire Safety Plan shall be submitted to the fire brigadefor approval.FIRE COMMAND STATIONA Fire Command Station shall be established in the lobby <strong>of</strong> thebuilding on the entrance floor. Such command station shall be adequatelyilluminated.COMMUNICATION AND FIRE ALARMA means <strong>of</strong> communication and fire alarm for use during fireemergencies shall be provided and maintained by the owner or person incharge <strong>of</strong> the building.Fire Safety Plan Format and Duties shall be as per the provisionscontained in Appendix ‘F’ - Para 8 & 9 <strong>of</strong> the Code.FIRE PARTY DUTIESOn receipt <strong>of</strong> an alarm for fire the Fire Party shall :(a) report to the floor below the fire to assist in evacuationand provide information to the Fire Command Station.(b) after evacuations <strong>of</strong> the fire floor, endeavour to controlspread <strong>of</strong> fire by closing doors etc.(c) attempt to control the fire until arrival <strong>of</strong> the FireDepartment, if the fire is small and conditions do not pose apersonal threat.(d) leave one member on the floor below the fire to direct theFire Department to the fire location and to inform them <strong>of</strong>conditions.(e) on arrival <strong>of</strong> the Fire Department, the Fire Party shallreport to the Fire Command Station for additional instructions.(f) have a member designated as runner, who shall knowthe location <strong>of</strong> the nearest telephone, and be instructed in itsuse. Such member shall immediately upon receipt <strong>of</strong>information that there is a fire or evidence <strong>of</strong> fire, go to thetelephone, transmit an alarm and await the arrival <strong>of</strong> the FireDepartment and direct such department to the dire.OCCUPANT’s INSTRUCTIONS(a) The applicable parts <strong>of</strong> the approved Fire Safety Planshall be distributed to all tenants <strong>of</strong> the building by thebuilding management when the Fire Safety Plan has beenapproved by the Fire Commissioner.(b) The applicable parts <strong>of</strong> the approved Fire Safety Planshall then be distributed by the tenents to all their employeesand by the building management to all their buildingemployees.<strong>Page</strong> 460 <strong>of</strong> 460

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